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Dias Ganhos
Tudo que AnneMotta postou
tão bem legais parece que ainda precisa melhora um pouquinho na sombra sabe, não entendo quase nada de sprite mais ta bem legal :3
Criando Dois Items Com A Mesma Sprite
tópico respondeu ao Spraypaint de AnneMotta em Tutoriais para Iniciantes
opa, parabens funcionou perfeitamente aqui como no tutorial, testei e tudo ok sem erros. não irei reputa pois o limite ja esgoto, amanha reputarei. ----------------------------------------------------- uma pergunta como faço para deletar agora? fiz um para teste e nao sei como deletar =z opa ja aprendi é só editar o id da sprite -
Criando Dois Items Com A Mesma Sprite
tópico respondeu ao Spraypaint de AnneMotta em Tutoriais para Iniciantes
poderia postar link do otitemeditor? -
você vai domina o mundo? não, então ok.
eu segui e não deu, se você pode-se seila criar um topico com mesmo conteudo explicando seria bom.
agradeço, mande-me uma pm para falar com you.
porque ele quis e pode. se você que é zeus diz quem sou eu para falar o contrario, Cada raio, um rep+: Sou zeus.
eu tava precisando saber como é, eu tambem não consegui pelo modo do mkalo, no aguardo.
aa sim, se você sabe a resposta porque foi necessário cria um topico em um forum de tibia sobre tal assunto? '-'
ninguem domina o mundo.
to cheia de duvida, mais vo com calma amanha posto mais :#
vou fazer um mapa e tentar instalar aqui.
manda ip do site daonde viu isso que do um jeito '-'
não cara, a unica duvida é se o script é igual ao oque ocorre no video.
Bom, achei um script em MOD do evento CTF mais não sei se é oque exatamente preciso, vim tirar a duvida aqui, vou postar o script e o video queria saber se o script é igual ao que o evento fais, depois do script e do video irei falar mais o menos como funciona. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mod name="Team Event" version="2.0" author="Damadgerz" contact="support@lualand.net" enabled="yes"> <description> Full auto Team BattleEvent(v2.0) for 0.3.6PL1 : 1- I currently rescripted this event from scratch again. 2- This version is much more better than the one before, it is more cleaner, clearer and with more options. 3- This version dislike the previous one , was tested on 0.3.6PL1 and works just fine. 4- Removed the npc part it is now based on tp creation. 5- More silent boradcasting for in event progress and no spam, I hope! 6- you now get the options to show event stats on cancel msg area and (to / not to) show left players with names each x interval. 8- Team balancer have been added to only balance count in both teams. 9- Added a countdown option before fight starts. 10- Now starts on a defined time every day </description> <config name="teamSetting"><![CDATA[ --[[Local Config]]-- --//storages inBlue = 9900 inRed = 9901 joiner = 9907 blueKills = 9902 redKills = 9903 eventRecruiting = 9904 eventStarted = 9905 eventTime = 9906 itemToGet = 9908 countItemToGet = 9909 nextExecute = 9910 blueCount = 9911 redCount = 9912 --// Positions teleporterPosition = {x = 96, y = 117, z = 7} --Place where the event tp will be created waitRoomPlace = {x = 144, y = 41, z = 7} --Place of the waitnig room (the place ppl will wait for team to be full) waitRoomDimensions = { --Enter the start pos[top left sqm] and end pos[bottom right sqm] of waitnig room here startPos = {x = 134, y = 31, z = 7}, endPos = {x = 156, y = 53, z = 7} } eventPlaceDimensions = { --Enter the start pos[top left sqm] and end pos[bottom right sqm] of event place here startPos = {x = 176, y = 53, z = 7}, endPos = {x = 209, y = 74, z = 7} } blueTeamPos = {x = 180, y = 56, z = 7} redTeamPos = {x = 204, y = 72, z = 7} --// General settings recruitTime = 1 -- Time in minutes to gather players to event, will broadcast event started each min minimumPlayersJoins = 2 --If the number of layer joined is less than that then event would be cancelled balanceTeams = true -- This will balance number of players in both teams the extra player will be kicked out of event removeTeleportOnEventEnd = false -- if you want to remove the tp when the event finish set it to true, normally tp will just be diabled eventMaxTime = 5 -- Time in minutes, this is the max time event will be running. After checks are caried winner is declared showEventSats = true -- This is like a timer that is always there about event stats (time,oponents left, teammates left). It appears in the cancel messages place. sendLeftPlayers = true -- Well this will send to all alive players the names& numebr of the oponents left each interval defined down intervalToSendLeftPlayers = 11 -- interval(in seconds) to sendLeftPlayers , must be more than 10 sec countDownOnStart = true -- Well this occurs when players are teleported to their places in the arena , so if this is true it start to count down to the joined players then when count down finish they can start killing each other(event really begins) countDownFrom = 10 -- Starts count down from this number when event start, if above is set true minJoinLevel = 50 -- minimm lvl that can join event rewards = { --Example [%] = { {itemid/name, count} ,..........