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Tudo que walefxavier postou
Quando da esse tipo de erro eu troko db.executeQuery para db.query
Tava querendo uma pedra que quando desse use em armas add por exemplo +10 de holly damage. Exemplo mais complexo: Eu tenho uma Vip sword (Atk:100),eu vou e dou USE WITH na pedra e coloca na arma,ai vai ficar assim: Vip Sword (Atk:100) +10 Holly
Usa o config.lua do Tfs. E olha se voce expecificou o lugar certo onde está ele no config.ini !
Mapa ta muito ruin !
Ta dando esse erro no distro : [14:25:41.390] mysql_commit() - MYSQL ERROR: Lost connection to MySQL server dur ing query (2013) [14:25:41.390] mysql_real_query(): SELECT * FROM z_ots_comunication WHERE `type` = 'login'; - MYSQL ERROR: MySQL server has gone away (2006) [14:27:41.953] Vadia has logged out. [14:27:41.953] Error while saving player: Vadia. [14:28:32.265] Playsson has logged out. [14:28:32.265] Error while saving player: Playsson. [14:28:38.156] Poti has logged out. [14:28:38.156] Error while saving player: Poti. [14:28:39.703] Druidzin has logged out. [14:28:39.703] Error while saving player: Druidzin. [14:29:58.734] Ladrao De Raios has logged out. [14:29:58.734] Error while saving player: Ladrao De Raios. [14:30:07.015] Thommas Turbando has logged out. [14:30:07.015] Error while saving player: Thommas Turbando. [14:30:40.203] Sex'y has logged out. [14:30:40.203] Error while saving player: Sex'y. [14:31:41.218] Chabby has logged out. [14:31:41.218] Error while saving player: Chabby. [14:33:09.234] Mikezin has logged out. [14:33:09.234] Error while saving player: Mikezin. [14:33:53.140] Pipi has logged out. [14:33:53.140] Error while saving player: Pipi. Ai não tem como entrar no ot,fica falando que a conta está errada. É um erro na table de Z_ots_Comunication,neh? Mas ja coloquei outra table,e continuou. Ajudem ,plizz !
Ta dando esse erro no distro : [14:25:41.390] mysql_commit() - MYSQL ERROR: Lost connection to MySQL server dur ing query (2013) [14:25:41.390] mysql_real_query(): SELECT * FROM z_ots_comunication WHERE `type` = 'login'; - MYSQL ERROR: MySQL server has gone away (2006) [14:27:41.953] Vadia has logged out. [14:27:41.953] Error while saving player: Vadia. [14:28:32.265] Playsson has logged out. [14:28:32.265] Error while saving player: Playsson. [14:28:38.156] Poti has logged out. [14:28:38.156] Error while saving player: Poti. [14:28:39.703] Druidzin has logged out. [14:28:39.703] Error while saving player: Druidzin. [14:29:58.734] Ladrao De Raios has logged out. [14:29:58.734] Error while saving player: Ladrao De Raios. [14:30:07.015] Thommas Turbando has logged out. [14:30:07.015] Error while saving player: Thommas Turbando. [14:30:40.203] Sex'y has logged out. [14:30:40.203] Error while saving player: Sex'y. [14:31:41.218] Chabby has logged out. [14:31:41.218] Error while saving player: Chabby. [14:33:09.234] Mikezin has logged out. [14:33:09.234] Error while saving player: Mikezin. [14:33:53.140] Pipi has logged out. [14:33:53.140] Error while saving player: Pipi. Ai não tem como entrar no ot,fica falando que a conta está errada. É um erro na table de Z_ots_Comunication,neh? Mas ja coloquei outra table,e continuou. Ajudem ,plizz !
