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Fazendo Seu Ruly The Account Manager


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Ai está o código do Ruly the account manager:

Em Game.cpp, na inclusão dos headers, inclua ioaccount.h:


#ifdef YUR_LOGIN_QUEUEif (!p || c->access >= g_config.ACCESS_ENTER || #ifdef YUR_PREMIUM_PROMOTION (p->premmium == true && !g_config.QUEUE_PREMMY) ||#endif //YUR_PREMIUM_PROMOTION loginQueue.login(p->accountNumber, getPlayersOnline(), max_players, placeInQueue)) {#else //YUR_LOGIN_QUEUEif (!p || c->access >= g_config.ACCESS_ENTER || getPlayersOnline() < max_players 



void Game::updateTile(const Position& pos){SpectatorVec list;SpectatorVec::iterator i;getSpectators(Range(pos), list);for(i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i)(*i)->onTileUpdated(pos);}#endif //SG_LVLDOOR#ifdef TLM_BEDbool Game::loadBeds(std::string file) {   xmlDocPtr doc;  doc = xmlParseFile(file.c_str());  if (doc){   xmlNodePtr root, p, tmp;   root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);   if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, (const xmlChar*)"beds")) {       xmlFreeDoc(doc);       return -1;   }      tmp = root->children;       int x,y,z,id;      while(tmp){           if (strcmp((char*) tmp->name, "bed")==0){                       x = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "x"));               y = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "y"));               z = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "z"));               id = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "id"));              Position mainPos(x, y, z);              Item *mainItem = Item::CreateItem(id);                 Tile *mainTile = getTile(mainPos.x, mainPos.y, mainPos.z);               if (mainTile && mainItem){                  Position nextPos(x, y, z);                  Item *nextItem = Item::CreateItem(id+1);            if (id == BED_ID1 || id == BED_ID3 || id == BED_ID7 || id == BED_ID8){           nextPos.y++;         }         else if(id == BED_ID2 || id == BED_ID4 || id == BED_ID9 || id == BED_ID10){           nextPos.x++;         }                  Tile *nextTile = getTile(nextPos.x, nextPos.y, nextPos.z);                         if (nextTile && nextItem){                      mainTile->addThing(mainItem);                      mainItem->pos = mainPos;                      nextTile->addThing(nextItem);                      nextItem->pos = nextPos;                  }              }          }           tmp = tmp->next;      }               xmlFreeDoc(doc);      return 0;   }  return -1;}std::string Game::getBedSleeper(const Position pos){  std::string file="data/world/beds.xml";  xmlDocPtr doc;  doc = xmlParseFile(file.c_str());  if (doc){      xmlNodePtr root, tmp;     root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);                   if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, (const xmlChar*)"beds")) {         xmlFreeDoc(doc);         return "Nobody";      }        tmp = root->children;       while(tmp){          if (strcmp((const char*) tmp->name, "bed")==0){              int x = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "x"));               int y = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "y"));               int z = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "z"));              if (x == pos.x && y == pos.y && z == pos.z){                  return (const char*)xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar *)"name");              }              }          tmp = tmp->next;      }      xmlFreeDoc(doc);   }   return "Nobody";}unsigned int Game::getBedID(const Position pos){  std::string file="data/world/beds.xml";  xmlDocPtr doc;  doc = xmlParseFile(file.c_str());  if (doc){      xmlNodePtr root, tmp;     root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);                   if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, (const xmlChar*)"beds")) {         xmlFreeDoc(doc);         return 0;      }        tmp = root->children;       while(tmp){          if (strcmp((const char*) tmp->name, "bed")==0){              int x = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "x"));               int y = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "y"));               int z = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "z"));              if (x == pos.x && y == pos.y && z == pos.z){                  return atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "id"));              }              }          tmp = tmp->next;      }      xmlFreeDoc(doc);   }   return 0;}bool Game::changeBed(const Position pos, unsigned int oldid, std::string sleepname){  Tile *maintile = getTile(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z);  Item *mainitem = dynamic_cast<Item*>(maintile->getThingByStackPos(maintile->getThingCount()-1));  if (mainitem && maintile->isPz()){      Position tilePos(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);   if (oldid == BED_ID1 || oldid == BED_ID3 || oldid == BED_ID7 || oldid == BED_ID8){     tilePos.y++;   }   else if(oldid == BED_ID2 || oldid == BED_ID4 || oldid == BED_ID9 || oldid == BED_ID10){     tilePos.x++;   }      Tile *nexttile = getTile(tilePos.x,tilePos.y,tilePos.z);      Item *nextitem = dynamic_cast<Item*>(nexttile->getThingByStackPos(maintile->getThingCount()-1));      if (nextitem && nexttile->isPz()){             if (oldid == BED_ID1 || oldid == BED_ID3){       mainitem->setID(oldid+8);     }     else if(oldid == BED_ID2){       mainitem->setID(BED_ID10);     }     else if(oldid == BED_ID4){       mainitem->setID(BED_ID9);     }     else if(oldid == BED_ID7 || oldid == BED_ID8){       mainitem->setID(oldid-8);     }     else if(oldid == BED_ID9){       mainitem->setID(BED_ID4);     }     else if(oldid == BED_ID10){       mainitem->setID(BED_ID2);     }          nextitem->setID(mainitem->getID()+1);         SpectatorVec list;         SpectatorVec::iterator it;         getSpectators(Range(tilePos, true), list);         //players   for(it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {    if(dynamic_cast<Player*>(*it)) {     (*it)->onTileUpdated(pos);        (*it)->onTileUpdated(tilePos);                   }   }         //Player *player = dynamic_cast<Player*>(player);         //player->onTileUpdated(pos);         //player->onTileUpdated(tilePos);          std::string file="data/world/beds.xml";          xmlDocPtr doc;          doc = xmlParseFile(file.c_str());          if (doc){              xmlNodePtr root, tmp;              root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);                           if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, (const xmlChar*)"beds")) {                 xmlFreeDoc(doc);                 return false;              }                Position bedPos[1000];// 1000 = number of beds              unsigned int id[1000];              std::string name[1000];              int i = 0;              tmp = root->children;              while(tmp){                  if (strcmp((const char*) tmp->name, "bed")==0){                      i++;                      bedPos[i].x = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "x"   ));                       bedPos[i].y = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "y"   ));                       bedPos[i].z = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "z"   ));                      id[i]       = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "id"  ));                     name[i]     = (const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "name");                        if (bedPos[i] == pos){                          id[i]   = mainitem->getID();                          name[i] = sleepname;                      }                  }                  tmp = tmp->next;              }              doc = xmlNewDoc((const xmlChar*)"1.0");              doc->children = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, (const xmlChar*)"beds", NULL);           root = doc->children;              std::stringstream sb;              for(int x = 1; x <= i; x++){                    tmp = xmlNewNode(NULL,(const xmlChar*)"bed");                  sb << bedPos[x].x; xmlSetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "x" ,   (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str("");                  sb << bedPos[x].y; xmlSetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "y" ,   (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str("");                  sb << bedPos[x].z; xmlSetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "z" ,   (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str("");                  sb << id[x];       xmlSetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "id",   (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str("");                  sb << name[x];     xmlSetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "name", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str("");                  xmlAddChild(root, tmp);              }           xmlSaveFile(file.c_str(), doc);           xmlFreeDoc(doc);               return true;          }return false;}}}Position Game::getBedPos(std::string name){  std::string file="data/world/beds.xml";  xmlDocPtr doc;  doc = xmlParseFile(file.c_str());  if (doc){      xmlNodePtr root, tmp;     root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);                   if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, (const xmlChar*)"beds")) {         xmlFreeDoc(doc);         return Position(0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0xFF);      }       tmp = root->children;       while(tmp){          if (strcmp((const char*) tmp->name, "bed")==0){              std::string sleepname = (const char*)xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar *)"name");              if (sleepname == name){                  int x = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "x"));                   int y = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "y"));                   int z = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "z"));                  return Position(x,y,z);              }              }          tmp = tmp->next;      }      xmlFreeDoc(doc);   }   return Position(0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0xFF);}#endif 