} count isnt more than 100 [65] = { {2476,1} , {"gold coin",500} }, [25] = { {"golden armor",1} , {2152,90} }, [10] = { {"dragon scale mail",1} , {"crystal coin",10} } } --[[ Note : make sure if you edited % that sum should be equal to 100, you can add more % elements to suit your needs also more items if you want in each % [65],[25],[10] -> is the % of this item to be found the rest is clear ,items in each % and it will be chosen randomly]]-- ]]></config> <lib name="teamFunctions"><![CDATA[ domodlib('teamSetting') --[[Conditions don't touch]]-- local bmale = createConditionObject(CONDITION_OUTFIT) setConditionParam(bmale, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) addOutfitCondition(bmale, {lookType = math.random(128,134), lookHead = 88, lookBody = 88, lookLegs = 88, lookFeet = 88, lookTypeEx = 0, lookAddons = 3}) local bfemale = createConditionObject(CONDITION_OUTFIT) setConditionParam(bfemale, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) addOutfitCondition(bfemale, {lookType = math.random(136,142), lookHead = 88, lookBody = 88, lookLegs = 88, lookFeet = 88, lookTypeEx = 0, lookAddons = 3}) local rmale = createConditionObject(CONDITION_OUTFIT) setConditionParam(rmale, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) addOutfitCondition(rmale, {lookType = math.random(128,134), lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94, lookTypeEx = 0, lookAddons = 3}) local rfemale = createConditionObject(CONDITION_OUTFIT) setConditionParam(rfemale, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) addOutfitCondition(rfemale, {lookType = math.random(136,142),lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94, lookTypeEx = 0, lookAddons = 3}) local infight = createConditionObject(CONDITION_INFIGHT,-1) --[[Local Config]]-- --[[Functions]]-- -- General info function isFightOn() return getStorage(eventStarted) > 0 end function isRecruitOn() return getStorage(eventRecruiting) > 0 end function getMinJoinLevel() return minJoinLevel end function getJoiners() joiners = {} for _,cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isJoiner(cid) then if isInRecruitArea(cid) or isInFightArea(cid) then table.insert(joiners,cid) end end end return joiners end function getLeftMembersNames(team) str = "Oponents left("..#team..") :" left = "" for k,cid in ipairs(team) do left = (left ..""..(k == 1 and "" or ", ")..""..getCreatureName(cid).."["..getPlayerLevel(cid).."]" ) end str = str .." " .. (left == "" and "none" or left).. "." return str end function disPlayEventStats() if not showEventSats then return false end if getStorage(eventTime) - os.time() <= 0 then return false end left = os.date("%M:%S",(getStorage(eventTime) - os.time())) for _,cid in ipairs(getJoiners()) do oponentsLeft = isBlue(cid) and #getRedMembers() or #getBlueMembers() teamMatesLeft = isBlue(cid) and math.max(0,#getBlueMembers()-1) or math.max(0,#getRedMembers()-1) doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Time left: ".. left.." || Oponents left: "..oponentsLeft.."/"..oponentCount(cid).." || Team-mates left: "..teamMatesLeft.."/".. math.max(0,matesCount(cid)-1)) end end function doSendLeftPlayers() if not sendLeftPlayers then return false end if intervalToSendLeftPlayers <= 10 then return false end for _,cid in ipairs(getJoiners()) do doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_TYPES["orange"],getLeftMembersNames(isRed(cid) and getBlueMembers() or getRedMembers())) end end function getBlueMembers() members = {} for _,cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isBlue(cid) then table.insert(members,cid) end end return members end function getRedMembers() members = {} for _,cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isRed(cid) then table.insert(members,cid) end end return members end -- starting fight function startRecruiting() doSetStorage(eventRecruiting,1) end