ola galera estava adaptando um source em um poketibia, e depois de adaptada, o fly nao funcionou, ai mexi um pouco no ordem sistem e resolvi algum bugs mas nao conseguir arrumar este da distro
[Error - Action Interface]
In a timer event called from:
data/lib/order.lua:130: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
stack traceback:
data/lib/order.lua:130: in function 'walkTo'
data/lib/order.lua:478: in function <data/lib/order.lua:370>
como posso encontrar um solução?
function doPushCreatureTo(uid, direction, distance, speed) --//doPushCreature(creature,getPlayerLookDir(cid))
-- Desenvolvido por Dokmos 30/01/2009
-- Apoio Dinastias
local pos = getThingPos(uid)
local PARAM = {{1}, {500}}
local DIRECTION = {
{{0,0},{6,7},{1,3}}, {{1,1},{5,7},{0,2}}, {{2,2},{4,5},{1,3}}, {{3,3},{4,6},{0,2}},
{{4,4},{2,3}}, {{5,5}, {1,2}}, {{6,6},{0,1}}, {{7,7},{0,3}}
table.insert(PARAM[1], distance)
table.insert(PARAM[2], speed)
for dvar = 1, #DIRECTION[direction+1] do
rand = math.random(2)
d = DIRECTION[direction+1][dvar][rand]
dir = {x = (math.fmod(d,2)*(-(d-2))+math.floor(d/4)*math.fmod(d,2)*d-math.floor(d/4)), y = (((d-1)*(d-1-(d-1)*math.abs(d-2))*(1-math.floor(d/4)))-(math.floor(d/4)*(math.floor(d/6)*2-1)))}
newtile = {x = (pos.x+dir.x), y = (pos.y+dir.y), z = pos.z}
if (getTileThingByPos(newtile).uid ~= 0) and (hasProperty(getTileThingByPos(newtile).uid,3) == FALSE) and (queryTileAddThing(uid,newtile) == 1) then break end
rand = (math.fmod(rand,2)+1)
d = DIRECTION[direction+1][dvar][rand]
dir = {x = (math.fmod(d,2)*(-(d-2))+math.floor(d/4)*math.fmod(d,2)*d-math.floor(d/4)), y = (((d-1)*(d-1-(d-1)*math.abs(d-2))*(1-math.floor(d/4)))-(math.floor(d/4)*(math.floor(d/6)*2-1)))}
newtile = {x = (pos.x+dir.x), y = (pos.y+dir.y), z = pos.z}
if (getTileThingByPos(newtile).uid ~= 0) and (hasProperty(getTileThingByPos(newtile).uid,3) == FALSE) and (queryTileAddThing(uid,newtile) == 1) then break end
if (dvar == #DIRECTION[direction+1]) then
newtile = pos
function doPushCreature(uid,direction,distance,time)
if isCreature(uid) == TRUE then
local rand = (2*math.random(0,1))-1
local rand2 = math.random(-1,0)
if direction == 0 then
signal = {0,rand,-rand,rand,-rand,0,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0}
elseif direction == 1 then
signal = {1,1,1,0,0,0,0,rand,-rand,rand,-rand,0}
elseif direction == 2 then
signal = {0,rand,-rand,rand,-rand,0,1,1,1,0,0,0}
elseif direction == 3 then
signal = {-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0,rand,-rand,rand,-rand,0}
elseif direction == 4 then
signal = {-1,rand2,(-rand2)-1,0,1,rand2+1,rand2,0}
elseif direction == 5 then
signal = {1,-rand2,-((-rand2)-1),0,1,rand2+1,rand2,0}
elseif direction == 6 then
signal = {-1,rand2,(-rand2)-1,0,-1,(-rand2)-1,rand2,0}
signal = {1,-rand2,-((-rand2)-1),0,-1,(-rand2)-1,rand2,0}
local pos = getThingPos(uid)
nsig = #signal
nvar = 0
nvar = nvar+1
newpos = {x=pos.x+(signal[nvar]),y=pos.y+(signal[(nsig/2)+nvar]),z=pos.z}
newtile = {x=newpos.x,y=newpos.y,z=newpos.z,stackpos=0}
until getTileThingByPos(newtile).uid ~= 0 and hasProperty(getTileThingByPos(newtile).uid,3) == FALSE and canWalkOnPos(newtile, true, false, true, true, false) and queryTileAddThing(uid,newpos) == 1 or nvar == (nsig/2)
--alterado v2.5
if distance == nil or distance == 1 then
distance = distance-1
if time ~= nil then
function doComparePosition(pos1, pos2)
if pos1.x == pos2.x and pos1.y == pos2.y and pos1.z == pos2.z then
return true
return false
function walkTo(cid, direction, finalp, useExtraMoveOrder)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
doChangeSpeed(cid, 5)
local x = getThingPos(cid)
local ratedelaywalk = 1
local finalpos = {x = finalp.x, y = finalp.y, z = finalp.z}
if not canWalkOnPos(finalpos, false, false, true, true, true) then
finalpos = getClosestFreeTile(cid, finalpos)
if not finalpos then
return false
local dir = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(cid), finalpos)
--local dir = getDirectionToWalk(cid, finalpos, 2, 0, 0, false, true, 300)
if dir and tonumber(dir) ~= nil and tonumber(dir) >= 0 and tonumber(dir) <= 7 then
if dir >= 4 then
ratedelaywalk = 0.4
function getNextStepDelay(cid, dir) return end
doPushCreature(cid, dir, 1, getNextStepDelay(cid, dir) * ratedelaywalk)
return getNextStepDelay(cid, dir) * ratedelaywalk
elseif useExtraMoveOrder then
local random = math.random(1, 2)
for ta = 1, 3 do
for tb = 1, #dirpref[random][direction][ta] do
local y = getPosByDir(getThingPos(cid), dirpref[random][direction][ta][tb])
local w = getCreatureLP(cid)
local z = getDirectionTo(y, getThingPos(cid)) -- direção q vai marcar
local j = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(cid), y) -- direção q ele vai
if canWalkOnPos(y, true, false, true, true, true) and w ~= j then
if dirpref[random][direction][ta][tb] >= 4 then
ratedelaywalk = 0.5
