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Tudo que Xiuris postou

  1. &Servidor SQL.[War] Creditos: Gesior Citação: all OpenTibia authors for engine all The Forgotten Server authors for stable engine with many features Gesior for war features like map change, udead players, characters, map, level limit Servidor Retirado da OTfans / Downloads / Distros Features: 5 maps [Fibula, Venore, Edron, Thais, "Sahara - open battle" - all modified for war server, auto change map every X minutes (config), you can add you maps 250 characters from 6 RL Tibia worlds(125 vs 125 players), 2 teams, 3 worlds vs. 3 worlds auto balance (login 1/1 - auto choose team) team mode - player can't attack/hit his teammates great spells/vocations/items config - balanced vocations, no Ue spam all time, knights don't die like noobs level limit and all players outfit in config.lua old runes/MFs (not potions, but give 200-380 mana), new knight&pall hits by weapons(high), all 8.1 spells some extra effects when kill, BP SSA for every kill (players don't drop loot ) Citação: Tradução dos Itens Acima: # São No Total 5 mapas - [Fibula, Venore, Edron, Thais, Sahara] Os Mapas mudam a Cada X Minutos (configurar). #São No Total 250 Characters. #Times Balanciados Entra na Acc 1/1 e eh levado para um Time (ramdom) #Modo de Time,você Não pode atacar membros do seu Time (configurar) #Limite de Lvl configuravel. #Quando Você Morre Não Dropa Nada.E sim você eh teleportado para o Templo Instantaneamente Quando sua Life Chega a 0. ########Tradução Por Min , WEBSpider########### GM Commands Citação: !map "id - change map to map with ID X (value 1-5) !frags and !kills -show player his stats !teams - show stats of teams and teams names, autobroadcast every map change, reset teams score when map change !top5 - if player say that - it show him top 5 fraggers list, if GM - broadcast this list, auto broadcast every 5 min (LUA scripts) /b "yourtext - broadcast msg /kick "name - kick player /ghost - GM disappear, players can move thru him, don't see him/when he teleport, just see text when he talk Downloads 1# #Rapidshare Download #2 #EasyShare Download #3 #Link Direto Citação: Gamemaster account: Login: 22 Password: gmaccount Character: Hoster Gesior Este Server Agora vem com uma versão SqLite o substituto do XML não precisa de nada para roda-lo pois os players ficam salvos em war.s3db você só precisa de um sqlite manager para poder editar o war.s3db pois os players ficam salvos nele. Download do Editor da database sqlite Selecione a database war.s3db Agora Entre Na tables Players/accounts para mudar as Configurações do seu GM/GOD OU Characters Normais __________________ → Download do Melhor Servidor Enforced! 8.11 Clique Aqui!
  2. Tpw Fico um poko tosko mais o tibia é rpg ele tpw é assim ele vai se evoluindo criando mais coisas curiosas Tem uns que nao gosta tem uns que gosta intaum Porfavor respeitar o gosto das outras pessoas ao seu lado nao chinga ele antes de saber ! Flws Espero que leia e Respeito Xau Bye
  3. Xiuris

    Yurots Rox

    Ola Xtibiano ---Sem Virus-- ---Mais Porfavor Colocar Creditos..-- ---Mapa Limpo Aprovado---
  4. tpw nao sei mais add meu msn que te passo ele pelo msn
  5. Nao ripei nao pq fiz dois post =/ nao sabia que eu ja tinha akele tinha esquecido
  6. Xiuris

    [8.1]dorion 8.1

    50% by me,e 50% by equipe dorion Gente eu passei o nosso querido amigo de sempre Dorion para a versao 8.1,eu editei algumas coisas,como: Sistema de praia Armas 8.1 Critical Damage New monsters New Npcs New spells New Ids New Comandos New scripts New Potions editei algumas cidades do mappa + no ot ja aviao muitas: Cidade de Gelo Cidade de areia Cidade das Hydras Cidade Principal Cidade do Fogo Quests do ot: * Banshee Quest -- (LV 60) * Demon Helmet -- (LV 100) * Anihilator -- (LV 100) * Ancient Helmet -- (LV 100) * DSM -- (LV 95) * Demona Quest -- (LV 80) * RH -- (LV 30) * Behe Quest -- (LV 80) * Ring of the skies -- (LV 85) * Bright Sowrd -- (LV 45) * Banshee Quest -- (LV 60) * Crown Legs -- (LV 8) * Blue <> BOH <> SS -- (LV 60) * Warlock Quest -- (LV 70) * Knight Armor -- (LV 8) * Teddy Bear -- (LV 135) * Mms and Giant Sword -- (LV 100) * Fire Sowrd -- (LV 20) * Warrior Helmet -- (LV 8) * 4 Itens Raros -- (LV 210) O ot tbm ja possuia uma igreja,um dp,e treiners. Praticamente eu o passei para a versao 8.1 + mesmo assim ta d+ Link Rapdishare by me (Xiuris) so clicar aki nessa frase(link atualizado) Quem gostar doa ot$ plxxxxxx t+ cortesia de Xiruis____________________________________ Tente não pisar nos outros na hora que vc subir,pois eles sertamente estarão la na hora em que vc descer Flwwww MSN SERVEMAX@HOTMAIL.COM
