Então queria sabe se alguem poderia me ajudar com esse LIB, pra quando p player estiver na cave exclusiva e der o tempo de 3 horas ele é teleportado para o templo x128 y61 z7
exclusives_caves_areas = { -- adicionar as caves
[1] = {name = "Exclusive Flame Dragon 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2999, y = 2452, z = 15}},
[2] = {name = "Exclusive Flame Dragon 2", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2110, y = 2441, z = 15}},
[3] = {name = "Exclusive Baylor 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 3020, y = 2569, z = 15}},
[4] = {name = "Exclusive Baylor 2", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2908, y = 2575, z = 15}},
[5] = {name = "Exclusive Ceifador 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2682, y = 2459, z = 15}},
[6] = {name = "Exclusive Ceifador 2", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2806, y = 2483, z = 15}},
[7] = {name = "Exclusive Fiery 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2669, y = 2390, z = 15}},
[8] = {name = "Exclusive Fiery 2", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2702, y = 2421, z = 15}},
[9] = {name = "Exclusive Serpent Venenom 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2799, y = 2429, z = 15}},
[10] = {name = "Exclusive Serpent Venenom 2", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2890, y = 2438, z = 15}},
[11] = {name = "Exclusive Crystalping 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2665, y = 2279, z = 15}},
[12] = {name = "Exclusive Crystalping 2", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2763, y = 2279, z = 15}},
[13] = {name = "Exclusive Dipsochelys 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2830, y = 2254, z = 15}},
[14] = {name = "Exclusive Dipsochelys 2", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2920, y = 2262, z = 15}},
[15] = {name = "Exclusive Frozen Dragon 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2972, y = 2317, z = 15}},
[16] = {name = "Exclusive Frozen Dragon 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 3023, y = 2328, z = 15}},
[17] = {name = "Exclusive Magro Negro 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 3063, y = 2259, z = 15}},
[18] = {name = "Exclusive Magro Negro 2", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 3064, y = 2354, z = 15}},
exclusives_caves_config = {
storage = 547575,
check = 547576,
comand_add_exaust = {hours = 1, storage = 547577}, -- tempo para nao ficar toda hora tirando e colocando amigo
mensagem = "[Exclusive Cave System] Você foi removido ou o tempo da %s cave expirou!",
serve_mensagem = "[Exclusive Cave System] A cave %s acabou de ficar liberada para venda por %d Gold's, aproveitem para compra-la no NPC!"
-- [[ Functions To Owner System ]]--
function getCaveByPlayerID(cid)
local qry = db.getResult("SELECT `cave_id` FROM `exclusive_cave` WHERE `account_id` = " .. getPlayerAccountId(cid) .. " LIMIT 1")
if (qry:getID() ~= -1) then
return qry:getDataInt("cave_id")
return 0
function getCanBuyCave(id)
local qry = db.getResult("SELECT `id` FROM `exclusive_cave` WHERE `cave_id` = " .. id)
if (qry:getID() ~= -1) then
return false
return true
function doPlayerAddCave(cid, cave_id, hours)
return db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `exclusive_cave` (`account_id`, `player_id`, `player_name`, `cave_id`, `friend_id`, `time`) VALUES ('".. getPlayerAccountId(cid) .."', '".. getPlayerGUID(cid).."', '".. getCreatureName(cid) .."', '".. cave_id .."', '0', '".. os.time()+hours*3600 .."');")
function doDeleteExclusiveCave(cave_id)
return db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `exclusive_cave` WHERE `cave_id` = "..cave_id)
function doAddAcessFriendCave(cid, id)
return db.executeQuery("UPDATE `exclusive_cave` SET `friend_id` = "..id.." WHERE `account_id` = "..getPlayerAccountId(cid))
function doRemoveAcessFriendCave(cid)
return db.executeQuery("UPDATE `exclusive_cave` SET `friend_id` = 0 WHERE `account_id` = "..getPlayerAccountId(cid))
function getTimeByCave(id)
local qry = db.getResult("SELECT `time` FROM `exclusive_cave` WHERE `cave_id` = "..id)
if qry:getDataInt("time") - os.time() <= 0 then
return 0
return timeString((-(os.time() - qry:getDataInt("time"))))
-- [[ Functions To Friend System ]]--
function getFriendCaveOwner(cid)
local qry = db.getResult("SELECT `friend_id` FROM `exclusive_cave` WHERE `account_id` = "..getPlayerAccountId(cid))
return qry:getDataInt("friend_id")
function isCaveFriend(cid)
local qry = db.getResult("SELECT `cave_id` FROM `exclusive_cave` WHERE `friend_id` = "..getPlayerGUID(cid))
if (qry:getID() ~= -1) then
return qry:getDataInt("cave_id")
return 0
function doLeaveCave(id)
local qry = db.getResult("SELECT `account_id` FROM `exclusive_cave` WHERE `cave_id` = "..id)
return db.executeQuery("UPDATE `exclusive_cave` SET `friend_id` = 0 WHERE `account_id` = "..qry:getDataInt("account_id"))
function timeString(timeDiff)
local dateFormat = {
{"day", timeDiff / 60 / 60 / 24},
{"hour", timeDiff / 60 / 60 % 24},
{"minute", timeDiff / 60 % 60},
{"second", timeDiff % 60}
local out = {}
for k, t in ipairs(dateFormat) do
local v = math.floor(t[2])
if(v > 0) then
table.insert(out, (k < #dateFormat and (#out > 0 and ', ' or '') or ' and ') .. v .. ' ' .. t[1] .. (v ~= 1 and 's' or ''))
local ret = table.concat(out)
if ret:len() < 16 and ret:find("second") then
local a, b = ret:find(" and ")
ret = ret:sub(b+1)
return ret
vitinhoo96 0
Então queria sabe se alguem poderia me ajudar com esse LIB, pra quando p player estiver na cave exclusiva e der o tempo de 3 horas ele é teleportado para o templo x128 y61 z7