doPushCreature(cid, dirpref[random][direction][ta][tb], 1, getNextStepDelay(cid, dirpref[random][direction][ta][tb]) * ratedelaywalk)
markLP(cid, z)
return getNextStepDelay(cid, dirpref[random][direction][ta][tb]) * ratedelaywalk
return false
function getCreatureLP(cid)
return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 197)
function markLP(cid, dir)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 197, dir)
function markPos(sid, pos)
if not isCreature(sid) then return end
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 145, pos.x)
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 146, pos.y)
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 147, pos.z)
function markFlyingPos(sid, pos)
if not isCreature(sid) then return end
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 33145, pos.x)
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 33146, pos.y)
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 33147, pos.z)
function getFlyingMarkedPos(sid)
if not isCreature(sid) then return end
local xx = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 33145)
local yy = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 33146)
local zz = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 33147)
return {x = xx, y = yy, z = zz, stackpos = 0}
function getMarkedPos(sid)
if not isCreature(sid) then return end
local xx = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 145)
local yy = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 146)
local zz = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 147)
return {x = xx, y = yy, z = zz}
function getOwnerPos(sid)
if not isCreature(sid) then return end
local xx = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 148)
local yy = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 149)
local zz = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 150)
return {x = xx, y = yy, z = zz}
function markOwnerPos(sid, pos)
if not isCreature(sid) then return end
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 148, pos.x)
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 149, pos.y)
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 150, pos.z)
function recheck(sid, skill, pos)
if not isCreature(sid) then return end
local cid = getCreatureMaster(sid)
if skill == "cut" then
local item = getTileItemById(pos, 2767)
doCreatureSay(sid, "CUT!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER)
markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7})
doFaceCreature(sid, pos)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item.uid), 141)
doTransformItem(item.uid, 6216)
local function growBush()
doTransformItem(getTileItemById(pos, 6216).uid, 2767)
addEvent(growBush, intervalToRegrowBushAndStones * 1000)
elseif skill == "harvest" then
local item = getTileItemById(pos, 10916)
doCreatureSay(sid, "HARVEST!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER)
markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7})
doFaceCreature(sid, pos)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item.uid), 141)
doTransformItem(item.uid, 10912)
local function growBush()
doTransformItem(getTileItemById(pos, 10912).uid, 10916)
addEvent(growBush, choose(1, 2, 3, 5) * 60 * 1000)
local items = {13365, 13366, 13367, 13368, 13369, 13370, 13371}
doPlayerAddItem(cid, items[math.random(#items)])
elseif skill == "rock smash" then
local item = getTileItemById(pos, 1285)
markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7})
doFaceCreature(sid, pos)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item.uid), 118)
doTransformItem(item.uid, 3610)
local function growRock()
doTransformItem(getTileItemById(pos, 3610).uid, 1285)
addEvent(growRock, intervalToRegrowBushAndStones * 1000)
elseif skill == "mining" then
local item = getTileItemById(pos, 8633)
doCreatureSay(sid, "MINING!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER)
markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7})
doFaceCreature(sid, pos)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item.uid), 118)
doTransformItem(item.uid, 8637)
local function growRock()
doTransformItem(getTileItemById(pos, 8637).uid, 8633)
addEvent(growRock, choose(15, 20, 25, 30) * 60 * 1000)
local items = {11441,11442,11443,11444,11445,11446,11447,11448,11449,11450,11451,11452,11453,11454,13031,13032,13033,12244,12245,12232,12242,12417,12419}
doPlayerAddItem(cid, items[math.random(#items)])
elseif skill == "headbutt" then --alterado v2.6
local master = getCreatureMaster(sid)
local array = {}
local lvl = {25, 40, 60, 80, 1000} --lvls
for i = 1, #lvl do