#ifdef RULY_ACCMANAGERvoid Game::accCreator(Player* player, std::string &text){ player->onCreatureSay(player, SPEAK_SAY, text); if(player->managerActive == 0){  if(text == "hi" || text == "hello")  {    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Hello dude, how are you feeling today?");    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: If you want to continue, just type \"account\".");    return;  }  else if(text == "account")  {   player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Ok, feel free to type the account that you wish!");   player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Fique a vontade para digitar a sua conta.");   player->managerActive = 1;   return;  }  else{   player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Sorry, i cant understand this, can you type again?");   player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Desculpe, eu não entendo. Pode digitar novamente?");   return;  } }   if(player->managerActive == 1) {  if(player->willSayYesOrNo == 0){    bool okj = false;    if(text.length() >= 8 || text.length() <= 4)    {     player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Your account must have more than 4 digits and less than 8.");     return;    }    for(int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++){     if(isdigit(text[i]))       okj = true;     else{      player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: You must type only numbers.");      return;      }    }    if(okj){    std::string filename="data/accounts/"+text+".xml";    //std::transform (filename.begin(),filename.end(), filename.begin(), tolower);    std::ifstream ifile;; // Passing the return value of a function to another function    if (ifile){     player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Sorry, this account already exist =(. Type another account.");    }    else{     std::stringstream msg;     msg << "Ruly the Acc Manager: So, do you want "<<text<<" as your account?";     player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, msg.str().c_str());     player->willSayYesOrNo = 1;     player->newAcc = text;    }    ifile.close();    return;    }  }  if(player->willSayYesOrNo == 1){    if(text == "yes"){      player->managerActive = 3;      player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Ok, please type a password.");      player->willSayYesOrNo = 0;      return;    }    else if(text == "no"){      player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Ok...");      player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: If you want to continue, just type \"account\".");      player->willSayYesOrNo = 0;      player->managerActive = 0;      return;    }    else{      player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Sorry, invalid command.");      player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: If you want to continue, just type \"account\".");      player->willSayYesOrNo = 0;      player->managerActive = 0;      return;    }  } } if(player->managerActive == 2){  player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: You alredy created your account. Please log off from this manager and log using your account and password.");  player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Você já criou a sua conta. Por favor saia desse gerenciador e entre com a sua conta e a sua senha.");  return; } if(player->managerActive == 3){  if(player->passIsOk == 0){    std::stringstream msg;    msg << "Ruly the Acc Manager: So, do you want "<<text<<" as your password?";    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, msg.str().c_str());    player->newPass = text;    player->passIsOk = 1;    return;  }  if(player->passIsOk == 1){    if(text == "yes"){     //Create Account     std::string filename = "data/accounts/"+player->newAcc+".xml";     std::stringstream sb;     xmlDocPtr doc;         xmlMutexLock(xmlmutex);     xmlNodePtr nn, sn, pn, root;   doc = xmlNewDoc((const xmlChar*)"1.0");   doc->children = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, (const xmlChar*)"account", NULL);   root = doc->children;   //xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "pass", (const xmlChar*)"manager01"); sb.str("");   sb << player->newPass;xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "pass", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());   sb.str("");     xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "type", (const xmlChar*)"1"); sb.str("");   xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "premDays", (const xmlChar*)"0"); sb.str("");   sb.str(""); sb << player->newAcc;   sn = xmlNewNode(NULL,(const xmlChar*)"characters");   pn = xmlNewNode(NULL,(const xmlChar*)"character");   //xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "name", (const xmlChar*)"Trs Manager");   xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "name", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());      xmlAddChild(sn, pn);   xmlAddChild(root, sn);   if (xmlSaveFile(filename.c_str(), doc))     {      #ifdef __DEBUG__      std::cout << ":: Accound Created!\n";      #endif      xmlFreeDoc(doc);          xmlMutexUnlock(xmlmutex);        //return;     }     else     {      std::cout << "\tCouldn't save character =(\n";      xmlFreeDoc(doc);          xmlMutexUnlock(xmlmutex);          player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Ops, we had a problem...Please start all again.");      player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Ops, nós temos um problema, não foi possível criar a sua conta. Por favor reinicie todo o processo.");      player->managerActive = 1;      return;     }     //Step to create the personal acc manager     player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Ok, your account has been created. Relog using your account and password.");        player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Você já criou a sua conta. Por favor saia desse gerenciador e entre com a sua conta e a sua senha.");     player->passIsOk = 0;     player->managerActive = 2;     std::cout << " New Account Created: " << player->newAcc << "." << std::endl;     doSavePlayer(player);     return;   }   else if(text == "no"){     player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Type another password then...");     player->passIsOk = 0;     return;   }   else{     player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Sorry I cant understand this...");     player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Type another password then...");     player->passIsOk = 0;     return;   }  }  }    }bool Game::doSavePlayer(Player* player){ std::string filename2 = "data/players/"+player->newAcc+".xml"; std::stringstream sb; xmlDocPtr doc;     xmlMutexLock(xmlmutex);   xmlNodePtr nn, sn, pn, root; doc = xmlNewDoc((const xmlChar*)"1.0"); doc->children = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, (const xmlChar*)"player", NULL); root = doc->children;    sb << player->newAcc;       xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "name", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());   sb.str(""); sb << player->newAcc;    xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "account", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str(""); sb << "1";         xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "sex", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());   sb.str("");  sb << "2";         xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "lookdir", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());   sb.str(""); sb << "0";    xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "exp", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str("");  sb << "0";       xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "voc", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str(""); sb << "1";      xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "level", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());   sb.str("");  sb << "0";       xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "access", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str("");  sb << "300";        xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "cap", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str(""); sb << "0";      xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "maglevel", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str(""); sb << "0";      xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "vipsize", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str(""); sb << "1";      xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "lastlogin", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str(""); pn = xmlNewNode(NULL,(const xmlChar*)"spawn"); sb << "207";  xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "x", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str(""); sb << "26";  xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "y", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str(""); sb << "7"; xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "z", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str(""); xmlAddChild(root, pn); pn = xmlNewNode(NULL,(const xmlChar*)"temple"); sb << "207"; xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "x", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str(""); sb << "26"; xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "y", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str(""); sb << "7"; xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "z", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str(""); xmlAddChild(root, pn); pn = xmlNewNode(NULL,(const xmlChar*)"health"); sb << "100";   xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "now", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str(""); sb << "100"; xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "max", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str(""); sb << "0";   xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "food", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str("");            xmlAddChild(root, pn); pn = xmlNewNode(NULL,(const xmlChar*)"mana"); sb << 100;   xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "now", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str(""); sb << 100;  xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "max", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str(""); sb << 0; xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "spent", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());   sb.str(""); xmlAddChild(root, pn); pn = xmlNewNode(NULL,(const xmlChar*)"look"); sb << 73;    xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "type", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str(""); sb << 50;     xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "head", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str(""); sb << 50;     xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "body", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str(""); sb << 50;     xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "legs", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str(""); sb << 50;     xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "feet", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());    sb.str(""); xmlAddChild(root, pn); //Save the character if (xmlSaveFile(filename2.c_str(), doc)) {  #ifdef __DEBUG__  std::cout << "\tSaved character succefully!