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Malucovisk's Achievements
otserv 10.x Global 10/11.5 + OtherWorld + Hearth of Destruction Quest+ Eventos
tópico respondeu ao Qwizer de Malucovisk em 11.X
@MitSuig Esse mapa tem o Glooth Factory de Oramond? Caso não tenha, poderia adicionar na v18? É uma área bem requisitada.- 632 respostas
- tfs 1.0/1.2
- otserv
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otserv 10.x Global 10/11.5 + OtherWorld + Hearth of Destruction Quest+ Eventos
tópico respondeu ao Qwizer de Malucovisk em 11.X
Ninguém vai te dar nada, preguiçoso.- 632 respostas
- tfs 1.0/1.2
- otserv
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otserv 10.x Global 10/11.5 + OtherWorld + Hearth of Destruction Quest+ Eventos
tópico respondeu ao Qwizer de Malucovisk em 11.X
Deu isso dai, cliquei em no. O npc addon não funciona, tento adicionar ele e o mesmo não aparece. Já arrumei e coloquei atalhos em warzone, wote, poi, inquisition e coloquei tp pra trainers off e hunts modificadas ao redor de thais, depois postarei o server aqui. O bug do roaring lion quando abria o loot é simples, basta adicionar isso no items <item id="21420" article="a" name="dead noble lion"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="900" /> <attribute key="corpseType" value="blood" /> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="blood" /> </item>- 632 respostas
- tfs 1.0/1.2
- otserv
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otserv 10.x Global 10/11.5 + OtherWorld + Hearth of Destruction Quest+ Eventos
tópico respondeu ao Qwizer de Malucovisk em 11.X
Eu tentei hj com outros rme e nao deu de jeito nenhum. Baixa esse dai, extrai para a area de trabalho. Depois copie os arquivos tibia.srt e tibia.dat e cole numa pasta na área de trabalho. Depois é so iniciar o rme e selecionar essa pasta.- 632 respostas
- tfs 1.0/1.2
- otserv
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otserv 10.x Global 10/11.5 + OtherWorld + Hearth of Destruction Quest+ Eventos
tópico respondeu ao Qwizer de Malucovisk em 11.X
pega o rme 10.77 do comedinhas Este link foi removido por redirecionar à um fórum que não merece ser citado. to usando ele aqui e ta de boa, já fiz várias correções e to arrumando algumas hunts, depois posto aqui- 632 respostas
- tfs 1.0/1.2
- otserv
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otserv 10.x Global 10/11.5 + OtherWorld + Hearth of Destruction Quest+ Eventos
tópico respondeu ao Qwizer de Malucovisk em 11.X
ou sabe como tira a missao das quests? wote, yalahar quest, e outras precisam fazer desde a 1º missao e ter isso em ot e foda, ninguém vai querer...- 632 respostas
- tfs 1.0/1.2
- otserv
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otserv 10.x Global 10/11.5 + OtherWorld + Hearth of Destruction Quest+ Eventos
tópico respondeu ao Qwizer de Malucovisk em 11.X
Encontrei alguns erros: a parte das 3 alavancas da poi que libera a escada ta bugada, é desnecessário ter que utilizar oil pra poder utilizar a alavanca no começo, a maioria dos jogadores nao sabem disso, fixar os resp de oramond e lizard city A maioria das quests como in service of yalahar, wote, inqui e outras precisam ser feitas desde o começo, tem como remover essas missoes e deixar apenas as ultimas? last fight, boss fight, essas coisas.- 632 respostas
- tfs 1.0/1.2
- otserv
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Isso ai provavelmente é a database, posta a que ele falou ai victor fasano full v2
otserv 10.x Global 10/11.5 + OtherWorld + Hearth of Destruction Quest+ Eventos
tópico respondeu ao Qwizer de Malucovisk em 11.X
Creio que não, o mínimo pra rodar esse server seria uns 4 gb. beleza e este erro aqui, pode ajudar? estou usando o website que vc disponibilizou. Notice: Undefined variable: SQL in C:\xampp\htdocs\install.php on line 4- 632 respostas
- tfs 1.0/1.2
- otserv
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action ERRO GESIOR TFS 1.0 localhost/installphp
um tópico no fórum postou Malucovisk Lixeira Pública
Estou com esse erro aqui: Notice: Undefined variable: SQL in C:\xampp\htdocs\install.php on line 4 Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on null in C:\xampp\htdocs\install.php on line 4 Aqui o install.php <?PHP //######################## SHOW TICKERS AND NEWS ####################### $time = time(); $query = $SQL->query("SELECT * FROM `players` ORDER BY `experience` DESC")->fetch(); $query2 = $SQL->query('SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `players` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1;')->fetch(); $housesfree = $SQL->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `houses` WHERE `owner`=0;')->fetch(); $housesrented = $SQL->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `houses` WHERE `owner`=1;')->fetch(); $players = $SQL->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `players` WHERE `id`>0;')->fetch(); $accounts = $SQL->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `accounts` WHERE `id`>0;')->fetch(); //$banned = $SQL->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bans` WHERE `id`>0;')->fetch(); $guilds = $SQL->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `guilds` WHERE `id`>0;')->fetch(); ///End Queries /// // top kills - guilds $main_content .