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Sobre druidkean

druidkean's Achievements

  1. funcionou perfeitamente kydrai..vlw mano..te amo (s2)
  2. kydrai, perfeito cara..soh que tem como em ves de ser os 2 efeitos aleatorio .. sair os 2 efeitos mesmo sqm..
  3. Olá Galera..To Precisando de 1 script.. O script eh o seguinte.. quando o player upar lvl 350 no meu ot, vai surgir uns efeitos em volta do player ( Efeito Da Explosion e Do Exori Mas ) os 2 efeitos no mesmo 2 em 2 tenho um script quasi igual ao que eu quero..soque quando o player desloga da o seguinte erro : [Error - CreatureScript Interface] In a timer event called from: data/creaturescripts/scripts/efeitos.lua:onLogin Description: (luaGetThingPosition) Thing not found [Error - CreatureScript Interface] In a timer event called from: data/creaturescripts/scripts/efeitos.lua:onLogin Description: data/creaturescripts/scripts/efeitos.lua:10: attempt to index local 'pos' (a boolean value) stack traceback: data/creaturescripts/scripts/efeitos.lua:10: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/efeitos.lua:8> Ai Vai O Meu Script: function onLogin(cid) if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 350 then sendEffect(cid) end return TRUE end function sendEffect(cid) local pos = getCreaturePosition(cid) local x = math.random(pos.x-1,pos.x+1) local y = math.random(pos.y-1,pos.y+1) local effects = {4,34} --Efeitos. return doSendMagicEffect({x=x,y=y,z=pos.z},effects[math.random(1,#effects)]),addEvent(sendEffect,1000,cid) end Vlws..
  4. @Marcryzius aqui nao deu cara .. eu uso tfs (8.54 Allisom ) .. poderia me ajudar agora por favor..
  5. meu script foi passado pra trais em kydrai , mas vlw aquilo ja serviu ;(
  6. queria esse terceiro script tb..
  7. Tairone , Muitoo bom mano , Mais O Link Pra Download Ta Quebrado .. Poderia Arrumar XD
  8. Ola Galera..Meu OT Era 8.50 Agora Atualizei Ele Pra 8.54 E Meu Principal Script Nao Ta Funfando .. Preciso Que Alguem Troque As Seguites Funcoes , Pelas Atuais Funcao Do Server ( Tfs ).. Ai Vai O Script : function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) if item.uid == 10500 then queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,10500) if queststatus == -1 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"You have found a Steel Shield refined +15") local item1 = doPlayerAddItem(cid,2509,1) setItemExtraDefense(item1,36) doSetItemSpecialDescription(item1, "Refinado(Def): +15.\nEste Item foi obtido por " .. getPlayerName(cid) .. ".")] setPlayerStorageValue(cid,10500,1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"It is empty.") end end end As Funcoes Sao As Que Esta Em Negrito!
