Bom aki eu vo ensinar a configura o config.php ...
Bom eh todo config.php tem os diretorios... veja 1 exemplo
CODE$diraccount = 'C:\EasyPHP1-7\www\YurOTS\data\accounts';
$dirplayer = 'C:\EasyPHP1-7\www\YurOTS\data\players';
$dirvip = 'C:\EasyPHP1-7\www\YurOTS\Ips';
Preste atençao ... vai estar mais ou menos assim /\... mude para
CODE$diraccount = 'C:\EasyPHP1-7\www\pastadoseuo.t\data\accounts';
$dirplayer = 'C:\EasyPHP1-7\www\pastadoseuo.t\data\players';
$dirvip = 'C:\EasyPHP1-7\www\pastadoseuo.t\Ips';
Pronto os diretorio ja esta configurado ...
Dependendo do php ... as cordenanadas sao no config.php entao la vai ...
coloque assim !
CODE// spawn place
$spawnx = '160';
$spawny = '54';
$spawnz = '7';
// temple
$templex = '160';
$templey = '54';
$templez = '7';
Pronto agora os personagens criados vao para o lugar certo ...
Minha genet ate agora eu nao sei quakl o php de vcs .. mas n vale a pena colocar 1 php com rank i talz eu prefiro colocar um simples.. no final eu ponho o link do meu pra vcs .. se vcs baxarem o php aki cmg .. bote o seu config .php assim !
CODE//----------------------------- All vocations ----------------------------------
$lvl = '10'; // initial level
$exp = '9300'; // initial exp (must be correct with level)
$cap = '300'; // initial capacity
// spawn place
$spawnx = '160';
$spawny = '54';
$spawnz = '7';
// temple
$templex = '160';
$templey = '54';
$templez = '7';
// do not change!
if (!defined('MALE')) define('MALE', 1);
if (!defined('FEMALE')) define('FEMALE', 0);
if (!defined('SORC')) define('SORC', 1);
if (!defined('DRUID')) define('DRUID', 2);
if (!defined('PALADIN')) define('PALADIN', 3);
if (!defined('KNIGHT')) define('KNIGHT', 4);
//-------------------------------- Sorcerer ------------------------------------
// Looks
$look[sORC][MALE] = '130';
$look[sORC][FEMALE] = '138';
// HP, mana, magic level
$health[sORC] = '195';
$mana[sORC] = '95';
$mlvl[sORC] = '30';
// Skills: fist,club,sword,axe,dist,shld,fish
$skill[sORC] = array(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15, 10);
// Eq: helm, amul, bp, armor, rght, left, legs, boot, ring, ammo
$equip[sORC] = array(3322, 2950, 2792, 3295, 3249, 3363, 3300, 3490, 2986, 0);
// Backpack:
$bp[sORC] = '<item id="2973" count="2"/><item id="3136" count="10"/>';
//--------------------------------- Druid --------------------------------------
// Looks
$look[DRUID][MALE] = '130';
$look[DRUID][FEMALE] = '138';
// HP, mana, magic level
$health[DRUID] = '195';
$mana[DRUID] = '95';
$mlvl[DRUID] = '30';
// Skills: fist,club,sword,axe,dist,shld,fish
$skill[DRUID] = array(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15, 10);
// Eq: helm, amul, bp, armor, rght, left, legs, boot, ring, ammo
$equip[DRUID] = array(3322, 2950, 2792, 3295, 3249, 3363, 3300, 3490, 2986, 0);
// Backpack:
$bp[DRUID] = '<item id="2973" count="2"/><item id="3136" count="10"/>';
//-------------------------------- Paladin -------------------------------------
// Looks
$look[PALADIN][MALE] = '129';
$look[PALADIN][FEMALE] = '137';
// HP, mana, magic level
$health[PALADIN] = '205';
$mana[PALADIN] = '65';
$mlvl[PALADIN] = '12';
// Skills: fist,club,sword,axe,dist,shld,fish
$skill[PALADIN] = array(10, 10, 10, 10, 71, 41, 10);
// Eq: helm, amul, bp, armor, rght, left, legs, boot, ring, ammo
$equip[PALADIN] = array(3322, 2950, 2792, 3295, 3287, 0, 3300, 3490, 2986, 0);
// Backpack:
$bp[PALADIN] = '<item id="2973" count="2"/><item id="3384" count="10"/>';
//--------------------------------- Knight -------------------------------------
// Looks
$look[KNIGHT][MALE] = '131';
$look[KNIGHT][FEMALE] = '139';
// HP, mana, magic level
$health[KNIGHT] = '215';
$mana[KNIGHT] = '45';
$mlvl[KNIGHT] = '4';
// Skills: fist,club,sword,axe,dist,shld,fish
$skill[KNIGHT] = array(10, 71, 71, 71, 10, 71, 10);
// Eq: helm, amul, bp, armor, rght, left, legs, boot, ring, ammo
$equip[KNIGHT] = array(3322, 2950, 2792, 3295, 3249, 3363, 3300, 3490, 2986, 0);
// Backpack:
$bp[KNIGHT] = '<item id="2973" count="2"/><item id="3098" count="3"/>';
Espero ter ajudado