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resolvido [Encerrado] [Dúvida] de bug de bordas no remeres
tópico respondeu ao darkbattou de darkbattou em Tópicos Sem Resposta
Vlw ai!!! Funciono 100% Agradecido ;D -
resolvido [Encerrado] [Dúvida] de bug de bordas no remeres
um tópico no fórum postou darkbattou Tópicos Sem Resposta
Estou tendo um problema ao usar o Remeres map editor, versão do remeres: 2.1, uso ele para editar tibia 8.54 ( versao dbz ) Quando eu tento apagar um item que esta no chao ( ignore o fato do item estar invisivel, so olhe q realmente tem um item ali, como podem ver onde esta circulado de vermelho ) : Eu clico em cima e deleto: As bordas bugam em volta do item que eu deletei: Quando eu tento deletar as bordas bugadas as outras que estao perto bugam tb: Depois de deletar a borda bugada, buga a proxima e fica assim ate.... jeova ter piedade de mim: Sera que o remeres nao tem um modo manual onde ele n tente fazer tudo automaticamente? Porfavor alguem me ajude a resolver o problema =D -
[Encerrado] Pedido : Conseguir as sprites e dat do DBV
tópico respondeu ao darkbattou de darkbattou em Tópicos Sem Resposta
Pooooo Cara, muito obrigado!!! +Rep Vlw mesmo pela ajuda =D -
[Encerrado] Pedido : Conseguir as sprites e dat do DBV
um tópico no fórum postou darkbattou Tópicos Sem Resposta
Pessoal, estou aqui pedindo um favor que me ajudaria muito. Eu descobri um servidor que tem sprites inéditas de Dragon Ball,mas infelizmente eu não disponho dos programas para extrai-las. Se alguém tiver, não precisa me passa-lo, só me manda as sprites e o dat porfavor =D. O servidor é o Dragon ball Victory link : http://dbvictory.eu/news.php , Página de download do client : http://dbvictory.eu/viewpage.php?page_id=23 Obrigado pela atenção ^^, espero obter ajuda =D -
Pessoal, to com um problema bem especifico ao tentar abrir meu site pelo navegador, ao abrir o site pelo endereço do local hoster aparece as seguinter frases: Warning: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting TC_DOLLAR_CURLY or TC_QUOTED_STRING or '"' in config/config.ini on line 4 in \xampp\htdocs\install.php on line 2 Notice: Undefined index: page in \xampp\htdocs\install.php on line 40 Notice: Undefined index: page in \xampp\htdocs\install.php on line 52 Notice: Undefined index: page in \xampp\htdocs\install.php on line 63 Provavelmente vao querer ver meu arquivo 'install.php', então aqui esta ele : obs: nao sei usar as feramentas de postagem direito, me perdoi se fiz algo errado o arquivo config.ini também ta aqui : install = "no" server_path = "\Tibia Mapa Global\Real Server 3.3 (8.6)\ signatures = "1" ------------------------------------------------------------------- install.php <!--?PHP $config['site'] = parse_ini_file('config/config.ini'); session_start(); //save config in ini file function saveconfig_ini($config) { $file = fopen("config/config.ini", "w"); foreach($config as $param =--> $data) { $file_data .= $param.' = "'.str_replace('"', '', $data).'" '; } rewind($file); fwrite($file, $file_data); fclose($file); } function check_password($pass) { $temp = strspn("$pass", "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890"); if ($temp != strlen($pass)) { return false; } else { $ok = "/[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,40}/"; return (preg_match($ok, $pass))? true: false; } } function password_ency($password) { $ency = $GLOBALS['passwordency']; if($ency == 'sha1') return sha1($password); elseif($ency == 'md5') return md5($password); elseif($ency == '') return $password; } if($_REQUEST['page'] == '' && !isset($_REQUEST['step'])) echo ' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-2"> <title>Installation of account maker</title> <noframes><body>Frames don\'t work. Install Firefox </body></noframes> '; if($_REQUEST['page'] == 'menu') echo '<h2>MENU</h2> <b>IF NOT INSTALLED:</b> <a href="install.php?page=step&step=start" target="step">0. Informations</a> <a href="install.php?page=step&step=1" target="step">1. Set server path</a> <a href="install.php?page=step&step=2" target="step">2. Check DataBase connection</a> <a href="install.php?page=step&step=3&server_conf=yes" target="step">3. Add tables and columns to DB</a> <a href="install.php?page=step&step=4&server_conf=yes" target="step">4. Add samples to DB</a> <a href="install.php?page=step&step=5&server_conf=yes" target="step">5. Set Admin Account</a> <b>FOR ADMINS:</b> <a href="index.php?subtopic=adminpanel&action=install_monsters" target="step">6. Load Monsters from OTS</a> <a href="index.php?subtopic=adminpanel&action=install_spells" target="step">7. Load Spells from OTS</a> '; if($_REQUEST['page'] == 'step') { if($config['site']['install'] != "no") { if($_REQUEST['server_conf'] == 'yes' || ($_REQUEST['step'] > 2 && $_REQUEST['step'] < 6)) { $config['server'] = parse_ini_file($config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua'); if(isset($config['server']['mysqlHost'])) { $mysqlhost = $config['server']['mysqlHost']; $mysqluser = $config['server']['mysqlUser']; $mysqlpass = $config['server']['mysqlPass']; $mysqldatabase = $config['server']['mysqlDatabase']; } elseif(isset($config['server']['sqlHost'])) { $mysqlhost = $config['server']['sqlHost']; $mysqluser = $config['server']['sqlUser']; $mysqlpass = $config['server']['sqlPass']; $mysqldatabase = $config['server']['sqlDatabase']; } $sqlitefile = $config['server']['sqliteDatabase']; $passwordency = ''; if(strtolower($config['server']['useMD5Passwords']) == 'yes' || strtolower($config['server']['passwordType']) == 'md5') $passwordency = 'md5'; if(strtolower($config['server']['passwordType']) == 'sha1') $passwordency = 'sha1'; // loads #####POT mainfile##### include('pot/OTS.php'); // PDO and POT connects to database $ots = POT::getInstance(); if(strtolower($config['server']['sqlType']) == "mysql") { try { $ots->connect(POT::DB_MYSQL, array('host' => $mysqlhost, 'user' => $mysqluser, 'password' => $mysqlpass, 'database' => $mysqldatabase) ); } catch(PDOException $error) { echo 'Database error - can\'t connect to MySQL database. Possible reasons: 1. MySQL server is not running on host. 2. MySQL user, password, database or host isn\'t configured in: <b>'.$config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua</b> . 3. MySQL user, password, database or host is wrong.'; exit; } } elseif(strtolower($config['server']['sqlType']) == "sqlite") { $link_to_sqlitedatabase = $config['site']['server_path'].$sqlitefile; try { $ots->connect(POT::DB_SQLITE, array('database' => $link_to_sqlitedatabase)); } catch(PDOException $error) { echo 'Database error - can\'t open SQLite database. Possible reasons: <b>'.$link_to_sqlitedatabase.'</b> - file isn\'t valid SQLite database. <b>'.$link_to_sqlitedatabase.'</b> - doesn\'t exist.'; exit; } } else { echo 'Database error. Unknown database type in <b>'.$config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua</b> . Must be equal to: "<b>mysql</b>" or "<b>sqlite</b>". Now is: "<b>'.strtolower($config['server']['sqlType']).'"</b>'; exit; } $SQL = POT::getInstance()->getDBHandle(); } $step = $_REQUEST['step']; if(empty($step)) $step = $config['site']['install']; if($step == 'start') { echo '<h1>STEP '.$step.'</h1>Informations '; echo 'Bem vindo ao Gesior ACC 0.3.8! <b>First do steps 1-5 one by one, later (when you will be logged on admin account) press on links to steps 6-8 to load configuration from OTS.</b>'; } if($step == '1') { if(isset($_REQUEST['server_path'])) { echo '<h1>STEP '.$step.'</h1>Check server configuration '; $config['site']['server_path'] = $_REQUEST['server_path']; $config['site']['server_path'] = trim($config['site']['server_path'])."\\"; $config['site']['server_path'] = str_replace("\\\\", "/", $config['site']['server_path']); $config['site']['server_path'] = str_replace("\\", "/", $config['site']['server_path']); $config['site']['server_path'] = str_replace("//", "/", $config['site']['server_path']); saveconfig_ini($config['site']); if(file_exists($config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua')) { $config['server'] = parse_ini_file($config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua'); if(isset($config['server']['sqlType'])) { $config['site']['install'] = 2; saveconfig_ini($config['site']); echo 'File <b>config.lua</b> loaded from <font color="red"><i>'.$config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua</i></font> and looks like fine server config file. Now you can check database('.$config['server']['sqlType'].') connection: <a href="install.php?page=step&step=2">STEP 2 - check database connection</a>'; } else { echo 'File <b>config.lua</b> loaded from <font color="red"><i>'.$config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua</i></font> and it\'s not valid TFS config.lua file. <a href="install.php?page=step&step=1">Go to STEP 1 - select other directory.</a> If it\'s your config.lua file from TFS contact with acc. maker author.'; } } else { echo 'Can\'t load file <b>config.lua</b> from <font color="red"><i>'.$config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua</i></font> File doesn\'t exist in selected directory. <a href="install.php?page=step&step=1">Go to STEP 1 - select other directory.</a>'; } } else { echo 'Please write you TFS directory below. Like: <i>C:\Documents and Settings\Gesior\Desktop\TFS 0.3.6\</i> or <i>/home/ots/tfs/</i> After install please delate all comments from config.lua Example: <pre>-- Account manager</pre> <form action="install.php"> <input type="text" name="server_path" size="90" value="'.$config['site']['server_path'].'"><input type="hidden" name="page" value="step"><input type="hidden" name="step" value="1"><input type="submit" value="Set server path"></form>'; } } if($step == '2') { echo '<h1>STEP '.$step.'</h1>Check database connection '; echo 'If you don\'t see any errors press <a href="install.php?page=step&step=3&server_conf=yes">link to STEP 3 - Add tables and columns to DB</a>. If you see some errors it mean server has wrong configuration. Check FAQ or ask author of acc. maker.'; //load server config $config['server'] = parse_ini_file($config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua'); if(isset($config['server']['mysqlHost'])) { //new (0.2.6+) ots config.lua file $mysqlhost = $config['server']['mysqlHost']; $mysqluser = $config['server']['mysqlUser']; $mysqlpass = $config['server']['mysqlPass']; $mysqldatabase = $config['server']['mysqlDatabase']; } elseif(isset($config['server']['sqlHost'])) { //old (0.2.4) ots config.lua file $mysqlhost = $config['server']['sqlHost']; $mysqluser = $config['server']['sqlUser']; $mysqlpass = $config['server']['sqlPass']; $mysqldatabase = $config['server']['sqlDatabase']; } $sqlitefile = $config['server']['sqliteDatabase']; $passwordency = ''; if(strtolower($config['server']['useMD5Passwords']) == 'yes' || strtolower($config['server']['passwordType']) == 'md5') $passwordency = 'md5'; if(strtolower($config['server']['passwordType']) == 'sha1') $passwordency = 'sha1'; // loads #####POT mainfile##### include('pot/OTS.php'); $ots = POT::getInstance(); if(strtolower($config['server']['sqlType']) == "mysql") { try { $ots->connect(POT::DB_MYSQL, array('host' => $mysqlhost, 'user' => $mysqluser, 'password' => $mysqlpass, 'database' => $mysqldatabase) ); } catch(PDOException $error) { echo 'Database error - can\'t connect to MySQL database. Possible reasons: 1. MySQL server is not running on host. 2. MySQL user, password, database or host isn\'t configured in: <b>'.$config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua</b> . 3. MySQL user, password, database or host is wrong.'; exit; } } elseif(strtolower($config['server']['sqlType']) == "sqlite") { $link_to_sqlitedatabase = $config['site']['server_path'].$sqlitefile; try { $ots->connect(POT::DB_SQLITE, array('database' => $link_to_sqlitedatabase)); } catch(PDOException $error) { echo 'Database error - can\'t open SQLite database. Possible reasons: <b>'.$link_to_sqlitedatabase.'</b> - file isn\'t valid SQLite database. <b>'.$link_to_sqlitedatabase.'</b> - doesn\'t exist.'; exit; } } else { echo 'Database error. Unknown database type in <b>'.$config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua</b> . Must be equal to: "<b>mysql</b>" or "<b>sqlite</b>". Now is: "<b>'.strtolower($config['server']['sqlType']).'"</b>'; exit; } $SQL = POT::getInstance()->getDBHandle(); $config['site']['install'] = 3; saveconfig_ini($config['site']); } if($step == '3') { echo '<h1>STEP '.$step.'</h1>Add tables and columns to DB '; echo 'Installer try to add new tables and columns to database. '; $config['server'] = parse_ini_file($config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua'); if($config['server']['sqlType'] == "sqlite") { try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "key" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "page_lastday" INTEGER(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "email_new" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "email_new_time" INTEGER(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "created" INTEGER(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "rlname" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "location" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "page_access" INTEGER(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "email_code" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "next_email" INTEGER(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE accounts ADD "premium_points" INTEGER(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added columns to table <b>accounts</b>. "; try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE guilds ADD "description" TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE guilds ADD "logo_gfx_name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added columns to table <b>guilds</b>. "; try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE players ADD "online" INTEGER(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE players ADD "created" INTEGER(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE players ADD "nick_verify" INTEGER(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE players ADD "old_name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE players ADD "hide_char" INTEGER(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE players ADD "comment" TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added columns to table <b>players</b>. "; try { $SQL->query('CREATE TABLE "z_news_tickers" ( "date" INTEGER NOT NULL, "author" INTEGER NOT NULL, "image_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "text" TEXT NOT NULL, "hide_ticker" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_news_tickers</b> (tickers). "; try { $SQL->query('CREATE TABLE "z_spells" ( "name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "spell" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "spell_type" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "mana" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "lvl" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "mlvl" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "soul" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "pacc" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "vocations" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "conj_count" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "hide_spell" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_spells</b> (spells list). "; try { $SQL->query('CREATE TABLE "z_monsters" ( "hide_creature" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "mana" INTEGER NOT NULL, "exp" INTEGER NOT NULL, "health" INTEGER NOT NULL, "speed_lvl" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, "use_haste" INTEGER NOT NULL, "voices" text NOT NULL, "immunities" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "summonable" INTEGER NOT NULL, "convinceable" INTEGER NOT