\n";  #endif  xmlFreeDoc(doc);      xmlMutexUnlock(xmlmutex);     return true; } else {  std::cout << "\tCouldn't save character =(\n";  xmlFreeDoc(doc);      xmlMutexUnlock(xmlmutex);     return false; }}void Game::accManager(Player* player, std::string &text){ player->onCreatureSay(player, SPEAK_SAY, text); if(player->managerActive == 0){  if(text == "character"){    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Please type your new char name.");    player->managerActive = 1;    return;  }  if(text == "password"){    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Sorry, you cant change password.");    player->managerActive == 1;    return;  } } if(player->managerActive == 1){  bool okj = false;  if(text.length() > 15 || text.length() < 1)  {    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Your name must have more than 1 char, and less than 15.");    return;  }  for(int i = 0; i <= text.length(); i++){    if(!isdigit(text[i]))     okj = true;    else{     player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: You can't type numbers on your name.");     return;     }  }for(int i=0; i <= text.length(); i++){   if((text[i] == 'g' && text[i+1] == 'm')   || (text[i] == 'g' && text[i+1] == 'M')   || (text[i] == 'G' && text[i+1] == 'm')   || (text[i] == 'G' && text[i+1] == 'M')   || (text[i] == 't' && text[i+1] == 'r')   || (text[i] == 'T' && text[i+1] == 'r')   || (text[i] == 't' && text[i+1] == 'R')   || (text[i] == 'T' && text[i+1] == 'R')   || (text[i] == 'f' && text[i+1] == 'u' && text[i+2] == 'c' && text[i+3] == 'k')   || (text[i] == 'F' && text[i+1] == 'U' && text[i+2] == 'C' && text[i+3] == 'K')   || (text[i] == 'F' && text[i+1] == 'u' && text[i+2] == 'c' && text[i+3] == 'k')   || (text[i] == 's' && text[i+1] == 'h' && text[i+2] == 'i' && text[i+3] == 't')   || (text[i] == 'b' && text[i+1] == 'i' && text[i+2] == 't' && text[i+3] == 'c' && text[i+4] == 'h')   || (text[i] == 'B' && text[i+1] == 'i' && text[i+2] == 't' && text[i+3] == 'c' && text[i+4] == 'h')   || (text[i] == '~') || (text[i] == '.') || (text[i] == ';')   || (text[i] == '\\') || (text[i] == '/') || (text[i] == '?')   || (text[i] == ',') || (text[i] == '<') || (text[i] == '>')   || (text[i] == '(') || (text[i] == ')') || (text[i] == '-')   || (text[i] == '_') || (text[i] == '=') || (text[i] == '[')   || (text[i] == ']') || (text[i] == '{') || (text[i] == '}')   || (text[i] == '|') || (text[i] == '`') || (text[i] == '*')   || (text[i] == '&') || (text[i] == '^') || (text[i] == '%')   || (text[i] == '$') || (text[i] == '#') || (text[i] == '@')   || (text[i] == '!')){     player->sendTextMessage(MSG_RED_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Your name violates the name rules.\nPlease retype your name.");     return;   }  }  if(text[0] == ' ' || text[0] == ' '){    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Invalid character on your name...Type it again.");    return;  }  std::string filename="data/players/"+text+".xml";  std::ifstream ifile;; // Passing the return value of a function to another function  if (ifile){    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_SMALLINFO, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Sorry, this player already exist, type another name.");    return;  }  if(okj){    std::stringstream inutil;    inutil <<"Ruly the Acc Manager: "<<text<<". Interesting name. Male or female?";    player->newCharName = text;    player->managerActive = 2;    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, inutil.str().c_str());    return;  } } if(player->managerActive == 2){  if(text == "male"){    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: So we got more 1 men(or not) on this server... What vocation do you want to follow?");    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: You can be a \"knight\", a \"paladin\", a \"druid\" or a \"sorcerer\".");    player->newSex = 1;    player->managerActive = 3;    return;  }  else if(text == "female"){    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: OH YEAH!! A new girl?!?! What vocation do you want to follow babe?");    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: You can be a \"knight\", a \"paladin\", a \"druid\" or a \"sorcerer\".");    player->newSex = 0;    player->managerActive = 3;    return;  }  else{    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: I cant understand this gender, do you typed it right???");    return;  } } if(player->managerActive == 3){  if(text == "knight"){    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: A powerfull warrior you want to be, are you sure?");    player->newVoc = 4;    player->managerActive = 4;    return;  }  else if(text == "paladin"){    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: A mighty archer you want to be, are you sure?");    player->newVoc = 3;    player->managerActive = 4;    return;  }  else if(text == "druid"){    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: A warrior of the nature you want to be, are you sure?");    player->newVoc = 2;    player->managerActive = 4;    return;  }  else if(text == "sorcerer"){    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: A dangerous magician you want to be, are you sure?");    player->newVoc = 1;    player->managerActive = 4;    return;  }  else{    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Pay atention to what you write young adventurer, this vocation is invalid.");    return;  } } if(player->managerActive == 4) {   if(text == "yes")   {     doSaveNewAccount(player);      std::stringstream x; x << "data/players/" << player->newCharName << ".xml"; const char *file = x.str().c_str(); ofstream save(file); save << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"; save << "<player name=\"" << player->newCharName << "\" account=\"" << player->accountNumber << "\" "; save << "sex=\"" << player->newSex << "\" "; //save << "lookdir=\"0\" exp=\"4200\" "; save << "lookdir=\"0\" exp=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_P_EXP << "\" "; save << "voc=\"" << player->newVoc << "\" "; if(player->newVoc == 1 || player->newVoc == 2)   save << "level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_P_LVL << "\" access=\"0\" cap=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_CAP_MAGE << "\" "; else if(player->newVoc == 3)   save << "level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_P_LVL << "\" access=\"0\" cap=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_CAP_PALLY << "\" "; else if(player->newVoc == 4)   save << "level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_P_LVL << "\" access=\"0\" cap=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_CAP_KNIGHT << "\" "; if(player->newVoc == 1)   save << "maglevel=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_MAGE_ML << "\">\n"; else if(player->newVoc == 2)   save << "maglevel=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_MAGE_ML << "\">\n"; else if(player->newVoc == 3)   save << "maglevel=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_PALLY_ML << "\">\n"; else if(player->newVoc == 4)   save << "maglevel=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_KNIGHT_ML << "\">\n"; save << "<spawn x=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_TEMPLE_X << "\" y=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_TEMPLE_Y << "\" z=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_TEMPLE_Z << "\"/>\n"; save << "<temple x=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_TEMPLE_X << "\" y=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_TEMPLE_Y << "\" z=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_TEMPLE_Z << "\"/>\n"; if(player->newVoc == 1 || player->newVoc == 2)   save << "<health now=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_MAGES_HP << "\" max=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_MAGES_HP << "\" food=\"0\"/>\n"; else if(player->newVoc == 3)   save << "<health now=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_PALLY_HP << "\" max=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_PALLY_HP << "\" food=\"0\"/>\n"; else if(player->newVoc == 4)   save << "<health now=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_KNIGHT_HP << "\" max=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_KNIGHT_HP << "\" food=\"0\"/>\n"; if(player->newVoc == 1 || player->newVoc == 2)   save << "<mana now=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_MAGES_MANA << "\" max=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_MAGES_MANA << "\" spent=\"0\"/>\n"; else if(player->newVoc == 3)   save << "<mana now=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_PALLY_MANA << "\" max=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_PALLY_MANA << "\" spent=\"0\"/>\n"; else if(player->newVoc == 4)   save << "<mana now=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_KNIGHT_MANA << "\" max=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_KNIGHT_MANA << "\" spent=\"0\"/>\n"; if(player->newSex == 0)   save << "<look type=\"136\" head=\"97\" body=\"129\" legs=\"129\" feet=\"114\"/>\n"; else   save << "<look type=\"128\" head=\"97\" body=\"129\" legs=\"129\" feet=\"81\"/>\n"; save << "<skills>\n"; if(player->newVoc == 1 || player->newVoc == 2) {   save << "<skill skillid=\"0\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_MAGES_FIST << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"1\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_MAGES_CLUB << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"2\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_MAGES_SWORD << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"3\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_MAGES_AXE << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"4\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_MAGES_DISTANCE << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"5\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_MAGES_SHIELD << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"6\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_MAGES_FISHING << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n"; } else if(player->newVoc == 3) {   save << "<skill skillid=\"0\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_PALLY_FIST << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"1\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_PALLY_CLUB << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"2\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_PALLY_SWORD << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"3\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_PALLY_AXE << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"4\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_PALLY_DISTANCE << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"5\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_PALLY_SHIELD << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"6\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_PALLY_FISHING << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n"; } else if(player->newVoc == 4) {   save << "<skill skillid=\"0\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_KNIGHT_FIST << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"1\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_KNIGHT_CLUB << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"2\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_KNIGHT_SWORD << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"3\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_KNIGHT_AXE << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"4\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_KNIGHT_DISTANCE << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"5\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_KNIGHT_SHIELD << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n";   save << "<skill skillid=\"6\" level=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_KNIGHT_FISHING << "\" tries=\"0\"/>\n"; } save << "</skills>\n"; save << "<inventory>\n"; save << "<slot slotid=\"1\"><item id=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_ALL_SLOT1 << "\"/></slot>\n"; if(player->newVoc == 1 || player->newVoc == 2) {   save << "<slot slotid=\"3\"><item id=\"3940\"><inside><item id=\"2260\"/><item id=\"2260\"/><item id=\"2260\"/><item id=\"2120\"/><item id=\"2554\"/><item id=\"2152\" count=\"2\"/></inside></item></slot>\n";   save << "<slot slotid=\"5\"><item id=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_ALL_SLOT5 << "\"/></slot>\n";   save << "<slot slotid=\"6\"><item id=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_ALL_SLOT6 << "\"/></slot>\n";   save << "<slot slotid=\"10\"><item id=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_ALL_SLOT10 << "\"/></slot>\n"; } else if(player->newVoc == 3) {


