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  1. alguem poderia me ajudar no meu poketibia de ves em quanto da esse erro servidor 8.54 aqui o script do arquivo \/ function isInRange(position, fromPosition, toPosition) return (position.x >= fromPosition.x and position.y >= fromPosition.y and position.z >= fromPosition.z and position.x <= toPosition.x and position.y <= toPosition.y and position.z <= toPosition.z) end function getDistanceBetween(fromPosition, toPosition) local x, y = math.abs(fromPosition.x - toPosition.x), math.abs(fromPosition.y - toPosition.y) local diff = math.max(x, y) if(fromPosition.z ~= toPosition.z) then diff = diff + 9 + 6 end return diff end function getDirectionTo(pos1, pos2) local dir = NORTH if(pos1.x > pos2.x) then dir = WEST if(pos1.y > pos2.y) then dir = NORTHWEST elseif(pos1.y < pos2.y) then dir = SOUTHWEST end elseif(pos1.x < pos2.x) then dir = EAST if(pos1.y > pos2.y) then dir = NORTHEAST elseif(pos1.y < pos2.y) then dir = SOUTHEAST end else if(pos1.y > pos2.y) then dir = NORTH elseif(pos1.y < pos2.y) then dir = SOUTH end end return dir end function getCreatureLookPosition(cid) return getPosByDir(getThingPos(cid), getCreatureLookDirection(cid)) end function getPositionByDirection(position, direction, size) local n = size or 1 if(direction == NORTH) then position.y = position.y - n elseif(direction == SOUTH) then position.y = position.y + n elseif(direction == WEST) then position.x = position.x - n elseif(direction == EAST) then position.x = position.x + n elseif(direction == NORTHWEST) then position.y = position.y - n position.x = position.x - n elseif(direction == NORTHEAST) then position.y = position.y - n position.x = position.x + n elseif(direction == SOUTHWEST) then position.y = position.y + n position.x = position.x - n elseif(direction == SOUTHEAST) then position.y = position.y + n position.x = position.x + n end return position end function doComparePositions(position, positionEx) return position.x == positionEx.x and position.y == positionEx.y and position.z == positionEx.z end function getArea(position, x, y) local t = {} for i = (position.x - x), (position.x + x) do for j = (position.y - y), (position.y + y) do table.insert(t, {x = i, y = j, z = position.z}) end end return t end do REP++++
  2. /\ vai no sqlite e edita o position do account mananger
  3. aqui tbm funciono o script que o Behmen mando vlw ai manolo (Y)
  4. betinhow eu tenhu esse mapa aki mais tipow que spr e dat que vc uso para n da dbg??? flash ou dash?
  5. Ganhou meu rep agr fas a ilha de planta da svke
  6. pq o charizard valey temque ser igual a do svke n podia faser um proprio? seria mais legal vc faser um de sua propria criação
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