NULL, "race" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "gfx_name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL)'); } catch(PDOException $error) {} echo "Added table <b>z_monsters</b> (monsters list). "; } elseif($config['server']['sqlType'] == "mysql") { echo "<h3>Add columns to table <b>accounts</b></h3>"; try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `page_lastday` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL;"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>page_lastday</b> to table <b>accounts</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>page_lastday</b> to table <b>accounts</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `email_new` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>email_new</b> to table <b>accounts</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>email_new</b> to table <b>accounts</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `email_new_time` INT( 15 ) NOT NULL;"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>email_new_time</b> to table <b>accounts</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>email_new_time</b> to table <b>accounts</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `created` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>created</b> to table <b>accounts</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>created</b> to table <b>accounts</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `rlname` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>rlname</b> to table <b>accounts</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>rlname</b> to table <b>accounts</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `location` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>location</b> to table <b>accounts</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>location</b> to table <b>accounts</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `page_access` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>page_access</b> to table <b>accounts</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>page_access</b> to table <b>accounts</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `email_code` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>email_code</b> to table <b>accounts</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>email_code</b> to table <b>accounts</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `next_email` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>next_email</b> to table <b>accounts</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>next_email</b> to table <b>accounts</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `premium_points` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>premium_points</b> to table <b>accounts</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>premium_points</b> to table <b>accounts</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `vote` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL;"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>vote</b> to table <b>players</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>vote</b> to table <b>players</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `last_post` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>last post</b> to table <b>accounts</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>last posts</b> to table <b>accounts</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `flag` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>flag</b> to table <b>accounts</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>flag</b> to table <b>accounts</b>, already exist? ";} echo "<h3>Add columns to table <b>guilds</b></h3>"; try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE `guilds` ADD `description` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>description</b> to table <b>guilds</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>description</b> to table <b>guilds</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query('ALTER TABLE `guilds` ADD `logo_gfx_name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT "";'); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>logo_gfx_name</b> to table <b>guilds</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>logo_gfx_name</b> to table <b>guilds</b>, already exist? ";} echo "<h3>Add columns to table <b>players</b></h3>"; try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `created` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>created</b> to table <b>players</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>created</b> to table <b>players</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `nick_verify` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>nick_verify</b> to table <b>players</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>nick_verify</b> to table <b>players</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `old_name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>old_name</b> to table <b>players</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>old_name</b> to table <b>players</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `hide_char` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>hide_char</b> to table <b>players</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>hide_char</b> to table <b>players</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `worldtransfer` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>worldtransfer</b> to table <b>players</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>worldtransfer</b> to table <b>players</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `comment` TEXT NOT NULL;"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>comment</b> to table <b>players</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>comment</b> to table <b>players</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `show_outfit` TINYINT( 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>show_outfit</b> to table <b>players</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>comment</b> to table <b>players</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `show_eq` TINYINT( 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>show_eq</b> to table <b>players</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>comment</b> to table <b>players</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `show_bars` TINYINT( 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>show_bars</b> to table <b>players</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>comment</b> to table <b>players</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `show_skills` TINYINT( 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>show_skills</b> to table <b>players</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>comment</b> to table <b>players</b>, already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `show_quests` TINYINT( 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added column</font> <b>show_quests</b> to table <b>players</b> ";} catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Can't add column</font> <b>comment</b> to table <b>players</b>, already exist? ";} echo "<h3>Add new tables to database</h3>"; try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `z_news_tickers` ( `date` int(11) NOT NULL default '1', `author` int(11) NOT NULL, `image_id` int(3) NOT NULL default '0', `text` text NOT NULL, `hide_ticker` tinyint(1) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;"); echo '<font color="\"green\"">Added table <b>z_news_tickers</b></font> '; } catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Table <b>z_news_tickers</b> not added.</font> Already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query('CREATE TABLE `z_spells` ( `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `spell` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `spell_type` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `mana` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lvl` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `mlvl` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `soul` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `pacc` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `vocations` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `conj_count` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `hide_spell` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);'); echo '<font color="\"green\"">Added table <b>z_spells</b></font> '; } catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Table <b>z_spells</b> not added.</font> Already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query('CREATE TABLE `z_monsters` ( `hide_creature` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default \'0\', `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `mana` int(11) NOT NULL, `exp` int(11) NOT NULL, `health` int(11) NOT NULL, `speed_lvl` int(11) NOT NULL default \'1\', `use_haste` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, `voices` text NOT NULL, `immunities` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `summonable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, `convinceable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, `race` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `gfx_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;'); echo"<font color="\"green\"">Added table <b>z_monsters</b></font> "; } catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Table <b>z_monsters</b> not added.</font> Already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `z_ots_comunication` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `action` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `param1` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `param2` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `param3` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `param4` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `param5` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `param6` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `param7` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `delete_it` int(2) NOT NULL default '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added table <b>z_ots_comunication</b> (shopsystem). </font>"; } catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Table <b>z_ots_comunication</b> not added.