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[TFS 1.0] Battlefield Event - NEW 100%
RigBy and 2 others reacted to mkbrabsolute for a topic
O Evento Battlefield há para TFS 1.1, 1.2. Portanto, este é o ÚNICO E EXCLUSIVO evento para o TFS 1.0 que a maioria usa. O Que há nele? Neste tópico encontraremos os scripts do evento, mapa e arquivo da source. Há necessidade de alterar o arquivo game.cpp da source e recompilar o TFS para que o evento funcione perfeitamente. Vamos ao que interessa! Em data/creaturescripts/scripts crie um arquivo com o nome de BATTLEFIELD_creaturescript.lua com o conteúdo: dofile('data/lib/BATTLEFIELD_lib.lua') local function getWinnersBattle(storage) for _, online in ipairs(Game.getPlayers()) do if online:isPlayer() then if online:getStorageValue(storage) > 0 then online:teleportTo(online:getTown():getTemplePosition()) online:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg) online:setStorageValue(storage, 0) online:addItem(bf.rewardWin[1], bf.rewardWin[2]) online:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamLife") online:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamMana") online:unregisterEvent("BattleDeath") online:addHealth(online:getMaxHealth()) online:addMana(online:getMaxMana()) online:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) if online:isPzLocked() then online:remove() end end end end if storage == bf.teamOne.storage then broadcastMessage("The BattleEvent is finish, team ".. bf.teamOne.name .." win.", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) elseif storage == bf.teamTwo.storage then broadcastMessage("The BattleEvent is finish, team ".. bf.teamTwo.name .." win.", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) end checkGate() print("> BattleField Event was finished.") end function onLogin(cid) local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage) > 0 or player:getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage) > 0 then player:setStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage, 0) player:setStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage, 0) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamLife") player:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamMana") player:unregisterEvent("BattleDeath") end return true end function onLogout(cid) local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage) > 0 or player:getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage) > 0 then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You can not logout now.") return false end return true end function onChangeHealth(creature, attacker, primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType) local player = Player(creature) local enemy = Player(attacker) if enemy then if (player:getStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage) > 0 and enemy:getStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage) > 0) or (player:getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage) > 0 and enemy:getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage) > 0) or (enemy:isMonster()) and (primaryDamage > 0) then return false end end return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end function onChangeMana(cid, attacker, manaChange) local player = Player(cid) local enemy = Player(attacker) if enemy then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, enemy) if (player:getStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage) > 0 and enemy:getStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage) > 0) or (player:getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage) > 0 and enemy:getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage) > 0) or (enemy:isMonster()) then return false end end return manaChange end function onPrepareDeath(cid, killer) local creature = Player(cid) if creature:getStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage) > 0 then creature:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You are dead!") creature:teleportTo(creature:getTown():getTemplePosition()) creature:addHealth(creature:getMaxHealth()) creature:addMana(creature:getMaxMana()) creature:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamLife") creature:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamMana") creature:unregisterEvent("BattleDeath") Game.setStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage, Game.getStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage) - 1) creature:setStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage, 0) elseif creature:getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage) > 0 then creature:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You are