Ta dando esse erro no distro : [14:25:41.390] mysql_commit() - MYSQL ERROR: Lost connection to MySQL server dur ing query (2013) [14:25:41.390] mysql_real_query(): SELECT * FROM z_ots_comunication WHERE `type` = 'login'; - MYSQL ERROR: MySQL server has gone away (2006) [14:27:41.953] Vadia has logged out. [14:27:41.953] Error while saving player: Vadia. [14:28:32.265] Playsson has logged out. [14:28:32.265] Error while saving player: Playsson. [14:28:38.156] Poti has logged out. [14:28:38.156] Error while saving player: Poti. [14:28:39.703] Druidzin has logged out. [14:28:39.703] Error while saving player: Druidzin. [14:29:58.734] Ladrao De Raios has logged out. [14:29:58.734] Error while saving player: Ladrao De Raios. [14:30:07.015] Thommas Turbando has logged out. [14:30:07.015] Error while saving player: Thommas Turbando. [14:30:40.203] Sex'y has logged out. [14:30:40.203] Error while saving player: Sex'y. [14:31:41.218] Chabby has logged out. [14:31:41.218] Error while saving player: Chabby. [14:33:09.234] Mikezin has logged out. [14:33:09.234] Error while saving player: Mikezin. [14:33:53.140] Pipi has logged out. [14:33:53.140] Error while saving player: Pipi. Ai não tem como entrar no ot,fica falando que a conta está errada. É um erro na table de Z_ots_Comunication,neh? Mas ja coloquei outra table,e continuou. Ajudem ,plizz !
Erro no servidor: Error While saving player : Dysnew Depois de um bom tempo online da esse erro ! The Forgotten Server_DEV. Será que é problemas na database?
[Ajuda] Site 'novo Conceito De Segurança'
tópico respondeu ao walefxavier de walefxavier em Lixeira Pública
Realmente ! Vlwx ! :construction: -
Bem,to com um problema aqui no meu site,coloco ele online pelo XAMPP. Diferente de muitos,eu quero que na hora que alguem acessar o phpmyadmin,apareça a mensagem: Acesso proibido! XAMPP Novo conceito de segurança: O acesso ao objeto solicitado está disponível somente a partir da rede local. Esta configuração pode ser configurado no arquivo "httpd-xampp.conf". Como faço pra aparecer isso quando alguem tiver tentando acessar minha database? ------------------- No meu outro site eu tinha isto,mais eu esqueci como fiz .-. ! Lembro que so localhost podia acessar o phpmyadmin... SE ALGUEM PUDER ME AJUDAR AGRADECERIA MUITO - + REP !
Tento Adicionar a Database : ALTER TABLE `guild_wars` ADD CONSTRAINT `guild_wars_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`guild_id`) REFERENCES `guilds` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `guild_wars_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`enemy_id`) REFERENCES `guilds` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE; Mais nun vai,aparece a mensagem: #1005 - Can't create table '.\dynamic\#sql-7b4_88.frm' (errno: 121) PLEASSEE ! Esse é parte do War system do Elf.. ! Help-me ae !! :XTibia_smile:
[Encerrado] Eu Vou Assinar Um Serviço Da Onservers,e Tenho Algumas Duvidas.
tópico respondeu ao pok302010 de walefxavier em Tópicos Sem Resposta
Vc vai poder hospedar seu site lá mesmo,pelo xampp,o :8090 vc pode tirar. As account vão ser apagadas. -
[Gesior Acc] Pagseguro Entregando Pontos Automaticamente
tópico respondeu ao walefxavier de walefxavier em Tutoriais de Websites
Olha as bolinhas é assim: <font color=black><br><div style="text-align: justify;"><img src="layouts/tibiacom/images/content/bullet.gif"> <font size="3"><b>Porque Comprar Vip ?</b></font> Na verdade é uma imagem que ja tem na pasta do Gesior.Adicione isso no lugar que colocar a bolinha... Ja o espaço acho que seria vc add uma linha assim: </div>
Brigadão ! :button_ok:
[Gesioracc] War System (With Shields)
tópico respondeu ao walefxavier de walefxavier em Lixeira Pública
Apaguem o topico por favor -
Fala ae uai...