save << "<slot slotid=\"3\"><item id=\"3940\"><inside><item id=\"2543\" count=\"100\"/><item id=\"2120\"/><item id=\"2554\"/><item id=\"2580\"/><item id=\"2152\" count=\"2\"/></inside></item></slot>\n";  save << "<slot slotid=\"5\"><item id=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_ALL_SLOT5 << "\"/></slot>\n";   save << "<slot slotid=\"6\"><item id=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_ALL_SLOT6 << "\"/></slot>\n";   save << "<slot slotid=\"10\"><item id=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_ALL_SLOT10 << "\"/></slot>\n"; } else if(player->newVoc == 4) {   save << "<slot slotid=\"3\"><item id=\"3940\"><inside><item id=\"2413\"/><item id=\"2120\"/><item id=\"2554\"/><item id=\"2152\" count=\"2\"/></inside></item></slot>\n";   save << "<slot slotid=\"5\"><item id=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_ALL_SLOT5 << "\"/></slot>\n";   save << "<slot slotid=\"6\"><item id=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_ALL_SLOT6 << "\"/></slot>\n";   save << "<slot slotid=\"10\"><item id=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_ALL_SLOT10 << "\"/></slot>\n"; } save << "<slot slotid=\"4\"><item id=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_ALL_SLOT4 << "\"/></slot>\n"; save << "<slot slotid=\"7\"><item id=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_ALL_SLOT7 << "\"/></slot>\n"; save << "<slot slotid=\"8\"><item id=\"" << g_config.MANAGER_ALL_SLOT8 << "\"/></slot>\n"; save << "</inventory>\n"; save << "<depots><depot depotid=\"1\"><item id=\"2591\"><inside><item id=\"2594\"/></inside></item></depot><depot depotid=\"2\"><item id=\"2591\"><inside><item id=\"2594\"/></inside></item></depot><depot depotid=\"3\"><item id=\"2591\"><inside><item id=\"2594\"/></inside></item></depot><depot depotid=\"4\"><item id=\"2591\"><inside><item id=\"2594\"/></inside></item></depot><depot depotid=\"5\"><item id=\"2591\"><inside><item id=\"2594\"/></inside></item></depot></depots><storage/>\n</player>"; save.close(); player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Operation complete. Please log out and login again."); std::cout << " New Char Created: " << player->newCharName << "." << std::endl; return;  }  else if(text == "no"){    player->newVoc = 0;    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Ok, choose another vocation then.");    player->managerActive = 3;    return;  }  else{    player->sendTextMessage(MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: Cant understand this command, can you type again?");    return;  } }}void Game::doPreVoc(Player* player){ if(player->newSex == 1)  player->newLookMaster = 128; else  player->newLookMaster = 77; if(player->newVoc == 1)//Sorcerer {  player->newHealth = 1200;  player->newHealthMax = 1200;  player->newMana = 2400;  player->newManaMax = 2400;  player->newMagLvl = 65; } if(player->newVoc == 2)//Druid {  player->newHealth = 1200;  player->newHealthMax = 1200;  player->newMana = 2400;  player->newManaMax = 2400;  player->newMagLvl = 65; } if(player->newVoc == 3)//Pally {  player->newHealth = 1400;  player->newHealthMax = 1400;  player->newMana = 1400;  player->newManaMax = 1400;  player->newMagLvl = 20; } if(player->newVoc == 4)//Knight {  player->newHealth = 2500;  player->newHealthMax = 2500;  player->newMana = 1000;  player->newManaMax = 1000;  player->newMagLvl = 9; }}void Game::doSaveNewAccount(Player* player){ Account account = IOAccount::instance()->loadAccount(player->accountNumber); char accstring[16]; sprintf(accstring, "%i", account.accnumber); std::list<std::string>::iterator it; for (it = account.charList.begin(); it != account.charList.end(); it++) {  if((*it) != "" && (*it) != accstring && (*it) != account.password){         player->charOnList[player->passIsOk] = (*it);  }  player->passIsOk += 1; } doStep2(player);}void Game::doStep2(Player* player)//We had to read before to save... Sad thing huh?{ //Create Account Account account = IOAccount::instance()->loadAccount(player->accountNumber); std::stringstream PKWarning; PKWarning << "data/accounts/"<<player->accountNumber<<".xml";      std::string filename = PKWarning.str().c_str(); std::stringstream sb; xmlDocPtr doc;     xmlMutexLock(xmlmutex);   xmlNodePtr nn, sn, pn, root; doc = xmlNewDoc((const xmlChar*)"1.0"); doc->children = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, (const xmlChar*)"account", NULL); root = doc->children; sb << account.password;xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "pass", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());   sb.str(""); xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "type", (const xmlChar*)"1"); sb.str(""); xmlSetProp(root, (const xmlChar*) "premDays", (const xmlChar*)"0"); sb.str(""); sn = xmlNewNode(NULL,(const xmlChar*)"characters"); std::stringstream sc; pn = xmlNewNode(NULL,(const xmlChar*)"character"); sb << player->accountNumber; xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "name", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str());   sb.str("");   xmlAddChild(sn, pn); for(int a=1; a<=20; ++a){  if(player->charOnList[a] != "" && player->charOnList[a] != account.password){    pn = xmlNewNode(NULL,(const xmlChar*)"character");    sc << player->charOnList[a]; xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "name", (const xmlChar*)sc.str().c_str());   sc.str("");    xmlAddChild(sn, pn);  } } std::stringstream sd; pn = xmlNewNode(NULL,(const xmlChar*)"character"); sd << player->newCharName; xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "name", (const xmlChar*)sd.str().c_str());   sd.str("");   xmlAddChild(sn, pn); xmlAddChild(root, sn); if (xmlSaveFile(filename.c_str(), doc)) {  #ifdef __DEBUG__  std::cout << ":: Accound Created!\n";  #endif  xmlFreeDoc(doc);      xmlMutexUnlock(xmlmutex);     return; } else {  std::cout << "\tCouldn't save character =(\n";  xmlFreeDoc(doc);      xmlMutexUnlock(xmlmutex);  return; }}#endif


