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Sobre Beer


  • Char no Tibia
    Urangutangu Master
  • Forma que conheci o xTibia
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  1. Seguinte algumas versões de otserv que eu tento criar e tenho problemas deste tipo eu consigo entrar no Caracter List mais não no char. Isso com o ip Mais se eu por o ip do meu computador entra normalmente. Alguem te a solução? Obrigado desde ja.
  2. @Delton Axei um pequeno bug no dragon e no Dragon lord que voce mata e da uma experiencia muito insignificante tpw meu ot exp 13 ta dando 70 o exp d drag e de dl. Mas axo que c trokar o pasta monster pela da versão [red]3V[/red] E o comando !ranks voce tirou n sei pq
  3. Eh uma das coisas que estava procurando. Funciono direitinho
  4. @RedZL Brigadaum pela ajuda so meio ruim com português. @Fusion32 Eu testei aqui e funciono perfeitamente.
  5. Beer


    To meio retired Castigo... @Renaan, coud Olha o erro do database eu ainda não sei to vasculhando o forum por alguem que saiba arrumar ou um post ensinando algo. Caso axe eu posto o Link aqui! @Edercorrea Não baixe os ultimos links que eh a versão mais atualizada. @Felp66 Vo dar uma olhada aque e ja posto
  6. Beer


    Bom que gostaram! Só não postei o scan pq estava meio apresado Caso eu axe alguma versão melhor ou mais recete de servidores 8.21 esterei trazendo para o Xtibia :smile_positivo:
  7. Beer


    Antes de mais nada:Este servidor 8.21 faoi retirado de outro forum. Créditos:ElGroncho Biosoft-OTP Features: * Guid for xml players. (players.xml) * Full rearranged protocol and game system * Actions (when using a tile or item) * SQL databases (for accounts and players) * Crash tracking * Monsters * 7.8 Protocol * OTB (You now dont have to convert your map, change any ID, 7.5 * ID's are just stacked on top of older ID's same with 7.8 ids!) * VIP List * Guild support * Spawns (and Respawn) * Commands * Autowalk * Rotatable items * Logger * Enhanced items database * Runes with charges * Depots * Waitlist * Houses * Follow and chase opponent * A whole new condition engine to handle all kind of conditions. * A whole new battle engine. The new engine is closer to CIP's formulas. * The script interface has been rewriten and improved ALOT. You can now script all kind of things. Weapons, movement, talkactions, spells. You name it. * Monsters have been recoded to use the new condition and battle * engine. And they now act more like the tibia monsters. * Vocations are now configable with vocations.xml * And alot more. Try it yourself and find out. Version 0.6.1 * Raid System (Jiddo) * Anti-AFK Fixed (Xidaozu) * Ring and Amulet System 100% (Yurez, Xidaozu) * Ring of Healing and Life Ring (Ravalas, Xidaozu) * Command /shutdown (Yurez) * Ice Rapier (Xidaozu) * Exhausted Heal (Yurez) * Item look for creatures (Xidaozu, BlackDemon) * New summon system (Tibia Rules, Yurez, Xidaozu) * Summons share experience (Tibia Rules) * New Magic Rope System (Xidaozu) * Party System (Remere) * Party Share Experience (Remere) * Experience share fix (Xidaozu) * Command Logs fix against SQL Injection (Xidaozu) * Infinite Ammunation in config.lua (Xidaozu) * Boots of Haste (Yurez) * New Find Person (Junkfood) * Command !frags (Xidaozu) * Command /promote fixed (Xidaozu) * Monsters move diagonal (LarvaExotech) * Wands, Rods and Burst Arrows don't cause exhaust (Xidaozu) * Housedoor crash fixed (Nicaw) * Premium Outfits (Xidaozu) Version 0.6.2 * Attack Square (Xidaozu, nfries88) * Protection System (Xidaozu, nfries88) * Field damage (nfries88) * Monster blood colors and damage colors (CVS, Xidaozu) * Level requirement to buy a house (Xidaozu) * Summons follow you everywhere (BlackDemon) * Paralyze Creature (BlackDemon, Xidaozu) * Learn Spell