Meu Token No Pag Seguro Não Aparece :s
tópico respondeu ao pok302010 de walefxavier em Lixeira Pública
Acesse sua conta do Pagseguro. Na Aba Tranferencias,clique em Retorno automatico de Dados. Em "Ative a URL de retorno" coloque: seuip.servegame.com/?subtopic=retpagseguro ... (Não pode utilizar :8090) Logo a baixo clique em "GERAR" > espere aparecer a mensagem: :button_ok: Token gerado com sucesso. Copie seu Token e cole nos scripts,apenas onde esta escrito "SEU TOKEN AQUI" ou "TOKEN". Vlws :XTibia_smile: -
[Gesior Acc] Pagseguro Entregando Pontos Automaticamente
tópico respondeu ao walefxavier de walefxavier em Tutoriais de Websites
xD Acesse o seusite/phpmyadmin na barrinha do seu navegador. Clique na sua database (a que vc criou quando colocou seu site online) Depois Clique em SQL,vai estar escrito bem grande la em cima. Vai aparecer um espaço em branco,vc poem o script que o Gm Beckman falo ae. Depois so clicar em EXECUTAR... ____________________ Não sei esplicar muito bem,então quem não entendeu da uma olhada pelo forum ae,que vc acha rapidin...
Topico ERRado ! Apaguem plz ! :XTibia_smile:
Show de bola ! :smile_positivo:
[Gesior Acc] Pagseguro Entregando Pontos Automaticamente
tópico respondeu ao walefxavier de walefxavier em Tutoriais de Websites
Topico Arrumado ! -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <monster name="dragon" nameDescription="a dragon" race="blood" experience="700" speed="180" manacost="0"> <health now="1000" max="1000"/> <look type="34" head="20" body="30" legs="40" feet="50" corpse="5973"/> <targetchange interval="5000" chance="20"/> <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/> <flags> <flag summonable="0"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="1"/> <flag convinceable="0"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag canpushcreatures="1"/> <flag targetdistance="1"/> <flag staticattack="90"/> <flag runonhealth="300"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="50" attack="50"/> <attack name="fire" interval="2000" chance="15" range="7" radius="4" target="1" min="-65" max="-115"> <attribute key="shootEffect" value="fire"/> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="firearea"/> </attack> <attack name="fire" interval="3000" chance="15" length="8" spread="3" min="-110" max="-170"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="firearea"/> </attack> </attacks> <defenses armor="25" defense="25"> <defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="13" min="34" max="56"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/> </defense> </defenses> <immunities> <immunity fire="1"/> <immunity paralyze="1"/> <immunity invisible="1"/> </immunities> <elements> <element earthPercent="80"/> <element energyPercent="20"/> <element icePercent="10"/> </elements> <voices interval="5000" chance="10"> <voice sentence="GROOAAARRR" yell="1"/> <voice sentence="FCHHHHH" yell="1"/> </voices> <loot> <item id="2672" countmax="3" chance1="20000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2455" chance="6666"/> <item id="2434" chance="1333"/> <item id="2509" chance="1818"/> <item id="2406" chance="20000"/> <item id="2647" chance="2222"/> <item id="2457" chance="3333"/> <item id="2387" chance="4000"/> <item id="7430" chance="4000"/> <item id="2397" chance="5000"/> <item id="2546" countmax="10" chance1="4000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="5877" countmax="1" chance1="4000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="1987" chance="100000"> <inside> <item id="2398" chance="90000"/> <item id="2187" chance="2222" /> -- wand of Inferno <item id="2516" chance="1300"/> <item id="2145" countmax="3" chance1="1538" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2177" chance="2000"/> <item id="2413" chance="3200"/> <item id="2409" chance="1800"/> <item id="5920" countmax="2" chance1="5000" chancemax="0"/> </inside> </item> </loot> </monster> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <monster name="dragon lord" nameDescription="a dragon lord" race="blood" experience="2100" speed="245" manacost="0"> <health now="1900" max="1900"/> <look type="39" head="20" body="30" legs="40" feet="50" corpse="5984"/> <targetchange interval="5000" chance="8"/> <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/> <flags> <flag summonable="0"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="1"/> <flag