if getPlayerLevel(master) <= lvl then array = headbutt[lvl] break end end local rand = array[math.random(#array)] for j = 1, rand[2] do local poke = doCreateMonster(rand[1], getClosestFreeTile(sid, pos)) doSetMonsterPassive(poke) doWildAttackPlayer(poke, master) end local item = getTileItemById(pos, 12591) --id do item arvore normal doCreatureSay(sid, "HEADBUTT!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7}) doFaceCreature(sid, pos) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item.uid), 118) doTransformItem(item.uid, 12592) --id do item arvore quebrada local function growHead() doTransformItem(getTileItemById(pos, 12592).uid, 12591) --id do item arvore quebrada, arvore normal end addEvent(growHead, choose(5, 10, 20, 30) * 60 * 1000) --o tempo pra arvore voltar ao normal varia de 5~30min
elseif skill == "dig" then
local item = getTileThingByPos({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z, stackpos = 0}) doCreatureSay(sid, "DIG!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7}) doFaceCreature(sid, pos) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item.uid), 3) doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid+1) local function closeHole() doTransformItem(getTileThingByPos({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z, stackpos = 0}).uid, item.itemid) end addEvent(closeHole, intervalToRegrowBushAndStones * 1000) elseif skill == "fly" then local pokemon = flys[getPokemonName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])] doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Type \"up\" or \"h1\" to fly/levitate higher and \"down\" or \"h2\" to fly/levitate lower.") --alterado v2.8 doChangeSpeed(cid, -getCreatureSpeed(cid)) local speed = 500 + PlayerSpeed/5 + getSpeed(sid) * 6 * speedRate doChangeSpeed(cid, speed) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54844, speed) doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = pokemon[1] + 351}, -1) doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "hp", getCreatureHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) / getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000, 1) if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == 667 or getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == 999 then markPosEff(cid, getThingPos(cid)) sendMovementEffect(cid, 136, getThingPos(cid)) --edited efeito quando anda com o porygon end local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, ? --alteraod v2.8 if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item.uid, "boost") >= 50 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 42368) <= 0 then sendAuraEffect(cid, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item.uid, "aura")]) --alterado v2.8 end if useOTClient then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, '12//,hide') --alterado v2.8 end return true
elseif skill == "ride" then local pokemon = rides[getPokemonName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])] doChangeSpeed(cid, -getCreatureSpeed(cid)) local speed = 150 + PlayerSpeed + getSpeed(sid) * 5 * speedRate doChangeSpeed(cid, speed) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54844, speed) doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = pokemon[1] + 351}, -1) doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "hp", getCreatureHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) / getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])) doRemoveCreature(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001, 1) local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, ? --alteraod v2.8 if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item.uid, "boost") >= 50 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 42368) <= 0 then sendAuraEffect(cid, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item.uid, "aura")]) --alterado v2.8 end if useOTClient then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, '12//,hide') --alterado v2.8 end
return true end
if getOwnerPos(sid).x ~= getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid)).x or getOwnerPos(sid).y ~= getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid)).y or isCreature(getCreatureTarget(getCreatureMaster(sid))) then doRegainSpeed(sid) markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7}) return true end
addEvent(recheck, 120, sid) end
function goThere(sid, thepos, skill, target, rept) if not isCreature(sid) then return true end if getCreatureNoMove(sid) or isSleeping(sid) or isParalyze(sid) then return true end --alterado v2.6 if thepos.x ~= getMarkedPos(sid).x or thepos.y ~= getMarkedPos(sid).y then return true end if isCreature(getCreatureTarget(getCreatureMaster(sid))) and target == false or (rept and rept <= 0) then doRegainSpeed(sid) markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7}) return true end
if (skill == "ride" or skill == "fly") and getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)) <= 1 then
local currentPos = getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid)) local summonPos = getThingPos(sid) local masterPos = getCreatureLastPosition(sid)
