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Galera, to com um problema na grizzly adam e não ta entregando o premio quando termina a task, por exemplo quando termina dos minotaur, o player fala com ela pra entregar a task "report" mas ela não responde nada.. segue abaixo o codigo dela local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new() local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) local talkState = {} function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end local choose = {} local cancel = {} local available = {} local grizzlyAdamsConfig = { ranks = { huntsMan_rank = { {id=11208, buy=0, sell=50, name='antlers'}, {id=10549, buy=0, sell=100, name='bloody pincers'}, {id=11183, buy=0, sell=35, name='crab pincers'}, {id=10573, buy=0, sell=55, name='cyclops toe'}, {id=10564, buy=0, sell=30, name='frosty ear of a troll'}, {id=11193, buy=0, sell=600, name='hydra head'}, {id=11366, buy=0, sell=80, name='lancer beetle shell'}, {id=10578, buy=0, sell=420, name='mutated bat ear'}, {id=11222, buy=0, sell=400, name='sabretooth'}, {id=11367, buy=0, sell=20, name='sandcrawler shell'}, {id=10547, buy=0, sell=280, name='scarab pincers'}, {id=11365, buy=0, sell=60, name='terramite legs'}, {id=11363, buy=0, sell=170, name='terramite shell'}, {id=11184, buy=0, sell=30000, name='terrorbird beak'}, {id=7398, buy=0, sell=500, name='cyclops trophy'}, {id=11315, buy=0, sell=15000, name='draken trophy'}, {id=11330, buy=0, sell=8000, name='lizard trophy'}, {id=7401, buy=0, sell=500, name='minotaur trophy'} }, bigGameHunter_rank = { {id=7397, buy=0, sell=3000, name='deer trophy'}, {id=7400, buy=0, sell=3000, name='lion trophy'}, {id=7394, buy=0, sell=3000, name='wolf trophy'} }, trophyHunter_rank = { {id=7393, buy=0, sell=40000, name='demon trophy'}, {id=7396, buy=0, sell=20000, name='behemoth trophy'}, {id=7399, buy=0, sell=10000, name='dragon lord trophy'}, {id=10518, buy=1000, sell=0, name='demon backpack'}, }, } } local Topic = {} function greetCallback(cid) Topic[cid] = 0 return true end local function setNewTradeTable(table) local items = {} for _, v in ipairs(table) do items[v.id] = {itemId = v.id, buyPrice = v.buy, sellPrice = v.sell, subType = 0, realName = v.name} end return items end local function setNewLineTable(oldTable, newTable) for k, v in pairs(oldTable) do table.insert(newTable, k, v) end return true end function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg) local talkUser = NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR == CONVERSATION_PRIVATE and 0 or cid if (msgcontains(msg, "hi") or msgcontains(msg, "hello")) and (not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 100157) == -1) then npcHandler:say("Welcome "..getCreatureName(cid)..". Would you like to join the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' or say {trade} to buy stamina?", cid) npcHandler:addFocus(cid) talkState[talkUser] = 5 else npcHandler:say("Welcome back old chap. What brings you here this time?", cid) npcHandler:addFocus(cid) talkState[talkUser] = 0 end return true end if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end if msgcontains(msg, "bye") or msgcontains(msg, "farewell") then selfSay("Happy hunting, old chap!", cid, TRUE) Topic[talkUser] = 0 npcHandler:releaseFocus(cid) npcHandler:resetNpc(cid) end if (isInArray({"yes", "join"}, msg:lower()) and talkState[talkUser] == 5) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 100157, 1) npcHandler:say("Great! A warm welcome to our newest member: "..getCreatureName(cid).."! Ask me for a {task} if you want to go on a hunt.", cid) talkState[talkUser] = 0 elseif (msg:lower() == "no" and talkState[talkUser] == 5) then npcHandler:say("No problem old chap. Come back if you change your mind.", cid) end if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 100157) == -1) then npcHandler:say("You'll have to {join} us to get more information.",cid) return false end if isInArray({"offer", "trade"}, msg:lower()) then if getPlayerRank(cid) >= 2 then if getPlayerRank(cid) == 2 or getPlayerRank(cid) == 3 then tradeRank = grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.huntsMan_rank elseif getPlayerRank(cid) == 4 