convinceable="0"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag canpushcreatures="1"/> <flag targetdistance="1"/> <flag staticattack="90"/> <flag runonhealth="300"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="70" attack="75"/> <attack name="fire" interval="2000" chance="22" range="7" radius="4" target="1" min="-100" max="-180"> <attribute key="shootEffect" value="fire"/> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="firearea"/> </attack> <attack name="firefield" interval="1000" chance="15" range="7" radius="4" target="1"> <attribute key="shootEffect" value="fire"/> </attack> <attack name="fire" interval="2000" chance="18" length="8" spread="3" min="-150" max="-340"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="firearea"/> </attack> </attacks> <defenses armor="22" defense="35"> <defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="25" min="57" max="93"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/> </defense> </defenses> <elements> <element energyPercent="20"/> <element icePercent="-10"/> <element earthPercent="80"/> </elements> <immunities> <immunity fire="1"/> <immunity paralyze="1"/> <immunity invisible="1"/> </immunities> <voices interval="5000" chance="10"> <voice sentence="ZCHHHHH" yell="1"/> <voice sentence="YOU WILL BURN!" yell="1"/> </voices> <loot> <item id="2148" countmax="70" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2148" countmax="80" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2672" countmax="5" chance1="80000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2033" chance="1818"/> <item id="1976" chance="3333"/> <item id="2413" chance="5000"/> <item id="2498" chance="1188"/> <item id="2492" chance="933"/> <item id="7378" countmax="2" chance1="2000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2547" countmax="7" chance1="8222" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2796" countmax="1" chance1="6666" chancemax="0"/> <item id="5948" countmax="1" chance1="5000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="1987" chance="100000"> <inside> <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2149" countmax="2" chance1="833" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2392" chance="1428"/> <item id="2146" countmax="2" chance1="3222" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2528" chance="2033"/> <item id="7402" chance="1833"/> <item id="2414" chance="1309"/> <item id="5882" countmax="1" chance1="5000" chancemax="0"/> </inside> </item> </loot> </monster> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <monster name="Frost Dragon" nameDescription="a frost dragon" race="undead" experience="2100" speed="260" manacost="390"> <health now="1800" max="1800"/> <look type="248" head="0" body="0" legs="0" feet="0" corpse="7091"/> <targetchange interval="2000" chance="50"/> <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/> <flags> <flag summonable="0"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="0"/> <flag convinceable="0"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag canpushcreatures="1"/> <flag targetdistance="0"/> <flag runonhealth="300"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="75" attack="70"/> <attack name="lifedrain" interval="3000" chance="10" length="7" spread="3" min="0" max="-350"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="poff"/> </attack> <attack name="speed" interval="2000" chance="11" length="7" spread="3" speedchange="-650"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="iceattack"/> </attack> <attack name="ice" interval="2000" chance="18" target="1" radius="4" min="0" max="-280"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="icearea"/> <attribute key="shootEffect" value="smallice"/> </attack> <attack name="ice" interval="2000" chance="22" radius="3" target="0" min="0" max="-160"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="icetornado"/> </attack> <attack name="speed" interval="1000" chance="11" radius="3" target="0" speedchange="-700"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="poff"/> </attack> </attacks> <defenses armor="45" defense="45"> <defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="10" min="50" max="100"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/> </defense> </defenses> <elements> <element physicalPercent="15"/> </elements> <immunities> <immunity ice="1"/> <immunity fire="1"/> <immunity