if (getThingPos(sid).x == getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid)).x and getThingPos(sid).y == getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid)).y) or (currentPos.x == masterPos.x and currentPos.y == masterPos.y) then recheck(sid, skill, thepos) return true end
if currentPos.x == thepos.x and currentPos.y == thepos.y then if getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid))) <= 3 then doRegainSpeed(sid) local ndelay = getNextStepDelay(sid, 0) doTeleportThing(sid, thepos, true) doChangeSpeed(sid, -getCreatureSpeed(sid)) markPos(sid, getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid))) addEvent(goThere, ndelay, sid, getMarkedPos(sid), skill, target) else doChangeSpeed(sid, - getCreatureSpeed(sid)) doRegainSpeed(sid) markPos(sid, getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid))) local x = walkTo(sid, getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)), getMarkedPos(sid), skill == "ride" or skill == "fly") doChangeSpeed(sid, - getCreatureSpeed(sid)) addEvent(goThere, x, sid, getMarkedPos(sid), skill, target) end return true else markPos(sid, getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid))) doChangeSpeed(sid, - getCreatureSpeed(sid)) doRegainSpeed(sid) local ndelay = getNextStepDelay(sid, 0) if getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)) >= 4 then local x = walkTo(sid, getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)), getMarkedPos(sid), skill == "ride" or skill == "fly") else doTeleportThing(sid, getPosByDir(getThingPos(sid), getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)))) end doChangeSpeed(sid, - getCreatureSpeed(sid)) addEvent(goThere, x and x or ndelay, sid, getMarkedPos(sid), skill, target) return true end
addEvent(recheck, 350, sid, skill, thepos) return true end
if getThingPos(sid).x == getMarkedPos(sid).x and getThingPos(sid).y == getMarkedPos(sid).y then if isCreature(getCreatureTarget(sid)) then doFaceCreature(sid, getThingPos(getCreatureTarget(sid))) end if skill == "blink" then doChangeSpeed(sid, - getCreatureSpeed(sid)) --edited blink end addEvent(recheck, 350, sid, skill, thepos) return true end
if (getOwnerPos(sid).x ~= getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid)).x or getOwnerPos(sid).y ~= getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid)).y) and isCreature(getCreatureTarget(getCreatureMaster(sid))) == false and skill == "move" then doRegainSpeed(sid) markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7}) return true end
local holeid = thepos holeid.stackpos = 0 holeid = getTileThingByPos(holeid).itemid
if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)) <= 1 and (not isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(sid), getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid))), true, false, false, true) or isInArray(specialabilities["digholes"], holeid)) then if isGhostPokemon(sid) and getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(sid), 990) <= 0 then local todir = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)) if todir <= 3 then doTeleportThing(sid, getMarkedPos(sid), true) else local gotopos = getPosByDir(getThingPos(sid), dirpref[math.random(1, 2)][todir][1][math.random(1, 2)]) doTeleportThing(sid, gotopos, true) addEvent(goThere, getNextStepDelay(sid, 0), sid, getMarkedPos(sid), skill, target) return true end end doFaceCreature(sid, getMarkedPos(sid)) addEvent(recheck, 180, sid, skill, thepos) doChangeSpeed(sid, - getCreatureSpeed(sid)) return true end
local ret = 0 if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)) <= 1 then ret = walkTo(sid, getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)), getMarkedPos(sid), skill == "ride" or skill == "fly" or isGhostPokemon(sid)) if not tonumber(ret) then doFaceCreature(sid, getMarkedPos(sid)) addEvent(recheck, 180, sid, skill, thepos) doChangeSpeed(sid, - getCreatureSpeed(sid)) return true end else ret = walkTo(sid, getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)), getMarkedPos(sid), skill == "ride" or skill == "fly" or not isGhostPokemon(sid))-- and isSightClear(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid), false))) end
if not tonumber(ret) then doPlayerSendCancel(getCreatureMaster(sid), "Destination is not reachable.") markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7}) return true end
doChangeSpeed(sid, - getCreatureSpeed(sid)) addEvent(goThere, tonumber(ret), sid, getMarkedPos(sid), skill, target, rept and rept - 1 or 22) end
julyana 0
ola galera estava adaptando um source em um poketibia, e depois de adaptada, o fly nao funcionou, ai mexi um pouco no ordem sistem e resolvi algum bugs mas nao conseguir arrumar este da distro
[Error - Action Interface]
In a timer event called from:
data/lib/order.lua:130: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
stack traceback:
data/lib/order.lua:130: in function 'walkTo'
data/lib/order.lua:478: in function <data/lib/order.lua:370>
como posso encontrar um solução?