= '<div class="NewsHeadline"> <div class="NewsHeadlineBackground" style="background-image:url(' . $layout_name . '/images/news/newsheadline_background.gif)"> <table border="0"> <tr> <td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;"> <font color="white">Most powerfull guilds</font> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <table border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="4" width="100%"> <tr>'; foreach($SQL->query('SELECT `g`.`id` AS `id`, `g`.`name` AS `name`, `g`.`logo_gfx_name` AS `logo`, COUNT(`g`.`name`) as `frags` FROM `killers` k LEFT JOIN `player_killers` pk ON `k`.`id` = `pk`.`kill_id` LEFT JOIN `players` p ON `pk`.`player_id` = `p`.`id` LEFT JOIN `guild_ranks` gr ON `p`.`rank_id` = `gr`.`id` LEFT JOIN `guilds` g ON `gr`.`guild_id` = `g`.`id` WHERE `k`.`unjustified` = 1 AND `k`.`final_hit` = 1 GROUP BY `name` ORDER BY `frags` DESC, `name` ASC LIMIT 0, 3;') as $guild) $main_content .= ' <td style="width: 25%; text-align: center;"> <a href="?subtopic=guilds&action=show&guild=' . $guild['id'] . '"><img src="guild_image.php?id=' . $guild['id'] . '" width="64" height="64" border="0"/> <br />' . $guild['name'] . '</a><br />' . $guild['frags'] . ' kills </td>'; $main_content .= ' </tr> </table>'; $main_content .= '<table bgcolor='.$config['site']['darkborder'].' border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=1 width=100%> <tr bgcolor='. $config['site']['vdarkborder'] .'><td align="center" class=white colspan=1><b>Welcome to '.$config['server']['serverName'].'</b></td></tr> <tr><td><table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 width=100%> <tr bgcolor='. $config['site']['lightborder'] .'><td><center>Last joined us: <a href="?subtopic=characters&name='.urlencode($query2['name']).'">'.$query2['name'].'</a>, player number '.$query2['id'].'. Welcome and wish you a nice game!</center></td></tr> <tr bgcolor='. $config['site']['lightborder'] .'><td><center>Currently, the best player on the server is: <a href="index.php?subtopic=characters&name='.urlencode($query['name']).'"> '.$query['name'].'</a> ('.urlencode($query['level']).'). Congratulations!</center></td></tr> <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 width=100%> <tr bgcolor='. $config['site']['lightborder'] .'><td><center><b>Free Houses:</b> '.$housesfree[0].'</center></td> <td><center><b>Rented Houses:</b> '.$housesrented[0].'</center></td></tr> <tr bgcolor='. $config['site']['lightborder'] .'><td><center><b>Accounts</b> in database: '.$accounts[0].'</center></td> <td><center><b>Players</b> in database: '.$players[0].'</center></td></tr> <tr bgcolor='. $config['site']['lightborder'] .'><td><center><b>Banned</b> accounts: '.$banned[0].'</center></td> <td><center><b>Guilds</b> in databese: '.$guilds[0].'</center></td></tr> </table></td></tr></table>'; if($action == "") { //show tickers if any in database or not blocked (tickers limit = 0) $tickers = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM `z_news_tickers` WHERE hide_ticker != 1 ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 4;'); $number_of_tickers = 0; if(is_object($tickers)) { foreach($tickers as $ticker) { if(is_int($number_of_tickers / 2)) $color = "Odd"; else $color = "Even"; $tickers_to_add .= '<div id="TickerEntry-'.$number_of_tickers.'" class="Row" onclick=\'TickerAction("TickerEntry-'.$number_of_tickers.'")\'> <div class="'.$color.'"> <div class="NewsTickerIcon" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/news/icon_'.$ticker['image_id'].'.gif);"></div> <div id="TickerEntry-'.$number_of_tickers.'-Button" class="NewsTickerExtend" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/general/plus.gif);"></div> <div class="NewsTickerText"> <span class="NewsTickerDate">'.date("j M Y", $ticker['date']).' -</span> <div id="TickerEntry-'.$number_of_tickers.'-ShortText" class="NewsTickerShortText">'; //if admin show button to delete (hide) ticker if($group_id_of_acc_logged >= $config['site']['access_admin_panel']) { $tickers_to_add .= '<a href="?subtopic=latestnews&action=deleteticker&id='.$ticker['date'].'"><img src="'.$layout_name.'/images/news/delete.png" border="0"></a>'; } $tickers_to_add .= short_text($ticker['text'], 60).'</div> <div id="TickerEntry-'.$number_of_tickers.'