</font> Already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `z_shop_offer` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `points` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `itemid1` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `count1` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `itemid2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `count2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `offer_type` varchar(255) default NULL, `offer_description` text NOT NULL, `offer_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `pid` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1;"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added table <b>z_shop_offer</b> (shopsystem). </font>"; } catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Table <b>z_shop_offer</b> not added.</font> Already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `z_shop_history_item` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `to_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '0', `to_account` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `from_nick` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `from_account` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `price` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `offer_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `trans_state` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `trans_start` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `trans_real` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added table <b>z_shop_history_item</b> (shopsystem). </font>"; } catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Table <b>z_shop_history_item</b> not added.</font> Already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `z_shop_history_pacc` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `to_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '0', `to_account` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `from_nick` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `from_account` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `price` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `pacc_days` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `trans_state` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `trans_start` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `trans_real` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added table <b>z_shop_history_pacc</b> (shopsystem). </font>"; } catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Table <b>z_shop_history_pacc</b> not added.</font> Already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `z_polls` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `question` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `end` int(11) NOT NULL, `start` int(11) NOT NULL, `answers` int(11) NOT NULL, `votes_all` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added table <b>z_polls</b> (poll-system). </font>"; } catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Table <b>z_polls</b> not added.</font> Already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `z_polls_answers` ( `poll_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `answer_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `answer` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `votes` int(11) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added table <b>z_polls_answers</b> (poll-system). </font>"; } catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Table <b>z_polls_answers</b> not added.</font> Already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `zaypay_payment` ( `payID` bigint(30) NOT NULL, `account_id` int(20) NOT NULL, `status` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`payID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added table <b>zaypay_payment</b>. </font>"; } catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Table <b>zaypay_payment</b> not added.</font> Already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE z_bug_tracker ( `account` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `type` int(11) NOT NULL, `status` int(11) NOT NULL, `text` text NOT NULL, `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `subject` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `priority` int(11) NOT NULL, `reply` int(11) NOT NULL, `who` int(11) NOT NULL, `uid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `tag` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (uid) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added table <b>z_bug_tracker</b> (bug tracker). </font>"; } catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Table <b>z_bug_tracker</b> not added.</font> Already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `z_changelog` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `type` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `where` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `date` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=0;"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added table <b>z_changelog</b> (changelog). </font>"; } catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Table <b>z_changelog</b> not added.