dead!") creature:teleportTo(creature:getTown():getTemplePosition()) creature:addHealth(creature:getMaxHealth()) creature:addMana(creature:getMaxMana()) creature:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamLife") creature:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamMana") creature:unregisterEvent("BattleDeath") Game.setStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage, Game.getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage) - 1) creature:setStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage, 0) end if Game.getStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage) == 0 then getWinnersBattle(bf.teamTwo.storage) elseif Game.getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage) == 0 then getWinnersBattle(bf.teamOne.storage) end if Game.getStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage) > 0 and Game.getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage) > 0 then doMsgBattlefield("[BattleField] "..bf.teamOne.name.." "..Game.getStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage).." VS "..Game.getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage).." " ..bf.teamTwo.name) end if creature:isPzLocked() then creature:remove() end return false end Em data/creaturescripts/creaturescripts.xml adicione as seguintes linhas: <event type="login" name="BattleLogin" script="BATTLEFIELD_creaturescript.lua"/> <event type="logout" name="BattleLogout" script="BATTLEFIELD_creaturescript.lua"/> <event type="preparedeath" name="BattleDeath" script="BATTLEFIELD_creaturescript.lua"/> <event type="changehealth" name="BattleTeamLife" script="BATTLEFIELD_creaturescript.lua"/> <event type="changemana" name="BattleTeamMana" script="BATTLEFIELD_creaturescript.lua"/> Em data/globalevents/script, crie um arquivo com o nome de BATTLEFIELD_globalevents.lua e adicione o conteúdo: dofile('data/lib/BATTLEFIELD_lib.lua') local function teleportCheck() local tile = Tile(bf.teleportPosition) if tile then local item = tile:getItemById(1387) if item then item:remove() broadcastMessage("The BattleField Event was start in ".. bf.timeOpenGate .." minutes.", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) local team1 = Game.getStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage) local team2 = Game.getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage) if (team1 + team2) % 2 ~= 0 then local playerLeave = Player(Game.getStorageValue(bf.namePlayer)) playerLeave:teleportTo(playerLeave:getTown():getTemplePosition()) playerLeave:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) playerLeave:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You are dead!") playerLeave:addHealth(playerLeave:getMaxHealth()) playerLeave:addMana(playerLeave:getMaxMana()) playerLeave:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamLife") playerLeave:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamMana") playerLeave:unregisterEvent("BattleDeath") Game.setStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage, Game.getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage) - 1) playerLeave:setStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage, 0) end addEvent(checkGate, bf.timeOpenGate * 60 * 1000) else broadcastMessage("The BattleField Event was opened and will close in ".. bf.timeCloseTeleport .." minutes.", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) Game.setStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage, 0) Game.setStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage, 0) Game.setStorageValue(bf.namePlayer, 0) print("> BattleField Event was opened.") local teleport = Game.createItem(1387, 1, bf.teleportPosition) if teleport then teleport:setActionId(47000) end end end end function onTime(interval) teleportCheck() addEvent(teleportCheck, bf.timeCloseTeleport * 60 * 1000) return true end Em data/globalevents/globalevents.xml adicione: <globalevent name="BattleField" time="20:55:00" script="BATTLEFIELD_globalevents.lua" /> Em data/libs crie um arquivo com o nome de BATTLEFIELD_lib com o conteúdo: - -[[ LIB BATTLEFIELD TFS 1.0 Arquivos além desta lib: - BATTLEFIELD_globalevents.lua - BATTLEFIELD_movements.lua - BATTLEFIELD_creaturescript.lua - spell invisible.lua -- alterar UTANA VID e STEALTH RING ]]-- bf = { rewardWin = {2160, 10}, teamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=1006,y=994,z=6}}, teamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians", storage = 140121, pos = {x=1032,y=994,z=6}}, timeCloseTeleport = 1, timeOpenGate = 1, teleportPosition = {x=1019, y=1016, z=7}, namePlayer = 18400, levelToEvent = 7, itemGate = 3517 } function checkGate() local wall = { {x=1019, y=994, z=6}, {x=1019, y=994, z=6}, {x=1019, y=994, z=6}, {x=1019, y=994, z=6}, {x=1019, y=994, z=6}, {x=1019, y=994, z=6}, {x=1019, y=994, z=6}, } broadcastMessage("The BattleEvent Event will begin now!", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) doMsgBattlefield("[BattleField] "..bf.teamOne.name.." "..Game.getStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage).." VS "..Game.getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage).." " ..bf.teamTwo.name) print("> BattleField Event will begin now.") for i = 1, #wall do local tile = Tile(wall[i]) if tile then local item = tile:getItemById(bf.itemGate) if item then item:remove() else Game.createItem(bf.itemGate, 1, wall[i]) end end end end function doMsgBattlefield(msg) for _, online in ipairs(Game.getPlayers()) do if online:isPlayer() then if online:getStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage) > 0 or online:getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage) > 0 then online:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg) end end end end Em data/movements/scripts crie um arquivo com o nome de BATTLEFIELD_movements com o conteúdo: dofile('data/lib/BATTLEFIELD_lib.lua') local conditionBlack = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionBlack:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionBlack:addOutfit({lookType = 134, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 114, lookFeet = 114}) local conditionRed = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionRed:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionRed:addOutfit({lookType = 143, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94}) function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition) local player = Player(cid) if player:getLevel() < bf.levelToEvent then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You need level " .. bf.levelToEvent .. " to enter in event.") player:teleportTo(fromPosition) return false end if player:getItemCount(2165) >= 1 then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You can not enter stealth ring in the event.") player:teleportTo(fromPosition) return false end if Game.getStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage) < Game.getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage) then Game.setStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage, Game.getStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage) + 1) player:addCondition(conditionBlack) player:setStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage, 1) player:setStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage, 0) player:teleportTo(bf.teamOne.pos) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. bf.teamOne.name .. ".") else Game.setStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage, Game.getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage) + 1) player:addCondition(conditionRed) player:setStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage, 1) player:setStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage, 0) player:teleportTo(bf.teamTwo.pos) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. bf.teamTwo.name .. ".") Game.setStorageValue(bf.namePlayer, cid) end player:addHealth(player:getMaxHealth()) player:addMana(player:getMaxMana()) player:registerEvent("BattleTeamLife") player:registerEvent("BattleTeamMana") player:registerEvent("BattleDeath") return true end Em data/movements/movements.xml adicione: <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="47000" script="BATTLEFIELD_movements.lua"/> Em data/spells/scripts/support abra o arquivo invisible.lua, apague tudo e coloque: local combat = createCombatObject() setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_AGGRESSIVE, 0) local condition = createConditionObject(CONDITION_INVISIBLE) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 200000) setCombatCondition(combat, condition) dofile('data/lib/BATTLEFIELD_lib.lua') function onCastSpell(cid, var) local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue(bf.teamOne.storage) > 0 or player:getStorageValue(bf.teamTwo.storage) > 0 then return false else return doCombat(cid, combat, var) end end Conforme avisado, no TFS 1.0 há necessidade de alterar alguns códigos nas fontes, portanto estou disponibilizando o arquivo game.cpp, basta substituir em sua basta e recompila-lo. Download game.cpp: https://www.sendspace.com/file/vqs5u4 Download Map tradicional: https://www.sendspace.com/file/f5tjhg Imagem do mapa: Para configurar, basta ver os arquivos e configurar horário, dias e posições do mapa! SCRIPT 100% TESTADO, O MESMO É VENDIDO PELO MODERADOR DO OUTRO FÓRUM! PORTANTO SEM ESSA, MODIFICAMOS E, IT'S FREEEEEEEE! Créditos: Absolute Vodkart Luan Luciano Markin Bom Proveito a todos, até o próximo! FAVOR MOVER O TÓPICO PRA SEÇÃO SCRIPTING > SISTEMAS E MODS, QUE TÁ FOD* CRIAR LÁ....3 points -