-FullText" class="NewsTickerFullText">'; //if admin show button to delete (hide) ticker if($group_id_of_acc_logged >= $config['site']['access_admin_panel']) { $tickers_to_add .= '<a href="?subtopic=latestnews&action=deleteticker&id='.$ticker['date'].'"><img src="'.$layout_name.'/images/news/delete.png" border="0"></a>'; } $tickers_to_add .= $ticker['text'].'</div> </div> </div> </div>'; $number_of_tickers++; } } if(!empty($tickers_to_add)) { //show table with tickers $news_content .= '<div id="newsticker" class="Box"> <div class="Corner-tl" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/corner-tl.gif);"></div> <div class="Corner-tr" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/corner-tr.gif);"></div> <div class="Border_1" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/border-1.gif);"></div> <div class="BorderTitleText" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/title-background-green.gif);"></div> <img class="Title" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/header/headline-newsticker.gif" alt="Contentbox headline"> <div class="Border_2"> <div class="Border_3"> <div class="BoxContent" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/scroll.gif);">'; if($group_id_of_acc_logged >= $config['site']['access_admin_panel']) $news_content .= '<script type="text/javascript"> var showednewticker_state = "0"; function showNewTickerForm() { if(showednewticker_state == "0") { document.getElementById("newtickerform").innerHTML = \'<form action="?subtopic=latestnews&action=newticker" method="post" ><table border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="D4C0A1" align="center"><b>Select icon:</b></td><td><table border="0" bgcolor="F1E0C6"><tr><td><img src="http://otland.net/im...ews/icon_0.gif"width="20"></td><td><imgsrc="http://otland.net/images/news/icon_1.gif" width="20"></td><td><img src="http://otland.net/images/news/icon_2.gif" width="20"></td><td><imgsrc="http://otland.net/images/news/icon_3.gif" width="20"></td><td><img src="http://otland.net/images/news/icon_4.gif" width="20"></td></tr><tr><td><input type="radio" name="icon_id" value="0" checked="checked"></td><td><input type="radio" name="icon_id" value="1"></td><td><input type="radio" name="icon_id" value="2"></td><td><input type="radio" name="icon_id" value="3"></td><td><input type="radio" name="icon_id" value="4"></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="D4C0A1"><b>New<br>ticker<br>text:</b></td><td bgcolor="F1E0C6"><textarea name="new_ticker" rows="3" cols="45"></textarea></td></tr><tr><td><div class="BigButton" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif)" ><div onMouseOver="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onMouseOut="MouseOutBigButton(this);" ><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);" ></div><input class="ButtonText" type="image" name="Submit" alt="Submit" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/_sbutton_submit.gif" ></div></div></form><div class="BigButton" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif)" ><div onMouseOver="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onMouseOut="MouseOutBigButton(this);" ><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);" ></div><img class="ButtonText" id="AddTicker" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/_sbutton_cancel.gif" onClick="showNewTickerForm()" alt="AddTicker" /></div></div></td></tr></table>\'; document.getElementById("jajo").innerHTML = \'\'; showednewticker_state = "1"; } else { document.getElementById("newtickerform").innerHTML = \'\'; document.getElementById("jajo").innerHTML = \'<div class="BigButton" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif)" ><div onMouseOver="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onMouseOut="MouseOutBigButton(this);" ><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);" ></div><img class="ButtonText" id="AddTicker" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/addticker.gif" onClick="showNewTickerForm()" alt="AddTicker" /></div></div>\'; showednewticker_state = "0"; } } </script><div id="newtickerform"></div><div id="jajo"><div class="BigButton" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif)" ><div onMouseOver="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onMouseOut="MouseOutBigButton(this);" ><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);" ></div><img class="ButtonText" id="AddTicker" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/addticker.gif" onClick="showNewTickerForm()" alt="AddTicker" /></div></div></div><hr/>'; //add tickers list $news_content .= $tickers_to_add; //koniec $news_content .