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  1. Removido! Não é permitido bots no xtibia removido e suspenso por 15 dias!
  2. Styller Yourots 9.81 (0.8.6) Rev 02c RPG Mapa Base: Yourots 1.4 Editado por Leonardo. -Cave de Rotwoms reformulada. -Cave de Demos Reformulada. -Magias agora mais reais (sem aquelas exageradas). -Agora a Inquisition possui mais uma Sala. -Parte da Poi foi reformulada. -Adicionado o NPC Raphael, que vende buffer por 20min (nada exagerado) para os players. -Agora um cadeia para os players infratores. -Para Prender um player /jail "tempo,nome do player (apenas GMs e GODs) -Agora o player pode chamar players para quest através do comando- !service Pits of Inferno Quest, 5000 (o 5000 é o preço para os interessados). -Player agora pode trocar 200 demonic essences por um Nighmare ou Necromancer Shield (!necromancer-!nightmare). -Premia City toda Reformulada e com mais um hunt de Demons. -Adicionado os NPCs na Blue City. -Temos agora um Broadcast para dar informaçoes aos players. -Adicionado um Hunt de Medusa e Defiler na Pits Prison. -Adicionado Demona na Hunt de Warlock. -Cave de Warlock toda reformulada. -Adicionado quest do noble axe nos Cyclops. -Adicionado um cave de Wyrms. -Pequenas ediçoes no Temple. -Agora o Demon Oak sumona um Demodras no Lugar do Necropharus. -Foi retirado alguns Bugs. -Novo Distro. -Arrumado o Bug das camas. -Camas em todas as Casas. -Agora nem na Inquisition e nem na Demon Oak os players podem pegar os itens da amostra. (Obrigado usuários) -Clean nao trava o server. -Server nao cai mais, por erros. -Agora temos !notice. -Para banir Ctrl+Y -Todos itens 9.54 com seus nomes. -Mais estabilidade no servidor do que antes. -Foi retirado alguns Bugs. -Arrumado os Bugs da Premia City. -Novo Exe. foi adicionado e agora serve para Tibia 9.50 e 9.54. -Agora ficou mais dificiu derrubar o server e acho que impossivel. -Adicionado o NPC Hagar no temple, para dar boas vindas. -Bug do utito tempo san arrumado. -Bugs foram retirados. -Novo Distro totalmente estável. (LeozeraRox) -Proteçao contra MageBomb. -Protocolo 9.63-9.70 -Lugares de Caça para todos os monstros 9.54 -Mais de 10 Quest dos novos itens foram adicionadas. -99% features. -Regulariçao das Spells. -Bank system via talkaction adicionado. -Comando para adiquirir bless igual a do global adicionado "!bless" -Novas Backpacks sendo vendidas na Riona. -Cidade toda reformulada. -Npc "A Ghostly Sage" para aquisiçao da permiçao para Pits Of Inferno. -Pits of Inferno mais similar ao do Tibia Global. -Nova Hunt de Infernalist adicionada. -Novo local da Igreja. -Adicionado o NPC Erisk (vendedor de alguns itens 9.54 para quem fez Pits of Inferno) -Adicionado Nightmare Doll quest. -Bugs Foram Retirados... (account manager - instabilidade). -Retirado o NPC de recarregar a Soft Boots. -Permaneceu o Antigo jeito de recarregar. -Ediçoes na Inquisition. -Bug da Arena PVP Arrumado. -Bug do NPC Henricus arrumado. -Adicionado a Quest do Blessed Shield na Fermbras Tower, onde o player escolhe apenas um Item. -Bugs foram retirados Acc do GOD Raymond / Hakkan: 2/2 Download Styller Yourots (9.81): Skan: IP Changer Otland: IP Changer Asprate:
  3. Styller Yourots 9.63 (0.8.1) Rev 01b RPG Mapa Base: Yourots 1.4 Editado por Leonardo. -Cave de Rotwoms reformulada. -Cave de Demos Reformulada. -Magias agora mais reais (sem aquelas exageradas). -Agora a Inquisition possui mais uma Sala. -Parte da Poi foi reformulada. -Adicionado o NPC Raphael, que vende buffer por 20min (nada exagerado) para os players. -Agora um cadeia para os players infratores. -Para Prender um player /jail "tempo,nome do player (apenas GMs e GODs) -Agora o player pode chamar players para quest através do comando- !service Pits of Inferno Quest, 5000 (o 5000 é o preço para os interessados). -Player agora pode trocar 200 demonic essences por um Nighmare ou Necromancer Shield (!necromancer-!nightmare). -Premia City toda Reformulada e com mais um hunt de Demons. -Adicionado os NPCs na Blue City. -Temos agora um Broadcast para dar informaçoes aos players. -Adicionado um Hunt de Medusa e Defiler na Pits Prison. -Adicionado Demona na Hunt de Warlock. -Cave de Warlock toda reformulada. -Adicionado quest do noble axe nos Cyclops. -Adicionado um cave de Wyrms. -Pequenas ediçoes no Temple. -Agora o Demon Oak sumona um Demodras no Lugar do Necropharus. -Foi retirado alguns Bugs. -Novo Distro. -Arrumado o Bug das camas. -Camas em todas as Casas. -Agora nem na Inquisition e nem na Demon Oak os players podem pegar os itens da amostra. (Obrigado usuários) -Clean nao trava o server. -Server nao cai mais, por erros. -Agora temos !notice. -Para banir Ctrl+Y -Todos itens 9.54 com seus nomes. -Mais estabilidade no servidor do que antes. -Foi retirado alguns Bugs. -Arrumado os Bugs da Premia City. -Novo Exe. foi adicionado e agora serve para Tibia 9.50 e 9.54. -Agora ficou mais dificiu derrubar o server e acho que impossivel. -Adicionado o NPC Hagar no temple, para dar boas vindas. -Bug do utito tempo san arrumado. -Bugs foram retirados. -Novo Distro totalmente estável. (LeozeraRox) -Proteçao contra MageBomb. -Protocolo 9.53-9.54 -Lugares de Caça para todos os monstros 9.54 -Mais de 10 Quest dos novos itens foram adicionadas. -99% features. -Regulariçao das Spells. -Bank system via talkaction adicionado. -Comando para adiquirir bless igual a do global adicionado "!bless" -Novas Backpacks sendo vendidas na Riona. -Cidade toda reformulada. -Npc "A Ghostly Sage" para aquisiçao da permiçao para Pits Of Inferno. -Pits of Inferno mais similar ao do Tibia Global. -Nova Hunt de Infernalist adicionada. -Novo local da Igreja. -Adicionado o NPC Erisk (vendedor de alguns itens 9.54 para quem fez Pits of Inferno) -Adicionado Nightmare Doll quest. -Bugs Foram Retirados... (account manager - instabilidade). -Retirado o NPC de recarregar a Soft Boots. -Permaneceu o Antigo jeito de recarregar. -Ediçoes na Inquisition. -Bug da Arena PVP Arrumado. -Bug do NPC Henricus arrumado. -Adicionado a Quest do Blessed Shield na Fermbras Tower, onde o player escolhe apenas um Item. -Bugs foram retirados Acc do GOD Raymond / Hakkan: 2/2 Download Styller Yourots (9.63): Skan: IP Changer Otland: IP Changer Asprate:
  4. Tibia MC Tibia Multiclient 9.63 Download SCAN why the hell blackMC appears to have so many virus/trojans/spywares? that kind of webs gives a lot of false positives, it is safe to ignore that. BlackdMC is free of virus. And you can just have a look on the code and recompile it if you don't believe me.