[Resultado] Sign of the Week #5
Administrador and 2 others reacted to Benny for a topic
VOTAÇÃO Critérios de Pontos: 1º Lugar - 3 Pontos 2º Lugar - 2 Pontos 3º Lugar - 1 Ponto Benny = 3,1,3,1,1,2 = 11 TheSekcy = 2,3,2,1,2,2,1,1 = 14 crownzs = 1,3,3,3,2,1 = 13 MudrocK = 2,3,2,2,3,3 = 15 Francisco Souza = 2,1,3,1,3,3 = 13 Dbko = 2,2 = 4 FLC = 1 = 1 1º Lugar - MudrocK 2º Lugar = TheSekcy 3º Lugar = crownzs / Francisco Souza Primeiro colocado: 8 REP + MEDALHA + DESTAQUE DA SIGN NO FÓRUM Segundo colocado: 6 REP + MEDALHA Terceiro colocado: 3 REP + MEDALHA Tivemos um empate nessa edição, haha! Os dois vão ganhar tais prêmios =) Abraços, Benny.3 points -
[8.60] DBRelated 1.2 Site + Data + Sources
Dbko and one other reacted to Animal Pak for a topic
Informações: Diversas Transformações como Goku GodMode, Golden Freeza, Bills entre outras! Novos sistemas! Mapa próprio! Reborn System! Diversas Quests! Diversos Items! E mais! Imagens: Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ujsafh52y23f6kv/DBRelated_v1.2_Site_%2B_Data_%2B_Sources.rar Scan: https://www.virustotal.com/pt/file/82bf4689784c5459e240d0ba7fd15e28b5ab8f2253c885d43aeaa875b07ded11/analysis/1437840718/ Créditos: DBRelated Team2 points -
BattleField TFS 1.1+
Administrador reacted to Vodkart for a topic
Informações: Repassei esse sistema: http://www.xtibia.com/forum/topic/192920-battlefield-event/page-1 para a nova versão Versão: TFS 1.1 ou SUPERIOR(NÃO FUNCIONA NO TFS 1.0) OBS: Favor ter noções básicas de como instalar o sistema no seu server. Instalando o Sistema: data\creaturescripts\scripts battlefield.lua function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("battledeath") if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage) == -1 then Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) end if player:getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage) >= 1 or player:getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage) >= 1 then player:setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage, -1) player:setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage, -1) player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) end return true end function onPrepareDeath(creature, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller) if creature:isPlayer() and creature:getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage) >= 1 or creature:getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage) >= 1 then local MyTeam = creature:getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage) >= 1 and _Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage or _Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage local EnemyTeam = creature:getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage) >= 1 and _Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage or _Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage Game.setStorageValue(MyTeam, (Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam)-1)) creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "[Battle Field] You Are Dead!") creature:setStorageValue(MyTeam, -1) creature:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) if Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam) == 0 then getWinnersBattle(EnemyTeam) else doBroadCastBattle(23,"[BattleField Information] ".._Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.name.." "..Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage).." VS "..Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage).." " .._Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.name) end end return true end creaturescript.xml <event type="login" name="battleflogin" script="battlefield.lua"/> <event type="preparedeath" name="battledeath" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\events\scripts abra o arquivo creature.lua e troque: function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) return true end por function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) if not self then return true end if self:isPlayer() and target:isPlayer() then if self:getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage) >= 1 and target:getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage) >= 1 or self:getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage) >= 1 and target:getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage) >= 1 then return RETURNVALUE_YOUMAYNOTATTACKTHISPLAYER end end return true end events.xml Troque: <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="0" /> por <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="1" /> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\globalevents\scripts