  7. Sem SS sem scan nem comento muito sobre o mapa ah manin Desculpe ~~Reprovado~~
  8. AhAh dps fala de mon que eu copio de outro forum hehehe !
  9. Nome:FerOTS 0.6 Type: Feito para War e para PVP-Enforced normal Creditos:Está ali embaixo Eu apenas estou colocando o FerOTS 0.6 aqui para versão 8.1, ele vem com score adicionado por mim da versão antiga para essa Oque tem de novo? Release 0.3 Notes: Server is based on Evolutions Server 0.7.8 by Xidaozu and is using protocol 7.92. Comes with detailed and a bit modified Edron map. Contains about 100 characters from recent Lunara war, characters are very detailed with random equipments, they real statistics from the day it has been made. Damage of the spells has been modified and is more tibia-like. Generally many things has been done, or just been modified. Features: Team mode - disallow to attack players from the same account [Ferrus] Can't change outfit [Evolution Server] Automatic Team Selection [Hotserv Server, Ferrus] You can see your frags in soul points place [sesef] You can't add anyone to VIP list to prevent char thiefing [Ferrus] PvP-Enforced with Skulls [Ferrus] You see Ferrus. He is a sorcerer. He has 25 frag(s). Experiance for killing lower level [Ferrus] Command /clean also cleans trashed houses, I found it useful for my server [Ferrus] Fixed machete [Ravalas] Grass, water, tar and etc. randomizer [Zorzin Server] Magic Wall bug fixed [Ferrus] Online/Offline in account box is configureable [Ferrus] Skull system is kinda changed for the needs of this server [Ferrus] Record of players online [Loos!k] Command !online improvements, it shows how many players and gamemasters are online [HotServ Server] Known Bugs: First Attack seems not to work properly Your shielding blocks only 1 player, if more will attack you then you will recive hits on armor Doors can push players out of protection zone Release 0.4: Notes: Server is based on one of the latest SVN (REVISION 2472) and is using protocol 8.0. Comes with characters from already released Newbwar and Lunarawar. So if you decide to use one of them, you need first recopy them to the players file, same as with accounts. Most likely spells are working correctly, all have old damage formula, but you can change it in vocations.xml. Some scripts added for doors, fixed some effects like on manafluids and some spells. Generally many things has been changed, but can't think of all of them. Features: Team mode system [Ferrus] Can't change outfit [Ferrus] Can't add new vips [Ferrus] Push delay configureable [Ferrus] Frags in soul points [Ferrus] Score counter [Ferrus] Map randomizer [Zorzin Server] Automatic Team Selection [HotServ Server, Ferrus] PvP-Enforced with Skulls [Chefim] Online/Offline [xiuris] Record of players online [Loos!k] Command !online [HotServ Server] Commands /up & /down [Xidaozu] Command /clean [Xidaozu] Party System [TNA] Walk-To [The Forgotten Server] Jiddo NPC system [Jiddo] 2 players getting unjustfied warning [Ferrus] Frags for red skull in config [Ferrus] PZ time when you kill player in config [Ferrus] Additional multipliers in vocations.xml [Ferrus, TFS] Known Bugs: None has been reported so far. Release 0.5 Notes: This version is the continuation of the 0.4, however so many things has been changed up there, that it turned out to be unstable. Features: Revised network system [sVN] Auto map clean every 1 hour [Ferrus] Exp for killing lower levels [Ferrus] Infinite runes and ammo [Ferrus] You see Player. He is a sorcerer. He has 25 frags. [Ferrus] Anti-AFK [Ferrus, The Forgotten Server] Better death delay(?) [Ferrus] Command !rules [Zorzin Server] Command !report [Zorzin Server] Command /invisible [The Chaos] Secure Mode [pregusia] Known Bugs: Teleporting to a player, while being invisible, causes players debug Cleaning somehow crashes the server Release 0.6: Notes: This version has been based on latest Avesta (with the day it has been released). It already consist features like party system, walk-to, bed system and many other. Also the protocol it's using is 8.10 and what comes with it, most of Tibia features from that version are also included. Additionally the XML support has been added (though, you still can use SQL if you can recompile the server). Features: Team mode - you can't attack people from same account, also your team is receiving 20% of the spell/runes damage [Ferrus] You can't add vips [Ferrus] You can't change outfit [Ferrus] Death delay [Ferrus] Manafluids for hotkeys [Ferrus] Anti Afk [Ferrus] Record of Players online [LooS!k] Automatic team selection [Ferrus] Online/Offline in account box [Ferrus] Additional multipliers in vocations.xml [Ferrus, TFS] Map cleaning [Nfries88, Xidaozu] Score Counter [Ferrus,nickobom] Known Bugs: None has been reported so far. Download: Lembrando esse mapa ja tinha no xtibia ai meu amigo pediu pra min postar pra ele creditos tbm dele!
  10. Bug Npc facim de arrumar eu aconselho arrumar no mapa editor! Tbm corre risco dos npc sumi na pasta data ai vc vai baixar outro ot e passa a pasta npc pra pasta desse ot!
  11. Aew Shynzo esse ai eu ja tinha aki esse nao copiei ta?e tem outras meus que nao copiei TA VO POSTAR MEU MAPA EDITOR
  12. 8.10]zorzelves-OT [v 0.3][up-lvl] *Mapa zorzin Adicionado (By Me) *Novas Ropas (8.1) (By Andre Milles) *Novas Magias (8.1) (By Me) *Novos Monstros (8.1) (By Andre Milles) *Graficos (8.1) (By SVN) *Account Manager 100%... (By Me) *Editado areas 100%... (By Me) *Novas areas... (By Me) *Consertado quests 100%... (By Me) *Tirado bugs e debugs 100%... (By Me) *Npc de barco 100%... (By Zorzin) *Fallow System 100% (SVN) *Adicionado Todos Os Effects (By SVN) *Sistema de natação (By Aries 4.0) *Sistema de atk com elemento (By thyrania) *Sistema de encantar ekps (thyrania) *POI diferente by my. *Executador By Aries 4.0 DownloaD: LINK ARRUMADO. oq está novo??? SISTEMA DE ENCANTAR SMAL E ARMAS. ARMAS COM ATK ELEMENTAL. NPCS DE BARCO E OUTROS. POI. Areas d"baixo d,agua funcionando. TEMPLE. PORTAIS DE ENCANTAR TODOS TEM UM TELEPORT PARA A AREA DE ENCANTAR SMALL. AREA DE NATAÇÃO,SCRIPT BY ARIES 4.0 agradecimentos: ARIES THYRANIA ZORZIN DUVIDAS??? ADD MEU MSN:
  13. Novo world war (world war modificado por mim) MAPAS = VENORE e THAIS Menos debugs Mais equilibrado Chars atualizados Novo time 4/4 Novos oufits Agora mapa eh OTBM todos os chars nascem certo agora **Tops do global em times 1/1 ate 7/7 igual o normal a vantagem que estão nos leveis reais, mais balanceado (agora nao tem aquele tanto de char que nao serviam de nada).... ** Sao 14 players para cada acc, sendo todos fortes, evitando assim aquele aglomerado de verdes que to cansado de ver... ** Time 4/4 agora é celesta ** Oufits diferentes, mais bonitos. ** Como nao achei as sources do server so arrumei os chars msm e os oufits (oque foi mto chato, calcular a mana, hp e exp de todos os chars um por um) ** Proxima atualização vou por opção de escolher entre venore e outros que vcs sugerirem, alem disso outros times, mas por enquanto eh por isso msm... ** Itens especiais na anni Features (by Danger II) Citação:*- *- Congratulations! You pwned..... - Added *- Utevo lux at login via CreatureScripts now *- Push delay downgraded *- Online / Offline