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Sobre G0han


  • Char no Tibia
    Gohan of Sky
  • Forma que conheci o xTibia

G0han's Achievements

  1. Galera, to com um problema bem CHATO de resolver.. è o seguinte .. passei meu server e meu site para o windows server 2008. Deu certo a instalação só que na hora de abri a pagina do meu server no navegador, o logoartwork, pagina de fundo eo server status nao carregam... Oque pode ser? REPP ++ VALEU
  2. Vodkart , Vê se voce pode me ajudar.. Quando os player entram no tp que aparece no templo , eles tomam debug... Oque pode ser? valeu
  3. Bom pessoal , eu consegui colocar war system no meu server , fiz tudo certinho seguindo o tutorial do Walef Chavier. Mas quando eu tento matar um player que ta no war system ele fica bugado sem vida , mas nao morre.. fica subindo assim no player rep- rep - rep. e fica dando erro no executavel. Acredito que o erro esteja no db.Execute,query , mas nao sei o como mudar para db.query.. Se alguem puder me ajudar . Mto obrigado
  4. Então, meu ot estava funcionando perfeitamente com a funcao do broadcast e dar um item pro player que matasse porem nao funcionava a deathlist Agora funciona a deathlist e o broadcast, porem nao funciona o addplayeritem será que voce poderia me dizer como usar essa funcao nesse script? eu ja tentei: doPlayerAddItem(hitKillerName, 2152, 2, TRUE) mas nao consegui. Valeu !
  5. TFS 0.3.1231 exp: 20x Depois que eu coloquei o sistema de promotion doplayeraddpromotion(cid, 1) algo assim os promotions nao estao mais perdendo level quando morrem e eu achei isso muito apelão alguem sabe algum problema relacionado a isso? se souber a solucao por favor me ajuda obrigado ...
  6. Ta occorrendo um erro quando eu logo com o meu GOD [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] Warning: [Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. [27/07/2009 01:10:55] ADM Notorius has logged in. Não sei porque mas só com o GOD ... Espero que alguem me ajude Obrigado
  7. Tipo do script: addItem Protocolo (versão do Tibia): 8.4 Servidor utilizado: TFS Nível de experiência: 10x Queria um npc que vendesse promotion por 100 coins que eu quisesse. Exemplo, eu editaria um item e colocaria um nome personalizado e esse npc vendesse a promotion por esses itens Ta assim no meu OT: {npcHandler = npcHandler, cost = 1000000, level = 95, promotion = 1, text = 'Congratulations! You are now promoted.'} Obrigado
  8. Tipo do script: n/a Protocolo (versão do Tibia): 8.4 Servidor utilizado: TFS Nível de experiência: 10x Eu já consegui fazer a locked door funcionar com chave e tal Mas tem uma quest no meu servidor em que tem que achar a chave e abrir uma porta, porem a porta continua aberta e quem nao achou a chave ainda consegue entrar Há uma maneira de fazer a porta fechar assim que o player passar por ela destrancando com a key? VALEU!
  9. Alguem pode me ajudar por favor? Aconteceram alguns imprevistos no meu computador e eu perdi totalmente o meu .exe Era TFS 0.3.1231 Eu baixei aqui mesmo no xTibia mas agora nao acho de maneira alguma ele! ME AJUDEM! POR FAVOR!
  10. Acontece o seguinte erro após configurar e dar reload no OTserver O que pode ser? [15/07/2009 18:03:18] Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface] [15/07/2009 18:03:18] data/creaturescripts/scripts/antmc.lua:onLogin [15/07/2009 18:03:18] luaDoPlayerPopupFYI(). Player not found [15/07/2009 18:03:18] Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface] [15/07/2009 18:03:18] data/creaturescripts/scripts/antmc.lua:onLogin [15/07/2009 18:03:18] luaDoRemoveCreature(). Creature not found
  11. Marcryzius Acho que esse script nao ta funcionando Eu coloquei ele na pasta creaturescripts e no .xml porem os player que estao de mcs ainda continuam dentro e os que logam de mc, nao são kickados =/
  12. Tipo do script: talkaction Protocolo (versão do Tibia): 8.4 Servidor utilizado: TFS Nível de experiência: 10x Então, será que nao teria um script de playerinfo (/info) que mostrasse as informações mesmo quando o player estivesse Offline no OTserver? Dificulta pra ver a acc arrumar algum bug em contas, quando se usa o sqlite e tem mais de 5000 acc e players Ou não tem um jeito de dar um "search" no sqlite? Tipo ctrl+f ? Obrigado
  13. G0han

    [pedido] Banip

    Tipo do script: talkaction Protocolo (versão do Tibia): 8.4 Servidor utilizado: TFS Nível de experiência: 10x Como voces sabem o banip do rule violation nos 8.4 está com problemas de access Por isso eu queria pedir um talkaction de banir ip, pra pelo menos quebrar o galho por enquanto Será que algum de voces consegue me ajudar? Obrigado
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