then tradeRank = grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.bigGameHunter_rank setNewLineTable(grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.huntsMan_rank, grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.bigGameHunter_rank) elseif getPlayerRank(cid) == 5 or getPlayerRank(cid) == 6 then tradeRank = grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.trophyHunter_rank setNewLineTable(grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.huntsMan_rank, grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.bigGameHunter_rank) setNewLineTable(grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.huntsMan_rank, grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.trophyHunter_rank) end local items = setNewTradeTable(tradeRank) local function onBuy(cid, item, subType, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks) if ignoreCap == false and (getPlayerFreeCap(cid) < getItemWeightById(items[item].itemId, amount) or inBackpacks and getPlayerFreeCap(cid) < (getItemWeightById(items[item].itemId, amount) + getItemWeightById(1988, 1))) then return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'You don\'t have enough cap.') end if items[item].buyPrice then doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, amount * items[item].buyPrice) for i = 1, amount do if inBackpacks then local backpack = doCreateItemEx(1988, 1) doAddContainerItem(backpack, items[item].itemId, amount) else doPlayerAddItem(cid, items[item].itemId, amount, true) end end return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'You bought '..amount..'x '..items[item].realName..' for '..items[item].buyPrice * amount..' gold coins.') end return true end local function onSell(cid, item, subType, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks) if items[item].sellPrice then doPlayerAddMoney(cid, items[item].sellPrice * amount) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, items[item].itemId, amount) return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'You sold '..amount..'x '..items[item].realName..' for '..items[item].sellPrice * amount..' gold coins.') end return true end openShopWindow(cid, tradeRank, onBuy, onSell) return selfSay('It\'s my offer.', cid) else return selfSay('You don\'t have any rank.', cid) end end if isInArray({"tasks", "task", "mission"}, msg:lower()) then local can = getTasksByPlayer(cid) if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 100157) == -1) then return (npcHandler:say("You'll have to {join}, to get any {tasks}.",cid)) end if #can > 0 then local text = "" local sep = ", " table.sort(can, (function(a, b) return (a < b) end)) local t = 0 for _, id in ipairs(can) do t = t + 1 if t == #can - 1 then sep = " and " elseif t == #can then sep = "." end text = text .. "{" .. (tasks[id].name or tasks[id].raceName) .. "}" .. sep end selfSay("The current task" .. (#can > 1 and "s" or "") .. " that you can choose " .. (#can > 1 and "are" or "is") .. " " .. text, cid) talkState[talkUser] = 0 else selfSay("I don't have any task for you right now.", cid) end elseif msg ~= "" and canStartTask(cid, msg) then if #getPlayerStartedTasks(cid) >= tasksByPlayer then selfSay("Sorry, but you already started " .. tasksByPlayer .. " tasks. You can check their {status} or {cancel} a task.", cid) return true end local task = getTaskByName(msg) if task and getCreatureStorage(cid, QUESTSTORAGE_BASE + task) > 0 then return false end selfSay("In this task you must defeat " .. tasks[task].killsRequired .. " " .. tasks[task].raceName .. ". Are you sure that you want to start this task?", cid) choose[cid] = task talkState[talkUser] = 1 elseif msg:lower() == "yes" and talkState[talkUser] == 1 then doCreatureSetStorage(cid, QUESTSTORAGE_BASE + choose[cid], 1) selfSay("Excellent! You can check the {status} of your task saying {report} to me. Also you can {cancel} tasks to.", cid) choose[cid] = nil talkState[talkUser] = 0 elseif (msg:lower() == "report" or msg:lower() == "status") then local started = getPlayerStartedTasks(cid) local finishedAtLeastOne = false local finished = 0 if started and #started > 0 then for _, id in ipairs(started) do if