system (Yurez, Xidaozu) * Skull System with summons fixed (Xidaozu) * Premium Days saved in account file (Sapphire, Xidaozu) * Diagonal Movement for all creatures (CVS) * Burst Arrow fix (Xidaozu) * Client Aimbot (configurable in config.lua)(BlackDemon) Version 0.6.3 * GM Invisible (The Chaos, Xidaozu) * Clean Command (Yurez, Xidaozu) * Items to water/lava/swamp/tar (Xidaozu) * NPC Buy Container (BlackKnight, Nfries88) * Skull System fix (Xidaozu) * Fight Modes (Xidaozu) * Safe Mode (Xidaozu) * Config: Shoot trough battle window on players (Xidaozu) * Some codes removed due crashing (Paralyze, Protection System and * Chat Level) * Ain't that much in this version (I couldn't think of something else Sad ) Versión 0.7.3** * Protocol 7.92 (CVS, Xidaozu) * Graphical User Interface (GUI)(Junkfood, Xidaozu) * Prevent Loss System (Xidaozu) * New Premium System (Xidaozu) * Players.xml not needed (Xidaozu) * Premium Spells (Xidaozu) Version 0.7.4(BETA) * Ingame Acc-Manager (Only XML)(Xidaozu) * Bug Report/Ctrl + Z (Xidaozu) * Ban Player/Ctrl + Y (Xidaozu) * Ban system improved (Xidaozu) * Fixed the house system (Xidaozu) * Premium spells fixed (Xidaozu) * VIP list fixed (Xidaozu) * Learn Spells fixed (Xidaozu) * Also some binary fixes * SQL changes: new table reports, new field (reason) in table bans. Evloution 0.7.5 * Houses fixed (Xidaozu) * Premium + Promotion system fixed (Xidaozu) * Monster loot fixed (Xidaozu) * Destroy field fixed (Rafacin) * Skulls fixed when firing fields (SimOne) * Account Manager fixed a bit (Xidaozu) * Blue Robe and Magic Turban trough items.xml (Xidaozu) * New items.otb and items.xml (SimOne) * Spawnmul in config.lua (SimOne) * Drowning Condition (SimOne) * Re-Added High levels 350+ (Xidaozu) * Auto-load IP in config.lua (Xidaozu) * Rook Temple in config.lua (Xidaozu) * Premium Outfits (Xidaozu) * Fixed server save (Xidaozu) * Added function to increase physical damage (Xidaozu) * Unfornately protection system disabled * Also some binary fixes Version 0.7.6 * Fixed some item hotkey issues (Xidaozu) * Fixed some summon issues (SVN) * Fixed account manager (111111/tibia now) * Fixed Cap System (SVN) * Fixed rewriteables (SVN) * Fixed some spells * Buy Container (Xidaozu) * Bed System (100%)(Xidaozu) * Beds loaded from Map (Xidaozu) * Protection System fixed (?) * PvP Arena (Nfries88) * Combat Zoning (Nfries88) * Fluid System 100% * Trade Delay (Xidaozu) * Death Delay ticks in config.lua (Xidaozu) * Fixed a learn spell issue (Xidaozu) * Frag Time in config.lua in minutes (Xidaozu) * Fixed magic wall (Xidaozu) * ----------------------- * SQL changes: Acc manager has other accno/pass Version 0.7.6a * Removed PvP Arena (Nfries88) * Removed Bed System (100%)(Xidaozu) * Removed Beds loaded from Map (Xidaozu) * Removed Protection System fixed (?) * Removed Combat Zoning (Nfries88) * Fixed a learn spell issue * Fixed some monsters * Muted System (SVN) * NPC Auto Walk (SVN) * PvP Features in config.lua (Xidaozu) * This version should be alot more stable. Version 0.7.7 * Remote-Control (SVN, Xidaozu) * Bed System (Jiddo) * Beds loaded from map (Jiddo) * Jiddo's NPC System (Jiddo) * PvP-Arena (nfries88) * Seperate addon system (Xidaozu) * Protection System (Xidaozu) * NPC's turning to player (SVN) * NPC Random Walk (SVN) * GUI removed (Moved to remote-control) * Config: Minimum action interval * Tons of bug/crash fixes (That list is too long xd) ----------------------- * SQL changes: New table addons Version 0.7.8 * Walk-to items (Xidaozu) * Bless System (Xidaozu) * New variables in vocations.xml (Xidaozu) * Experience Stages (Xidaozu) * Alot new Lua functions (Xidaozu, SVN) * New door and leveldoor system (Jiddo) * Lua functions list (Xidaozu) * Fixed type tag in raids (Xidaozu) * Fixed Ctrl + Y (Xidaozu) * Fixed summons following (Xidaozu) * Fixed depot tiles (Xidaozu) * Fixed food loading/saving (Xidaozu) * Updated skill multipliers in vocations.xml (Xidaozu) * Updated Jiddo's NPC System (Jiddo) * Updated Lua Interface (SVN) * ----------------------- * SQL changes: New table blessings All Features OTH-OTServ 0.1.0 - Version 0.1.0 Beta (Biosot OTP) * update bless system evolutions 7.9 (Xidaozu and Neo) * New Items (Neo) * Nuevos comandos (y todos los de los otros servers (Neo) * Debug en los comandos arreglado (kupi) * Alot new Lua functions (Xidaozu, SVN, Neo, y kupi) * Todo lo de 8.0 funciona al 100% (noserman addon, items...) (neo, kupi, and...) * eso es lo destacado, hay mas provarlo y lo vereis Version 0.1.1 (Biosot OTP) * Record Player System * One Player Online Per Account * AutoClean * Owner Body System * TRade system * New Commands * New Rookgaard System * New PVP Zones Version 0.1.2 (Biosot OTP) * Fixed Trade delay system (neo) * New Items (Neo) * New commands (Neo) * New system rookgaard improved by 90% (neo) *New style weapons in #: (neo) - <attribute Key="dualwield" value="1" /> (You can use 2 Weapons) - <attribute Key="extraatk" value="25" /> (Add extra attack) - <attribute Key="attackspeed" value="2000" /> (Add speed for this weapon) * Add Marriage System (NPC: UnderConstruction) (neo) * Fixed Marriage System, and added a code to save well (kupi) * Add Command kickall (neo) * PVP Zones (PVP zones can do, ZONES PVP-ENFORCED and ZONES NO-PVP (in the script pvp zones.xml I think) (neo) * Remote Control (Cepe thanks for the image) (os you can download part here below but biene with OT) (kupi) Biosoft-OTP 0.1.3 * Remove Auto Clena ( BUG) * Remove command /paralize ( BUG ) * Remove New staly in Weapons * Add Randomize Ground * Add Beds Regen * Add Confi Color. Exp, Square, Animation * Add Animations (Level Up! etc.) * Add Exp Color and Rando Exp color * you can edit test to Show in animations Example ( Level Up! ) - ( You Up Level! ) * Add Christmas Decoration Biosoft OTP version 0.1.4 * Removed Christmas Ornaments (neo) * Config.lua removal of the system of access (SVN) * Removed the function of not attacking one member of the Guild (neo) * We implemented the weapons system to the new SVN (SVN) * Add the function "moveback" so that the spears do not fall (neo) * Addition ShootType, Breakchance, Hitchance from items.xml (neo) * And much more! Biosoft OTP version 0.1.5 * Update to Ultimate SVN ( Neo & Kupi ) * Add more funtions ( Neo & Kupi ) * Custom Client in config.lua ( nfries88 ) * Add 90 % Funtion Evolutions ( Neo & Kupi ) * Add MultiWorld System ( nfries88 ) * Add New System QuestsLog ( pregusia ) * Add Dual Wielding [in items.xml] ( nfries88 ) * Weapon Attack Speeds [in items.xml] ( nfries88 ) * Extra Attack [in items.xml] ( nfries88 ) EXAMPLE: - <attribute> - <attribute> - <attribute> * Add CreatureEvents: onSpawn[monsters], onAdvance [players], onThink [both] ( nfries88 ) * LUA Function: to execute a command [no access checks] ( nfries88, Pedro B. ) * And much more! Biosoft OTP v.0.1.6 Beta 1 * Nuevo systema de account manager, con mas configuraciones desde config.lua (neo) * update SVN Rev.2853 (4-1-07) (kupi) * update SVN Rev.2858 (5-1-97) (kupi) (lo pongo porque traia varios canvios) (e updateado algo mas adelante, pero esque lo actualizan unas 3 veces por dia, se hace imposible dar al abasto Big Grin neo se ancargara de actualizarla y fixar esta version) * removidos algunos systemas que causaban debugs con los nuevos SVN (kupi) * arreglados algunos systemas que daban debug con los nuevos systemas (kupi) * mas configuraciones desde config.lua (neo) * fixed learn spells system (kupi) * fixed cap system (kupi) * fixed configuraciones desde config.lua (kupi) * agregada mas seguridad (kupi & SVN) * codigo que da mas proteccion ante los atques DDoS (kupi & Proglin) (removido por bugs) * add fist weapons system (nose muy bien para que funciona, pero encontre el codigo y lo meti) (kupi) ejemplo, en items/items.xml o <item id="5875" name="sniper gloves"> <attribute key="description" value="They are the pride of the paladin guild."