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Créditos: Codex NG Athern function Player:getCustomSkill(storage) return self:getStorageValue(storage) end function Player:addCustomSkill(skillName, storage) local skillStorage = math.max(10, self:getStorageValue(storage)) local skillTries = math.max(0, self:getStorageValue(storage + 1)) self:setStorageValue(storage, skillStorage + 1) self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You advanced to " .. string.lower(skillName) .. " level "..self:getCustomSkill(storage)..".") self:setStorageValue(storage + 1, 0) end function Player:addCustomSkillTry(skillName, storage) local skillStorage = math.max(10, self:getStorageValue(storage)) local skillTries = math.max(0, self:getStorageValue(storage + 1)) self:setStorageValue(storage + 1, skillTries + 1) if skillTries > math.floor(20 * math.pow(1.1, (skillStorage - 11)) / 10) then self:addCustomSkill(skillName, storage) end end function Player:getCustomSkillPercent(storage) local skillStorage = math.max(10, self:getStorageValue(storage)) local skillTries = math.max(0, self:getStorageValue(storage + 1)) local triesNeeded = math.floor(20 * math.pow(1.1, (skillStorage - 11)) / 10) local percent = math.floor(100 * (1 - skillTries / triesNeeded)) if percent > 1 and percent <= 100 then return percent else percent = 1 return percent end end Usando a magia "Haste" como um exemplo, você vai ter que aplicar sua própria formula de aumento de dano, velocidade, etc... local name = "haste" local storage = 15000 local combat = Combat() combat:setParameter(COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN) combat:setParameter(COMBAT_PARAM_AGGRESSIVE, 0) local function x(creature, var) local condition = Condition(CONDITION_HASTE) condition:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 33000) condition:setFormula(0.3, -24, 0.3, -24) combat:setCondition(condition) creature:addCustomSkillTry(name, storage) return combat:execute(creature, var) end function onCastSpell(creature, var) return x(creature, var) end 22:08 You advanced to haste level 11. 22:09 You advanced to haste level 12.