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[Encerrado] [Duvida] Systema de lv !
tópico respondeu ao Notthingster de Notthingster em Tópicos Sem Resposta
Meu Amigo Quer Disponibilisar o Download ae pra miin ! pf Estou a Mais de 3 dias mechendo com digi tibia ! Queria um system pra colocar lv nos digi e tals mais como uso base flash ta dificil se vc puder disponibilisar o download ae pra min fico grato ! -
Galera queria adicionar systema de lv no meu digitibia server que ta em construçao a base do server e o server flash quero ajuda de vcs ! OBS : PROCURO MAPPER !
[Encerrado] [Pedido] Script Go/Back para digitibia !
tópico respondeu ao Notthingster de Notthingster em Tópicos Sem Resposta
Duvida Sanada ! OBrigado Amigo ! -
[Encerrado] [Pedido] Script Go/Back para digitibia !
tópico respondeu ao Notthingster de Notthingster em Tópicos Sem Resposta
Bllz iso eu ja sei mais ta dando erro no go/back quando eu souto o digimon ele nem sai da pokeball e quando da catch em augum digimon vem como abra ! sem e sempre . Quem Quiser ajuda meu Skype : humberto.lucas5 ADD LA ! -
[Encerrado] [Pedido] Script Go/Back para digitibia !
tópico respondeu ao Notthingster de Notthingster em Tópicos Sem Resposta
axo que nao tem esse lua ai nao . pq o server e flash axo que o flash nao tem ! esperando ajuda . da esse erro aki quando tento colocar o pokemon pra fora ! [28/08/2013 10:26:57] [Error - Action Interface] [28/08/2013 10:26:57] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:onUse [28/08/2013 10:26:57] Description: [28/08/2013 10:26:57] (luaDoCreateNpc) Npc with name 'abra' not found [28/08/2013 10:26:57] [Error - Action Interface] [28/08/2013 10:26:57] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:onUse [28/08/2013 10:26:57] Description: [28/08/2013 10:26:57] (luaDoConvinceCreature) Creature not found [28/08/2013 10:26:57] [Error - Action Interface] [28/08/2013 10:26:57] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:onUse [28/08/2013 10:26:57] Description: [28/08/2013 10:26:57] (luaRegisterCreatureEvent) Creature not found [28/08/2013 10:26:57] [Error - Action Interface] [28/08/2013 10:26:57] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:onUse [28/08/2013 10:26:57] Description: [28/08/2013 10:26:57] (luaGetThingPosition) Thing not found [28/08/2013 10:26:57] [Error - Action Interface] [28/08/2013 10:26:57] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:onUse [28/08/2013 10:26:57] Description: [28/08/2013 10:26:57] (luaDoCreatureAddHealth) Creature not found quale ninguem sabe arumar esse erro nao tou esperando ajuda de auguem . -
[Encerrado] [Pedido] Script Go/Back para digitibia !
tópico respondeu ao Notthingster de Notthingster em Tópicos Sem Resposta
cabei de tentar fala : 08:51 Você não pode capturar este pokemon! ai mudei pra abra denovo pego normal '-' deu esse erro aki quando mudei o nome pro do digimon . [28/08/2013 09:00:35] [Error - Action Interface] [28/08/2013 09:00:35] data/actions/scripts/catch.lua:onUse [28/08/2013 09:00:35] Description: [28/08/2013 09:00:35] data/lib/050-function.lua:234: attempt to index a boolean value [28/08/2013 09:00:35] stack traceback: [28/08/2013 09:00:35] data/lib/050-function.lua:234: in function 'getItemName' [28/08/2013 09:00:35] data/actions/scripts/catch.lua:423: in function <data/actions/scripts/catch.lua:420> [28/08/2013 09:01:03] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/abra.xml). [28/08/2013 09:01:03] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/abra.xml" -
[Encerrado] [Pedido] Script Go/Back para digitibia !