Na declaração das funções adicione:

#ifdef RULY_ACCMANAGER          void accCreator(Player* player, std::string &text);void accManager(Player* player, std::string &text);bool doSavePlayer(Player* player);void doPreVoc(Player* player);void doSaveNewAccount(Player* player);void doStep2(Player* player);#endif
Editado por GM Rotciv
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Agora em luascript, vamos declarar as variáveis à serem utilizadas pelo Account Manager.

Na função LuaScript::OpenFile().

Depois de:


#ifdef RULY_ACCMANAGER   MANAGER_P_EXP = getGlobalNumber("managerexp",4200);   MANAGER_P_LVL = getGlobalNumber("managerlvl",8);   MANAGER_CAP_MAGE = getGlobalNumber("managercapmage",4200);   MANAGER_CAP_PALLY = getGlobalNumber("managercappally",4200);   MANAGER_CAP_KNIGHT = getGlobalNumber("managercapknight",4200);   MANAGER_MAGE_ML = getGlobalNumber("managermageml",0);   MANAGER_PALLY_ML = getGlobalNumber("managerpallyml",0);   MANAGER_KNIGHT_ML = getGlobalNumber("managerknightml",0);   MANAGER_TEMPLE_X = getGlobalNumber("managertemplex",160);   MANAGER_TEMPLE_Y = getGlobalNumber("managertempley",54);   MANAGER_TEMPLE_Z = getGlobalNumber("managertemplez",7);   MANAGER_MAGES_HP = getGlobalNumber("managermagehp",185);   MANAGER_MAGES_MANA = getGlobalNumber("managermagemana",35);   MANAGER_MAGES_FIST = getGlobalNumber("managermagefist",10);   MANAGER_MAGES_CLUB = getGlobalNumber("managermageclub",10);   MANAGER_MAGES_SWORD = getGlobalNumber("managermagesword",10);   MANAGER_MAGES_AXE = getGlobalNumber("managermageaxe",10);   MANAGER_MAGES_DISTANCE = getGlobalNumber("managermagedist",10);   MANAGER_MAGES_SHIELD = getGlobalNumber("managermageshield",10);   MANAGER_MAGES_FISHING = getGlobalNumber("managermagefish",10);   MANAGER_PALLY_HP = getGlobalNumber("managerpallyhp",185);   MANAGER_PALLY_MANA = getGlobalNumber("managerpallymana",35);   MANAGER_PALLY_FIST = getGlobalNumber("managerpallyfist",10);   MANAGER_PALLY_CLUB = getGlobalNumber("managerpallyclub",10);   MANAGER_PALLY_SWORD = getGlobalNumber("managerpallysword",10);   MANAGER_PALLY_AXE = getGlobalNumber("managerpallyaxe",10);   MANAGER_PALLY_DISTANCE = getGlobalNumber("managerpallydist",10);   MANAGER_PALLY_SHIELD = getGlobalNumber("managerpallyshield",10);   MANAGER_PALLY_FISHING = getGlobalNumber("managerpallyfish",10);   MANAGER_KNIGHT_HP = getGlobalNumber("managerknighthp",185);   MANAGER_KNIGHT_MANA = getGlobalNumber("managerknightmana",35);   MANAGER_KNIGHT_FIST = getGlobalNumber("managerknightfist",10);   MANAGER_KNIGHT_CLUB = getGlobalNumber("managerknightclub",10);   MANAGER_KNIGHT_SWORD = getGlobalNumber("managerknightsword",10);   MANAGER_KNIGHT_AXE = getGlobalNumber("managerknightaxe",10);   MANAGER_KNIGHT_DISTANCE = getGlobalNumber("managerknightdist",10);   MANAGER_KNIGHT_SHIELD = getGlobalNumber("managerknightshield",10);   MANAGER_KNIGHT_FISHING = getGlobalNumber("managerknightfish",10);   MANAGER_ALL_SLOT1 = getGlobalNumber("managerslot1",3322);   MANAGER_ALL_SLOT4 = getGlobalNumber("managerslot4",3322);   MANAGER_ALL_SLOT5 = getGlobalNumber("managerslot5",3322);   MANAGER_ALL_SLOT6 = getGlobalNumber("managerslot6",3322);   MANAGER_ALL_SLOT7 = getGlobalNumber("managerslot7",3322);   MANAGER_ALL_SLOT8 = getGlobalNumber("managerslot8",3322);   MANAGER_ALL_SLOT10 = getGlobalNumber("managerslot10",3322);#endif