function startEvent() doSetStorage(eventRecruiting,-1) if removeTeleportOnEventEnd then tp = getTileItemById(teleporterPosition,1387).uid if tp > 0 then doRemoveItem(tp) end end if not balanceTeams() then resetEvent() return false end for _,cid in ipairs(getBlueMembers()) do doTeleportThing(cid,blueTeamPos,false) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid),10) end setBlueCount(#getBlueMembers()) for _,cid in ipairs(getRedMembers()) do doTeleportThing(cid,redTeamPos,false) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid),10) end setRedCount(#getRedMembers()) startCountDown() return true end function setBlueCount(count) doSetStorage(blueCount,-1) doSetStorage(blueCount,count) end function oponentCount(cid) return isBlue(cid) and getStorage(redCount) or getStorage(blueCount) end function matesCount(cid) return isBlue(cid) and getStorage(blueCount) or getStorage(redCount) end function setRedCount(count) doSetStorage(redCount,-1) doSetStorage(redCount,count) end function balanceTeams() members = getJoiners() if #members < minimumPlayersJoins then doBroadcastMessage("Team-Battle event was cancelled as only ".. #members .. " players joined.") return false end if (math.mod(#members,2) ~= 0) then kicked = members[#members] clearTeamEventStorages(kicked) doPlayerSendTextMessage(kicked,MESSAGE_TYPES["info"],"Sorry, you have been kicked out of event for balancing both teams.") end count = 1 for _,cid in ipairs(getJoiners()) do if (math.mod(count,2) ~= 0) then addToBlue(cid) else addToRed(cid) end count = count + 1 end return true end function startCountDown() if(countDownOnStart) then for _,cid in ipairs(getJoiners()) do doCreatureSetNoMove(cid,true) for i = 0,countDownFrom do addEvent(doPlayerSendTextMessage,i*1000, cid, MESSAGE_TYPES["info"], (i == 0 and countDownFrom or countDownFrom-i) ) end end addEvent(startFight,(countDownFrom+1)*1000) else startFight() end end function startFight() doSetStorage(eventStarted,1) for _,cid in ipairs(getJoiners()) do doCreatureSetNoMove(cid,false) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_TYPES["warning"],"Fight Starts!") end addEvent(endTeamEvent,eventMaxTime*60*1000,"maxTime") doSetStorage(eventTime,os.time()+eventMaxTime*60) end function teleportToWaitRoom(cid) doTeleportThing(cid,waitRoomPlace) doSendMagicEffect(waitRoomPlace,10) if getPlayerGroupId(cid) < 4 then addToJoiners(cid) end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_TYPES["blue"],"Please be patient till the event starts and don't logout.") return true end -- Modifing teams & checking member states function isBlue(cid) return (getPlayerStorageValue(cid,inBlue) > 0) end function isRed(cid) return (getPlayerStorageValue(cid,inRed) > 0) end function isJoiner(cid) return (getPlayerStorageValue(cid,joiner) > 0) end function addToBlue(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,inBlue,1) doAddCondition(cid, (getPlayerSex(cid) == 1) and bmale or bfemale) doAddCondition(cid,infight) end function addToRed(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,inRed,1) doAddCondition(cid, (getPlayerSex(cid) == 1) and rmale or rfemale) doAddCondition(cid,infight) end function addToJoiners(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,joiner,1) end function removeFromBlue(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,inBlue,-1) end function removeFromRed(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,inRed,-1) end function removeFromjoiners(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,joiner,-1) end function isInRecruitArea(cid) return isInRange(getThingPos(cid),waitRoomDimensions.startPos,waitRoomDimensions.endPos) end function isInFightArea(cid) return isInRange(getThingPos(cid),eventPlaceDimensions.startPos,eventPlaceDimensions.endPos) end function clearTeamEventStorages(cid) if isInRecruitArea(cid) or isInFightArea(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid,getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid))) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid),10) end if isFightOn() then if isJoiner(cid) then if isBlue(cid) then addRedKills() elseif isRed(cid) then addBlueKills() end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_TYPES["orange"],"You have died in Team-Battle Event.") end end removeFromjoiners(cid) removeFromBlue(cid) removeFromRed(cid) doRemoveConditions(cid, false) end function haveUnrecivedReward(cid) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid,itemToGet) > 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,countItemToGet) > 