battlefieldstart.lua function onStartup() Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) return true end battlefieldthink.lua _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } function onThink(interval) if _Lib_Battle_Days[os.date("%A")] then hours = tostring(os.date("%X")):sub(1, 5) tb = _Lib_Battle_Days[os.date("%A")][hours] if tb and (tb.players % 2 == 0) then local tp = Game.createItem(1387, 1, _Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos) tp:setActionId(45000) CheckEvent(_Lib_Battle_Info.limit_Time) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, tb.players) broadcastMessage("The event BattleField was opened and We are waiting "..tb.players.." Players! Team divided into "..((tb.players)/2).." VS "..((tb.players)/2)) end end return true end globalevents.xml <globalevent type="startup" name="NoBugBattle" script="battlefieldstart.lua"/> <globalevent interval="60000" name="BattleField" script="battlefieldthink.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\lib\core battlefield.lua _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 2 -- em minutos } function resetBattle() Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage, 0) end function doBroadCastBattle(type, msg) for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do if Player(cid):getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage) == 1 or Player(cid):getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage) == 1 then Player(cid):sendTextMessage(type, msg) end end end function getWinnersBattle(storage) local str, c = "" , 0 for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue(storage) >= 1 then if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[1] == true then player:addExperience(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[2]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[1] == true then player:addItem(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[2], _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[3]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[1] == true then player:addPremiumDays(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[2]) end player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(storage, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) c = c+1 end end str = str .. ""..c.." Player"..(c > 1 and "s" or "").." from team "..(Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage) == 0 and _Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.name or _Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.name).." won the event battlefield!" resetBattle() OpenWallBattle() return broadcastMessage(str) end function OpenWallBattle() local B = { {1543,{x=96, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}}, {1543,{x=95, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}} } for i = 1, #B do if getTileItemById(B[i][2], B[i][1]).uid == 0 then doCreateItem(B[i][1], 1, B[i][2]) else doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos(B[i][2]).uid,1) end end end function removeBattleTp() local t = getTileItemById(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, 1387).uid return t > 0 and doRemoveItem(t) and doSendMagicEffect(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, CONST_ME_POFF) end function CheckEvent(delay) if delay > 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then broadcastMessage("[BattleField Event] We are waiting "..Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count).." players to Battlefield starts") elseif delay == 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage) == 1 or player:getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage) == 1 then player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage, -1) player:setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) end end broadcastMessage("The event cannot be started because not had enough players.") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) resetBattle() removeBattleTp() end addEvent(CheckEvent, 60000, delay-1) end Na mesma pasta procure por data\lib\core.lua e adc essa linha: dofile('data/lib/core/battlefield.lua') -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\movements\scripts battlefield.lua local conditionRed = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionRed:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionRed:setOutfit({lookType = 143, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94}) local conditionBlack = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionBlack:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionBlack:setOutfit({lookType = 134, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 