</font> Already exist? ";} try { $SQL->query("CREATE TABLE `z_forum` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `sticky` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `closed` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `first_post` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `last_post` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `section` int(3) NOT NULL default '0', `icon_id` int(3) NOT NULL default '1', `replies` int(20) NOT NULL default '0', `views` int(20) NOT NULL default '0', `author_aid` int(20) NOT NULL default '0', `author_guid` int(20) NOT NULL default '0', `post_text` text NOT NULL, `post_topic` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `post_smile` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', `post_date` int(20) NOT NULL default '0', `last_edit_aid` int(20) NOT NULL default '0', `edit_date` int(20) NOT NULL default '0', `post_ip` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `section` (`section`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1;"); echo "<font color="\"green\"">Added table <b>z_forum</b> (forum). </font>"; } catch(PDOException $error) { echo "<font color="\"red\"">Table <b>z_forum</b> not added.</font> Already exist? ";} } $config['site']['install'] = 4; saveconfig_ini($config['site']); echo ' Tables and columns added to database. Go to <a href="install.php?page=step&step=4&server_conf=yes">STEP 4 - Add samples</a>'; } if($step == '4') { echo '<h1>STEP '.$step.'</h1>Add samples to DB: '; $check_news_ticker = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM z_news_tickers WHERE image_id = 1 AND author = 1 AND hide_ticker = 0 LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0')->fetch(); if(!isset($check_news_ticker['author'])) { $SQL->query('INSERT INTO z_news_tickers (date, author, image_id, text, hide_ticker) VALUES ('.time().', 1, 1, "Bem vindo ao Gesior 0.3.8 Edited by Natan Beckman!", 0)'); echo "Added first news ticker. "; } else { echo "News ticker sample is already in database. New sample is not needed. "; } $check_voc_0 = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = "Rook Sample" LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0')->fetch(); if(!isset($check_voc_0['name'])) { $SQL->query('INSERT INTO `players` (`id`, `name`, `world_id`, `group_id`, `account_id`, `level`, `vocation`, `health`, `healthmax`, `experience`, `lookbody`, `lookfeet`, `lookhead`, `looklegs`, `looktype`, `lookaddons`, `maglevel`, `mana`, `manamax`, `manaspent`, `soul`, `town_id`, `posx`, `posy`, `posz`, `conditions`, `cap`, `sex`, `lastlogin`, `lastip`, `save`, `skull`, `skulltime`, `rank_id`, `guildnick`, `lastlogout`, `blessings`, `balance`, `stamina`, `direction`, `loss_experience`, `loss_mana`, `loss_skills`, `loss_containers`, `loss_items`, `premend`, `online`, `marriage`, `promotion`, `deleted`, `description`, `created`, `nick_verify`, `old_name`, `hide_char`, `comment`) VALUES (NULL, "Rook Sample", 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 150, 150, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 7, "", 400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 0, 0, 201660000, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 0, "", 0, "")'); echo "Added 'Rook Sample' character. "; } else { echo "Character 'Rook Sample' already in database. "; } $check_voc_1 = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = "Sorcerer Sample" LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0')->fetch(); if(!isset($check_voc_1['name'])) { $SQL->query('INSERT INTO `players` (`id`, `name`, `world_id`, `group_id`, `account_id`, `level`, `vocation`, `health`, `healthmax`, `experience`, `lookbody`, `lookfeet`, `lookhead`, `looklegs`, `looktype`, `lookaddons`, `maglevel`, `mana`, `manamax`, `manaspent`, `soul`, `town_id`, `posx`, `posy`, `posz`, `conditions`, `cap`, `sex`, `lastlogin`, `lastip`, `save`, `skull`, `skulltime`, `rank_id`, `guildnick`, `lastlogout`, `blessings`, `balance`, `stamina`, `direction`, `loss_experience`, `loss_mana`, `loss_skills`, `loss_containers`, `loss_items`, `premend`, `online`, `marriage`, `promotion`, `deleted`, `description`, `created`, `nick_verify`, `old_name`, `hide_char`, `comment`) VALUES (NULL, "Sorcerer Sample", 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 150, 150, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 7, "", 400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 0, 0, 201660000, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 0, "", 0, "")'); echo "Added 'Sorcerer Sample' character. "; } else { echo "Character 'Sorcerer Sample' already in database. "; } $check_voc_2 = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = "Druid Sample" LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0')->fetch(); if(!isset($check_voc_2['name'])) { $SQL->query('INSERT INTO `players` (`id`, `name`, `world_id`, `group_id`, `account_id`, `level`, `vocation`, `health`, `healthmax`, `experience`, `lookbody`, `lookfeet`, `lookhead`, `looklegs`, `looktype`, `lookaddons`, `maglevel`, `mana`, `manamax`, `manaspent`, `soul`, `town_id`, `posx`, `posy`, `posz`, `conditions`, `cap`, `sex`, `lastlogin`, `lastip`, `save`, `skull`, `skulltime`, `rank_id`, `guildnick`, `lastlogout`, `blessings`, `balance`, `stamina`, `direction`, `loss_experience`, `loss_mana`, `loss_skills`, `loss_containers`, `loss_items`, `premend`, `online`, `marriage`, `promotion`, `deleted`, `description`, `created`, `nick_verify`, `old_name`, `hide_char`, `comment`) VALUES (NULL, "Druid Sample", 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 150, 150, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 7, "", 400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 0, 0, 