getCreatureStorage(cid, KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + id) >= tasks[id].killsRequired then for _, reward in ipairs(tasks[id].rewards) do local deny = false if reward.storage then if getCreatureStorage(cid, reward.storage[1]) >= reward.storage[2] then deny = true end end if isInArray({REWARD_MONEY, "money"}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then doPlayerAddMoney(cid, reward.value[1]) elseif isInArray({REWARD_EXP, "exp", "experience"}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then doPlayerAddExperience(cid, reward.value[1]) doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(cid, "You gained " .. reward.value[1] .. " experience points.") elseif isInArray({REWARD_ACHIEVEMENT, "achievement", "ach"}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then if doPlayerAddAchievement then doPlayerAddAchievement(cid, reward.value[1], true) end elseif isInArray({REWARD_STORAGE, "storage", "stor"}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then doCreatureSetStorage(cid, reward.value[1], reward.value[2]) elseif isInArray({REWARD_POINT, "points", "point"}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then doCreatureSetStorage(cid, POINTSSTORAGE, getCreatureStorage(cid, POINTSSTORAGE) + reward.value[1]) elseif isInArray({REWARD_ITEM, "item", "items", "object"}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then doPlayerAddItem(cid, reward.value[1], reward.value[2]) end if reward.storage then doCreatureSetStorage(cid, reward.storage[1], reward.storage[2]) end end if tasks[id].norepeatable then doCreatureSetStorage(cid, QUESTSTORAGE_BASE + id, 2) else doCreatureSetStorage(cid, QUESTSTORAGE_BASE + id, 0) end doCreatureSetStorage(cid, KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + id, 0) if getCreatureStorage(cid, REPEATSTORAGE_BASE + id) < 1 then doCreatureSetStorage(cid, REPEATSTORAGE_BASE + id, 0) end doCreatureSetStorage(cid, REPEATSTORAGE_BASE + id, getCreatureStorage(cid, REPEATSTORAGE_BASE + id) + 1) finishedAtLeastOne = true finished = finished + 1 end end if not finishedAtLeastOne then local started = getPlayerStartedTasks(cid) if started and #started > 0 then local text = "" local sep = ", " table.sort(started, (function(a, b) return (a < b) end)) local t = 0 for _, id in ipairs(started) do t = t + 1 if t == #started - 1 then sep = " and " elseif t == #started then sep = "." end text = text .. "{" .. (tasks[id].name or tasks[id].raceName) .. "}" .. sep end selfSay("The current task" .. (#started > 1 and "s" or "") .. " that you started " .. (#started > 1 and "are" or "is") .. " " .. text, cid) Topic[cid] = 1 else selfSay("Awesome! you finished " .. (finished > 1 and "various" or "a") .. " task" .. (finished > 1 and "s" or "") .. ". Talk to me again if you want to start a {task}.", cid) end else selfSay("You haven't started any task yet.", cid) end end elseif msg:lower() == "started" then local started = getPlayerStartedTasks(cid) if started and #started > 0 then local text = "" local sep = ", " table.sort(started, (function(a, b) return (a < b) end)) local t = 0 for _, id in ipairs(started) do t = t + 1 if t == #started - 1 then sep = " and " elseif t == #started then sep = "." end text = text .. "{" .. (tasks[id].name or tasks[id].raceName) .. "}" .. sep end selfSay("The current task" .. (#started > 1 and "s" or "") .. " that you started " .. (#started > 1 and "are" or "is") .. " " .. text, cid) else selfSay("You haven't started any task yet.", cid) end elseif msg:lower() == "cancel" then local started = getPlayerStartedTasks(cid) local task = getTaskByName(msg) local text = "" local sep = ", " table.sort(started, (function(a, b) return (a < b) end)) local t = 0 for _, id in ipairs(started) do t = t + 1 if t == #started - 1 then sep = " or " elseif t == #started then sep = "?" end text = text .. "{" .. (tasks[id].name or tasks[id].raceName) .. "}" .. sep end if started and #started > 0 then selfSay("Cancelling a task will make the counter restart. Which of these tasks you want cancel?" .. (#started > 1 and "" or "") .. " " .. text, cid) talkState[talkUser] = 2 else selfSay("You haven't started any task yet.", cid) end elseif getTaskByName(msg) and talkState[talkUser] == 