shown in character list *- Perfect Doors added *- Removed /sellhouse for players (only gms can use) *- Players.xml fixed - all chars in there *- Attacking speed in XML *- Fixed the actually frag state at killing player *- getplayerFrag added *- doPlayerRemoveFrag added (to remove frags)example: doPlayerRemoveFrag(cid,-10) *- doPlayerAddFrag added (to add frags) example: doPlayerAddFrag(cid,10) *- If you dont have enough mana for a spell you will get the information how much mana it cost *- doPlayerSaySpell added and works 100% *- /clean has been added! *- Converted the Server into Protcol 8.1 *- /up and /down has been added *- /check has been added *- destroy field has been fixed *- !online has been added *- Characters can have now more then 500 Frags Download (venore) ou Download (thais) ou Download (Sources) By Xiuris
  14. [8.1][PVP-Enforced] Plazer Olá Galerinha. Venho aqui para traser meu otserver pvp-enforced. Bem, vou explicar para vocês tudo que o OT possui, o que eu modifiquei nele, etc. Características: ~>Mapa de Edron (Bem modificado na minha opinião) ~>Mana Rune (Com magia para conjurar. "adevo mana rune") ~>Itens Editados (São eles: Demon Armor com 30% de magic atak | Fur Boots com 100% de speed | Pirate Boots com 200% de speed ||| Ps: Aconcelho usar as botas como item para evento) ~>Arcane Staff (Arrumada) ~>Pits Of Inferno ~>Anihilator 1 ~>Anihilator 2 ~>Entre Outros... Bem, agora vamos ao Download: O link do server completo vem com uma dll não reconhecida pelo avast, então se não quiser baixar o server completo vou disponibilsar apenas a pasta data para vocês também. Server Completo: Plazer Enforced (Completo) Pasta Data: Plazer Enforced (Data) Créditos: ~~~~>*Handfire (Eu) ~~~~>*Neobabi (No OT Que Eu Peguei Tinha Créditos Para Ele Também) ~~~~>*Auditt Tuning (Mesmo Motivo Do De Cima) Server Baseado No Aries. É Isso Galerinha, Fui .
  15. Tem certeza?eu pesquisei e nao axei so se for postado esses dia
  16. hello guys, World War 8.1 now out Just like World War 8.0, with some updates- Alot of New things, heres the update list: still Top 25 from: Antica, Nova, Amera, Secura, Calmera, Hiberna, Harmonia. features: Citação:*- Congratulations! You pwned..... - Added *- Utevo lux at login via CreatureScripts now *- Push delay downgraded *- Online / Offline shown in character list *- Perfect Doors added *- Removed /sellhouse for players (only gms can use) *- Players.xml fixed - all chars in there *- Attacking speed in XML *- Fixed the actually frag state at killing player *- getplayerFrag added *- doPlayerRemoveFrag added (to remove frags)example: doPlayerRemoveFrag(cid,-10) *- doPlayerAddFrag added (to add frags) example: doPlayerAddFrag(cid,10) *- If you dont have enough mana for a spell you will get the information how much mana it cost *- doPlayerSaySpell added and works 100% *- /clean has been added! *- Converted the Server into Protcol 8.1 *- /up and /down has been added *- /check has been added *- Remaped alot of stuff for the 8.1 update Update 28.12.2007 *~ destroy field has been fixed *~ !online has been added *~ Characters can have now more then 500 Frags *~ Map bugs has been fixed *~ some Spells 8.1(me) Download Binary & Source: Download Here! Credits to : Danger~~ Chefim~~