0 end function recieveLateReward(cid) if haveUnrecivedReward(cid) then if not doPlayerAddItem(cid,getPlayerStorageValue(cid,itemToGet),getPlayerStorageValue(cid,countItemToGet),false) then msg = "You need to free some space then relog to take your reward." doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_TYPES["warning"],msg) else setPlayerStorageValue(cid,itemToGet,-1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,countItemToGet,-1) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_TYPES["info"],"You have recieved your reward.") end end end -- Win or lose function thereIsAWinner() if redWon() or blueWon() then return true end return false end function blueWon() return( (#getBlueMembers() > 0 ) and ( #getRedMembers() == 0) ) end function redWon() return( (#getRedMembers() > 0) and (#getBlueMembers() == 0) ) end function isDraw() return #getBlueMembers() == #getRedMembers() end function getWinner() if #getBlueMembers() > #getRedMembers() then return {getBlueMembers(),getRedMembers(),"Blue team won."} elseif #getRedMembers() > #getBlueMembers() then return {getRedMembers(),getBlueMembers(),"Red team won."} else return { {},{},"it was a draw."} end end -- Adding kills function addBlueKills() doSetStorage(blueKills, math.max(1,getStorage(blueKills)+1)) end function addRedKills() doSetStorage(redKills, math.max(1,getStorage(redKills)+1)) end -- Ending event function endTeamEvent(type) if isFightOn() then doSetStorage(eventStarted,-1) doBroadcastMessage("Team-Battle event ended and "..getWinner()[3]) if not isDraw() then win(getWinner()[1],type) lose(getWinner()[2],type) else draw() end end addEvent(resetEvent,2 * 1000) --- tp player to home remove all storages and reset event global storages end function getPercent() rand= math.random(1,100) prev = 0 chosenItem = 0 for k, v in pairs(rewards) do if rand > prev and rand <= k+prev then chosenItem = k break else prev = k+prev end end return chosenItem end function generateReward(cid) percent = getPercent() if percent == 0 then print("Error in the reward item. Please inform Doggynub.") return true end randomizer = rewards[percent][math.random(1,#rewards[percent])] item = not tonumber(randomizer[1]) and getItemIdByName(randomizer[1]) or randomizer[1] count = isItemStackable(item) and math.min(randomizer[2],100) or 1 if item == nil or item == 0 then print("Error in the item format. Please inform Doggynub.") return true end msg = "You have won ".. (count == 1 and "a" or count) .." " .. getItemNameById(item) .. "" .. (count == 1 and "" or "s").."." if not doPlayerAddItem(cid,item,count,false) then msg = msg.. "You need to free some space then relog to take your reward." setPlayerStorageValue(cid,itemToGet,item) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,countItemToGet,count) end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_TYPES["white"],msg) end function generateStatsMessage(cid, type, stats) msg = { ["KO"] = { ["win"] = "Event ended. Your team have won by killing all oponent's team members. You will recieve your reward shortly, check incoming messages.", ["lose"] = "Event ended. Your team have lost as the Oponent team killed all your team's members." }, ["maxTime"] = { ["win"] = "Event max-time finished and your team have won. You will recieve your reward shortly, check incoming messages.", ["lose"] = "Event max-time finished and your team have lost.", ["draw"] = "Event max-time finished and it is a draw.(no team won)" } } doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_TYPES["info"],msg[type][stats]) end function win(winners,type) for _,cid in ipairs(winners) do generateStatsMessage(cid, type, "win") generateReward(cid) end end function lose(losers,type) for _,cid in ipairs(losers) do generateStatsMessage(cid, type, "lose") end end function draw() for _,cid in ipairs(getJoiners()) do generateStatsMessage(cid, "maxTime", "draw") end end function resetEvent() doSetStorage(eventRecruiting,-1) doSetStorage(nextExecute,-1) doSetStorage(eventStarted,-1) doSetStorage(eventTime,-1) doSetStorage(blueKills,-1) doSetStorage(redKills,-1) for _,cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isBlue(cid) or isRed(cid) or isJoiner(cid) then clearTeamEventStorages(cid) end end end ]]></lib> <event type="login" name="teambattleLogin" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('teamFunctions') function