earth="1"/> <immunity paralyze="1"/> <immunity lifedrain="1"/> <immunity invisible="1"/> </immunities> <voices interval="3000" chance="200"> <voice sentence="CHHHRRRR"/> <voice sentence="HISSSS"/> </voices> <loot> <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2672" countmax="5" chance1="20000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2033" chance="1818"/> <item id="1976" chance="3333"/> <item id="2413" chance="5000"/> <item id="7290" chance="1400"/> <item id="7378" countmax="2" chance1="2000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2546" countmax="5" chance1="2500" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2547" countmax="10" chance1="2222" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2796" countmax="1" chance1="6666" chancemax="0"/> <item id="1987" chance="100000"> <inside> <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2146" countmax="2" chance1="2222" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2528" chance="1333"/> <item id="7441" chance="2222"/> <item id="7402" chance="1666"/> <item id="2498" chance="1300"/> <item id="2492" chance="1300"/> <item id="2112" chance="4100"/> --addon doll </inside> </item> </loot> </monster> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <monster name="Demon" nameDescription="a demon" race="fire" experience="6000" speed="275" manacost="10000"> <health now="8200" max="8200"/> <look type="35" corpse="5995"/> <targetchange interval="5000" chance="8"/> <strategy attack="90" defense="10"/> <flags> <flag summonable="0"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="0"/> <flag convinceable="0"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag canpushcreatures="1"/> <flag targetdistance="1"/> <flag staticattack="90"/> <flag runonhealth="0"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="100" attack="110"/> <attack name="manadrain" interval="2000" chance="13" range="7" min="0" max="-120"/> <attack name="fire" interval="2000" chance="30" range="7" radius="7" target="1" min="-150" max="-250"> <attribute key="shootEffect" value="fire"/> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="firearea"/> </attack> <attack name="firefield" interval="2000" chance="12" range="7" radius="1" target="1"> <attribute key="shootEffect" value="fire"/> </attack> <attack name="lifedrain" interval="1000" chance="12" length="8" spread="0" min="-300" max="-467"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="purpleenergy"/> </attack> <attack name="speed" interval="2000" chance="15" target="1" speedchange="-750" duration="30000"> <attribute key="shootEffect" value="suddendeath"/> </attack> <attack name="energy" interval="3000" chance="10" range="1" target="1" min="-210" max="-300"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="purpleenergy"/> </attack> </attacks> <defenses armor="55" defense="55"> <defense name="healing" interval="2000" chance="15" min="130" max="240"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/> </defense> <defense name="speed" interval="1000" chance="8" speedchange="290" duration="5000"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/> </defense> </defenses> <elements> <element physicalPercent="30"/> <element energyPercent="50"/> <element earthPercent="20"/> <element icePercent="-15"/> <element holyPercent="-15"/> <element deathPercent="20"/> </elements> <immunities> <immunity fire="1"/> <immunity drown="1"/> <immunity paralyze="1"/> <immunity invisible="1"/> </immunities> <summons maxSummons="1"> <summon name="fire elemental" interval="1000" chance="12"/> </summons> <voices interval="5000" chance="10"> <voice sentence="MUHAHAHAHA!" yell="1"/> <voice sentence="I SMELL FEEEEEAAAR!" yell="1"/> <voice sentence="CHAMEK ATH UTHUL ARAK!" yell="1"/> <voice sentence="Your resistance is futile!"