  5. Tibia Multi IP Changer 7.1 - 9.63 Setup Remeber! Your Antivirus program may warn you that this program is attempting to connect to the internet You need to ALLOW it if you want to be able to get updates and news! If you don't trust it then don't allow it. Download Scan It's not infected. It's either just the way it edits the tibia client, or tries to connect to the internet for updates. It's 100% safe. red bot , tiba auto, crack, script, Tibia 7.1; Tibia 7.2; Tibia 7.21; Tibia 7.26; Tibia 7.27; Tibia 7.3; Tibia 7.4; Tibia 7.5; Tibia 7.55; Tibia 7.6; baixar ,Tibia 7.7; Tibia 7.8; Tibia 7.81; Tibia 7.92; Tibia 8.0; Tibia 8.1; Tibia 8.2; Tibia 8.21; Tibia 8.22; Tibia 8.31; Tibia 8.4; Tibia 8.42; Tibia 8.5; Tibia 8.51; Tibia 8.52; Tibia 8.53; Tibia 8.54; Tibia 8.55; Tibia 8.57; Tibia 8.60; Tibia 8.62; Tibia 8.70; Tibia 8.71; Tibia 8.72; Tibia 8.74: 9.10: 9.20; 9.31; 9.40; 9.41; 9.42; 9.43; 9.44, download, free, 9.44, 9.2, 9.20, bot, tibanic, ots, otserv, serv, serwer, c pobierz, changer, changer ip, ip, ip changer, ip changer 5, ip changer pobierz, ip changer tibia, ip tibia, pobierz, pobierz changer ip, pobierz ip changer, pobierz tibia, pobierz tibia ip changer, tibia, tibia 8, tibia changer, tibia ip, tibia ip changer, tibia ip changer 7 2 8 5, tibia ip changer 7 2 8 5 6 4 5 8 6 9 1 pobierz, tibia ip changer pobierz, tibia ip pobierz, tibia pobierz Tibia Multi IP Changer 9.62 Download Tibia IP Changer 9.61 Download Multi IP Changer Tibia 9.63 Download IP Changer Tibia 9.60 Download Multi IP Changer Tibia 7.1 - 9.60 Download Multi IP Changer Tibia 7.6 - 9.60 Download Multi IP Changer Tibia 7.6 - 8.70 Download IP Changer Tibia 8.6 Download IP Changer Tibia Download Multi IP Changer Tibia Download Multi IP Changer Tibia Tibia Multi IP Changer Tibia IP Changer Asprate Multi IP Changer Tibia Asprate IP Changer Tibia Tibia Multi IP Changer Download Tibia IP Changer Download Asprate Multi IP Changer Tibia Download Asprate IP Changer Tibia Download Tibia Multi IP Changer 7.1 /8.6/ 9.31/9.44 Download aspate Tibia Multi IP Changer 7.10 / 8.60 / 9.31 / 9.44 Download aspate Tibia Multi IP Changer 8.60 Download Tibia Multi IP Changer 7.1/ 8.6 / 9.31 / 9.44 Download WORK! Tibia IP Changer 9.44!! download [9.44] IP-CHANGER TIBIA Tibia Multi IP Changer 7.6-9.60! Download Download Tibia Ip Changer 9.44 by Asprate Tibia Ip-Changer 7.1 - 8.60 Tibia MULTI-IP Changer Para Tibia 9.42 (7.1 – 9.60) Tibia MULTI-IP Changer Para Tibia 9.41 (7.1 – 9.60) Tibia Ip changer 9.41 !! Download Multi IP Changer 9.40!! Tibia Multi IP Changer 9.40!! Download Multi IP Changer 7.1-9.60 ! Tibia Multi IP Changer 9.60 Download Tibia Multi IP Changer 9.53 Download Tibia IP Changer 9.53 Download Multi IP Changer Tibia 9.53 Download IP Changer Tibia 9.53 Download Multi IP Changer Tibia 7.1 - 9.63 Download Tibia Multi IP Changer 7.1 /8.6/ 9.62/9.63 Download aspate Tibia Multi IP Changer 7.10 / 9.60 / 9.63 / 9.61 Download aspate Tibia Multi IP Changer 8.60 Download Tibia Multi IP Changer 7.1/ 8.6 / 9.63 / 9.60 Download WORK!