onLogin(cid) clearTeamEventStorages(cid) recieveLateReward(cid) registerCreatureEvent(cid, "teamEventStats") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "teambattleLogout") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "teambattleCombat") return true end ]]></event> <event type="combat" name="teambattleCombat" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('teamFunctions') function onCombat(cid, target) if isFightOn() then if isBlue(cid) and isBlue(target) then return false end if isRed(cid) and isRed(target) then return false end end return true end ]]></event> <event type="logout" name="teambattleLogout" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('teamFunctions') function onLogout(cid) clearTeamEventStorages(cid) if thereIsAWinner() then endTeamEvent("KO") end return true end ]]></event> <event type="statschange" name="teamEventStats" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('teamFunctions') corpse_ids = { [0] = 3065, -- female [1] = 3058 -- male } function onStatsChange(cid, attacker, type, combat, value) if combat == COMBAT_HEALING then return true end if getCreatureHealth(cid) > value then return true end if isInFightArea(cid) and isFightOn() then if isBlue(cid) or isRed(cid) then corpse = doCreateItem(corpse_ids[getPlayerSex(cid)], 1, getThingPos(cid)) doCreateItem(2016, 2, getThingPos(cid)) clearTeamEventStorages(cid) doItemSetAttribute(corpse, "description", "You recognize "..getCreatureName(cid)..". He was killed by "..(isMonster(attacker) and "a "..string.lower(getCreatureName(attacker)) or isCreature(attacker) and getCreatureName(attacker) or "a field item")..".n[Team-Event kill]") doCreatureAddHealth(cid,getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) if thereIsAWinner() then endTeamEvent("KO") end return false end end return true end ]]></event> <globalevent name = "teamBattleStart" time="00:58" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('teamFunctions') function onTimer() resetEvent() if getTileItemById(teleporterPosition,1387).uid < 1 then tp = doCreateItem(1387,1,teleporterPosition) doItemSetAttribute(tp, "aid", 9990) end startRecruiting() for i = 0, recruitTime-1 do addEvent(doBroadcastMessage, i * 60* 1000,"Team-Battle event is recruting players by entering event tp. Fight begins in "..(i == 0 and recruitTime or recruitTime-i).." minutes.",MESSAGE_TYPES["warning"]) end addEvent(startEvent, recruitTime * 60 * 1000) return true end ]]></globalevent> <globalevent name = "teamBattletime" interval="1" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('teamFunctions') function onThink() if isFightOn() then disPlayEventStats() if getStorage(nextExecute) == -1 or getStorage(nextExecute) <= os.time() then doSendLeftPlayers() doSetStorage(nextExecute,os.time()+intervalToSendLeftPlayers) end end return true end ]]></globalevent> <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="9990" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('teamFunctions') function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition) if not isRecruitOn() then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_TYPES["orange"],"Event isn't currently opened.") doTeleportThing(cid,fromPosition) doSendMagicEffect(fromPosition,2) return true end if getPlayerLevel(cid) < getMinJoinLevel() then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_TYPES["orange"],"Only players of level ".. getMinJoinLevel().. "+ can join this event.") doTeleportThing(cid,fromPosition) return true end teleportToWaitRoom(cid) return true end ]]> </movevent> </mod> O evento funciona assim: Em determinada hora do dia abre um teleport em tal lugar no qual os players que entram vão parar em uma sala de 'espera', la eles aguardam o evento começar quando tal começa todos que estão nessa sala são teleportados para para uma area e são separados randomicamente (time vermelho e time azul), cada um vai para um templo (templo vermelho e templo azul), em cada templo tem a bandeira da equipe, o objetivo é não deixar o outro time catar sua bandeira e sim você catar a dele, o time que catar a bandeira do adversario 3x vence o evento, quando acaba todos são teleportados para o templo da cidade e todos do time vencedor ganham items randômicos; OBS: Quando morto no evento o player não perde level, skill, loot, não perde nada. se faltou algo só comentar em baixo '-'
nen a cipsoft conseguiu acabar com os bots, boa sorte :3
vodk~ npc funcionou, obrigado, reputado.
não tenho ele aqui, mais posso por, a respeito dos items, seria 1 item por level.
sim sr. a espera de uma luz.
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