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  1. Best PokéTibia game for ever! How to register and game starting tutorial videos. PSoul own custom systems, Pokémon Carrage etc.
  2. I need to stack 100+ items on pokebag. (Example Max : 1000) How can i do ? Anyone knows ? Like This. v
  3. I Searching Remake Pokémon Sprites and Anothers, Anyone can be shared for .obd or .png ?
  4. @Tungs, Thank's for helping. I'm giving on this system, I'll do it differently next time.
  5. Created a Item ID : 2 from here and me teleported the coordinates and give me a Unique Ball in Pidgey. @Tungs Not working.
  6. I want to create a Starter Box. (Box ID = 3000) I used this boxes and box give me a Starter for Pidgey level 5. Some Items for this inventory pages places (PLAYER_SLOT_EVOLVE) for Fishing Rods (Item ID = 2377.) And teleporting to Place {x = 3295, y = 564, z = 7} How can i do ? I try but not working. local BOXES = { [3000] = {level = 5, pokemons = {"Pidgey"}} } function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) local randomBoxPokemon = BOXES[item.itemid].pokemons[math.random(1, #BOXES[item.itemid].pokemons)] doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), EFFECT_FIREWORK_YELLOW) doPlayerAddItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_EVOLVE, 2377, 1, true) -- Fishing Rods doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, string.format(__L(cid, "Congratulations! Your %s result in %s."), getItemNameById(item.itemid), getMonsterInfo(randomBoxPokemon).description)) doCreatePokemonBall(cid, "poke", randomBoxPokemon, BOXES[item.itemid].level, nil, nil, math.floor(BOXES[item.itemid].level / 2), cid, true) doTeleportThing(cid, {x = 3295, y = 564, z = 7}, false) return true end Please help me.
  7. How to insert here any items ? Example 11691 item i put for this ''Neck'' places. [InventorySlotHead] = "HeadSlot", [InventorySlotNeck] = "NeckSlot", [InventorySlotBack] = "BackSlot", [InventorySlotBody] = "BodySlot", [InventorySlotRight] = "RightSlot", [InventorySlotLeft] = "LeftSlot", [InventorySlotLeg] = "LegSlot", [InventorySlotFeet] = "FeetSlot", [InventorySlotFinger] = "FingerSlot", [InventorySlotAmmo] = "AmmoSlot"
  8. I Searching Remake New Pokéballs Go/Back - Caught - Failed Effectives etc, Remakes Legendary Pokémons. Anyone have this Sprites ?
  9. ZombiTR


    i try 0.3 & 0.4.4 & 0.4.9 but i can't open. This SPR and DaT locked.
  10. function onEquip(cid, item) if (isItem(item)) then setPlayerIcons(cid, item, true) return true end return false end function onDeEquip(cid, item) setPlayerIcons(cid, item, false) return true end Data/Lib/Ps/Movements/ball.lua Someone can be fixed ?
  11. Can i join with a Mapper. Starting from 0 is difficult. Are you believe for this ?
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