tópico respondeu ao Notthingster de Notthingster em Tópicos Sem Resposta
ta aki o catch . -- CAPTURE SYSTEM BY RAMZA (RICARDO IANELLI) - DO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION -- local chance = { ['abra'] = 60, ['kadabra'] = 30, ['alakazam'] = 5, ['gastly'] = 60, ['haunter'] = 30, ['gengar'] = 5, ['aipom'] = 50, ['ambipom'] = 5, ['machop'] = 70, ['machoke'] = 35, ['machamp'] = 6, ['bellsprout'] = 100, ['weepinbell'] = 60, ['victreebel'] = 10, ['tentacool'] = 70, ['tentacruel'] = 5, ['geodude'] = 80, ['graveler'] = 36, ['golem'] = 7, ['ponyta'] = 60, ['rapidash'] = 10, ['slowpoke'] = 80, ['slowbro'] = 20, ['magnemite'] = 70, ['magneton'] = 15, ['magnezone'] = 5, ['farfetchd'] = 40, ['doduo'] = 90, ['dodrio'] = 20, ['seel'] = 65, ['dewgong'] = 5, ['grimer'] = 90, ['muk'] = 10, ['shellder'] = 65, ['cloyster'] = 5, ['elekid'] = 50, ['magby'] = 50, ['tyrogue'] = 50, ['pichu'] = 50, ['onix'] = 15, ['drowzee'] = 65, ['hypno'] = 5, ['krabby'] = 100, ['kingler'] = 20, ['corphish'] = 90, ['crawdaunt'] = 15, ['voltorb'] = 80, ['electrode'] = 15, ['exeggcute'] = 60, ['exeggutor'] = 6, ['cubone'] = 80, ['marowak'] = 5, ['hitmonlee'] = 2, ['hitmonchan'] = 2, ['lickitung'] = 30, ['koffing'] = 90, ['weezing'] = 15, ['rhyhorn'] = 50, ['rhydon'] = 5, ['chansey'] = 3, ['tangela'] = 50, ['kangaskhan'] = 25, ['horsea'] = 99, ['seadra'] = 15, ['kingdra'] = 2, ['togepi'] = 60, ['togetic'] = 10, ['shuppet'] = 40, ['banette'] = 3, ['duskull'] = 40, ['dusclops'] = 3, ['goldeen'] = 99, ['seaking'] = 18, ['buizel'] = 18, ['staryu'] = 50, ['starmie'] = 5, ['mime jr'] = 45, ['mr.mime'] = 4, ['scyther'] = 2, ['smoochum'] = 45, ['jynx'] = 3, ['electabuzz'] = 3, ['magmar'] = 2, ['pinsir'] = 40, ['tauros'] = 35, ['magikarp'] = 999, ['gyarados'] = 4, ['lapras'] = 10, ['ditto'] = 1, ['eevee'] = 18, ['vaporeon'] = 2, ['flareon'] = 2, ['jolteon'] = 2, ['porygon'] = 2, ['omanyte'] = 20, ['omastar'] = 2, ['kabuto'] = 20, ['kabutops'] = 2, ['aerodactyl'] = 2, ['snorlax'] = 5, ['articuno'] = 1, ['zapdos'] = 1, ['moltres'] = 1, ['dratini'] = 25, ['dragonair'] = 5, ['dragonite'] = 1, ['celebi'] = 1, ['lugia'] = 1, ['mew'] = 1, ['mewtwo'] = 1, ['beedrill'] = 20, ['bulbasaur'] = 40, ['ivysaur'] = 6, ['venusaur'] = 2, ['charmander'] = 40, ['charmeleon'] = 6, ['charizard'] = 2, ['squirtle'] = 40, ['wartortle'] = 6, ['blastoise'] = 2, ['caterpie'] = 999, ['metapod'] = 75, ['butterfree'] = 20, ['weedle'] = 999, ['kakuna'] = 75, ['pidgey'] = 90, ['pidgeotto'] = 30, ['pidgeot'] = 7, ['rattata'] = 300, ['raticate'] = 60, ['spearow'] = 80, ['fearow'] = 10, ['ekans'] = 60, ['arbok'] = 10, ['pikachu'] = 70, ['raichu'] = 5, ['sandshrew'] = 80, ['sandslash'] = 7, ['nidoran F'] = 80, ['nidorina'] = 10, ['nidoqueen'] = 2, ['nidoran M'] = 80, ['nidorino'] = 10, ['nidoking'] = 2, ['clefairy'] = 38, ['clefable'] = 4, ['vulpix'] = 60, ['ninetales'] = 5, ['jigglypuff'] = 39, ['wigglytuff'] = 5, ['zubat'] = 99, ['golbat'] = 30, ['crobat'] = 3, ['oddish'] = 120, ['gloom'] = 40, ['vileplume'] = 5, ['paras'] = 90, ['parasect'] = 15, ['venonat'] = 70, ['venomoth'] = 9, ['diglett'] = 80, ['dugtrio'] = 15, ['meowth'] = 80, ['persian'] = 35, ['psyduck'] = 60, ['golduck'] = 3, ['mankey'] = 65, ['primeape'] = 9, ['growlithe'] = 50, ['arcanine'] = 2, ['poliwag'] = 85, ['poliwhirl'] = 10, ['politoed'] = 3, ['poliwrath'] = 3, ['riolu'] = 