  17. UPDATE NOVO [sTRIKER SERVER BUGS REMOVIDO~S] QUESTS NOVAS- E TODAS AS ANTIGAS ARRUMADAS -TELEPORTS ARRUMADOS- QUESTS ADDICIONADAS MOSNTROS ARRUMADOS NPCS RE-CONFIGURADOS MAPA MELHORADO E ADDED UMAS COISAS NOVAS ADDED QUEST MAKER- LINK : File Striker_New_Server_-_Bugs_Removidos.rar (4297 KB) uploaded! Your files are online now. Remember that only those people are able to access your files knowing the exact link. RapidShare is a pure file hoster and does not announce your files anywhere. Download-Link #1: GALERA QUALQUER ERRO EU CORRIJO E MANDO A PASTA AKI, AI NAO PRECISAM TODA HORA BAIXAREM O OT... BREVE ESTAREMOS USANDO STRIKER.EXE Ok FLWS AE [sERVER ANTGO ]Striker Server 8.2.5 - Novo Update ! \o/ Lançado dia 14 de Março ás 23:18 - Bugs Removidos -Bugs das Houses/Doors -Mais quests Arrumadas -Novas areas e Erros de Mapa corrigidos -Teleport Corrigido -Actions Full {Pasta Arrumada} -Alguns Sistemas foram arrumados -Mapa Added -Aconselo que baixem o Servidor Full dessa vez - Tamanho : 3944 KB - Apoximadamente - Link ---> Striker Server - 8.2.5 : Download Aqui Mapeditor - Striker Server Atual : Download Aqui ________________________________________________ Fotos do Novo Update Foto 01 -Clike Aqui Foto 02 - Clike Aqui Foto 03 - Clike Aqui __________________________________________________ ___________________ __ Informações do Server __ {Info Básicas } - Créditos -CHEFIM -FELIPE MUNIZ E Elder Dinho -(WWW.XTIBIA.COM) Mapa Creditos : -SadSoul (peguei Mapa normal deles e editei tudo) -Chefim - Features Servidor feito em base do servidor (Aries Server.Xml by Felipe) Executor by Felipe ! - New Magics -New Actions -New Quest ( 15 Quests arrumadas ) - Poi - Demon Helmet ( Ok) - Anihi ( Com Fire Demon ) -Entre outras Mais ! - New ( prox update Morgaroth the 4 Of the Demon League vou add o Morgaroths Heart pra Drop -Arbalest Added Atck (Increase by #####) - Etc...................... MSN = SERVEMAX@HOTMAIL.COM
  18. Features of Yurots 1.2 The New Version Have This: -The New Spells (By Tucow) -The New Monsters (By Guilherme) -The Executer (By Felipe Nuniz) -Itens Otb 100% (By SVN) -The Adjusts In Spells 8.1 (By Chefim) -Added Map YourOts (By GOD Chefim) -Edit Map (By GOD Chefim) -Bugs (By GOB Bon ou Bon) -Map YourOts (By GOD Bon ou Bon) -Magics In Target (By Lucas) -NPC ADDONS FULL (By Chefim Bugs: Arcane staff ate agora Arrumadas:Bugs na bordas ajeitada, bugs nas amazon e Parede do treiner ajeitada caminho orc que tava com mar preto que sem querer deletei arrumado Magias novas:Exevo gran mas frigo, Exori tera, Exori frigo hur e mais... NPC Addons Full Adicionada por Tucow Quest?Qual São as Quest? Poi Quest DH Annih MPA E mais... Account Manager:111111/tibia Account Do GOD:222222/tibia Lembrando pretendo lançar mais versão nesse inicio de ano e o mapa não é de gelo Caso que encontre BUgs Avisem. Espero que gostem. Download, Clicando aqui! Mapa editor, clicando aqui para o download! Ajudante Elder Dinho e ADM Chefim
  19. Thyrania OTServer Créditos: Exe - Aries Team Spells - André Miles Balanceamento de Spells - Chefim Novas Spells de Criar Runas - Chefim Map - Thyranic,Chefim Actions - Thyranic Talkactions - Thyranic Monsters - Thyranic,Chefim Npcs - Thyranic Ajustes no Config - Thyranic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Versões: Thyrania Server XML 0.1.1 - 8.1x Novidades da Versão: 1 - Alguns Ajustes nos Npcs; 2 - Novas Spells de Criar Runas; 3 - Balanceamentos de Spells; 4 - Ajustes nas Actions; 5 - Novas Actions; 6 - Ajustes no Mapa (POI e remoção de outros Bugs); 7 - Alguns ajustes no Config. Download Link (Versão antiga): Thyrania 0.1.1 XML - DOWNLOAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thyrania Server XML 0.1.3 - 8.1x Novidades da Versão: 1 - Nova Área Adicionada (Tumba no deserto) [Em construção]; 2 - Revisões de Áreas e Npcs já existentes; 3 - Revisões na imunidade dos monstros; 4 - Revisão na Área dos Warlocks; 5 - Algumas outras revisões... Download Link (Versão