/> <attribute key="weight" value="400"/> <attribute key="defense" value="15"/> <attribute key="attack" value="30"/> <attribute key="weaponType" value="fist"/> <attribute key="slotType" value="two-handed"/> </item> * actualizado el premium system (mas completo) (kupi) * more lua functions (kupi) * otra lua function (kupi) : * mas configuraciones desde config.lua (kupi) * fixed muchas configuraciones de config.lua que no funcionaban (kupi) o doPlayerSetSex (ejemplo de script: doPlayerSetSex(cid, 0) ) * custom client (aun me lo estoy pensando) (al final no sacado, seguramente se sacara mas adelante) * agregar mas configuraciones (como susprise bags...) (kupi & zorzin) * fixar mas systemas (kupi) * fixar las configuraciones de config.lua (kupi) * agregar los systemas removidos (kupi) (algunos, algunos los e tenido de sacar) * bastante mas... probenlo no hos arrepentireis Big Grin ahora posteo el link Biosoft OTP v.0.1.6 Beta 2 * fixed database (kupi) * fixed config.lua Big Grin (kupi) * fexed actions Biosoft OTP v.0.1.8 Beta * Update SVN 04/02/08 * All Bugs Fixed ( GM Neo ) * weapons, items, monsters y muchos mas... ( Trekes ) NOTA: Bueno por falta de tiempo y andar de afan dare una lista de las cosas que me faltan por agregar, para que el sabado o domingo las tendra listas para dejar el Biosoft de nuevo Full * Randomize Ground ( Config.lua ) * Animations ( Config.lua ) * Bed regen ( Config.lua) * Show House Price ( Config.lua ) * House Only premium ( Config.lua ) * Afk turn ( Config.lua ) * Cant send Private message GM's ( Config.lua ) * Bag player after death ( Config.lua ) * Priority ( Config.lua ) * Premium Price ( Config.lua ) * stages.xml * pvpzones.xml * pvparenas.xml * Max summons ( Config.lua ) * Items Hotkeys ( Config.lua ) * Battle Windows ( Config.lua ) * Feet Damage ( Config.lua ) * Animate spells ( Config.lua ) * Protection system ( Config.lua ) * Critical Damage ( Config.lua ) Biosoft OTP v. * Add FancyAnimations * Show House Price ( Config.lua ) * House Only premium ( Config.lua ) * Afk turn ( Config.lua ) * Priority ( Config.lua ) * Premium Price ( Config.lua ) * Max summons ( Config.lua ) * Items Hotkeys ( Config.lua ) * Battle Windows ( Config.lua ) * Animate spells ( Config.lua ) * Critical Damage ( Config.lua ) * Exp Color ( Config.lua ) * Protection Attack DDOS ( Config.lua ) * Advanced CreatureEvents * MultiWorld System * Rogier ShareExp ( Config.lua ) * TFS Quests logs Biosoft OTP v. * Bed regen ( Config.lua) * Randomize Ground ( Config.lua ) * Cant send Private message GM's ( Config.lua ) * stages.xml * pvpzones.xml (echo) * pvparenas.xml (echo) * premiumtiles.xml * Feet Damage ( Config.lua ) * Protection level system ( Config.lua ) Biosoft OTP v. * Show House Price ( Config.lua ) * House Only premium ( Config.lua ) * Afk turn ( Config.lua ) * Premium Price ( Config.lua ) * Max summons ( Config.lua ) * Items Hotkeys ( Config.lua ) * Battle Windows ( Config.lua ) * Advanced CreatureEvents * Rogier ShareExp ( Config.lua ) * TFS Quests logs * Randomize Ground ( Config.lua ) * pvpzones.xml (echo) * pvparenas.xml (echo) * Feet Damage ( Config.lua ) * Protection level system ( Config.lua ) * new commands * and more! REMOVED! * Add FancyAnimations ( by creatureevents ) * Priority ( Config.lua ) (removed) * Animate spells ( Config.lua ) (removed) * Critical Damage ( Config.lua ) (removed) * Exp Color ( Config.lua ) (removed) * Protection Attack DDOS ( Config.lua ) (bugged) * MultiWorld System (bugged) * Bed regen ( Config.lua) (removed) * Cant send Private message GM's ( Config.lua ) (removed) * stages.xml (bugged) * premiumtiles.xml (removed) Basado en el SVN del 14/07/08 => Binario => Sources Biosoft OTP v. * Add Beb system * Bed regent ( config.lua ) * Edit dir files XML ( XML Files ) * Add NPC Test82.lua ( Fixed SVN ) * bugfix in item.cpp ( Tiny ) Basado en el SVN del 18/07/08 => Binario => Sources Biosoft OTP v. * UPDATE to Last Revision Avesta * All Features Avesta * Bed System * Party System * Skull System * Quest Log * Revised NPC System via XML * Better attack / magic formulas (more RL-Tibia like) * No-logout zones / PvP Zones * RL Tibia Exp Share * Corpse owners * Elements system * RL Tibia-like NPC Buy / Sell * Addon (Fixed) * AOL (Fixed) * Add Christmas decoration * Add Critical damage * Add Style channel chats (sora) * Add Default priority (config.lua) * Premium system (xidaozu, neo) * GM Look (Nfries88, kupi) * GM Move (GM's can move items from distance) (Nfries88) * More house options config (kupi, neo) * Premium Outfit System (kupi) * fix bugs (neo & kupi) * and more systems. (neo & kupi) * Website compatible and created special for this Distro (kupi) * Based on Avesta revision: 3387 (19-7-08) (SVN Team) edited by kupi & GM Neo Basado en Avesta del 19/07/08 => Binario => Sources (Cooming Soon!!!) Biosoft OTP v. * Based on Avesta revision: 3309 (27-7-08) (SVN Team) edited by kupi & GM Neo => Binario => Sources (Muy Pronto!) => OTMapEditor => DLL's File Biosoft OTP v. * Based on Avesta (29-7-08) (SVN Team) edited by kupi & GM Neo * Aol ( Fixed ) * Creature Event ( Fixed ) * Items.xml, Items.otb ( Remere ) * Add new access & ranks * Another Bug's Fixed! => Binario => Sources => OTMapEditor => DLL's File Biosoft OTP v. * Fixed a bug with reloading movement actions ( avesta ) * Added a new function doAddContainerItemEx() ( avesta ) * Updated map to version 1. ( avesta ) * Fixed item 392 to have floorchange down. ( avesta ) * Minor cleanups ( avesta ) * Add new funtion for rings (moreExp) - <attribute key="moreExp" value="50"/> * Add Critical damage (config.lua) * Add trade delay => Binario => Sources => OTMapEditor => DLL's File
  8. Como aumentar o numero de outfits! Antes de começar: - Este tutorial só servirá para servidores que tem as sources abertas. Vamos começar: Abra a pasta Sources do seu servidor e procure o arquivo Outfits(Arquivo CPP) Abra o arquivo. Estará escrito mais ou menos isto: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpenTibia - an opensource roleplaying game ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "otpch.h" #include "definitions.h" #include "outfit.h" #include <libxml/xmlmemory.h> #include <libxml/parser.h> #include "creature.h" #include "player.h" #include "tools.h" OutfitList::OutfitList() { // } OutfitList::~OutfitList() { OutfitListType::iterator it; for(it = m_list.begin(); it != m_list.end(); it++) delete *it; m_list.clear(); } void OutfitList::addOutfit(const Outfit& outfit) { OutfitListType::iterator it; for(it = m_list.begin(); it != m_list.end(); ++it) { if((*it)->looktype == outfit.looktype) { (*it)->addons = (*it)->addons | outfit.addons; return; } } //adding a new outfit Outfit* new_outfit = new Outfit; new_outfit->looktype = outfit.looktype; new_outfit->addons = outfit.addons; new_outfit->premium = outfit.premium; m_list.push_back(new_outfit); } bool OutfitList::remOutfit(const Outfit& outfit) { OutfitListType::iterator it; for(it = m_list.begin(); it != m_list.end(); ++it) { if((*it)->looktype == outfit.looktype) { if(outfit.addons == 0xFF) m_list.erase(it); else (*it)->addons = (*it)->addons & (~outfit.addons); return true; } } return false; } bool OutfitList::isInList(uint32_t looktype, uint32_t addons, bool playerPremium, int32_t playerSex) const { OutfitListType::const_iterator it, it_; const OutfitListType& global_outfits = Outfits::getInstance()->getOutfits(playerSex); for(it = global_outfits.begin(); it != global_outfits.end(); ++it) { if((*it)->looktype == looktype) { for(it_ = m_list.begin(); it_ != m_list.end(); ++it_) { if((*it_)->looktype == looktype) { if(((*it_)->addons & addons) == addons) { if((*it)->premium && playerPremium || !