30, ['lucario'] = 2, ['elder charizard'] = 1, ['crystal onix'] = 1, ['red gyarados'] = 1, ['shiny horsea'] = 1, ['shiny abra'] = 1, ['shiny seadra'] = 1, ['shiny krabby'] = 1, ['shiny kingler'] = 1, ['shiny tentacruel'] = 1, ['shiny paras'] = 1, ['shiny parasect'] = 1, ['shiny raticate'] = 1, ['shiny muk'] = 1, ['shiny growlithe'] = 1, ['shiny arcanine'] = 1, ['shiny butterfree'] = 1, ['shiny electrode'] = 1, ['shiny raichu'] = 1, ['shiny venomoth'] = 1, ['ivysaur2'] = 1, ['charmeleon2'] = 1, ['wartortle2'] = 1, ['pidgeotto2'] = 1, ['spearow2'] = 1, ['nidorina2'] = 1, ['nidorino2'] = 1, ['vulpix2'] = 1, ['paras2'] = 1, ['psyduck2'] = 1, ['growlithe2'] = 1, ['poliwhirl2'] = 1, ['kadabra2'] = 1, ['machoke2'] = 1, ['weepinbell2'] = 1, ['tentacool2'] = 1, ['riolu2'] = 1, ['scyther2'] = 1, ['graveler2'] = 1, ['shellder2'] = 1, ['haunter2'] = 1, ['drowzee2'] = 1, ['exeggcute2'] = 1, ['seadra2'] = 1, ['togepi2'] = 1, ['rhyhorn2'] = 1, ['magikarp2'] = 1, ['omanyte2'] = 1, ['kabuto2'] = 1, ['smoochum2'] = 1, ['mime jr2'] = 1, ['dragonair2'] = 1, ['shiny krabby2'] = 1, ['shiny tentacool2'] = 1, ['shiny horsea2'] = 1, } local ID_GREATBALL = 2146 local ID_SUPERBALL = 2147 local ID_ULTRABALL = 2150 local ID_MASTERBALL = 2554 local ID_CAPTUROU = 24 local ID_NAO_CAPTUROU = 23 local pokebolas = { [2149] = {2531,"Pokeball"}, [2147] = {2653,"Superball"}, [2146] = {2652,"Greatball"}, [2150] = {2654,"Ultraball"}, [2521] = {2195,"Masterball"}, } local level = { ['abra'] = 5, ['kadabra'] = 40, ['alakazam'] = 80, ['machop'] = 15, ['machoke'] = 40, ['machamp'] = 70, ['bellsprout'] = 5, ['weepinbell'] = 20, ['victreebel'] = 50, ['tentacool'] = 15, ['tentacruel'] = 70, ['geodude'] = 5, ['graveler'] = 35, ['golem'] = 65, ['ponyta'] = 10, ['rapidash'] = 50, ['slowpoke'] = 5, ['slowbro'] = 50, ['magnemite'] = 10, ['magneton'] = 40, ['farfetchd'] = 25, ['duduo'] = 15, ['dodrio'] = 45, ['seel'] = 15, ['dewgong'] = 65, ['grimer'] = 10, ['muk'] = 40, ['shellder'] = 5, ['cloyster'] = 60, ['gastly'] = 90, ['haunter'] = 50, ['gengar'] = 10, ['onix'] = 50, ['drowzee'] = 18, ['hypno'] = 55, ['krabby'] = 5, ['klinger'] = 35, ['voltorb'] = 5, ['electrode'] = 40, ['exeggcute'] = 8, ['exeggutor'] = 45, ['cubone'] = 15, ['marowak'] = 52, ['hitmonlee'] = 70, ['hitmonchan'] = 65, ['lickitung'] = 40, ['koffing'] = 10, ['weezing'] = 38, ['rhyhorn'] = 20, ['rhydon'] = 68, ['chansey'] = 50, ['tangela'] = 30, ['kangaskhan'] = 70, ['horsea'] = 5, ['seadra'] = 36, ['goldeen'] = 5, ['seaking'] = 32, ['staryu'] = 15, ['starmie'] = 40, ['mr.Mime'] = 60, ['scyther'] = 80, ['jynx'] = 70, ['electabuzz'] = 72, ['magmar'] = 72, ['pinsir'] = 10, ['tauros'] = 25, ['magikarp'] = 1, ['gyarados'] = 70, ['lapras'] = 40, ['ditto'] = 100, ['eevee'] = 15, ['vaporeon'] = 50, ['flareon'] = 50, ['jolteon'] = 50, ['porygon'] = 40, ['omanyte'] = 20, ['omastar'] = 10, ['kabuto'] = 20, ['kabutops'] = 10, ['snorlax'] = 35, ['articuno'] = 150, ['zapdos'] = 150, ['moltres'] = 150, ['dratini'] = 10, ['dragonair'] = 50, ['dragonite'] = 80, ['mew'] = 350, ['mewtwo'] = 200, ['beedrill'] = 25, ['bulbasaur'] = 5, ['ivysaur'] = 35, ['venusaur'] = 75, ['charmander'] = 5, ['charmeleon'] = 35, ['charizard'] = 75, ['squirtle'] = 5, ['wartortle'] = 35, ['blastoise'] = 75, ['caterpie'] = 1, ['metapod'] = 5, ['butterfree'] = 25, ['weedle'] = 1, ['kakuna'] = 5, ['pidgey'] = 