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[Action]Pet Config


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--//                         \\--
--(    made by FedeVI  )  --
--____________ //-- 
petSystemExhaustion = 0 --in secods, 0 = no exhausted.  
frases = {"Men, im still exhausted!", "Ok, in one momment", "afff, again?!", "meh, one second"}
lenght = 39 -- maximun lenght the !petsay can have...
manaGainTicks = 3000 --    
                      --how fast the pet gains mana
manaGainAmmount = 20 --//
manaGainPerLevel = 30 -- mana that gains the pet for each level the player gain
magicLevelRate = 10 -- how faster the pet will gain mlvl compared to real tibia,,
base = 2000 --base storage. All storages will depend of this number
storages = {
           petMag = base,
           petUid = base+1,
           petExha = base+2,
           petDamage = base+3,
           petManaSpent = base+4,
           petIsOnline = base+5,
           petMana = base+6,
           petIsHealing = base+7,
           petCap = base+8,
           petSystemExhaustion = base+9

petItems = {}
maxItems = 10 --Max items the pet can carry
--lol V
x = 0 y = function() x = x + 1 end table.foreach(storages, y)
for i = 1, maxItems do
   petItems[i] = base+x+i
--Pets, dependiong on the level
pets = 
      {vocations = {4, 8}, pets =
       {{level = 350, name = "Juggernaut"}, {level = 255, name = "Dark Torturer"}, {level = 190, name = "Hellfire Fighter"}, {level = 120, name = "Hydra"}, {level = 80, name = "Quara Hydromancer"}, {level = 50, name = "Cyclops Smith"}, {level = 40, name = "Demon Skeleton"}, {level = 30, name = "Barbarian Skullhunter"}, {level = 20, name = "Monk"}, {level = 10, name = "Bear"}, {level = 0, name = "Wolf"}}
       {vocations = {1, 5}, pets =
       {{level = 350, name = "Ferumbras"}, {level = 260, name = "Demon"}, {level = 180, name = "Betrayed Wraith"}, {level = 120, name = "Diabolic Imp"}, {level = 80, name = "Braindeath"}, {level = 50, name = "Ice Golem"}, {level = 40, name = "Acolyte Of The Cult"}, {level = 30, name = "Barbarian Headsplitter"}, {level = 20, name = "Dark Monk"}, {level = 10, name = "Polar Bear"}, {level = 0, name = "Cave Rat"}}
       {vocations = {2, 6}, pets =
       {{level = 350, name = "Ferumbras"}, {level = 260, name = "Hand of Cursed Fate"}, {level = 175, name = "Phantasm"}, {level = 120, name = "Frost Dragon"}, {level = 80, name = "Massive Water Elemental"}, {level = 50, name = "Water Elemental"}, {level = 40, name = "Dwarf Geomancer"}, {level = 30, name = "Barbarian Brutetamer"}, {level = 20, name = "Assassin"}, {level = 10, name = "Lion"}, {level = 0, name = "Rat"}}
       {vocations = {3, 7}, pets =
       {{level = 350, name = "Orshabaal"}, {level = 260, name = "Plaguesmith"}, {level = 185, name = "Destroyer"}, {level = 120, name = "Dragon Lord"}, {level = 80, name = "Quara Hydromancer Scout"}, {level = 50, name = "Orc Leader"}, {level = 40, name = "Elf Arcanist"}, {level = 30, name = "Barbarian Bloodwalker"}, {level = 20, name = "Hunter"}, {level = 10, name = "Panda"}, {level = 0, name = "Bat"}}
--attacks of the pet. !petattack "param
--It's pretty easy how to config, I think it doesn't need an extra explanation.
attacks = {{param = "energy",  theFunction = false, offensive = 1, needLevel = 20, self = 0, needMag = 10, manaSpent = 120, exhausted = 1, range = 6, combatType = COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE, combatAni = CONST_ME_ENERGYAREA, area = 2, 
                   formula = {maxb = 0.4, maxa = 30, minb = 0.5, mina = 0},
                {param = "exori", theFunction = false, offensive = 1, needLevel = 40, self = 0, needMag = 5, manaSpent = 200, exhausted = 1, range = 0, combatType = COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, combatAni = CONST_ME_HITAREA, area = 2, 
                   formula = {maxb = 0.6, maxa = 30, minb = 1.2, mina = 0},
                {param = "fireball", theFunction = false, offensive = 1,  needLevel = 50, self = 0, needMag = 15, manaSpent = 100, exhausted = 1, range = 3, combatType = COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE, combatAni = CONST_ME_FIREAREA, area = 6, 
                   formula = {maxb = 0.6, maxa = 30, minb = 1.2, mina = 0}
                {param = "mini energy", theFunction = false, offensive = 1,  needLevel = 0, self = 0, needMag = 0, manaSpent = 80, exhausted = 1, range = 1, combatType = COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE, combatAni = CONST_ME_ENERGYAREA, area = 1, 
                   formula = {maxb = 0.13, maxa = 0, minb = 0.262, mina = 0}
                {param = "health", theFunction = false, offensive = -1,  needLevel = 10, self = 1, needMag = 0, manaSpent = 150, exhausted = 2, range = 0, combatType = COMBAT_HEALING, combatAni = CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE, area = 1, 
                   formula = {maxb = 0.4, maxa = 20, minb = 0.7, mina = 0}
                {param = "ultimate explosion", theFunction = false, offensive = 1,  needLevel = 150, self = 0, needMag = 20, manaSpent = 600, exhausted = 2, range = 0, combatType = COMBAT_PARAM_DISTANCEEFFECT, combatAni = CONST_ANI_FIRE, area = 8, 
                   formula = {maxb = 1.0, maxa = 50, minb = 1.7, mina = 0}
                {param = "paralize", needLevel = 1, needMag = 0, manaSpent = 300, exhausted = 2,
                theFunction = function (parameters)
                   daPet = getPlayerStorageValue(parameters.cid, storages.petUid)
                   if getCreatureTarget(daPet) ~= 0 then
                       doAddCondition(getCreatureTarget(parameters.cid), 4)
               {param = "speed", needLevel = 10, needMag = 4, manaSpent = 60, exhausted = 2,
                theFunction = function (parameters)                
                   doAddCondition(getPlayerStorageValue(parameters.cid, storages.petUid), 11)
                {param = "double fire", needLevel = 1, needMag = 0, manaSpent = 220, exhausted = 2,
                theFunction = function (parameters)

