Galera eu tenho um OT Lunus os pokes vai até level 300, mas ao passar de level o poque ganha poucos pontos de Offense, etc... gostaria de saber como faço o poque ganhar mais pontos.
Exemplo: • Level: 6 (+1) • Offense: +6.66 • Defense: +5.4 • Spc. Atk: +5.4 • Agility: +0.1 • Vitality: +6.48
queria mudar para : • Level: 6 (+1) • Offense: +10.50 • Defense: +11.0 • Spc. Atk: +11.4 • Agility: +3.1 • Vitality: +12.64
Alguem poderia ajudar? não seis e é nesse abaixo!
useKpdoDlls = true -- coloque true pra usar as barras de cooldown.
intervalToRegrowBushAndStones = 15 -- this also affects dig (in seconds) / isso afeta dig também (em segundos)
nurseHealsOnlyInPZ = true -- true = precisa estar em pz pra falar com a nurse
accountManagerOutfit = {lookType = 304, lookHead = 1, lookBody = 1, lookLegs = 1, lookFeet = 1}
accountManagerRandomPokemonOutfit = true -- se true, quando o acc manager logar, vai ter uma outfit de pokemon aleatoria
reloadHighscoresWhenUsingPc = true -- talvez dê lag, lembrando que tem uma opção no config.lua que indica o intervalo do update das highscores
backupPos = {x = 10, y = 10, z = 10} -- alguma pos para criar monstros quando tentar sair do fly/ride/surf em lugares que não são muito espaçosos
hideSummonsLevel = false
hideWildsLevel = false
pokemonMaxLevelAbovePlayer = 10
pokemonsCanEvolveByLevel = true
nurseHealsPokemonOut = true
maximumBoost = 50
boost_rate = 4.5
catchMakesPokemonHappier = true
dittoCopiesStatusToo = true
dittoBonus = 0.50
wildBeforeNames = true
hideBoost = false
showBoostSeparated = true
canFishWhileSurfingOrFlying = false
allEvolutionsCanBeInduzedByStone = true
evolutionByStoneRequireLevel = false
PlayerSpeed = 270
playerExperienceRate = 2.0
attackRate = 1
specialoffenseRate = 3.25
levelFactor = 1.4
defenseRate = 0.7
playerDamageReduction = 0.32
summonReduction = 1
generalSpecialAttackReduction = 0.8
summonSpecialDamageReduction = 1
vitReductionForWild = 0.8 -- 1 means that nothing will change, 0.5 means that wild pokemon hp will drop by half
speedRate = 1.85
wildEvolveChance = 1000
pokemonExpPerLevelRate = 1.1
baseExpRate = 5.5
generalExpRate = 100
HPperVIT = 13
baseNurseryHappiness = 95
baseNurseryHunger = 200
minHappyToEvolve = 150
maxHappyToEvolve = 240
happyLostOnDeath = 40
happyGainedOnEvolution = 50
happinessRate = {
[5] = {rate = 1.5, effect = 183, n = getConfigValue(PokemonStageVeryHappy)},
[4] = {rate = 1.2, effect = 170, n = getConfigValue(PokemonStageHappy)},
[3] = {rate = 1.0, effect = 182, n = getConfigValue(PokemonStageOK)},
[2] = {rate = 0.7, effect = 169, n = getConfigValue(PokemonStageSad)},
[1] = {rate = 0.4, effect = 168, n = getConfigValue(PokemonStageMad)}}