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Warning: Error parsing C:/Documents and Settings/jefersom/Desktop/!!!!/Ot Foxworld/config.lua on line 82 in C:\xampp\htdocs\install.php on line 66

Can't connect to MySQL database.


E So Por Causa Disse Q Nao Consiguo Cria Meu Site sad.png


Ajuda Ae Galera

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accountManager = "no"

namelockManager = "no"

newPlayerChooseVoc = "yes"

newPlayerSpawnPosX = 442

newPlayerSpawnPosY = 548

newPlayerSpawnPosZ = 7

newPlayerTownId = 1

newPlayerLevel = 8

newPlayerMagicLevel = 1

generateAccountNumber = "no"


notationsToBan = 5

warningsToFinalBan = 4

warningsToDeletion = 7

banLength = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60

finalBanLength = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60

ipBanishmentLength = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60

broadcastBanishments = "yes"

killsToBan = 40

maxViolationCommentSize = 200


worldType = "pvp"

hotkeyAimbotEnabled = "yes"

protectionLevel = 80

pvpTileIgnoreLevelAndVocationProtection = "yes"

killsToRedSkull = 30

pzLocked = 15000

criticalHitChance = 25

displayCriticalHitNotify = "no"

removeWeaponAmmunition = "no"

removeWeaponCharges = "no"

removeRuneCharges = "no"

timeToDecreaseFrags = 1800000

whiteSkullTime = 180000

noDamageToSameLookfeet = "no"

experienceByKillingPlayers = "no"

showHealingDamage = "no"

fieldOwnershipDuration = 5 * 1000

stopAttackingAtExit = "no"

oldConditionAccuracy = "no"

loginProtectionPeriod = 10


worldId = 0

ip = ""

port = 7171

loginTries = 10

retryTimeout = 5 * 1000

loginTimeout = 60 * 1000

maxPlayers = "500"

motd = "Bem Vindo Ao Foxworldserve6"

displayOnOrOffAtCharlist = "no"

onePlayerOnlinePerAccount = "yes"

allowClones = 0

serverName = "Foxworldserve6"

loginMessage = "~*~Bem Vindo Ao Foxworldserve6~*~"

adminLogsEnabled = "no"

statusTimeout = 5 * 60 * 1000

replaceKickOnLogin = "yes"

forceSlowConnectionsToDisconnect = "no"

loginOnlyWithLoginServer = "no"


sqlType = "mysql"

sqlHost = "localhost"

sqlPort = 3306

sqlUser = "root"

sqlPass = "1"

sqlDatabase = "theforgottenserver"

sqlFile = "forgottenserver.s3db"

sqlKeepAlive = 60

mysqlReadTimeout = 3

optimizeDatabaseAtStartup = "yes"

passwordType = "plain"


deathListEnabled = "no"

maxDeathRecords = 5


ingameGuildManagement = "yes"

levelToFormGuild = 80

guildNameMinLength = 4

guildNameMaxLength = 25


highscoreDisplayPlayers = 10

updateHighscoresAfterMinutes = 15


buyableAndSellableHouses = "yes"

housesPerAccount = 0

levelToBuyHouse = 50

houseRentAsPrice = "no"

housePriceAsRent = "no"

housePriceEachSQM = 20000

houseRentPeriod = "never"


timeBetweenActions = 200

timeBetweenExActions = 1000


mapName = "foxworld5"

mapAuthor = "Slayer"

randomizeTiles = "yes"

useHouseDataStorage = "yes"

storeTrash = "yes"

cleanProtectedZones = "yes"


defaultPriority = "normal"

maxMessageBuffer = 10

kickIdlePlayerAfterMinutes = 30

allowChangeOutfit = "yes"

allowChangeColors = "yes"

disableOutfitsForPrivilegedPlayers = "no"

displayGamemastersWithOnlineCommand = "no"

bankSystem = "yes"

saveGlobalStorage = "yes"

displaySkillLevelOnAdvance = "no"

spellNameInsteadOfWords = "no"

emoteSpells = "no"

expireReportsAfterReads = 1

promptExceptionTracerErrorBox = "yes"


freePremium = "no"

removePremiumOnInit = "yes"

premiumForPromotion = "yes"

blessingsOnlyPremium = "yes"

houseNeedPremium = "yes"

bedsRequirePremium = "no"


rateExperience = 250

rateSkill = 50

rateMagic = 30

rateLoot = 30

rateSpawn = 8

experienceStages = "yes"


experienceShareRadiusX = 30

experienceShareRadiusY = 30

experienceShareRadiusZ = 1

experienceShareLevelDifference = 0.66666666666667

extraPartyExperienceLimit = 20

extraPartyExperiencePercent = 5


globalSaveEnabled = "no"

globalSaveHour = 8

shutdownAtGlobalSave = "no"

cleanMapAtGlobalSave = "no"


deSpawnRange = 2

deSpawnRadius = 50


maxPlayerSummons = 2

teleportAllSummons = "no"

teleportPlayerSummons = "no"


ownerName = "Jean Slayer"

ownerEmail = ""

url = ""

location = "Brasil"


outLogName = "server/out.log"

errorLogName = "server/error.log"

truncateLogsOnStartup = "yes"



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