                   local myAttack = formulaAttack(getPlayerLevel(parameters.cid),  getPlayerStorageValue(parameters.cid, storages.petMag), 0.7, 0, 1.0, 0)
                   function doAreaCombatHealthEx(params)
                       local randoms = {[1] = math.random(-2, 2),
                                        [2] = math.random(-2, 2)                

                       local attackCreature = getPlayerStorageValue(parameters.cid, storages.petUid)
                       if getCreatureTarget(getPlayerStorageValue(parameters.cid, storages.petUid)) ~= 0 then
                           attackCreature = getCreatureTarget(getPlayerStorageValue(parameters.cid, storages.petUid))
                       local posa = getCreaturePosition(attackCreature)
                       doAreaCombatHealth(getPlayerStorageValue(parameters.cid, storages.petUid), COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE, {x = posa.x + randoms[1], y = posa.y + randoms[2], z = posa.z},  1, -params.myAttack.minD, -params.myAttack.maxD, CONST_ME_FIREAREA)
                       doSendDistanceShoot(getCreaturePosition(getPlayerStorageValue(parameters.cid, storages.petUid)), {x = posa.x + randoms[1], y = posa.y + randoms[2], z = posa.z}, CONST_ANI_FIRE)

                   doAreaCombatHealthEx({cid = parameters.cid, target = getCreaturePosition(attackCreature), myAttack = myAttack})
                   for i = 1, 7 do
                       addEvent(doAreaCombatHealthEx, 200*i, {cid = parameters.cid, target = getCreaturePosition(attackCreature), myAttack = myAttack})
function setExhausted(cid)
   setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petSystemExhaustion, os.clock()+1)
function formulaAttack(magicLevel, level, maxb, maxa, minb, mina)
   return {minD = (level * 2 + magicLevel * 3) * (1 + mina) + minb,
           maxD = (level * 2 + magicLevel * 3) * (1 + maxb) + maxa

function isExhausted(cid)
   if isPlayer(cid) == 1 then    
       local CRONOMETRO = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petSystemExhaustion)
       local CRONOMETRO2 = os.clock()
       local TIEMPO = os.difftime(CRONOMETRO2, CRONOMETRO)
       if petSystemExhaustion - TIEMPO > petSystemExhaustion or CRONOMETRO == -1 then
           setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petSystemExhaustion, CRONOMETRO2+1)
           return 0
       if petSystemExhaustion - TIEMPO <= 0 then
           return 0
return 1

function addMana(a)
   local cid = a.cid
   local petManaMax = getPlayerLevel(cid)*manaGainPerLevel
   if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petMana) < petManaMax then
       if petManaMax - getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petMana) < 10 then
           setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petMana, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petMana) + petManaMax - getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petMana))
           setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petMana, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petMana) + 10)
   addEvent(addMana, manaGainTicks, {cid = cid})
       setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petIsHealing, 0)


queria saber se tem como editar pra quando pet morrer nao aparecer corpese do Pet e poder usalo novamente sem ter que revivelo

Editado por samudospoke
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