  6. [9.63]Styller Yourots 0.9.6 v.0.7 Download Styller Yourots (9.63) 0.9.6 v.0.7 : Skan: IP Changer Otland: IP Changer Asprate: - Added Farmine - Fixed 100% Real Tibia Spells (formulas etc) - Separed the npcs from 2 SQM. (so it doesnt bug and talk to both of them) - Fixed all the errors (actions,creature scripts, monsters & npcs) - Sliced the map down (water and such), it's around 90mb big atm - Added a greater npc rune-seller, backpack of runes. - The Oracle, will be spawned in rook. - Training Monks will be spawned at the training area. - The Soft Boots Repairer will be spawned aswell.: - 100% pure and real addon system - Erased allot of water around Yalahar. (3mb less now) - Fixed the real tibia's boat system (required money/premium to travel) - All houses will be done at v0.5-v0.7. (every city - report any undone house) - I've checked PoI too, for anykind of bug at all. - Added allot of new talkactions such as !buy system - buy: food,bp. (but for a higher price) - Added VIP System - REMEMBER, ID:5785 is the medal that makes you vip, ID: 5788 is the vip door that can close the area to vip. - Changed the !buypremium time from 90 days (too much) to 7 days. - Fixed the right script to the addoner. (now - he sells all the addons and it's the same system as rl) - Fixed some map bugs and misplaced spawns & map tiles. - Added Jail-System - Automatic Kick After 25min ! (all settings are set - north of thais magic shop - !Jail , !Unjail , /Jail , /Unjail !) - Added Killed Monsters Counter ! - Added NPC (Soft Boots & Firewalker Repairer, at Thais east Magic Shop) - Added NPC [blesser] that sells 1-5th blessings at the temple of thais. - Added teleports to specific directions upstairs of Thais temple. - Erased some water (0.5-1mb). - Fixed the real tibia Svargrond Arena ! (with npc) - Fixed all the houses in Svargrond ! - Fixed all the houses in Liberty Bay ! - Fixed all the houses in Port hope ! - Added a broadcaster (3k/each broadcast) - Added Demon Oak Quest ! - Added Inqusition Quest ! v.0.3 - Femor Hills (Fully updated to 9.20+) - Amazon Camp (Fully updated to 9.50+) - Orc Fortress (Fully updated to 9.54+) - Plains of Havoc (Fully 9.5+ [Dried grass, minor details], real tibia spawns) - Infested Area (Demon Oak Area) - Svargrond (Fixed/Updated) - Okolnir (Fixed/Updated) - Jakundaf Desert (Grass tufts, etc) - Also many many more map bugs and areas fixed. - Ab'dendriel Upgraded to 9.5x Style ! - Kazordoon Upgraded to 9.5x Style ! - Added Magician Tower - Added Inquisiton Quest's Reward Room - Added Edron Earth Elemental/Bog Raider Cave - Added Sea Serpent Area - Added Way To Laguna Islands - Added Boat NPC to Cormaya - Fixed Issue With The Fire/Poison/Energy Fields. - RE-Fixed Svargrond Arena (Tested & Works 100%) - Fixed Real Tibia Boat System (with all the right npcs//outfits & names) - Fixed Drefia (wyrms etc) - Deleted All The Items In Darashia Houses (tracked houses - therefore the items came too) - Fixed All Houses In Cormaya - Fixed All Houses In Edron - Fixed Issue With The Jail System - Fixed Real Tibia NPC Chat System (private channel) - Added 'Eremo' - the aol seller like real tibia. (you can only travel to him from cormaya boat) - Deleted 'Inferna' by Ates (needed the map space & it's not like rl tibia) - Removed Orshabaal (hidden at north of edron) - Updated Server From Mystic Spirit 0.6 to Mystic Spirit 0.6.1 ! (9.50 with allot more) 0.9.0 - bp/depo save (CVS) - safe trade (CVS) - cap system (CVS) - buy/sell with crystals (TLM) - house system (TLM, Black Demon, me) - skulls & party (TLM) - server save (TLM) - light (Bomb Da Brat) - vip list (Elementaries) - npc load (Wolv119) - anti afk (Tibia Rules) - battle window (Skulldiggers, Tibia Rules) - summons (CVS, Tibia Rules, me) - gm invisible (TRS) - rotating items (SuperGillis) - ice rapier (Tibia Rules) - construction kits (JTE) - amulets: all but garlic and bronze (me) - rings: skill, might, time (me) - login queue (me) - guilds with npc (me) - pvp arena (me) - boh+hur+time ring (me) 0.9.1 - burst arrow (Skulldiggers) - destroy field (GriZzm0) - exiva (Bryan) - readables (me) - commands: /pvp /owner /send - more options in config - better armor formulas - energy ring - boat npcs - field runes 0.9.2 - simpler houses (DosMaster) - learning spells (me) - promotions (me) - commands: /save /ban - separate distance mul - multiline readables - healing summons - damage fixes - uh exhaustion Changes may be found at doc/CHANGELOG in selected package or under this url. This is seven version of the famous Crying Damson and now, the primary release of TheForgottenServer, so everyone using any below it (including 0.4) are advised to upgrade. If you'll occur any bug, please stay calm and report it at our project tracker, so it will get fixed as fast as possible. Please do not blame us also if you didn't do a full data directory update, because its only your fault, as all file changes were listed in the CHANGELOG. Screeny: AND MORE !
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