  9. Esse script ai eh uma boa..voce saberia editar ele notarius ? pra somente 8 players no max abrir mc .. porque ai podera entrar 8 computador em lan house
  10. druidkean


    Galera..minha seguinte duvida é : eu queria por no meu ot pra voce paga semanal o preço da sua casa.. exemplo voce pagou 20k na sua casa pagara 20k por semana pra nao perde-la alguem me ajude com o script : -- Houses buyableAndSellableHouses = "yes" houseNeedPremium = "no" bedsRequirePremium = "no" levelToBuyHouse = 150 housesPerAccount = "yes" houseRentAsPrice = "no" housePriceAsRent = "yes" housePriceEachSquare = 1000 houseRentPeriod = "Weekly" guildHalls = "yes"
  11. ahh .. o script q eu tenho é esse oh .. ve se ajuda pelo menos : -- Config local maxupgradetimes = 50 -- How many times can upgrade the item local messagetype = 25 -- Color of the message -- End Config local upgrades = { [7800] = {chance = 100, amount = {1, 1}, set = setItemAttack, get = getItemAttack, name = "attack"}, [7801] = {chance = 80, amount = {2, 2}, set = setItemAttack, get = getItemAttack, name = "attack"}, [7802] = {chance = 60, amount = {3, 3}, set = setItemAttack, get = getItemAttack, name = "attack"}, [7803] = {chance = 40, amount = {4, 4}, set = setItemAttack, get = getItemAttack, name = "attack", reset = TRUE}, [7804] = {chance = 20, amount = {5, 5}, set = setItemAttack, get = getItemAttack, name = "attack", reset = TRUE}, [7805] = {chance = 100, amount = {1, 1}, set = setItemDefense, get = getItemDefense, name = "defense"}, [7806] = {chance = 80, amount = {2, 2}, set = setItemDefense, get = getItemDefense, name = "defense"}, [7807] = {chance = 60, amount = {3, 3}, set = setItemDefense, get = getItemDefense, name = "defense"}, [7808] = {chance = 40, amount = {4, 4}, set = setItemDefense, get = getItemDefense, name = "defense", reset = TRUE}, [7809] = {chance = 20, amount = {5, 5}, set = setItemDefense, get = getItemDefense, name = "defense", reset = TRUE}, [7810] = {chance = 100, amount = {1, 1}, set = setItemArmor, get = getItemArmor, name = "armor"}, [7811] = {chance = 80, amount = {2, 2}, set = setItemArmor, get = getItemArmor, name = "armor"}, [7812] = {chance = 60, amount = {3, 3}, set = setItemArmor, get = getItemArmor, name = "armor"}, [7813] = {chance = 40, amount = {4, 4}, set = setItemArmor, get = getItemArmor, name = "armor", reset = TRUE}, [7814] = {chance = 20, amount = {5, 5}, set = setItemArmor, get = getItemArmor, name = "armor", reset = TRUE}, [7815] = {chance = 100, amount = {1, 1}, set = setItemHitChance, get = getItemHitChance, name = "hit"}, [7816] = {chance = 80, amount = {2, 2}, set = setItemHitChance, get = getItemHitChance, name = "hit"}, [7817] = {chance = 60, amount = {3, 3}, set = setItemHitChance, get = getItemHitChance, name = "hit"}, [7818] = {chance = 40, amount = {4, 4}, set = setItemHitChance, get = getItemHitChance, name = "hit", reset = TRUE}, [7819] = {chance = 20, amount = {5, 5}, set = setItemHitChance, get = getItemHitChance, name = "hit", reset = TRUE}, [7850] = {chance = 100, amount = {5, 5}, set = setItemAttack, get = getItemAttack, name = "attack"}, -- Only give when your acces is >= 5 [7851] = {chance = 100, amount = {5, 5}, set = setItemDefense, get = getItemDefense, name = "defense"}, -- Only give when your acces is >= 5 [7852] = {chance = 100, amount = {5, 5}, set = setItemArmor, get = getItemArmor, name = "armor"}, -- Only give when your acces is >= 5 [7853] = {chance = 100, amount = {5, 5}, set = setItemHitChance, get = getItemHitChance, name = "hit"} -- Only give when your acces is >= 5 } local minmax = { min1 = 7800, -- Minimum actionid for access < 5 max1 = 7819, -- Maximum actionid for access < 5 min2 = 7850, -- Minimum actionid for access >= 5 max2 = 7853, -- Maximum actionid for access >= 5 } function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) -- From here on down is a bit difficult (for the noob) understand the structure if item.actionid == 0 then local new = getPlayerAccess(cid) >= 5 and math.random(minmax.min2, minmax.max2) or math.random(minmax.min1, minmax.max1) local text = "You remove the dust and revealed that it is a "..upgrades[new].chance.."