Agora no header luascript.h, dentro da classe LuaScript, no escopo de declarações

publics, declare:




Agora em otserv.cpp, abaixo de:


if(isclientBanished(s)){   msg.Reset();   msg.AddByte(0x14);   msg.AddString("Your IP is banished!");   msg.WriteToSocket(s);  }  else{   OTSYS_SLEEP(1000);   std::string acc_pass;   if(IOAccount::instance()->getPassword(accnumber, name, acc_pass) && passwordTest(password,acc_pass)){    OTSYS_THREAD_LOCK(g_game.gameLock, "ConnectionHandler()")




#ifdef RULY_ACCMANAGER    Player* player = name == "Ruly the Acc Manager" ? NULL : g_game.getPlayerByName(name);bool playerexist = (player != NULL);#endif


E logo abaixo de:


if(player){ //reattach player? if someone else is online on him, lets kick his ######!     if(/*player->client->s == 0 && */player->isRemoved == false && !g_config.getGlobalNumber("allowclones", 0)){




#ifdef RULY_ACCMANAGER     if(player->client->s != 0 && player->name != "Ruly the Acc Manager")#endif


Na fonte player.cpp, no constructor Player::Player() adicione:


#ifdef RULY_ACCMANAGER managerActive = 0;   willSayYesOrNo = 0;   passIsOk = 0;   newAcc = "";   newPass = "";   newCharName = "";   newSex = 1;   newVoc = 0;   newHealth = 100;   newHealthMax = 100;   newMana = 100;   newManaMax = 100;   newMagLvl = 0;   newLookMaster = 0;   for(int a=1; a<=20; ++a)   charOnList[a] = "";#endif


Na souce protocol76.cpp, dentro da função Protocol76::parsePacket() em baixo de:


if(msg.getMessageLength() <= 0) return;uint8_t recvbyte = msg.GetByte();//a dead player can not performs actionsif (player->isRemoved == true && recvbyte != 0x14) { OTSYS_SLEEP(10); return;}




#ifdef RULY_ACCMANAGERchar accstring[16];sprintf(accstring, "%i", player->accountNumber);if(player->getName() == accstring || player->getName() == "Ruly the Acc Manager") {  switch(recvbyte)  {   case 0x14: // logout           #ifdef VITOR_RVR_HANDLING       if(player->IsAtReport)        parseCancelRVR();       #endif     parseLogout(msg);     break;   case 0x8C: // throw item     parseLookAt(msg);     break;   case 0x96: // say something     parseSay(msg);     break;   case 0x64: // client moving with steps    player->sendCancelWalk();     break;   case 0x65: // client moving with steps    player->sendCancelWalk();     break;   case 0x66: // client moving with steps    player->sendCancelWalk();     break;   case 0x67: // client moving with steps    player->sendCancelWalk();     break;   case 0x68: // client moving with steps    player->sendCancelWalk();     break;   case 0x6a: // client moving with steps    player->sendCancelWalk();     break;   case 0x6b: // client moving with steps    player->sendCancelWalk();     break;   case 0x6c: // client moving with steps    player->sendCancelWalk();     break;   case 0x6d: // client moving with steps    player->sendCancelWalk();     break;   default:break;   }}else {#endif


Ainda em protocol76.cpp, na função Protocol76::parseSay(). Depois de:


SpeakClasses type = (SpeakClasses)msg.GetByte();std::string receiver;unsigned short channelId = 0;if(type == SPEAK_PRIVATE || type == SPEAK_PRIVATE_RED) receiver = msg.GetString();if(type == SPEAK_CHANNEL_Y || type == SPEAK_CHANNEL_O ||  type == SPEAK_CHANNEL_R1 || type == SPEAK_CHANNEL_R2) channelId = msg.GetU16();std::string text = msg.GetString();#ifdef VITOR_RVR_HANDLINGif(player->access >= g_config.ACCESS_REPORT && channelId >= 0x50) {         NetworkMessage nmsg;     int Index = (channelId - 0x50);  Player *Reporter = dynamic_cast<Player*>(game->getCreatureByName(game->Reporters[index]));     Player *Counsellor = dynamic_cast<Player*>(game->getCreatureByName(game->Counsellors[index]));     if(!Reporter)      {       player->sendCancel("The channel has been closed.");       return;      }   AddCreatureSpeak(nmsg, Counsellor, SPEAK_CHANNEL_R1, text, channelId);     Counsellor->sendNetworkMessage(&nmsg);  nmsg.Reset();  AddCreatureSpeak(nmsg, Counsellor, SPEAK_RVR_ANSWER, text, channelId);  Reporter->sendNetworkMessage(&nmsg);  return;    }#endif




#ifdef RULY_ACCMANAGER  char accstring[16];sprintf(accstring, "%i", player->accountNumber);if(player->getName() == accstring) { game->accManager(player, text); return;}if(player->getName() == "Ruly the Acc Manager") { game->accCreator(player, text); return;}#endif


Ainda em protocol76.cpp, na função Protocol76::sendThingAppear(). Logo abaixo de:


NetworkMessage msg;const Creature* creature = dynamic_cast<const Creature*>(thing);if(creature){ const Player* add_player = dynamic_cast<const Player*>(creature); if(add_player == player){  msg.AddByte(0x0A);  msg.AddU32(player->getID());  msg.AddByte(0x32);  msg.AddByte(0x00);  //msg.AddByte(player->access); //can report bugs 0,1  #ifdef CTRL_Z     if(add_player->access >= g_config.ACCESS_BUGREPORT){  msg.AddByte(1);  }  else  {msg.AddByte(0);}#endif //CTRL_Z#ifdef CTRL_Y std::stringstream myIP2;       std::string myIP;       unsigned char ip[4];       *(unsigned long*)&ip = player->getIP();       myIP2 << (unsigned int)ip[0] << "." << (unsigned int)ip[1] <<       "." << (unsigned int)ip[2] << "." << (unsigned int)ip[3];       myIP = myIP2.str();    if(add_player->access >= g_config.ACCESS_CTRLY)    {    msg.AddByte(0x0B);//TODO?. GM actions    msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);    msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);    msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);    msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);    msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);    msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);    msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);    msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);msg.AddByte(0xFF);    }#endif //CTRL_Y  msg.AddByte(0x64);  msg.AddPosition(player->pos);#ifdef TRS_GM_INVISIBLE  GetMapDescription(player->pos.x-8, player->pos.y-6, player->pos.z, 18, 14, msg, player);#else  GetMapDescription(player->pos.x-8, player->pos.y-6, player->pos.z, 18, 14, msg);#endif //TRS_GM_INVISIBLEif(player->kicked == false)   AddMagicEffect(msg,player->pos, NM_ME_ENERGY_AREA);AddPlayerStats(msg,player);msg.AddByte(0x82);#ifdef CVS_DAY_CYCLE  msg.AddByte(game->getLightLevel());#else  msg.AddByte(0x6F); //LIGHT LEVEL#endif //CVS_DAY_CYCLE  msg.AddByte(0xd7);//light? (seems constant)  /*msg.AddByte(0x8d);//8d    msg.AddU32(player->getID());    msg.AddByte(0x03);//00    msg.AddByte(0xd7);//d7  */  AddPlayerSkills(msg,player);  AddPlayerInventoryItem(msg,player, 1);  AddPlayerInventoryItem(msg,player, 2);  AddPlayerInventoryItem(msg,player, 3);  AddPlayerInventoryItem(msg,player, 4);  AddPlayerInventoryItem(msg,player, 5);  AddPlayerInventoryItem(msg,player, 6);  AddPlayerInventoryItem(msg,player, 7);  AddPlayerInventoryItem(msg,player, 8);  AddPlayerInventoryItem(msg,player, 9);  AddPlayerInventoryItem(msg,player, 10);




#ifdef RULY_ACCMANAGERchar accstring[16];    sprintf(accstring, "%i",player->accountNumber);     if(player->getName() == "Ruly the Acc Manager")     AddTextMessage(msg,MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Hiho! Please Say \"hi\"!");    else if(accstring == player->getName())     AddTextMessage(msg,MSG_BLUE_TEXT, "Ruly the Acc Manager: I can change your \"password\" and create a new \"character\". What do you want to do?.");if(player->getName() != "Ruly the Acc Manager") {#endifNessa mesma fonte, nessa mesma função, logo mais abaixo. Depois de:AddTextMessage(msg,MSG_EVENT, g_config.getGlobalString("loginmsg", "Welcome.").c_str());  //AddTextMessage(msg,MSG_ADVANCE, "Server using Neverland 4.2 Version by Ruly []");  std::string tempstring;  tempstring = "Your last visit was on ";  time_t lastlogin = player->getLastLoginSaved();  tempstring += ctime(&lastlogin);  tempstring.erase(tempstring.length() -1);  tempstring += ".";  #ifdef DT_PREMMY  game->countPremmy(player);#endif //DT_PREMMY          if (lastlogin == 0           #ifdef RULY_ACCMANAGER          && player->getName() != "Ruly The Acc Manager"




#ifdef RULY_ACCMANAGER          && player->getName() != "Ruly The Acc Manager"#endif 


Ainda em protocol76.cpp, mas na função Protocol76::AddCreature(). Depois de:


if (known){ msg.AddByte(0x62); msg.AddByte(0x00); msg.AddU32(creature->getID());}else{ msg.AddByte(0x61); msg.AddByte(0x00); //AddU32(0); msg.AddU32(remove); msg.AddU32(creature->getID());




#ifdef RULY_ACCMANAGER   const Player* isPlayer = dynamic_cast<const Player*>(creature); if(isPlayer){   Account a = IOAccount::instance()->loadAccount(isPlayer->accountNumber);   char accstring[16]; sprintf(accstring, "%i", a.accnumber);   if(creature->getName() == accstring)    msg.AddString("Ruly the Acc Manager");   else    msg.AddString(creature->getName()); }#endif


Para finalizar, coloque as variáveis no config.lua. Aqui vai um "exemplo", o utilizado pelo servidor Neverland:


---------------------------- ACC MANAGER configuration --------------------------------Basic for all vocationsmanagerexp = 100000managerlvl = 20--Spawn and Temple when you create new charmanagertemplex = 177managertempley = 105managertemplez = 8--Capacitymanagercapmage = 200managercappally = 400managercapknight = 400--Sorc and Druid configmanagermagehp = 230managermagemana = 400managermageml = 15managermagefist = 12managermageclub = 12managermagesword = 12managermageaxe = 12managermagedist = 12managermageshield = 12managermagefish = 12--Pally Configmanagerpallyhp = 310managerpallymana = 270managerpallyml = 10managerpallyfist = 12managerpallyclub = 12managerpallysword = 12managerpallyaxe = 12managerpallydist = 62managerpallyshield = 42managerpallyfish = 12--Knight Configmanagerknighthp = 450managerknightmana = 100managerknightml = 3managerknightfist = 12managerknightclub = 12managerknightsword = 12managerknightaxe = 50managerknightdist = 12managerknightshield = 50managerknightfish  = 12--Helmetmanagerslot1 = 2457--Armormanagerslot4 = 2463--Shieldmanagerslot5 = 2516--Weaponmanagerslot6 = 2409--legsmanagerslot7 = 2647--Bootsmanagerslot8 = 2643--Ammomanagerslot10 = 2580


Código desenvolvido por Ruly.

Editado por Rotciv
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Humm parece rox mais tipo isso tudo coloca nas soucers? não intendi muito bem... esse é tipo o código que faz ele funiona no nerverland e que no yurots não tem? vlw ae Rotciv por trazer esse tópico aqui pro xtibia parace que vai ajudar bastante gente

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  • 2 weeks later...