/> <voice sentence="Your soul will be mine!" yell="0"/> </voices> <loot> <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> -- gold coins <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> -- gold coins <item id="2152" countmax="3" chance1="33333" chancemax="2000"/> --Plat <item id="2514" chance="1900"/> --mastermind shield <item id="2472" chance="200"/> --magic plate armor <item id="2795" countmax="6" chance1="7500"/> --Fire Mushroom <item id="5906" countmax="1" chance="2000"/> -- demon dust <item id="5954" countmax="1" chance="2345"/> -- demon horn <item id="2164" chance="2100"/> --might ring <item id="2176" chance="3500"/> --orb <item id="1982" chance="1300"/> --purpel tome <item id="2165" chance="2300"/> --stealth ring <item id="7591" chance="4500"/> -- GHP <item id="1987" chance="100000"> <inside> <item id="2393" chance="3800"/> --giantsword <item id="2432" chance="3800"/> --fire axe <item id="2112" chance="4100"/> --addon doll <item id="2396" chance="2600"/> --ice rapier <item id="2179" chance="1100"/> --golden ring <item id="2795" countmax="6" chance1="13000"/> --fire mushroom <item id="2678" countmax="3" chance1="10000" chancemax="0"/> --coconut <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> -- gold coin <item id="2151" countmax="4" chance1="5500" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2462" chance="3200"/> --devil helmet <item id="2149" countmax="3" chance1="11000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2171" chance="2200"/> --platinum amulet <item id="2387" chance="32000"/> --double axe <item id="2470" chance="1350"/> --golden legs <item id="7382" chance="300"/> -- Demonrage Sword <item id="7393" chance="1700"/> -- Demon Trophy <item id="2520" chance="3100"/> --demon shield <item id="2418" chance="1500"/> --golden sickle <item id="2377" chance="6666"/> --two-handed sword </inside> </item> </loot> </monster> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <monster name="Hydra" nameDescription="a hydra" race="blood" experience="2100" speed="260" manacost="0"> <health now="2350" max="2350"/> <look type="121" corpse="6048"/> <targetchange interval="5000" chance="8"/> <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/> <flags> <flag summonable="0"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="1"/> <flag convinceable="0"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag canpushcreatures="1"/> <flag targetdistance="1"/> <flag staticattack="90"/> <flag runonhealth="300"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="2000" min="-80" max="-260"/> <attack name="speed" interval="1000" chance="17" range="7" radius="4" target="1" speedchange="-600" duration="15000"> <attribute key="shootEffect" value="poison"/> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenbubble"/> </attack> <attack name="physical" interval="3000" chance="17" length="8" spread="3" min="-150" max="-250"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="bluebubble"/> </attack> <attack name="poison" interval="2000" chance="20" length="8" spread="3" min="-60" max="-300"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="poison"/> </attack> </attacks> <defenses armor="25" defense="35"> <defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="25" min="200" max="400"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/> </defense> </defenses> <elements> <element earthPercent="100"/> <element icePercent="40"/> <element holyPercent="25"/> <element physicalPercent="-15"/> <element energyPercent="-10"/> </elements> <immunities> <immunity lifedrain="1"/> <immunity paralyze="1"/> <immunity invisible="1"/> </immunities> <voices interval="5000" chance="10"> <voice sentence="FCHHHHH"/> <voice sentence="HISSSS"/> </voices> <loot> <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance="100000"/><!-- gold coin --> <item id="2148" countmax="25" chance="100000"/><!-- gold coin --> <item id="2671" countmax="3" chance="60000"/><!-- ham --> <item id="2498" chance="200"/><!-- royal helmet --> <item id="2195" chance="500"/><!-- boots of haste --> <item id="2475" chance="1000"/><!-- warrior helmet --> <item id="3976" countmax="10" chance="50000"/><!-- worm --> <item id="2146" countmax="1" chance="5000"/><!-- small sapphire --> <item id="1987" chance="100000"><!-- bag --> <inside> <item id="2214" chance="1200"/><!-- ring of healing --> <item id="2666" countmax="4" chance="90000"/><!-- meat --> <item id="2177" chance="600"/><!-- life crystal --> <item id="2476" chance="1000"/><!-- knight armor --> <item id="4850" chance="1200"/><!-- hydra egg --> <item id="2149" countmax="3" chance="10000"/><!-- small emerald --> <item id="2148" countmax="50" chance="100000"/><!-- gold coin --> <item id="2536" chance="555"/><!-- medusa shield --> <item id="2168" chance="2500"/><!-- life ring --> <item id="2197" chance="800"/><!-- stone skin amulet --> </inside> </item> </loot> </monster> Tão ae,em ordem eu achu ! brinks
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