Antiga): Thyrania 0.1.3 XML - DOWNLOAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thyrania Server XML 0.2.0 - 8.1x Novidades da Versão: 1 - Novas Features do novo 'Aries XML'; 2 - Correção de Bugs no mapa; 3 - Npcs vendendo as novas poções; 4 - Npcs vendendo também novos arrows; 5 - Ajustes nos elementos das Spells e seus danos NOVAMENTE revisados; 6 - ETC. Download Link (Versão antiga): Thyrania 0.2.0 XML - DOWNLOAD - Link1 Thyrania 0.2.0 XML - DOWNLOAD - Link2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thyrania Server XML 0.2.2 - 8.1x Novidades da Versão: 1 - Shrine adicionado para encantar Rubys, Amethyst, Emeralds e Shapphires; 2 - Sistema de armas encantadas; 3 - Revisão dos Hits de Distance; 4 - Rook System Adicionado; 5 - Outros pequenos ajustes. Download Link (Versão Antiga): Thyrania 0.2.2 XML - DOWNLOAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thyrania Server XML 0.2.35 - 8.1x Novidades da Versão: 1 - Swim System; 2 - Mudanças no sitema de armas encantadas; 3 - Correção de NPC's; 4 - Correção em alguns erros do mapa; 5 - Exori hur e Exori Con - Temporariamente Fixed; 6 - Exeta Con - Fixed; 7 - Enchanted Spear - Fixed; 8 - Exevo gran mas flam - Fixed; 9 - Entre muitos outros... Download Link: (Versão Antiga) Thyrania 0.2.35 XML - DOWNLOAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thyrania Server XML 0.2.4 - 8.1x Novidades da Versão: 1 - Ajustes nos NPC's de Addons; 2 - Arena Warlord PRONTA; 3 - Ajustes no sistema de pérolas encantadas; 4 - Algumas Runas e Spells reformuladas, balanceadas e corrigidas; 5 - Algumas outras revisões de Hit; 6 - Tumba terminada e Npc de troca adicionado.; 7 - Muitas outras coisas! Lista de Bugs corrigidos nessa versão: Soft Boots - Fixed Morgaroth cinza - Fixed. Frost Dragon - Fixed. Runa de Stalgmite - Fixed. Exevo Gran Mas Frigo - Fixed. Shiver arrow - Fixed. Ice Arrow - Fixed. Runa Thunderstrom e Avalanche - Fixed. Areas Inacabadas - 75% Pronto. Oráculo - Fixed. Npcs de Addon - Fixed. Npcs de Rook - Fixed. Quests Incompletas - 75% Pronto. Exevo Gran Mas Flam - Fixed. Blessed Wooden Stake - Fixed. Oblisian Knife - Fixed. Bless System - Adicionado. !leavehouse - Fixed. Novos Loots - Adicionado. Magic Wall e Fields - Fixed. Demon Legs Quest - Solução preventiva. Rods e Wands - Fixed. Download Link: (Versão Antiga) Thyrania 0.2.4 XML - DOWNLOAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thyrania Server XML 0.2.41 - 8.1x Novidades da Versão: 1 - Correção dos NPC's; 2 - Look da Areia; 3 - Level e Vocation nas Potions; 4 - Exori hur e Exori Con; 5 - Rook's Fury Quest; 6 - Ajuste nos Corpses; 7 - Exori gran; 8 - Escada da Guild House; 9 - Enchant Pearl System (Restrição de 15 minutos); 10 - ETC. Download Link: (Versão Antiga) Thyrania 0.2.41 XML - DOWNLOAD (RapidShare) Thyrania 0.2.41 XML - DOWNLOAD (SpeedyShare) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thyrania Server XML 0.2.45 - 8.1x Novidades da Versão: 1 - POH; 2 - Deeper Fibula; 3 - Npc Banker; 4 - Hits de Distance Revisados; 5 - Hits das Spells Revisados; 6 - Npc da Arena - Edited; 7 - Paradox Tower Quest (Actions do Global - All by Thyranic); 8 - Edição de algumas Áreas do Mapa; 9 - Algumas Actions Revisadas; 10 - Novos npcs interativos de missões; 11 - ETC... Download Link: (Versão Antiga) Thyrania 0.2.45 XML - DOWNLOAD (Rapidshare) Thyrania 0.2.45 XML - DOWNLOAD (Badongo) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thyrania Server XML 0.2.6 - 8.1x Novidades da Versão: 1 - Bug das houses COMPLETAMENTE resolvidos; 2 - Potions Fixeds; 3 - Djinn Quest melhorada; 4 - Banshee Quest. 