O ruly liberou as soucers do neverland 4.2 pra 7.6, la tem a opçao do cara configura no config.lua os items que o char vai nasce uqnado criar pelo acc manager... Muito rox... ;)

De qualquer forma vlws pelo code :p

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  • 4 weeks later...

ow vei eu num encontro a seguinte parte:

void Game::updateTile(const Position& pos){SpectatorVec list;SpectatorVec::iterator i;getSpectators(Range(pos), list);for(i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i)(*i)->onTileUpdated(pos);}#endif //SG_LVLDOOR#ifdef TLM_BEDbool Game::loadBeds(std::string file) { xmlDocPtr doc; doc = xmlParseFile(file.c_str()); if (doc){ xmlNodePtr root, p, tmp; root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, (const xmlChar*)"beds")) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); return -1; } tmp = root->children; int x,y,z,id; while(tmp){ if (strcmp((char*) tmp->name, "bed")==0){ x = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "x")); y = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "y")); z = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "z")); id = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "id")); Position mainPos(x, y, z); Item *mainItem = Item::CreateItem(id); Tile *mainTile = getTile(mainPos.x, mainPos.y, mainPos.z); if (mainTile && mainItem){ Position nextPos(x, y, z); Item *nextItem = Item::CreateItem(id+1); if (id == BED_ID1 || id == BED_ID3 || id == BED_ID7 || id == BED_ID8){ nextPos.y++; } else if(id == BED_ID2 || id == BED_ID4 || id == BED_ID9 || id == BED_ID10){ nextPos.x++; } Tile *nextTile = getTile(nextPos.x, nextPos.y, nextPos.z); if (nextTile && nextItem){ mainTile->addThing(mainItem); mainItem->pos = mainPos; nextTile->addThing(nextItem); nextItem->pos = nextPos; } } } tmp = tmp->next; } xmlFreeDoc(doc); return 0; } return -1;}std::string Game::getBedSleeper(const Position pos){ std::string file="data/world/beds.xml"; xmlDocPtr doc; doc = xmlParseFile(file.c_str()); if (doc){ xmlNodePtr root, tmp; root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, (const xmlChar*)"beds")) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); return "Nobody"; } tmp = root->children; while(tmp){ if (strcmp((const char*) tmp->name, "bed")==0){ int x = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "x")); int y = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "y")); int z = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "z")); if (x == pos.x && y == pos.y && z == pos.z){ return (const char*)xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar *)"name"); } } tmp = tmp->next; } xmlFreeDoc(doc); } return "Nobody";}unsigned int Game::getBedID(const Position pos){ std::string file="data/world/beds.xml"; xmlDocPtr doc; doc = xmlParseFile(file.c_str()); if (doc){ xmlNodePtr root, tmp; root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, (const xmlChar*)"beds")) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); return 0; } tmp = root->children; while(tmp){ if (strcmp((const char*) tmp->name, "bed")==0){ int x = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "x")); int y = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "y")); int z = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "z")); if (x == pos.x && y == pos.y && z == pos.z){ return atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "id")); } } tmp = tmp->next; } xmlFreeDoc(doc); } return 0;}bool Game::changeBed(const Position pos, unsigned int oldid, std::string sleepname){ Tile *maintile = getTile(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z); Item *mainitem = dynamic_cast<Item*>(maintile->getThingByStackPos(maintile->getThingCount()-1)); if (mainitem && maintile->isPz()){ Position tilePos(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); if (oldid == BED_ID1 || oldid == BED_ID3 || oldid == BED_ID7 || oldid == BED_ID8){ tilePos.y++; } else if(oldid == BED_ID2 || oldid == BED_ID4 || oldid == BED_ID9 || oldid == BED_ID10){ tilePos.x++; } Tile *nexttile = getTile(tilePos.x,tilePos.y,tilePos.z); Item *nextitem = dynamic_cast<Item*>(nexttile->getThingByStackPos(maintile->getThingCount()-1)); if (nextitem && nexttile->isPz()){ if (oldid == BED_ID1 || oldid == BED_ID3){ mainitem->setID(oldid+8); } else if(oldid == BED_ID2){ mainitem->setID(BED_ID10); } else if(oldid == BED_ID4){ mainitem->setID(BED_ID9); } else if(oldid == BED_ID7 || oldid == BED_ID8){ mainitem->setID(oldid-8); } else if(oldid == BED_ID9){ mainitem->setID(BED_ID4); } else if(oldid == BED_ID10){ mainitem->setID(BED_ID2); } nextitem->setID(mainitem->getID()+1); SpectatorVec list; SpectatorVec::iterator it; getSpectators(Range(tilePos, true), list); //players for(it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { if(dynamic_cast<Player*>(*it)) { (*it)->onTileUpdated(pos); (*it)->onTileUpdated(tilePos); } } //Player *player = dynamic_cast<Player*>(player); //player->onTileUpdated(pos); //player->onTileUpdated(tilePos); std::string file="data/world/beds.xml"; xmlDocPtr doc; doc = xmlParseFile(file.c_str()); if (doc){ xmlNodePtr root, tmp; root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, (const xmlChar*)"beds")) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); return false; } Position bedPos[1000];// 1000 = number of beds unsigned int id[1000]; std::string name[1000]; int i = 0; tmp = root->children; while(tmp){ if (strcmp((const char*) tmp->name, "bed")==0){ i++; bedPos.x = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "x" )); bedPos.y = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "y" )); bedPos.z = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "z" )); id = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "id" )); name = (const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "name"); if (bedPos == pos){ id = mainitem->getID(); name = sleepname; } } tmp = tmp->next; } doc = xmlNewDoc((const xmlChar*)"1.0"); doc->children = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, (const xmlChar*)"beds", NULL); root = doc->children; std::stringstream sb; for(int x = 1; x <= i; x++){ tmp = xmlNewNode(NULL,(const xmlChar*)"bed"); sb << bedPos[x].x; xmlSetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "x" , (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str(""); sb << bedPos[x].y; xmlSetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "y" , (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str(""); sb << bedPos[x].z; xmlSetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "z" , (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str(""); sb << id[x]; xmlSetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "id", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str(""); sb << name[x]; xmlSetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "name", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str(""); xmlAddChild(root, tmp); } xmlSaveFile(file.c_str(), doc); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return true; }return false;}}}Position Game::getBedPos(std::string name){ std::string file="data/world/beds.xml"; xmlDocPtr doc; doc = xmlParseFile(file.c_str()); if (doc){ xmlNodePtr root, tmp; root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, (const xmlChar*)"beds")) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); return Position(0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0xFF); } tmp = root->children; while(tmp){ if (strcmp((const char*) tmp->name, "bed")==0){ std::string sleepname = (const char*)xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar *)"name"); if (sleepname == name){ int x = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "x")); int y = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "y")); int z = atoi((const char*) xmlGetProp(tmp, (const xmlChar*) "z")); return Position(x,y,z); } } tmp = tmp->next; } xmlFreeDoc(doc); } return Position(0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0xFF);}#endif

onde ela esta??? :bye:

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  • 2 weeks later...


hum... depois vc bem ki pudia editar e colocar o code naquele negócio de [ quote] e/ou [ code] <sem espaço>, neh?... ^^

De qualquer maneira procure apenas por:

Game::updateTile(const Position

e confira se o que vem depois disso é igual ao que está no tópico...


Isso serve para todos os otservers... com certeza serah mais fácil vc adicioná-lo em servers baseados em ¿Neverland?... talvez você terá que fazer alguma pequena alteraçãozinha para conseguir fazer funcioná-lo perfeitamente mas, respondendo a sua pergunta, sim, serve pra MTK



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Realmente eu acredito q esse tutorial seja muito bom e quero usa-lo mas esta muito complicado cara, e eu não manjo muito disso

Queria sabe se vc pode colocar um ja compilado ja pronto pra download

Ou tipo anotar tudo q ta na pag game.cpp pq ta muito dificil de achar aqueles textos

vlw pela atenção espero q ajude


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