function doPushCreatureTo(uid, direction, distance, speed) --//doPushCreature(creature,getPlayerLookDir(cid))
-- Desenvolvido por Dokmos 30/01/2009
-- Apoio Dinastias
local pos = getThingPos(uid)
local PARAM = {{1}, {500}}
local DIRECTION = {
{{0,0},{6,7},{1,3}}, {{1,1},{5,7},{0,2}}, {{2,2},{4,5},{1,3}}, {{3,3},{4,6},{0,2}},
{{4,4},{2,3}}, {{5,5}, {1,2}}, {{6,6},{0,1}}, {{7,7},{0,3}}
table.insert(PARAM[1], distance)
table.insert(PARAM[2], speed)
for dvar = 1, #DIRECTION[direction+1] do
rand = math.random(2)
d = DIRECTION[direction+1][dvar][rand]
dir = {x = (math.fmod(d,2)*(-(d-2))+math.floor(d/4)*math.fmod(d,2)*d-math.floor(d/4)), y = (((d-1)*(d-1-(d-1)*math.abs(d-2))*(1-math.floor(d/4)))-(math.floor(d/4)*(math.floor(d/6)*2-1)))}
newtile = {x = (pos.x+dir.x), y = (pos.y+dir.y), z = pos.z}
if (getTileThingByPos(newtile).uid ~= 0) and (hasProperty(getTileThingByPos(newtile).uid,3) == FALSE) and (queryTileAddThing(uid,newtile) == 1) then break end
rand = (math.fmod(rand,2)+1)
d = DIRECTION[direction+1][dvar][rand]
dir = {x = (math.fmod(d,2)*(-(d-2))+math.floor(d/4)*math.fmod(d,2)*d-math.floor(d/4)), y = (((d-1)*(d-1-(d-1)*math.abs(d-2))*(1-math.floor(d/4)))-(math.floor(d/4)*(math.floor(d/6)*2-1)))}
newtile = {x = (pos.x+dir.x), y = (pos.y+dir.y), z = pos.z}
if (getTileThingByPos(newtile).uid ~= 0) and (hasProperty(getTileThingByPos(newtile).uid,3) == FALSE) and (queryTileAddThing(uid,newtile) == 1) then break end
if (dvar == #DIRECTION[direction+1]) then
newtile = pos
doTeleportThing(uid, newtile, true)
if (PARAM[1][#PARAM[1]] > 1) then
addEvent(doPushCreature, PARAM[2][#PARAM[2]], uid, direction, (distance-1), speed)
local dirpref = {
[1] = {[NORTH] = {[1] = {NORTH}, [2] = {EAST, WEST}, [3] = {NORTHEAST, NORTHWEST}},
[EAST] = {[1] = {EAST}, [2] = {NORTH, SOUTH}, [3] = {NORTHEAST, SOUTHEAST}},
[SOUTH] = {[1] = {SOUTH}, [2] = {EAST, WEST}, [3] = {SOUTHEAST, SOUTHWEST}},
[WEST] = {[1] = {WEST}, [2] = {SOUTH, NORTH}, [3] = {NORTHWEST, SOUTHWEST}},
[NORTHEAST] = {[1] = {NORTH, EAST}, [2] = {NORTHEAST}, [3] = {SOUTH, WEST}},
[SOUTHEAST] = {[1] = {SOUTH, EAST}, [2] = {SOUTHEAST}, [3] = {NORTH, WEST}},
[SOUTHWEST] = {[1] = {SOUTH, WEST}, [2] = {SOUTHWEST}, [3] = {NORTH, EAST}},
[NORTHWEST] = {[1] = {NORTH, WEST}, [2] = {NORTHWEST}, [3] = {EAST, SOUTH}}},
[2] = {[NORTH] = {[1] = {NORTH}, [2] = {WEST, EAST}, [3] = {NORTHWEST, NORTHEAST}},
[EAST] = {[1] = {EAST}, [2] = {SOUTH, NORTH}, [3] = {SOUTHEAST, NORTHEAST}},
[SOUTH] = {[1] = {SOUTH}, [2] = {WEST, EAST}, [3] = {SOUTHWEST, SOUTHEAST}},
[WEST] = {[1] = {WEST}, [2] = {NORTH, SOUTH}, [3] = {SOUTHWEST, NORTHWEST}},
[NORTHEAST] = {[1] = {EAST, NORTH}, [2] = {NORTHEAST}, [3] = {WEST, SOUTH}},
[SOUTHEAST] = {[1] = {EAST, SOUTH}, [2] = {SOUTHEAST}, [3] = {WEST, NORTH}},
[SOUTHWEST] = {[1] = {WEST, SOUTH}, [2] = {SOUTHWEST}, [3] = {EAST, NORTH}},
[NORTHWEST] = {[1] = {WEST, NORTH}, [2] = {NORTHWEST}, [3] = {SOUTH, EAST}}},
function doPushCreature(uid,direction,distance,time)
if isCreature(uid) == TRUE then
local rand = (2*math.random(0,1))-1
local rand2 = math.random(-1,0)
if direction == 0 then
signal = {0,rand,-rand,rand,-rand,0,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0}
elseif direction == 1 then
signal = {1,1,1,0,0,0,0,rand,-rand,rand,-rand,0}
elseif direction == 2 then
signal = {0,rand,-rand,rand,-rand,0,1,1,1,0,0,0}
elseif direction == 3 then
signal = {-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0,rand,-rand,rand,-rand,0}
elseif direction == 4 then
signal = {-1,rand2,(-rand2)-1,0,1,rand2+1,rand2,0}
elseif direction == 5 then
signal = {1,-rand2,-((-rand2)-1),0,1,rand2+1,rand2,0}
elseif direction == 6 then
signal = {-1,rand2,(-rand2)-1,0,-1,(-rand2)-1,rand2,0}
signal = {1,-rand2,-((-rand2)-1),0,-1,(-rand2)-1,rand2,0}
local pos = getThingPos(uid)
nsig = #signal
nvar = 0
nvar = nvar+1
newpos = {x=pos.x+(signal[nvar]),y=pos.y+(signal[(nsig/2)+nvar]),z=pos.z}
newtile = {x=newpos.x,y=newpos.y,z=newpos.z,stackpos=0}
until getTileThingByPos(newtile).uid ~= 0 and hasProperty(getTileThingByPos(newtile).uid,3) == FALSE and canWalkOnPos(newtile, true, false, true, true, false) and queryTileAddThing(uid,newpos) == 1 or nvar == (nsig/2)
--alterado v2.5
if distance == nil or distance == 1 then
distance = distance-1
if time ~= nil then
function doComparePosition(pos1, pos2)
if pos1.x == pos2.x and pos1.y == pos2.y and pos1.z == pos2.z then
return true
return false
function walkTo(cid, direction, finalp, useExtraMoveOrder)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
doChangeSpeed(cid, 5)
local x = getThingPos(cid)
local ratedelaywalk = 1
local finalpos = {x = finalp.x, y = finalp.y, z = finalp.z}
if not canWalkOnPos(finalpos, false, false, true, true, true) then
finalpos = getClosestFreeTile(cid, finalpos)
if not finalpos then
return false
local dir = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(cid), finalpos)