5, ['pidgeotto'] = 20, ['pidgeot'] = 65, ['rattata'] = 1, ['raticate'] = 20, ['spearow'] = 5, ['fearow'] = 45, ['ekans'] = 10, ['arbok'] = 32, ['pikachu'] = 18, ['raichu'] = 42, ['sandshrew'] = 13, ['sandslash'] = 58, ['nidoranFE'] = 10, ['nidorina'] = 30, ['nidoqueen'] = 60, ['nidoranMA'] = 10, ['nidorino'] = 30, ['nidoking'] = 60, ['clefairy'] = 40, ['clefable'] = 10, ['vulpix'] = 10, ['ninetales'] = 60, ['jigglypuff'] = 5, ['wigglytuff'] = 40, ['zubat'] = 6, ['golbat'] = 28, ['oddish'] = 5, ['gloom'] = 25, ['vileplume'] = 50, ['paras'] = 5, ['parasect'] = 50, ['venonat'] = 13, ['venomoth'] = 40, ['diglett'] = 5, ['dugtrio'] = 40, ['meowth'] = 5, ['persian'] = 30, ['psyduck'] = 18, ['golduck'] = 55, ['mankey'] = 10, ['primeape'] = 50, ['growlithe'] = 18, ['arcanine'] = 80, ['poliwag'] = 5, ['poliwhirl'] = 25, ['poliwrath'] = 60, } -- Vá adicionando mais acima, como está ali "" local function capturou(params) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(params.cid), 173) doPlayerSendTextMessage(params.cid, 25, 'Parabens você capturou um ('..params.monster..').') item = doCreateItemEx(params.ball) doItemSetAttribute(item, "name", ""..params.monster.." "..params.ball2) doItemSetAttribute(item, "level", params.level) doItemSetAttribute(item, "aid", params.hp) doPlayerAddItemEx(params.cid, item, true) end local function naocapturou(params) end function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) local monster = getItemName(itemEx.uid):match("dead (.*)") if item.itemid == ID_GREATBALL then chances = (chance[monster]) * 3 elseif item.itemid == ID_SUPERBALL then chances = (chance[monster]) * 4 elseif item.itemid == ID_ULTRABALL then chances = (chance[monster]) * 6 elseif item.itemid == 2521 then chances = (chance[monster]) * 10000 else chances = chance[monster] end if not chance[monster] then return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 23, 'Você não pode capturar este pokemon!') end if math.random(1,1000) <= chances then if item.itemid == 2149 then doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 24) elseif item.itemid == 2147 then doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 202) elseif item.itemid == 2146 then doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 198) elseif item.itemid == 2150 then doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 200) elseif item.itemid == 2521 then doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 24) end local hpmax = 0 local ball = pokebolas[item.itemid] addEvent(capturou, 4000, {cid = cid, monster = monster, ball = ball[1], ball2 = ball[2], level = level[monster], hp = hpmax}) doRemoveItem(itemEx.uid, 1) doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1) else if item.itemid == 2149 then doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 23) elseif item.itemid == 2147 then doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 201) elseif item.itemid == 2146 then doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 197) elseif item.itemid == 2150 then doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 199) elseif item.itemid == 2521 then doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, 203) end doRemoveItem(itemEx.uid, 1) doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1) end return TRUE end -
[Encerrado] [Pedido] Script Go/Back para digitibia !