exclusives_caves_areas = { -- adicionar as caves [1] = {name = "Exclusive Flame Dragon 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2999, y = 2452, z = 15}}, [2] = {name = "Exclusive Flame Dragon 2", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2110, y = 2441, z = 15}}, [3] = {name = "Exclusive Baylor 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 3020, y = 2569, z = 15}}, [4] = {name = "Exclusive Baylor 2", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2908, y = 2575, z = 15}}, [5] = {name = "Exclusive Ceifador 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2682, y = 2459, z = 15}}, [6] = {name = "Exclusive Ceifador 2", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2806, y = 2483, z = 15}}, [7] = {name = "Exclusive Fiery 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2669, y = 2390, z = 15}}, [8] = {name = "Exclusive Fiery 2", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2702, y = 2421, z = 15}}, [9] = {name = "Exclusive Serpent Venenom 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2799, y = 2429, z = 15}}, [10] = {name = "Exclusive Serpent Venenom 2", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2890, y = 2438, z = 15}}, [11] = {name = "Exclusive Crystalping 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2665, y = 2279, z = 15}}, [12] = {name = "Exclusive Crystalping 2", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2763, y = 2279, z = 15}}, [13] = {name = "Exclusive Dipsochelys 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2830, y = 2254, z = 15}}, [14] = {name = "Exclusive Dipsochelys 2", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2920, y = 2262, z = 15}}, [15] = {name = "Exclusive Frozen Dragon 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 2972, y = 2317, z = 15}}, [16] = {name = "Exclusive Frozen Dragon 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max =620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 3023, y = 2328, z = 15}}, [17] = {name = "Exclusive Magro Negro 1", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 3063, y = 2259, z = 15}}, [18] = {name = "Exclusive Magro Negro 2", price = 100000000, level = {min = 100, max = 620}, time = 3, premium = false, enter = {x = 3064, y = 2354, z = 15}}, } exclusives_caves_config = { storage = 547575, check = 547576, comand_add_exaust = {hours = 1, storage = 547577}, -- tempo para nao ficar toda hora tirando e colocando amigo mensagem = "[Exclusive Cave System] Você foi removido ou o tempo da %s cave expirou!", serve_mensagem = "[Exclusive Cave System] A cave %s acabou de ficar liberada para venda por %d Gold's, aproveitem para compra-la no NPC!" } -- [[ Functions To Owner System ]]-- function getCaveByPlayerID(cid) local qry = db.getResult("SELECT `cave_id` FROM `exclusive_cave` WHERE `account_id` = " .. getPlayerAccountId(cid) .. " LIMIT 1") if (qry:getID() ~= -1) then return qry:getDataInt("cave_id") end return 0 end function getCanBuyCave(id) local qry = db.getResult("SELECT `id` FROM `exclusive_cave` WHERE `cave_id` = " .. id) if (qry:getID() ~= -1) then return false end return true end function doPlayerAddCave(cid, cave_id, hours) return db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `exclusive_cave` (`account_id`, `player_id`, `player_name`, `cave_id`, `friend_id`, `time`) VALUES ('".. getPlayerAccountId(cid) .."', '".. getPlayerGUID(cid).."', '".. getCreatureName(cid) .."', '".. cave_id .."', '0', '".. os.time()+hours*3600 .."');") end function doDeleteExclusiveCave(cave_id) return db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `exclusive_cave` WHERE `cave_id` = "..cave_id) end function doAddAcessFriendCave(cid, id) return db.executeQuery("UPDATE `exclusive_cave` SET `friend_id` = "..id.." WHERE `account_id` = "..getPlayerAccountId(cid)) end function doRemoveAcessFriendCave(cid) return db.executeQuery("UPDATE `exclusive_cave` SET `friend_id` = 0 WHERE `account_id` = "..getPlayerAccountId(cid)) end function getTimeByCave(id) local qry = db.getResult("SELECT `time` FROM `exclusive_cave` WHERE `cave_id` = "..id) if qry:getDataInt("time") - os.time() <= 0 then return 0 end return timeString((-(os.time() - qry:getDataInt("time")))) end -- [[ Functions To Friend System ]]-- function getFriendCaveOwner(cid) local qry = db.getResult("SELECT `friend_id` FROM `exclusive_cave` WHERE `account_id` = "..getPlayerAccountId(cid)) return qry:getDataInt("friend_id") end function isCaveFriend(cid) local qry = db.getResult("SELECT `cave_id` FROM `exclusive_cave` WHERE `friend_id` = "..getPlayerGUID(cid)) if (qry:getID() ~= -1) then return qry:getDataInt("cave_id") end return 0 end function doLeaveCave(id) local qry = db.getResult("SELECT `account_id` FROM `exclusive_cave` WHERE `cave_id` = "..id) return db.executeQuery("UPDATE `exclusive_cave` SET `friend_id` = 0 WHERE `account_id` = "..qry:getDataInt("account_id")) end function timeString(timeDiff) local dateFormat = { {"day", timeDiff / 60 / 60 / 24}, {"hour", timeDiff / 60 / 60 % 24}, {"minute", timeDiff / 60 % 60}, {"second", timeDiff % 60} } local out = {} for k, t in ipairs(dateFormat) do local v = math.floor(t[2]) if(v > 0) then table.insert(out, (k < #dateFormat and (#out > 0 and ', ' or '') or ' and ') .. v .. ' ' .. t[1] .. (v ~= 1 and 's' or '')) end end local ret = table.concat(out) if ret:len() < 16 and ret:find("second") then local a, b = ret:find(" and ") ret = ret:sub(b+1) end return ret end
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