(*it)->premium) return true; } return false; } } return false; } } return false; } Outfits::Outfits() { Outfit outfit; //build default outfit lists outfit.addons = 0; outfit.premium = false; for(int32_t i = PLAYER_FEMALE_1; i <= PLAYER_FEMALE_7; i++){ outfit.looktype = i; m_female_list.addOutfit(outfit); } for(int32_t i = PLAYER_MALE_1; i <= PLAYER_MALE_7; i++){ outfit.looktype = i; m_male_list.addOutfit(outfit); } m_list.resize(10, NULL); } Outfits::~Outfits() { OutfitsListVector::iterator it; for(it = m_list.begin(); it != m_list.end(); it++){ delete *it; } m_list.clear(); } bool Outfits::loadFromXml() { std::string filename = "data/XML/outfits.xml"; xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile(filename.c_str()); if(doc){ xmlNodePtr root, p; root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if(xmlStrcmp(root->name,(const xmlChar*)"outfits") != 0){ xmlFreeDoc(doc); std::cout << "Warning: outfits.xml not found, using defaults." << std::endl; return true; } p = root->children; while(p){ std::string str; int34_t intVal; if(xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"outfit") == 0) { if(readXMLInteger(p, "type", intVal)) { if(intVal > 9 || intVal < 0) std::cout << "Warning: No valid outfit type " << intVal << std::endl; else { OutfitList* list; if(m_list[intVal] != NULL) list = m_list[intVal]; else { list = new OutfitList; m_list[intVal] = list; } Outfit outfit; std::string outfitName; readXMLString(p, "name", outfitName); if(readXMLInteger(p, "looktype", intVal)) outfit.looktype = intVal; if(readXMLInteger(p, "addons", intVal)) outfit.addons = intVal; if(readXMLInteger(p, "premium", intVal)) outfit.premium = (intVal == 1); outfitNamesMap[outfit.looktype] = outfitName; list->addOutfit(outfit); } } else std::cout << "Missing outfit type." << std::endl; } p = p->next; } xmlFreeDoc(doc); } return true; } Aperte Ctrl+F ou F3 Irá abrir uma janela de procura digite o numero 32. Obs:Depende da versão do servidor aqui estou usando o TFS como base ele tem 16 Outfits para Male e Female Somando 32. Para saber o numero a ser digitado va na pasta data do servidor e abra o arquivo Outfits.xml e conte os outfits de Male e Female. Substitua o numeros 32 pelo numero desejado de outfits. Ex:50 Irá aumentar para 25 Outfits male e 25 outfits female somando da 50. Depois só adicionar outfits novos no arquivo Outfits.xml que esta dentro da pasta data do seu servidor. - Clique aqui e aprenda a adicionar Outfits (Otfits.xml) ----Fim--- Descobri isto fuçando nas sources Comentem! RedZl desculpe por não ter arrumado o outro topico estou sem Microsoft World ;/
  9. Beer

    Monster Emo

    @geloko Naum incare isso como uma critica destrutiva, ao contrario. Axo que você poderia melhorar seus monster trokando os outfits(No caso do "Emo" as cores). Tambem axo que vc se limitou fazendo um montro com esse nome, axo que vc deve ter + iaginação que isso Ok! Mais o Que vale é a intemção e a sua foi boa :smile_positivo:
  10. Esse erro da pq o executavel do NPC Maker n ta dentro da pasta do ot Ex:C:\Documents and Settings\xxxx\Desktop\Evolutions 0.7.6 XML <== Tem que estar na pasta raiz do server Obs: Ele Naum Funfa em 7.92 pq ele faiz os scripts assim: O Codigo em Negrito e Vermelho Esta Errado ;/
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