um tópico no fórum postou Notthingster Tópicos Sem Resposta
Bom Galera Meu Server e digi tibia com base no do pokemon flash ! eu tava la vendo uns negocio e tals ai me deparei que quando pega um digimon ele vem sempre como (abra) o Pokemon e quando tento soltar da erro no go/back . vou posta o go/back pra vcs verem o que ta errado . function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) function getPokemonMaxLife(name) local file = io.open('data/monster/monsters.xml','r') local arquivo = file:read(-1):lower():match('<monster name="'..name:lower()..'" file="(.-)"/>') file:close() local data = io.open('data/monster/'..(arquivo or ''),'r') if not data then return 100 end local maximo = data:read(-1):match('max%s*=%s*"(%d+)"') data:close() return maximo end ----- Config ----- local MaximoSummon = 1 local nome = getItemName(item.uid) local poke_name = nome:match('(.-) Pokeball') local summons = getCreatureSummons(cid) local action_id = getItemAttribute(item.uid, "aid") ----- Config ----- if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "aid") == -1 then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Seu pokemon está morto.") end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 25000) == 5 then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você está montando.") end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 23000) == 5 then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você está voando.") end local summons = getCreatureSummons(cid) if item.uid ~= getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_FEET).uid then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Para Soltar seus pokemons, coloque-os no slot da pokeball.") return TRUE end if(table.maxn(summons) < MaximoSummon) then -- no summons creature = doSummonCreature(poke_name, getCreaturePosition(cid)) doConvinceCreature(cid, creature) registerCreatureEvent(creature, "DiePoke") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PlayerPokeDeath") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "LogoutPoke") doPlayerSay(cid, "Go,"..poke_name.."!!", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(creature), 188) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).uid, 2531, 1) doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).uid,"name", poke_name .." Pokeball") if action_id ~= 0 then doCreatureAddHealth(creature, -(tonumber(getPokemonMaxLife(poke_name) - action_id))) else doCreatureAddHealth(creature, getPokemonMaxLife(poke_name)) end else for _, pid in ipairs(summons) do if (table.maxn(summons) >= 1) then doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "aid", getCreatureHealth(summons[1])) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 188) doPlayerSay(cid, "Back,"..poke_name..".", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) doRemoveCreature(pid) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).uid, 2532, 1) doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).uid,"name", poke_name .." Pokeball") end end end return true end Esse e o go/back logo vi tb que da um erro . esse aki . [28/08/2013 08:24:46] [Error - Action Interface] [28/08/2013 08:24:46] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:onUse [28/08/2013 08:24:46] Description: [28/08/2013 08:24:46] (luaDoCreateNpc) Npc with name 'abra' not found [28/08/2013 08:24:46] [Error - Action Interface] [28/08/2013 08:24:46] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:onUse [28/08/2013 08:24:46] Description: [28/08/2013 08:24:46] (luaDoConvinceCreature) Creature not found [28/08/2013 08:24:46] [Error - Action Interface] [28/08/2013 08:24:46] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:onUse [28/08/2013 08:24:46] Description: [28/08/2013 08:24:46] (luaRegisterCreatureEvent) Creature not found [28/08/2013 08:24:46] [Error - Action Interface] [28/08/2013 08:24:46] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:onUse [28/08/2013 08:24:46] Description: [28/08/2013 08:24:46] (luaGetThingPosition) Thing not found [28/08/2013 08:24:46] [Error - Action Interface] [28/08/2013 08:24:46] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:onUse [28/08/2013 08:24:46] Description: [28/08/2013 08:24:46] (luaDoCreatureAddHealth) Creature not found Queria a Ajuda De vcs . -
Cara Eu So Disse isso Por que e Reaumente BOM ! Vc Tem Futuro ! Vou Precizar Da Sua Ajuda Logo Logo !
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Parabens Otimo Trabalho Vou Usar Como Meu Server ! Obrigado Amigo ! kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk , Me Otimo MSM Amigo Inclusive o Egg Sytem !!!! Vlws Muito Obrigado Cara Por Trazer Pro Xtibia !!
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