5 - Algumas mudanças no mapa; 6 - Etc... Download Link: (Versão Antiga) Thyrania 0.2.6 XML - DOWNLOAD (Rapidshare) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thyrania Server XML 0.2.8 - 8.1x Novidades da Versão: 1 - Atualizado com todas as novas features do Aries 0.4.5 e com todas as outras de Thyrania; 2 - Dual Hit modificado; 3 - Potions agora 100%. Download Link: (Versão Antiga) Thyrania 0.2.8 XML - DOWNLOAD (SpeedyShare) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thyrania Server XML 0.2.81 - 8.1x Novidades da Versão: 1 - Correção de bugs causados pela troca do Aries 0.4.0 para Aries 0.4.5. Download Link: (Versão Atual) Thyrania 0.2.81 XML - DOWNLOAD (SpeedyShare) Thyrania 0.2.81 XML - DOWNLOAD (Badongo) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download Link do Map Editor: Thyrania Map Editor 8.1 - DOWNLOAD
  20. Baseado no Aries 0.1.5, Kazz Server - Counter-Strike. Oque vem no OTserv? - Mapa Aztec editado por mim - Novas vocacões "Terrorist, Counter-Terrorist" - Retirado Magias (para pesar menos) - Retirado Monstros (para pesar menos) - Quests X-Bow e I-Bolt OTServ é 8.12 Download aki : ou AVISO : A DLL DELE PEGA PELOS ANTI VIRUS (AVAST E OUTRO Q EU NÃO LEMBRO)
  21. Citação:-Bugs fixed: House Bug,Exani Hur Up/Down Fix,Fields Bug Fixed,Magic Wall Bug Fixed and many more Bugs are Fixed -New LUA Functions: doRemoveCreature -- Does Remove a Creature doSendDistanceShoot -- Does Send an Distance Shoot effect -Spears Breaking like Real Tibia -All 8.0 Monsters,Outfits,Spells 100% Working -"moveback" Weapons Action -Commands: /access - Does give Access to a Player /speed - Set's Speed /teleport - Teleport Manager by The Chaos /outfit - Changes Outfit -Auto Server Clean -Hostname Resolver Credits to : Me ,Ryan,The Chaos,nfries,Umby,Talaturen,Xidaozu,Ruly,Loos!k and many more ! Download: SQL: Database (Same as Evolutions): XML: Sources: SQL: XML: Fixed Weapon Folder for those Downloaded before "6:39am": [Distro] Star Class 1.1 Beta 8.1 reupp: Speedyshare : Chefim
  22. Xiuris

    B-fox 5.1

    First Version: 0.90 : B-Fox 0.90 * all fatures 0.89 * Fixed spells (Again -.-) * all new items from Tibia 8.0 (Hermes,Me) * added all wand and rods (Me) * added new npc soft man (Otfans) * added scanting npc kapitan * nice edit mape * added morgaroth and wyvern (me,hermes) * added traing monk spawns (me) * change npc palladin (me) * added addon system and npc! (Xidoazu) B-Fox 0.90a * fixed global.lua (Other) * added pits of inferno monsters =) (Other0 * fixed bugs on map (me) * added resps and npsc (me) * fixed hydra (me) B-Fox 0.90b * added spell undead legion (Forgetten) * added campain gems ( * added figure from ice (Azi) * clean up in ots folders B-Fox 0.91 added npc addoner like rl tibia 100% all works(Norsemna Outfit too) (Otfans,me) * fixed wand and rods (me) * fixed spells 8.0 (me) * added npc teleporter (me) * many plants (me) * added svargrond arena (me) * fixed map bugs (me) * monsters like rl tibia (me,otfans) * exhausted like rl tibia (me) * fixed npcs (me) * teleport system like rl tibia (Zorzin) * added weapon (weapons.xml) (me) * and a few fixed bugs B-Fox 0.92 * all futures devlanda 0.95 by Dzojo * fixed weapons.xml (me) * fixed npc addon (Otfans) B-Fox 0.92a * all futures 0.96 by dzojo (Dzojo): * fixed dead bug B-Fox 0.92 * all futures 0.96b by dzojo (Dzojo): * fixed distance atk (Dzojo) * fixed npcs (me,thx report for Hermes) B-Fox 0.92c * fixed fast atk (thx nurgiel to raported) * fixed hydras (me) * fixed monsters (Hermes) * fixed wand and rods (me) * spell exori hur and exori con now taking 40 mana (me) B-Fox 1.1b * fixed doors system (me,evolutions) * added widows system (me,Xidoazu) * fixed global.lua (me) * fixed obsidian knife and blessed wooden stake (again ) (Ersiu) * fixed change town (me) * fixed houses (me) * fixed some spells (me) * fixed req level for paldins weapons and ammunations (me) B-Fox 1.2 * crytical fixed global.lua (me) * fixed pontions (me) * fixed outfits (me) * fixed doors and widows (me,zorzin) * uptade monsters (me,forgettenserwer,otfans) * fixed "use players monsters spells" (me) * fixed manafluids (me) * fixed req lvl for weapons (me) * other fixed... B-Fox 2.5 * change to evolutions npc system (xidoazu) * Updated Jiddo's NPC System (Jiddo,) * fixed NPC "changing addons items" (me) * fixed gm block players msg (me) * fixed command /openpacc (me) * New Commands: (OTH,zorzin) * /red ( BroadCast Red) * /white ( BroadCast White) * /blue ( BroadCast Blue) * /green ( BroadCast Green B-Fox 2.6 * uptade all npcs to system Jiddo (Jiddo) * blue color of console (me) * fixed players creatureevent (me) * new icon (me) * fixed change golds (me) * fixed commend !online "now near nick writes for example Omen[141],GM Omen[49](GM)" (me) B-Fox 2.7 * fixed premium and promotion system (me) * added function isPremium (forgetten) * added talkactions !version,!giveexp,!buypromote (Ersiu) * fixed and changed ice rapier attack: 60 (me) * fixed could use players spells of monsters (me) * fixed doors (me,Hermes) * Uptade 8.0 doors: (Hermes,fixed me) * *skin doors * Svargrond wooden door * Barbiarian bone-doors * Ice doors * *Svargrond wood doors * Svargrond doors B-Fox 3.1 * new creaturescriptnKill (Svn) * new script house tiles (svn) * experience Stages (Xidaozu) * added command "!leavehouse" (Xidoazu) * new food system (me) * SqLite Support (svn,me) B-Fox 3.2 * fixed report system (Rafael Hamdan) * added house rent system like global (Rafael Hamdan) * added command_logs (zorzin) * !online showing how many and who are the online players (Rafael Hamdan) * Randomize Ground "configurable at config.lua" (zorzin) * added command /addskill (Xidoazu) * fixed bed system (me) * players online list on logs "online.php" (Xidoazu) * added pvp enforced things (Xidaozu) * fixed crash for login,logout (svn,me) * fixed server save (me) * delete SqLite Support (me) * fixed mysql support (me,svn) * other bug fixed (svn,rafael hamdan,me) B-Fox 4.0 * (change name of project for B-Fox) * icon with logo B-Fox (me) * fixed creatureevent (svn) * npc santa in temple (otfans) * script Dynamic fire (otfans,SuperGillis) info B-Fox 4.0b * othe last version 8.0 * bug fixed (me) B-Fox 5.0 8.1 * protocol 8.1 (me) * uptade items.otb (svn) * all outfits 8.1 (me) * system plywania (me,******) * all new monster 8.1 (not done loot) (me,otfans) * npc sell all addons 8.1 * all 8.1 spells (me) * new wand&rods (me) * action ice cube (Robertoo) * fixed items.cpp,h (me,svn) B-Fox 5.0b * fixed new corpose (me) * fixed magic npc (me) * fixed wands&rods (me) * fixed npc of addons (me) B-Fox 5.1 * added ball for swimming game (me) * new script of swimming 100%rl! (me) * fixed new corpeses (me) * added squirrel (******) * fixed all monsters 8.1 (me,******) * share exp in party (me) * fixed database(sample).sql (me,thx report for zeu) Credits: GM Omen (CaymaN) andrej93 (Hermes),Smoczek Leon ,Azeroth#24 (Azi,Ersiu),Dzojo (Devon Six,Twórca devlandu bez niego by ten serw sie nawet nie wlonczyl Laugh) O.t.f.ans,,Xidoazu,Chefim,Zorzin,Rafael Hamdan. TODOS OS "ME" são créditos para: GM Chefim O Otserv só foi lançado na versão SQL. Link: Download B-Fox 5.1
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