--local dir = getDirectionToWalk(cid, finalpos, 2, 0, 0, false, true, 300)
if dir and tonumber(dir) ~= nil and tonumber(dir) >= 0 and tonumber(dir) <= 7 then
if dir >= 4 then
ratedelaywalk = 0.4
function getNextStepDelay(cid, dir) return end
doPushCreature(cid, dir, 1, getNextStepDelay(cid, dir) * ratedelaywalk)
return getNextStepDelay(cid, dir) * ratedelaywalk
elseif useExtraMoveOrder then
local random = math.random(1, 2)
for ta = 1, 3 do
for tb = 1, #dirpref[random][direction][ta] do
local y = getPosByDir(getThingPos(cid), dirpref[random][direction][ta][tb])
local w = getCreatureLP(cid)
local z = getDirectionTo(y, getThingPos(cid)) -- direção q vai marcar
local j = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(cid), y) -- direção q ele vai
if canWalkOnPos(y, true, false, true, true, true) and w ~= j then
if dirpref[random][direction][ta][tb] >= 4 then
ratedelaywalk = 0.5
doPushCreature(cid, dirpref[random][direction][ta][tb], 1, getNextStepDelay(cid, dirpref[random][direction][ta][tb]) * ratedelaywalk)
markLP(cid, z)
return getNextStepDelay(cid, dirpref[random][direction][ta][tb]) * ratedelaywalk
return false
function getCreatureLP(cid)
return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 197)
function markLP(cid, dir)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 197, dir)
function markPos(sid, pos)
if not isCreature(sid) then return end
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 145, pos.x)
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 146, pos.y)
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 147, pos.z)
function markFlyingPos(sid, pos)
if not isCreature(sid) then return end
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 33145, pos.x)
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 33146, pos.y)
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 33147, pos.z)
function getFlyingMarkedPos(sid)
if not isCreature(sid) then return end
local xx = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 33145)
local yy = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 33146)
local zz = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 33147)
return {x = xx, y = yy, z = zz, stackpos = 0}
function getMarkedPos(sid)
if not isCreature(sid) then return end
local xx = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 145)
local yy = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 146)
local zz = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 147)
return {x = xx, y = yy, z = zz}
function getOwnerPos(sid)
if not isCreature(sid) then return end
local xx = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 148)
local yy = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 149)
local zz = getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 150)
return {x = xx, y = yy, z = zz}
function markOwnerPos(sid, pos)
if not isCreature(sid) then return end
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 148, pos.x)
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 149, pos.y)
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 150, pos.z)
function recheck(sid, skill, pos)
if not isCreature(sid) then return end
local cid = getCreatureMaster(sid)
if skill == "cut" then
local item = getTileItemById(pos, 2767)
doCreatureSay(sid, "CUT!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER)
markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7})
doFaceCreature(sid, pos)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item.uid), 141)
doTransformItem(item.uid, 6216)
local function growBush()
doTransformItem(getTileItemById(pos, 6216).uid, 2767)
addEvent(growBush, intervalToRegrowBushAndStones * 1000)
elseif skill == "harvest" then
local item = getTileItemById(pos, 10916)
doCreatureSay(sid, "HARVEST!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER)
markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7})
doFaceCreature(sid, pos)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item.uid), 141)
doTransformItem(item.uid, 10912)
local function growBush()
doTransformItem(getTileItemById(pos, 10912).uid, 10916)
addEvent(growBush, choose(1, 2, 3, 5) * 60 * 1000)
local items = {13365, 13366, 13367, 13368, 13369, 13370, 13371}
doPlayerAddItem(cid, items[math.random(#items)])
elseif skill == "rock smash" then
local item = getTileItemById(pos, 1285)
markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7})
doFaceCreature(sid, pos)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item.uid), 118)
doTransformItem(item.uid, 3610)
local function growRock()
doTransformItem(getTileItemById(pos, 3610).uid, 1285)
addEvent(growRock, intervalToRegrowBushAndStones * 1000)
elseif skill == "mining" then
local item = getTileItemById(pos, 8633)
doCreatureSay(sid, "MINING!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER)
markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7})
doFaceCreature(sid, pos)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item.uid), 118)