2 and isInArray(getPlayerStartedTasks(cid), getTaskByName(msg)) then local task = getTaskByName(msg) if getCreatureStorage(cid, KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + task) > 0 then selfSay("You currently killed " .. getCreatureStorage(cid, KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + task) .. "/" .. tasks[task].killsRequired .. " " .. tasks[task].raceName .. ". Cancelling this task will restart the count. Are you sure you want to cancel this task?", cid) else selfSay("Are you sure you want to cancel this task?", cid) end talkState[talkUser] = 3 cancel[cid] = task elseif getTaskByName(msg) and Topic[cid] == 1 and isInArray(getPlayerStartedTasks(cid), getTaskByName(msg)) then local task = getTaskByName(msg) if getCreatureStorage(cid, KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + task) > 0 then selfSay("You currently killed " .. getCreatureStorage(cid, KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + task) .. "/" .. tasks[task].killsRequired .. " " .. tasks[task].raceName .. ".", cid) Topic[cid] = 0 else selfSay("You haven't started any task yet.", cid) end elseif msg:lower() == "yes" and talkState[talkUser] == 3 then doCreatureSetStorage(cid, QUESTSTORAGE_BASE + cancel[cid], -1) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + cancel[cid], -1) selfSay("You have cancelled the task " .. (tasks[cancel[cid]].name or tasks[cancel[cid]].raceName) .. ".", cid) talkState[talkUser] = 0 elseif isInArray({"points", "rank"}, msg:lower()) then if getCreatureStorage(cid, POINTSSTORAGE) < 1 then selfSay("At this time, you have 0 Paw & Fur points. You " .. (getPlayerRank(cid) == 6 and "are an Elite Hunter" or getPlayerRank(cid) == 5 and "are a Trophy Hunter" or getPlayerRank(cid) == 4 and "are a Big Game Hunter" or getPlayerRank(cid) == 3 and "are a Ranger" or getPlayerRank(cid) == 2 and "are a Huntsman" or getPlayerRank(cid) == 1 and "are a Member" or "haven't been ranked yet") .. ".", cid) elseif getCreatureStorage(cid, POINTSSTORAGE) >= 1 then selfSay("At this time, you have " .. getCreatureStorage(cid, POINTSSTORAGE) .. " Paw & Fur points. You " .. (getPlayerRank(cid) == 6 and "are an Elite Hunter" or getPlayerRank(cid) == 5 and "are a Trophy Hunter" or getPlayerRank(cid) == 4 and "are a Big Game Hunter" or getPlayerRank(cid) == 3 and "are a Ranger" or getPlayerRank(cid) == 2 and "are a Huntsman" or getPlayerRank(cid) == 1 and "are a Member" or "haven't been ranked yet") .. ".", cid) end talkState[talkUser] = 0 end end npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_FAREWELL, "Happy hunting, old chap!") npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)
action [Gesior] PagSeguro Automático (100% Funcional)
tópico respondeu ao Natanael Beckman de trevoursglobal em Tutoriais de Websites
CARALHOOO, BOTEI <html ng-app> NO MEU LAYOUT BUGOU O SITE AGORA O SITE NÃO ABRE CARA QUE MERDA É ESSA? Trevours-global.com eu reverti mas nao adiantou cara porra -
<?PHP $host = "localhost"; /* HOST */ $user = "root"; /* USER */ $passwd = "xxxxx"; /* PASSWORD */ $db = "xxxxx"; /* DB */ $retorno_token = 'xxxx'; // Token gerado pelo PagSeguro ############################################################## # CONFIGURAÇÕES ############################################################## if (empty($_POST['Referencia'])) { header("Location http://pagseguro.com.br"); } list($accname, $world) = explode('-', $_POST['Referencia']); if ($world=='sv') { $retorno_host = "localhost"; // Local da base de dados MySql $retorno_database = "database"; // Nome da base de dados MySql $retorno_usuario = "xxxx"; // Usuario com acesso a base de dados MySql $retorno_senha = "xxxx"; // Senha de acesso a base de dados MySql } Alguem me ajuda pelo amor de Deus como deixo isso exatamente? tenho que mexer nos dois? ou só em um, alguem mostra como se tivesse configurado explicado o que cada iten é por favor
Galera, tenho um sistema de task com a Grizzly Adams, e quando termina de matar todos monstros, vc fala report, e ela não faz nada, não responde nada, só responde se falar task para começar outra, poderiam me ajudar? ot estreiou ontem esta foda
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