= '</div> </div> </div> <div class="Border_1" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/border-1.gif);"></div> <div class="CornerWrapper-b"><div class="Corner-bl" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/corner-bl.gif);"></div></div> <div class="CornerWrapper-b"><div class="Corner-br" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/corner-br.gif);"></div></div> </div>'; } } //##################### ADD NEW TICKER ##################### if($action == "newticker") { if($group_id_of_acc_logged >= $config['site']['access_tickers']) { $ticker_text = stripslashes(trim($_POST['new_ticker'])); $ticker_icon = (int) $_POST['icon_id']; if(empty($ticker_text)) { $main_content .= 'You can\'t add empty ticker.'; } else { if(empty($ticker_icon)) { $ticker_icon = 0; } $SQL->query('INSERT INTO '.$SQL->tableName('z_news_tickers').' (date, author, image_id, text, hide_ticker) VALUES ('.$SQL->quote($time).', '.$account_logged->getId().', '.$ticker_icon.', '.$SQL->quote($ticker_text).', 0)'); $main_content .= '<center><h2><font color="red">Added new ticker:</font></h2></center><hr/><div id="newsticker" class="Box"><div id="TickerEntry-1" class="Row" onclick=\'TickerAction("TickerEntry-1")\'> <div class="Odd"> <div class="NewsTickerIcon" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/news/icon_'.$ticker['image_id'].'.gif);"></div> <div id="TickerEntry-1-Button" class="NewsTickerExtend" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/general/plus.gif);"></div> <div class="NewsTickerText"> <span class="NewsTickerDate">'.date("j M Y", $time).' -</span> <div id="TickerEntry-1-ShortText" class="NewsTickerShortText">'; $main_content .= '<a href="?subtopic=latestnews&action=deleteticker&id='.$time.'"><img src="'.$layout_name.'/images/news/delete.png" border="0"></a>'; $main_content .= short_text($ticker_text, 60).'</div> <div id="TickerEntry-1-FullText" class="NewsTickerFullText">'; $main_content .= '<a href="?subtopic=latestnews&action=deleteticker&id='.$time.'"><img src="'.$layout_name.'/images/news/delete.png" border="0"></a>'; $main_content .= $ticker_text.'</div> </div> </div> </div></div><hr/>'; } } else { $main_content .= 'You don\'t have admin rights. You can\'t add new ticker.'; } $main_content .= '<form action="?subtopic=latestnews" METHOD=post><div class="BigButton" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif)" ><div onMouseOver="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onMouseOut="MouseOutBigButton(this);" ><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);" ></div><input class="ButtonText" type="image" name="Back" alt="Back" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/_sbutton_back.gif" ></div></div></form>'; } //#################### DELETE (HIDE only!) TICKER ############################ if($action == "deleteticker") { if($group_id_of_acc_logged >= $config['site']['access_tickers']) { header("Location: "); $date = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; $SQL->query('UPDATE '.$SQL->tableName('z_news_tickers').' SET hide_ticker = 1 WHERE '.$SQL->fieldName('date').' = '.$date.';'); $main_content .= '<center>News tickets with <b>date '.date("j F Y, g:i a", $date).'</b> has been deleted.<form action="?subtopic=latestnews" METHOD=post><div class="BigButton" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif)" ><div onMouseOver="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onMouseOut="MouseOutBigButton(this);" ><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);" ></div><input class="ButtonText" type="image" name="Back" alt="Back" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/_sbutton_back.gif" ></div></div></form></center>'; } else { $main_content .= '<center>You don\'t have admin rights. You can\'t delete tickers.<form action="?subtopic=latestnews" METHOD=post><div class="BigButton" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif)" ><div onMouseOver="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onMouseOut="MouseOutBigButton(this);" ><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);" ></div><input class="ButtonText" type="image" name="Back" alt="Back" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/_sbutton_back.gif" ></div></div></form></center>'; } } if($group_id_of_acc_logged >= $config['site']['access_admin_panel']){$main_content .= '<a href="?subtopic=forum&action=new_topic§ion_id=1">Add new news</a>';} $zapytanie = $SQL->query("SELECT `z_forum`.`post_topic`, `z_forum`.`author_guid`, `z_forum`.`post_date`, `z_forum`.`post_text`, `z_forum`.`id`, `z_forum`.`replies`, `players`.`name` FROM `z_forum`, `players` WHERE `section` = '1' AND `z_forum`.`id` = `first_post` AND `players`.`id` = `z_forum`.`author_guid` ORDER BY `post_date` DESC LIMIT 6;")->fetchAll(); foreach ($zapytanie as $row) { $BB = array( '/\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/is' => '<strong>$1</strong>', '/\ -
otserv 10.x Global 10/11.5 + OtherWorld + Hearth of Destruction Quest+ Eventos
tópico respondeu ao Qwizer de Malucovisk em 11.X