doTransformItem(item.uid, 8637)
local function growRock()
doTransformItem(getTileItemById(pos, 8637).uid, 8633)
addEvent(growRock, choose(15, 20, 25, 30) * 60 * 1000)
local items = {11441,11442,11443,11444,11445,11446,11447,11448,11449,11450,11451,11452,11453,11454,13031,13032,13033,12244,12245,12232,12242,12417,12419}
doPlayerAddItem(cid, items[math.random(#items)])
elseif skill == "headbutt" then --alterado v2.6
local master = getCreatureMaster(sid)
local array = {}
local lvl = {25, 40, 60, 80, 1000} --lvls
for i = 1, #lvl do
if getPlayerLevel(master) <= lvl then
array = headbutt[lvl]
local rand = array[math.random(#array)]
for j = 1, rand[2] do
local poke = doCreateMonster(rand[1], getClosestFreeTile(sid, pos))
doWildAttackPlayer(poke, master)
local item = getTileItemById(pos, 12591) --id do item arvore normal
markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7})
doFaceCreature(sid, pos)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item.uid), 118)
doTransformItem(item.uid, 12592) --id do item arvore quebrada
local function growHead()
doTransformItem(getTileItemById(pos, 12592).uid, 12591) --id do item arvore quebrada, arvore normal
addEvent(growHead, choose(5, 10, 20, 30) * 60 * 1000) --o tempo pra arvore voltar ao normal varia de 5~30min
elseif skill == "dig" then
local item = getTileThingByPos({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z, stackpos = 0})
doCreatureSay(sid, "DIG!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER)
markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7})
doFaceCreature(sid, pos)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item.uid), 3)
doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid+1)
local function closeHole()
doTransformItem(getTileThingByPos({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z, stackpos = 0}).uid, item.itemid)
addEvent(closeHole, intervalToRegrowBushAndStones * 1000)
elseif skill == "fly" then
local pokemon = flys[getPokemonName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])]
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Type \"up\" or \"h1\" to fly/levitate higher and \"down\" or \"h2\" to fly/levitate lower.") --alterado v2.8
doChangeSpeed(cid, -getCreatureSpeed(cid))
local speed = 500 + PlayerSpeed/5 + getSpeed(sid) * 6 * speedRate
doChangeSpeed(cid, speed)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54844, speed)
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = pokemon[1] + 351}, -1)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "hp", getCreatureHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) / getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000, 1)
if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == 667 or getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == 999 then
markPosEff(cid, getThingPos(cid))
sendMovementEffect(cid, 136, getThingPos(cid)) --edited efeito quando anda com o porygon
local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, ? --alteraod v2.8
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item.uid, "boost") >= 50 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 42368) <= 0 then
sendAuraEffect(cid, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item.uid, "aura")]) --alterado v2.8
if useOTClient then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, '12//,hide') --alterado v2.8
return true
elseif skill == "ride" then
local pokemon = rides[getPokemonName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1])]
doChangeSpeed(cid, -getCreatureSpeed(cid))
local speed = 150 + PlayerSpeed + getSpeed(sid) * 5 * speedRate
doChangeSpeed(cid, speed)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54844, speed)
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = pokemon[1] + 351}, -1)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "hp", getCreatureHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) / getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001, 1)
local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, ? --alteraod v2.8
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item.uid, "boost") >= 50 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 42368) <= 0 then
sendAuraEffect(cid, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item.uid, "aura")]) --alterado v2.8
if useOTClient then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, '12//,hide') --alterado v2.8
return true
if getOwnerPos(sid).x ~= getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid)).x or getOwnerPos(sid).y ~= getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid)).y or isCreature(getCreatureTarget(getCreatureMaster(sid))) then
markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7})
return true
addEvent(recheck, 120, sid)
function goThere(sid, thepos, skill, target, rept)
if not isCreature(sid) then return true end
if getCreatureNoMove(sid) or isSleeping(sid) or isParalyze(sid) then return true end --alterado v2.6