% upgrade for "..upgrades[new].name.." +("..upgrades[new].amount[1].."~"..upgrades[new].amount[2]..")."..(upgrades[new].reset ~= nil and "It has a slight chance of reset your item." or "") local description = "This crystal has "..upgrades[new].chance.."% upgrade for "..upgrades[new].name.." +("..upgrades[new].amount[1].."~"..upgrades[new].amount[2]..")."..(upgrades[new].reset ~= nil and "It has a slight chance of reset your item." or "") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messagetype, text) doSetItemActionId(item.uid, new) doSetItemSpecialDescription(item.uid, description) setItemName(item.uid, "active upgrade crystal") elseif upgrades[item.actionid] ~= nil then if upgrades[item.actionid].get(itemEx.uid) >= 0 then if itemEx.actionid < 100+maxupgradetimes then local randomamount = math.ceil(math.random(upgrades[item.actionid].amount[1],upgrades[item.actionid]. amount[2])) local amount = math.max(0, itemEx.actionid - 100) local chance = math.random(0, 100) local text = "Upgrade of "..getItemName(itemEx.uid).." failed in "..upgrades[item.actionid].name.." +"..randomamount.."." local animation = "Failed!" --doSetItemActionId(itemEx.uid, 100+(amount+1)) --setItemName(itemEx.uid, getItemNameById(itemEx.itemid).." (Refinamento "..(amount+1)..")") if chance <= upgrades[item.actionid].chance then text = "Upgrade of "..getItemName(itemEx.uid).." up in "..upgrades[item.actionid].name.." +"..randomamount.."." upgrades[item.actionid].set(itemEx.uid, (upgrades[item.actionid].get(itemEx.uid)+randomamount)) setItemName(itemEx.uid, getItemNameById(itemEx.itemid).." (Refinamento "..(amount+1)..")") doSetItemActionId(itemEx.uid, 100+(amount+1)) elseif upgrades[item.actionid].reset ~= nil or upgrades[item.actionid].reset == TRUE then if math.random(0, 1) == 1 then text = "The item "..getItemName(itemEx.uid).." was reset." animation = "Reset!" doRemoveItem(itemEx.uid) doPlayerAddItem(cid, getItemIdByName(getItemNameById(itemEx.itemid))) end end if (not text == "The item "..getItemName(itemEx.uid).." was reset.") then if getItemAttack(itemEx.uid) >= 0 then setItemAttackSpeed(itemEx.uid, 1) end end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messagetype, text) doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, (chance <= upgrades[item.actionid].chance and 13 or 2)) doSendAnimatedText(toPosition, (chance <= upgrades[item.actionid].chance and "Success!" or animation),(chance <= upgrades[item.actionid].chance and TEXTCOLOR_WHITE or TEXTCOLOR_RED)) doRemoveItem(item.uid) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This item already has "..maxupgradetimes.." times of upgrades.") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This item can't upgrade.") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, not possible.") end return TRUE end
  12. Olá Gente..Eu Queria Um script .. que refina o item .. exemplo Uma Sword Normal : 14:32 You see a sword (Atk:14, Def:12 +1). Refinada Ficaria Assim : 14:32 You see a sword (Refinamento 1) (Atk:19, Def:12 +1). Tem Um Script mais ou menos assim aqui no forum mas ele refina somente atack,defesa..mas eu queria um que refinaçe +ml,skills,speed.. E O Outro Script é o seguinte : Q VIP Nao pegue fila de espera ;p Versao Do Meu OT : 8.50 Brigado !
  13. Entaum Veiu..Eu To Doidinho Soque Ninguém Vem Ajuda Nois -.-
  14. druidkean


    Ae Galera.. Eh O Seguinte : Eu queria um script completo.. Tipo Galera..Em Veis Do NPC Do Barco Pedir Grana Pra Viajar ..Ele Pede Esse Ticket..E Também Nesse Ticket (ID : 1954) Quando Você Der Use E Abrir A Janelinha igual Label Vai Falar O Nome Da Cidade Q Esse Ticket Vale..Tipo Shazuna,Egeu e Etc..
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