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Sobre damianjohnpl


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    RPG Maker

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  1. this datapack have big issues i put orginal library delete all npc and "Nahlesar" old name "potion" its not possible to remove -.- where is problem and in console this nice error load addnoner.xml -.- how to solve this shit ....
  2. or where i find this source ? in tfs.exe write 0.4 i need this source for my linux i run exe with WineHq and have big usage memory Please help
  3. Where is problem run this source in realmap 10.10 from this forum ? i disable all mods loading loading and crash in load map ?? Please help Thanks
  4. this problem is loading map no config lua -.-
  5. hello nice pack where is problem i compilling tfs 0.3.7 from this forum run and crash server in loading Map ??
  6. Where is problem run this source in realmap 10.10 from this forum ? i disable all mods loading loading and crash in load map ?? Please help Thanks
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