114, lookFeet = 114}) function onStepIn(creature, item, position, fromPosition) local player = creature:getPlayer() if player == nil then return false end if player:getGroup():getId() >= 3 then return player:teleportTo(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then local getMyTeam = Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage) < Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage) and {_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.storage,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.name,conditionBlack} or {_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.storage,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.pos, _Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.name, conditionRed} player:addCondition(getMyTeam[4]) player:setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], 1) Game.setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], Game.getStorageValue(getMyTeam[1])+1) player:teleportTo(getMyTeam[2]) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. getMyTeam[3] .. "!") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count)-1) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) == 0 then removeBattleTp() broadcastMessage("Battlefield will start in 2 minutes, please create your strategy!") addEvent(broadcastMessage, 2*60*1000-500, "BattleField will begin now!") addEvent(OpenWallBattle, 2*60*1000) end return true end movements.xml <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="45000" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- Configurações do TIME: em data\lib\core\battlefield.lua tem essas linhas: _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 10 -- em minutos } exp = {true,100} -- se vai receber exp ao ganhar evento? true ou false e quantidade items = {true, 2160, 10} -- se vai receber items ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e id, quantidade do item premium_days = {false, 1} -- se vai receber premium days ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e quantidade TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, Name = nome do time Storage = Não mexa Pos = Onde cada time vai nascer storage_count = 180400 -- NÃO MEXAR tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7} -- Onde o teleporte irá aparecer ao iniciar o evento limit_Time = 10 -- É o tempo limite para os jogadores entrarem no teleport.(em minutos) Configurar Datas dos Eventos: Em data\globalevents\scripts\battlefieldthink.lua vai ter essa tabela: _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } ["DIA DA SEMANA"] = { ["HORARIO"] = {players = QUANTOS JOGADORES IRÃO PARTICIPAR} Regra: Sempre coloque números pares para os jogadores, do contrário o evento não irá iniciar.1 point -
Templo subterrâneo
RigBy reacted to Administrador for a topic
Templo Subterrâneo 8.6 Templo Subterrâneo - www.xtibia.com.rar1 point -
Distros Compiladas 1.0 | 1.2
Danihcv reacted to Marco Oliveira for a topic
The Forgontten Server 1.2 10.91 | 32 Bits: Download | Scan 10.91 | 64 Bits: Download | Scan 10.90 | 32 Bits: Download | Scan 10.90 | 64 Bits: Download | Scan 10.78 | 32 Bits: Download | Scan 10.78 | 64 Bits: Download | Scan The Forgontten Server 1.0 10.78 | 32 Bits: Download | Scan 10.78 | 64 Bits: Download | Scan 10.78: 64 Bits Ubunto 14.04: Download | Scan Colaboradores Bruno Minervino MitsuigFireelementMarco Oliveira1 point -
Fruit Picking Introdução: é um sistema simples, consiste em você pode colher a fruta da arvore e ela crescer depois de um tempo de novo. Instalar o script: em action/script crie: FruitHarvesting.lua adicione: -- Do not remove the credits -- -- [ACTION] Fruit Harvesting -- -- Developed by Rigby -- -- Especially for the Xtibia.com -- local config = { -- [ID_DA_ARVORE] = {FRUTA, QUANTIDADE{minimo, maximo}, ID_DA_ARVORE_SEM_FRUTO, TEMPO_PARA_ÀRVORE_FICA_COM_FRUTO} [5157] = {fruit = 5097, quantity = {0,1}, treeWithoutFruit = 5156, timeToGrow = 5}, [4006] = {fruit = 2675, quantity = {0,3}, treeWithoutFruit = 4008, timeToGrow = 20}, [5094] = {fruit = 2676, quantity = {3,6}, treeWithoutFruit = 5092, timeToGrow = 30}, [5096] = {fruit = 2678, quantity = {2,7}, treeWithoutFruit = 2726, timeToGrow = 70}, } function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) for i, k in pairs(config) do if (isInArray(i, item.itemid) == true) then random = math.random(k.quantity[1],k.quantity[2]) doTransformItem(item.uid, k.treeWithoutFruit, 1) doPlayerAddItem(cid,k.fruit,random) addEvent(function() doTransformItem(getThingFromPos(toPosition).uid, i) end, k.timeToGrow * 1000) if random > 0 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,27,"Você pego "..random.." "..getItemNameById(k.fruit).."!") else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,27,"Àrvore não deu nenhum fruto!") end end end return true end em action/action.xml adicione a tag: <action itemid="5157;4006;5094;5096" event="script" value="FruitHarvesting.lua"/> Se você adicionar mais arvore não esqueça de adiciona o id na tag também.1 point
