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Servfull 3.3, Carlin 8.5 100% / Guild War Outfit System


Posts Recomendados

- New Quests

- SDs same as on rl tibia

- New Monsters of 8.5 to respawn.

- New Houses

- Addons working

- Married-Outfit

- FireWalker Boots-100%.

- Added Items 8.50 100%.

- Added Change Log

- Soft Boots working

- Dual-Hit

- NPC System-100% ..

- Questdoors.

- New areas to hunt

- Respawn of Medusa added

- Demon Oak Quest, 100%.

- Guardian Halberd Quest.

- Some houses, with new walls.

- New Outfit-(King).

- Inquisition, 100%

- Improving the respawn of the Hydras Bog Raider

- Grim reapers without bugs

- Bless NPC-100%

- New 8.5 magic

- New icon of red swords (PZ lock)

- Ferumbras-Tower (Same as on real Tibia) now completed and with the way to go there

- Now Sudden Death (SD) after giving her hit leaves animation of Death

- The Amazon Camp remapped

- Now the player can recharge your Soft Boots and Boots FireWalker by clicking on the worn ones.

- Area of Vampires.

- Area of Infernalists.

- Seals in POI same as on rl tibia

- Quest-for those who do FireWalker Boots Demon Helmet Quest.

- Rune 'Wild Growth' as on real Tibia.

- Most houses in cities.

- More-influencing player to play PVP Server.

- Buffing icon status.




- More Stability of Server.

- Server clean every 2 hours

- Added respawn of Pharaoh in Nargor.

- Added Great Shield Quest.

- New respawn of Behemoth in Nargor.

- Full-Added Yalahar City

- Added the Captain Eddy to bring the player to Yalahar.

- Now the players can buy potions in BPS and Runes using the "Buy with backpacks" in NPC Dark Rodo!

- Helmet of The Ancients Quest

- Added to the Obsidian Knife Quest

- Added the system !Ranks without bugs!

- Improving the Architecture of the City.

- Now the player can use a small ruby to enchant Helmet of the Ancients

- Added the NPC Bank without bugs.

- Some other minor bugs removed



* Carlin

* AB'Dendriel

* Kazordoon

* Port Hope

* Edron

* Ankrahmun

* Venore

* New Island

* Svargrond

* Ilha Dos Eventos

* Thais

* Yalahar





* Banshee Quest -- (LV 60)

* Demon Helmet -- (LV 100)

* Anihilator -- (LV 100)

* Ancient Helmet -- (LV 100)

* DSM -- (LV 95)

* Demona Quest -- (LV 80)

* RH -- (LV 30)

* Behe Quest -- (LV 80)

* Ring of the sky -- (LV 85)

* Bright Sowrd -- (LV 45)

* Banshee Quest -- (LV 60)

* Crown Legs -- (LV 8)

* Blue <> BOH <> SS -- (LV 60)

* Warlock Quest -- (LV 70)

* Knight Armor -- (LV 8)

* Teddy Bear -- (LV 135)

* Mms and Giant Sword -- (LV 100)

* Fire Sowrd -- (LV 20)

* Warrior Helmet -- (LV 8)

* 4 Itens Raros -- (LV 210)

<> Crystal Arrow

<> Gold Ring

<> Dragon Scale Legs

<> Great Shield

<> Magic Plate Armor

<> Great Axe

<> Horned Helmet

<> Golden Boots

* POI (Pits of Inferno) -- (LV 100)

<> Avenger

<> 100 platinum coins

<> Frozen Starlight

<> Boots of Waterwalking

<> Stuffed Dragon

<> Sprite Wand

<> Arbalest

* The Inquisition Quest. -- (LV 100)

<> Royal Crossbow

<> Warsinger Bow

<> Spellbook of Dark Mysteries

<> Emerald Sword

<> Hellforged Axe

<> Obsidian Truncheon

<> Master Archer's Armor

<> Fireborn Giant Armor

<> Robe of The Underworld

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