if thepos.x ~= getMarkedPos(sid).x or thepos.y ~= getMarkedPos(sid).y then return true end
if isCreature(getCreatureTarget(getCreatureMaster(sid))) and target == false or (rept and rept <= 0) then
markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7})
return true
if (skill == "ride" or skill == "fly") and getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)) <= 1 then
local currentPos = getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid))
local summonPos = getThingPos(sid)
local masterPos = getCreatureLastPosition(sid)
if (getThingPos(sid).x == getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid)).x and getThingPos(sid).y == getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid)).y) or (currentPos.x == masterPos.x and currentPos.y == masterPos.y) then
recheck(sid, skill, thepos)
return true
if currentPos.x == thepos.x and currentPos.y == thepos.y then
if getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid))) <= 3 then
local ndelay = getNextStepDelay(sid, 0)
doTeleportThing(sid, thepos, true)
doChangeSpeed(sid, -getCreatureSpeed(sid))
markPos(sid, getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid)))
addEvent(goThere, ndelay, sid, getMarkedPos(sid), skill, target)
doChangeSpeed(sid, - getCreatureSpeed(sid))
markPos(sid, getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid)))
local x = walkTo(sid, getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)), getMarkedPos(sid), skill == "ride" or skill == "fly")
doChangeSpeed(sid, - getCreatureSpeed(sid))
addEvent(goThere, x, sid, getMarkedPos(sid), skill, target)
return true
markPos(sid, getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid)))
doChangeSpeed(sid, - getCreatureSpeed(sid))
local ndelay = getNextStepDelay(sid, 0)
if getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)) >= 4 then
local x = walkTo(sid, getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)), getMarkedPos(sid), skill == "ride" or skill == "fly")
doTeleportThing(sid, getPosByDir(getThingPos(sid), getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid))))
doChangeSpeed(sid, - getCreatureSpeed(sid))
addEvent(goThere, x and x or ndelay, sid, getMarkedPos(sid), skill, target)
return true
addEvent(recheck, 350, sid, skill, thepos)
return true
if getThingPos(sid).x == getMarkedPos(sid).x and getThingPos(sid).y == getMarkedPos(sid).y then
if isCreature(getCreatureTarget(sid)) then
doFaceCreature(sid, getThingPos(getCreatureTarget(sid)))
if skill == "blink" then
doChangeSpeed(sid, - getCreatureSpeed(sid)) --edited blink
addEvent(recheck, 350, sid, skill, thepos)
return true
if (getOwnerPos(sid).x ~= getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid)).x or getOwnerPos(sid).y ~= getThingPos(getCreatureMaster(sid)).y) and isCreature(getCreatureTarget(getCreatureMaster(sid))) == false and skill == "move" then
markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7})
return true
local holeid = thepos
holeid.stackpos = 0
holeid = getTileThingByPos(holeid).itemid
if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)) <= 1 and (not isWalkable(getPosByDir(getThingPos(sid), getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid))), true, false, false, true) or isInArray(specialabilities["digholes"], holeid)) then
if isGhostPokemon(sid) and getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(sid), 990) <= 0 then
local todir = getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid))
if todir <= 3 then
doTeleportThing(sid, getMarkedPos(sid), true)
local gotopos = getPosByDir(getThingPos(sid), dirpref[math.random(1, 2)][todir][1][math.random(1, 2)])
doTeleportThing(sid, gotopos, true)
addEvent(goThere, getNextStepDelay(sid, 0), sid, getMarkedPos(sid), skill, target)
return true
doFaceCreature(sid, getMarkedPos(sid))
addEvent(recheck, 180, sid, skill, thepos)
doChangeSpeed(sid, - getCreatureSpeed(sid))
return true
local ret = 0
if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)) <= 1 then
ret = walkTo(sid, getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)), getMarkedPos(sid), skill == "ride" or skill == "fly" or isGhostPokemon(sid))
if not tonumber(ret) then
doFaceCreature(sid, getMarkedPos(sid))
addEvent(recheck, 180, sid, skill, thepos)
doChangeSpeed(sid, - getCreatureSpeed(sid))
return true
ret = walkTo(sid, getDirectionTo(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid)), getMarkedPos(sid), skill == "ride" or skill == "fly" or not isGhostPokemon(sid))-- and isSightClear(getThingPos(sid), getMarkedPos(sid), false)))
if not tonumber(ret) then
doPlayerSendCancel(getCreatureMaster(sid), "Destination is not reachable.")
markPos(sid, {x=1,y=1,z=7})
return true
doChangeSpeed(sid, - getCreatureSpeed(sid))
addEvent(goThere, tonumber(ret), sid, getMarkedPos(sid), skill, target, rept and rept - 1 or 22)
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