É uma boa ideia, inclusive até fazer o sistema de spells pela source é uma boa ideia, o PSTORM 3.20 tem esse sistema pela src e é todo configurado pelo .xml!
Aqui esta um .xml que andei trabalhando e adicionando algumas funcionabilidades nele:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<monster name="Bulbasaur" nameDescription="Bulbasaur" element="Grass" experience="300" speed="150" level="20" portrait="2036">
<pokedex id="001" experience="200" description="It can go for days without eating a single morsel. In the bulb on its back, it stores energy."/>
<health now="800" max="800" gain="8"/>
<catch catchRate="200" catchExp="5000"/>
<attack power="25"/>
<look type="2" corpse=""/>
<pokemon attackable="1"/>
<pokemon targetdistance="1"/>
<pokemon passive="0"/>
<attack name="melee" interval="2000" power="-13"/>
<attack name="Tackle" interval="2800" chance="25" power="-20" cd="8" level="1" key="m1"/>
<attack name="Razor Leaf" interval="2500" chance="25" power="-28" cd="9" level="1" key="m2"/>
<attack name="Vine Whip" interval="2500" chance="25" power="-23" cd="10" level="2" key="m3"/>
<attack name="Leech Seed" interval="2500" chance="25" cd="16" level="3" key="m4"/> <!-- Pokemon Level or Player Level -->
<attack name="Solar Beam" interval="4000" chance="20" power="-60" cd="14" level="5" key="m5"/>
<item name="seed" countmax="15" chance="80"/>
<item name="bottle of poison" countmax="10" chance="80"/>
<item name="leaves" countmax="1" chance="26"/>
<item name="bag of pollen" countmax="1" chance="6"/>
<item name="bulb" countmax="1" chance="1"/>