Mitsuig, este definitivamente é o melhor e quiçá único server 10.78+. Mas encontrei alguns erros, espero que possa resolvê-los. 1 - ) Muitas áreas estão faltando bixos, a exemplo dos minos de oramond logo na entrada, resp da lizard city faltando diversos lizards... 2 - ) Oramond está incompleta, está faltando o respawn dos glooth bandits 3 - ) Quando o servidor terá suporte ao TFS 1.2? Vou deixar o server online por alguns dias em busca de bugs e irei posteriormente postá-los aqui. Continue com o trabalho, o server está muito bom, tem alguma previsão pra v13? O que vc fez pra conseguir? estou com o mesmo erro do pessoal acima To com esse mesmo erro : Notice: Undefined variable: SQL in C:\xampp\htdocs\install.php on line 4 Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on null in C:\xampp\htdocs\install.php on line 4- 632 respostas
- tfs 1.0/1.2
- otserv
- (e 4 mais)
Sempre quando tento entrar no tp o char volta e aparece esse erro na distro. Já postei la na otland e nada. Aguardo respostas. arenaroom.lua function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition) if InitArenaScript == 0 then InitArenaScript = 1 -- make arena rooms free for i = 0,9 do setGlobalStorageValue(42300+i, 0) setGlobalStorageValue(42400+i, 0) end checkArenaRooms({}) end local arena_room = item.actionid local player_arena = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 42355) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, arena_room+getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 42355)*10-1) == 1 or arena_room+getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 42355)*10-1 == 42299 then if getGlobalStorageValue(cid, arena_room) == 0 then local monster_uid = getGlobalStorageValue(arena_room+100) if monster_uid > 0 then if isCreature(monster_uid) == TRUE then doRemoveCreature(monster_uid) end end local spawn_pos = getThingPos(arena_room) local monster = doCreateMonster(arena_monsters[arena_room+getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 42355)*10], {x=spawn_pos.x-1,y=spawn_pos.y-1,z=spawn_pos.z}) setGlobalStorageValue(arena_room+100, monster) doTeleportThing(cid, spawn_pos, TRUE) setGlobalStorageValue(arena_room, cid) setGlobalStorageValue(arena_room-1, 0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 42350, os.time()+arena_room_max_time) else doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, TRUE) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,getCreatureName(getGlobalStorageValue(cid, arena_room))..' is now in next room. Wait a moment and try again.') end else doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, TRUE) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,'First kill monster!') end if arena_room == 42300 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 42351, 0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 42352, 1) end return TRUE end function checkArenaRooms(param) addEvent(checkArenaRooms, 1000, {}) for i = 42300, 42309 do local player = getGlobalStorageValue(i) if isPlayer(player) == TRUE then local player_storage = getPlayerStorageValue(player, 42350) if player_storage <= os.time() then doTeleportThing(player, arenaKickPosition, TRUE) setPlayerStorageValue(player, 42350, 0) setGlobalStorageValue(i, 0) doPlayerSendTextMessage(player,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,'You have been kicked from arena! You have only ' .. arena_room_max_time .. ' seconds for one room.') elseif player_storage - 10 <= os.time() then doPlayerSendTextMessage(player,MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT,'Masz ' .. player_storage - os.time() .. ' sekund, zeby przejsc do kolejnego pokoju!') end else setGlobalStorageValue(i, 0) end end end Também estou com problema na yalahar quest. O npc palimuth não está no lugar que ele fica. O único modo de coloca-lo ali é pelo RME map editor? já tentei fazer de tudo na database e ele não aparece no jogo... Cada coisa de uma vez, alguém pode me ajudar com o problema acima? to precisando arrumar essa quest... ninguem ainda? vamo ajuda povo!
Esse servidor é muito bom. Precisa apenas consertar as yalahar quest que tem um porta trancada, arena em que o tp nao funciona, respawn de yielotrax e configurar seus ataques e loot. Alguém se prontifica? é melhor server 10.37, o melhor, digo, pq tempo poucos bugs... http://www.xtibia.com/forum/topic/231967-ajuda-com-arenaroomlua/ vamos resolver esses BUGS!
- 12 respostas
- 10.0
- real map 10.37
- (e 6 mais)
sheyks começou a seguir Malucovisk
quando sai 10.37?
O server ta em msyql, como que faz pra ficar sqlite? vou criar um server privado pra uma lãn-house,como não sei nada de msyql (criar site...) alguem pode me dizer como converter para sqlite ou como colocar o server on em msyql?
- 63 respostas
- 10.0
- global server 10.31
- (e 8 mais)
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