201660000, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 0, "", 0, "")'); echo "Added 'Druid Sample' character. "; } else { echo "Character 'Druid Sample' already in database. "; } $check_voc_3 = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = "Paladin Sample" LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0')->fetch(); if(!isset($check_voc_3['name'])) { $SQL->query('INSERT INTO `players` (`id`, `name`, `world_id`, `group_id`, `account_id`, `level`, `vocation`, `health`, `healthmax`, `experience`, `lookbody`, `lookfeet`, `lookhead`, `looklegs`, `looktype`, `lookaddons`, `maglevel`, `mana`, `manamax`, `manaspent`, `soul`, `town_id`, `posx`, `posy`, `posz`, `conditions`, `cap`, `sex`, `lastlogin`, `lastip`, `save`, `skull`, `skulltime`, `rank_id`, `guildnick`, `lastlogout`, `blessings`, `balance`, `stamina`, `direction`, `loss_experience`, `loss_mana`, `loss_skills`, `loss_containers`, `loss_items`, `premend`, `online`, `marriage`, `promotion`, `deleted`, `description`, `created`, `nick_verify`, `old_name`, `hide_char`, `comment`) VALUES (NULL, "Paladin Sample", 0, 1, 1, 1, 3, 150, 150, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 7, "", 400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 0, 0, 201660000, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 0, "", 0, "")'); echo "Added 'Paladin Sample' character. "; } else { echo "Character 'Paladin Sample' already in database. "; } $check_voc_4 = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = "Knight Sample" LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0')->fetch(); if(!isset($check_voc_4['name'])) { $SQL->query('INSERT INTO `players` (`id`, `name`, `world_id`, `group_id`, `account_id`, `level`, `vocation`, `health`, `healthmax`, `experience`, `lookbody`, `lookfeet`, `lookhead`, `looklegs`, `looktype`, `lookaddons`, `maglevel`, `mana`, `manamax`, `manaspent`, `soul`, `town_id`, `posx`, `posy`, `posz`, `conditions`, `cap`, `sex`, `lastlogin`, `lastip`, `save`, `skull`, `skulltime`, `rank_id`, `guildnick`, `lastlogout`, `blessings`, `balance`, `stamina`, `direction`, `loss_experience`, `loss_mana`, `loss_skills`, `loss_containers`, `loss_items`, `premend`, `online`, `marriage`, `promotion`, `deleted`, `description`, `created`, `nick_verify`, `old_name`, `hide_char`, `comment`) VALUES (NULL, "Knight Sample", 0, 1, 1, 1, 4, 150, 150, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 7, "", 400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 0, 0, 201660000, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 0, "", 0, "")'); echo "Added 'Knight Sample' character. "; echo 'All samples added to database. Now you can go to <a href="install.php?page=step&step=5&server_conf=yes">STEP 5 - Set Admin Account</a>'; } else { echo "Character 'Knight Sample' already in database. "; $config['site']['install'] = 5; saveconfig_ini($config['site']); echo 'All samples added to database. Now you can go to <a href="install.php?page=step&step=5&server_conf=yes">STEP 5 - Set Admin Account</a> '; } } if($step == '5') { echo '<h1>STEP '.$step.'</h1>Set Admin Account '; $config['server'] = parse_ini_file($config['site']['server_path'].'config.lua'); if(empty($_REQUEST['saveaccpassword'])) { echo 'Admin account number is: <b>1</b> Set new password to this account. '; echo 'New password: <form action="install.php" method="POST"><input type="text" name="newpass" size="35">(Don\'t give it password to anyone!)'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="saveaccpassword" value="yes"><input type="hidden" name="page" value="step"><input type="hidden" name="step" value="5"><input type="submit" value="SET"></form> If account with number 1 doesn\'t exist installator will create it and set your password.'; } else { $newpass = $_POST['newpass']; if(!check_password($newpass)) echo 'Password contains illegal characters. Please use only a-Z and 0-9. <a href="install.php?page=step&step=5&server_conf=yes">GO BACK</a> and write other password.'; else { $newpass_to_db = password_ency($newpass); $account = new OTS_Account(); $account->load(1); if($account->isLoaded()) { $account->setPassword($newpass_to_db); $account->save(); $account->setCustomField("page_access", 3); } else { $number = $account->create(1,1,1); $account->setPassword($newpass_to_db); $account->unblock(); $account->save(); $account->setCustomField("page_access", 3); } $_SESSION['account'] = 1; $_SESSION['password'] = $newpass; $logged = TRUE; $account->setCustomField("page_lastday", time()); echo '<h1>Admin account number: 1 Admin account password: '.$_POST['newpass'].'</h1> <h3>It\'s end of first part of installation. Installation is blocked. From now don\'t modify file config.ini! Press links to STEPs 6 and 7 in menu.</h3>'; $config['site']['install'] = 'no'; saveconfig_ini($config['site']); } } } } else echo "Account maker is already installed! To reinstall open file 'config.ini' in directory 'config' and change: <b>install = \"no\"</b> to: <b>install = \"start\"</b> and enter this site again."; } ?> caso queiram saber sobre o config.ini ta aqui ele: install = "no" server_path = "\Tibia Mapa Global\Real Server 3.3 (8.6)\ signatures = "1" o config.ini esta aqui : install = "no" server_path = "\Tibia Mapa Global\Real Server 3.3 (8.6)\ signatures = "1"
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