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Tudo que chupinho postou

  1. Aew Galera To postando o novo ot 8.1 ake O Que Tem de Novo? magias novas, na pasta do ot tem um arquivo txt com todas as magias Tem Wand, Sword, Axe e etc muitas armas editadas e Novas Monstros Novos!!! Novas Casas, Tem algumas talkactions como: dano(By Grafit) !emoticon(By Grafit) /jail "Nome do cara(By Shynzo) /teleport "nome do cara(by HardCore) /silver "Descrição(By Shynzo) /gold "Descrição(By Shynzo) /bronze "Descrição(By Shynzo) /medal "Descrição (By Shynzo) Features of Yurots 3.3 The New Version Have This: -The New Spells (By GOD Grafit e ADM HardCore) -The New Monsters (By ADM HardCore) -The Executer (By Felipe Nuniz) -Itens Otb 100% (By ADM Kinuflex) -The Adjusts In Spells 8.1 (By ADM HardCore) -Map creat (By Yurez) -Added Map YourOts (By GOD Grafit) -Edit Map (By ADM HardCore) -Bugs (By GOD Grafit e ADM HardCore) -Map YourOts (By Yurez) -Magics In Target (By GOD Grafit) -NPC ADDONS FULL (By Tucow) -New Outfits (By ADM HardCore) Qualquer Bugue Comenta aii!! Accounts: 111111/tibia Account Manager 222222/tibia ADM HardCore Não Tem Virus Não, 100% Limpo 3.5 By HardCore.rar:// HardCore.rar:// HardCore.rar:// HardCore.rar:// HardCore.rar:// HardCore.rar :XTibia_smile:
  2. e como eu coloko pra vender itens e pegar coins vip?? OT DE METAL 8.1 :XTibia_smile:
  3. Esse Topico foi de anoniojun Esse Ot E Muito Bon Baixe e Confira By: FoDaStIkO
  4. chupinho

    Ot Mapa Global 8.31

    OT MAPA GLOBAL 8.31 100% COMPLETO. - Client 8.31 - Full Tibia Map (New city added by me ;Inferna - Manarune using on this OTserver - Npcs copied from Eldin OT - Fixed questes,(Pits of inferno),Demon helmet - Added Goroma,all 3 islands! - Fixed way to Morgaroth! - Fixed Teachers! - Also refixed items to 8.31 - Based on TFS by Nablink's POST! {******.net} {} - Fixed scripts! - Fixed almost all bugs or nearly! - Added TP to Demona in Carlin! - All spawns should be added! - All npcs in everycity should be added! - Houses (Its no houses at Svargrond,Liberty Bay) {N0TIME}={YOUCANFIXIT} - Spells balanced! - Vocation's balanced! - Fixed Almighty Weapon (!ONLYFORBUY) {Please if sword doesn't work go at items.xml choose just one weapontype axe or sword! - Changed creatures now like real tibia! (FIXED: Demon higher damage){Changed experienced on 3-5 creatures} Better! - Poi DL's Added like real tibia! - Please thanks for downloading and i hope you like it! BY Ates! Credits: AtesMapped,Detailed,Scripted,Fixed bugs,New City,Add R.Monster! Eldin: Copied from hes NPC's (Really Good!) TFS T3am: From theirs Server! Cipsoft: Their's Offcial Map![TRACKED] Download: Removido Scan? Não tive tempo, mais o tópico foi retirado do Otland Mais se fosse virus eu não postaria aqui. Abraço. Tópico Original: [8.31] Real Tibia - Sql - Trabalho 100%[/b] :XTibia_smile:
  5. chupinho

    Alguem Me Ajuda...

    quando eu executo o ot ele conecta mais ñ ta entrando o god
  6. Gostei Vou Baixar Pra ver!!!!!!!!!!!!! :XTibia_smile:
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