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Sobre jeffersonfds


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  1. como coloca novo modulos no meu otcliente
  2. [09/08/2013 18:13:17] [Error - Action Interface] [09/08/2013 18:13:17] data/actions/scripts/shinystone.lua:onUse [09/08/2013 18:13:17] Description: [09/08/2013 18:13:17] data/actions/scripts/shinystone.lua:98: attempt to index local 'balls' (a nil value) [09/08/2013 18:13:17] stack traceback: [09/08/2013 18:13:17] data/actions/scripts/shinystone.lua:98: in function <data/actions/scripts/shinystone.lua:88>
  3. sim outro erro na shiny stone [09/08/2013 17:51:16] [Error - Action Interface] [09/08/2013 17:51:16] data/actions/scripts/shinystone.lua:onUse [09/08/2013 17:51:16] Description: [09/08/2013 17:51:16] data/actions/scripts/shinystone.lua:99: attempt to index local 'balls' (a nil value) [09/08/2013 17:51:16] stack traceback: [09/08/2013 17:51:16] data/actions/scripts/shinystone.lua:99: in function <data/actions/scripts/shinystone.lua:89>
  4. eu to com um erro na shiny stone o erro [09/08/2013 17:42:06] Reloaded actions. [09/08/2013 17:42:06] [Error - Action Interface] [09/08/2013 17:42:06] data/actions/scripts/shinystone.lua [09/08/2013 17:42:06] Description: [09/08/2013 17:42:06] (luaGetCreatureStorage) Creature not found action da shiny stone local evo = { ["Abra"] = "Shiny Abra", ["Alakazam"] = "Shiny Alakazam", ["Arcanine"] = "Shiny Arcanine", ["Beedrill"] = "Shiny Beedrill", ["Blastoise"] = "Shiny Blastoise", ["Bulbasaur"] = "Shiny Bulbasaur", ["Butterfree"] = "Shiny Butterfree", ["Charizard"] = "Shiny Charizard", ["Charmander"] = "Shiny Charmander", ["Charmeleon"] = "Shiny Charmeleon", ["Cubone"] = "Shiny Cubone", ["Dragonair"] = "Shiny Dragonair", ["Dragonite"] = "Shiny Dragonite", ["Dratini"] = "Shiny Dratini", ["Electabuzz"] = "Shiny Electabuzz", ["Electrode"] = "Shiny Electrode", ["Farfetchd"] = "Shiny Farfetchd", ["Elekid"] = "Shiny Elekid", ["Farfetch'd"] = "Shiny Farfetch'd", ["Fearow"] = "Shiny Fearow", ["Flareon"] = "Shiny Flareon", ["Gastly"] = "Shiny Gastly", ["Gengar"] = "Shiny Gengar", ["Gloom"] = "Shiny Gloom", ["Golbat"] = "Shiny Golbat", ["Golem"] = "Shiny Golem", ["Grimer"] = "Shiny Grimer", ["Growlithe"] = "Shiny Growlithe", ["Gyarados"] = "Shiny Gyarados", ["Haunter"] = "Shiny Haunter", ["Hitmonchan"] = "Shiny Hitmonchan", ["Hitmonlee"] = "Shiny Hitmonlee", ["Horsea"] = "Shiny Horsea", ["Hypno"] = "Shiny Hypno", ["Ivysaur"] = "Shiny Ivysaur", ["Jolteon"] = "Shiny Jolteon", ["Jynx"] = "Shiny Jynx", ["Kingler"] = "Shiny Kingler", ["Krabby"] = "Shiny Krabby", ["Magby"] = "Shiny Magby", ["Magikarp"] = "Shiny Magikarp", ["Marowak"] = "Shiny Marowak", ["Muk"] = "Shiny Muk", ["Nidoking"] = "Shiny Nidoking", ["Nidoran Female"] = "Shiny Nidoran Female", ["Nidoran Male"] = "Shiny Nidoran Male", ["Nidorina"] = "Shiny Nidorina", ["Nidorino"] = "Shiny Nidorino", ["Oddish"] = "Shiny Oddish", ["Onix"] = "Shiny Onix", ["Paras"] = "Shiny Paras", ["Parasect"] = "Shiny Parasect", ["Pidgeot"] = "Shiny Pidgeot", ["Pidgeotto"] = "Shiny Pidgeotto", ["Pidgey"] = "Shiny Pidgey", ["Pikachu"] = "Shiny Pikachu", ["Pinsir"] = "Shiny Pinsir", ["porygon2"] = "Shiny porygon2", ["Raichu"] = "Shiny Raichu", ["Raticate"] = "Shiny Raticate", ["Rattata"] = "Shiny Rattata", ["Scyther"] = "Shiny Scyther", ["Seadra"] = "Shiny Seadra", ["Snorlax"] = "Shiny Snorlax", ["Squirtle"] = "Shiny Squirtle", ["Tangela"] = "Shiny Tangela", ["Tentacool"] = "Shiny Tentacool", ["Tentacruel"] = "Shiny Tentacruel", ["Vaporeon"] = "Shiny Vaporeon", ["Venomoth"] = "Shiny Venomoth", ["Venonat"] = "Shiny Venonat", ["Venusaur"] = "Shiny Venusaur", ["Vileplume"] = "Shiny Vileplume", ["Voltorb"] = "Shiny Voltorb", ["Wartortle"] = "Shiny Wartortle", ["Wigglytuff"] = "Shiny Wigglytuff", ["wingull"] = "Shiny wingull", ["Zubat"] = "Shiny Zubat", } local pokeballs = { [2531] = {"Pokeball"}, [2557] = {"Superball"}, [2524] = {"Greatball"}, [2525] = {"Ultraball"}, [2523] = {"Masterball"}, } function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) if isMonster(itemEx.uid) and getCreatureMaster(itemEx.uid) == cid then local monster = getCreatureName(itemEx.uid) if evo[monster] then local health, maxHealth = getCreatureHealth(itemEx.uid), getCreatureMaxHealth(itemEx.uid) doRemoveCreature(itemEx.uid) doRemoveItem(item.uid) local summon = doCreateMonster(evo[monster], toPosition) doConvinceCreature(cid, summon) local balls = pokeballs[getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).itemid] doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "poke", ""..evo[monster].." "..balls[1]) doCreatureAddHealth(summon, health-maxHealth) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(summon), 18) return TRUE end end return FALSE end
  5. o meu ta dado erro C:\docume~1\desktop\restar~1.exe a cpu ntvdm encontrou uma instrução não permitida. cs:0736 ip:0101 op:65 63 68 6f 20 escolha 'fechar' para finalizar o aplicativo.
  6. function onSay(cid, words, param) if words=="/eventoon" then local create_pos = {x=1060 , y=1046 , z=5, stackpos=255} local tp_pos = {x=1045 , y=1049 , z=15} doCreateTeleport(1387, tp_pos , create_pos) doSendMagicEffect(create_pos , 10) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 28 , "Portal para o Evento está aberto!") return TRUE end if words=="/eventooff" then doRemoveItem(getTileItemById(create_pos,1387)) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 28 , "Portal para o Evento fechou!") end return TRUE end
  7. como eu arrumo esse erro [06/08/2013 20:34:16] [Error - TalkAction Interface] [06/08/2013 20:34:16] data/talkactions/scripts/eventoteleport.lua:onSay [06/08/2013 20:34:16] Description: [06/08/2013 20:34:16] attempt to index a nil value [06/08/2013 20:34:16] stack traceback: [06/08/2013 20:34:16] [C]: in function 'getTileItemById' [06/08/2013 20:34:16] data/talkactions/scripts/eventoteleport.lua:11: in function <data/talkactions/scripts/eventoteleport.lua:1>
  8. o meu ta dado erro no carro vc poder ajudar eu --Script by mock the bear --Config local SPEED = 200 local PLAYERSPEED = 250 --End local RAILS = {7121, 7122, 7123, 7124, 7125, 7126, 7127, 7128, 7129, 7130} --Thxy rails itemid by nord local CART = {[0] = 7132, [2] = 7132, [3] =7131, [1] =7131} local CONFIG = { [7121] = 0,[7122] = 0, [7123] = {EAST, SOUTH}, [7124] = {WEST, SOUTH}, [7125] = {EAST, NORTH}, [7126] = {WEST, NORTH}, [7127] = 0,[7128] = 0, [7129] = 0,[7130] = 0, [152] = {NORTH, SOUTH}, --modificado por Piporealino Xtibia [153] = {SOUTH, NORTH}, [154] = {EAST, WEST}, [155] = {WEST, EAST}, --Random } local reverse = {[0] = 2, 3, 0, 1} -- All that table was made by nord. local function moveTrain(cid, frompos, direc) local tab if not isPlayer(cid) then return end local pos = getCreaturePosition(cid) local rar = findRail(pos) if not rar then doPlayerSetNoMove(cid, false) doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) doChangeSpeed(cid, -PLAYERSPEED) doMoveCreature(cid, direc) else tab = CONFIG[rar] if tab and type(tab) == 'table' then direc = tab[tab[1] == reverse[direc] and 2 or 1] -- by nord here end doSetItemOutfit(cid, CART[direc], -1) doMoveCreature(cid, direc) addEvent(moveTrain, SPEED, cid, pos,direc) end end function findRail(p) local p_ = {x=p.x, y=p.y, z=p.z} for i=0,10 do p_.stackpos = i local t = getTileThingByPos(p_) if isInArray(RAILS, t.itemid) then return t.itemid,t.uid end end end function onUse(cid, item, frompos) --Script by mock the bear if hasCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) or (item.actionid < 500 and item.actionid > 503) then return false end doTeleportThing(cid, frompos, false) doPlayerSetNoMove(cid, true) doChangeSpeed(cid, PLAYERSPEED) addEvent(moveTrain, SPEED, cid, frompos, item.actionid-500) return true end
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