[TFS 1.0] Battlefield Event - NEW 100%
DeCarvalho reacted to Vodkart for a topic
tenta esse http://www.xtibia.com/forum/topic/235694-battlefield-tfs-11/ @TÓPIC parabéns pelo conteúdo! vejo ue conseguiu fazer, obrigado por contribuir1 point -
[PEDIDO] Compilar TFS 0.4
jvcasarin reacted to mkbrabsolute for a question
Este erro é porque o código foi implementado errado, sugiro que refaça.1 point -
PALETA DE CORES Olá, hoje venho trazer minha primeira exposição de recursos no fórum Primeiramente peço que se algo tiver errado no tópico me informe para mim corrigir ou remover. Paleta Produzida Por Mim! Primeiramente trago um material que eu produzi, é bem simples mais é algumas cores que eu costumo utilizar. Download Mediafire http://www.mediafire...ta de Cores.psd Eu escrevi o nome do arquivo errado, é Paleta, no arquivo está escrito Palheta, me desculpem! Scan do Download https://www.virustotal.com/pt/file/2a04ca1f4d150e623199d3ea0891c40bd348d591ade52fc76c92d1b27e0e170a/analysis/1437489631/ Como Utilizar: 1- Primeiramente clique na Ferramenta Conta-Gotas 2- Depois simplismente pressionando o botão esquerdo do mause, passe o icone do conta-gotas na cor desejada e ela será selecionada altomáticamente pela paleta do Photoshop Sites que disponibilizam paletas http://www.flextool....bela_cores.html O flextoll disponibiliza uma imagem com muitas paletas, e com todos os códigos para poder utiliza-los. Como utilizar os códigos HTML: 1- Ache a cor que mais lhe agrade, copie o código HTML. 2- Vá ao seletor de cores do Photoshop, e na ultima caixinha no # cole o seu código HTML e a cor será selecionada automaticamente http://wmonline.com.br/design/paletas-de-cores/1 Este site disponibiliza muitas paletas, muitas mesmo, no mesmo formato da anterior, com as cores e seus respectivos códigos para utilizar. http://www.degraeve....color-palette/ Eu particularmente adoro o degraeve, pois ele deixa que você pegue qualquer foto e tire a paleta de cores a partir desta foto. http://webcolourdata.com/ Este site permite que você pegue qual quer site (Pelo menos de todos que eu testei, nem um deu problema) , e tire uma paleta de cores a partir dele, como na imagem abaixo algumas já padrão que ele te dá Itens sugeridos por membros do forum! Você pode comentar neste post coisas que você julga ser útil para este assunto, e assim com sua permissão colocarei no tópico para um melhor entendimento dos membros, obviamente com os devidos créditos! Sugerido pelo Francisco Souza http://www.colorcombos.com/ O Colorcombos tem a mesma ideia do wmonline, basicamente você tera opções randomicas de cores que são geradas aleatoriamente, opções criadas por pessoas e outras... Espero que gostem deste tópico sobre paleta de cores, e algo básico mais é realmente para quem quer conhecer um pouco mais sobre o Photoshop, algo bem simples mais útil. Como disse inicialmente, este é meu primeiro tópico, então qualquer erro cometido por minha pessoa, já peço desculpas! Se você gostou peço que de um REP+ custa somente 5 segundos da sua vida .1 point
Auto Re-Mount TFS 1.0/1.1/1.2
Vodkart reacted to mkbrabsolute for a topic
Olá Pessoal do XTIBIA, vejo que vários servidores estão procurando o sistema de auto remount. O Sistema de auto re-mount é: quando o player está com montaria, ao entrar em uma área PZ o player sai da montaria, e então ao voltar para uma área normal o player irá automaticamente voltar a montaria em que estava. O Nome já diz tudo, auto re-mount! Vamos ao tutorial. Abra sua pasta source, onde fica os arquivos .cpp, e .h e procure pelo arquivo player.cpp Ao abri-lo, localize: lastWalkthroughAttempt = 0; lastToggleMount = 0; Abaixo de lastToggleMount = 0; pule uma linha e adicione: reMount = false; Logo após ainda em player.cpp procure por: if (!group->access && isMounted()) { dismount(); g_game.internalCreatureChangeOutfit(this, defaultOutfit); E então abaixo de g_game.internalCreatureChangeOutfit(this, defaultOutfit);, adicione: reMount = true; } } else { if (reMount) { toggleMount(true); reMount = false; Ainda em player.cpp procure por: if ((OTSYS_TIME() - lastToggleMount) < 3000) { SUBSTITUA POR: if ((OTSYS_TIME() - lastToggleMount) < 3000 && !reMount) { Salve e feche. Agora na mesma pasta abra o arquivo player.h Procure por: bool inMarket; E logo abaixo adicione: bool reMount; Salve e feche. Pronto, recompile suas sources e seja feliz Créditos: Printer Absolute Nós vemos em breve1 point