Radamanthys Wov 1 Posted April 6, 2017 Share Posted April 6, 2017 =Estou com essa script de survival, gostaria que alguem colocasse para ir de 1 a 4 players rep ++ pra quem ajudar! Spoiler <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- ULTIMATE SURVIVAL - Codigo feito por Omega / Pedido por vinnevinne Informacoes: http://www.xtibia.com/forum/topic/221415-ultimate-survival/ --> <mod name="Ultimate Survival" version="1.0" author="Omega" enabled="yes"> <config name="ultimatelib"><![CDATA[ USurvival = { posi = {x=510, y=888, z=9}, -- parte esquerda superior da arena posf = {x=521, y=899, z=9}, -- parte direita inferior da arena posc = {x=515, y=894, z=9}, -- onde o player entra na arena waves = { [1] = {monsters = {'snake', 'beezer'}, count = 5, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [2] = {monsters = {'dog', 'snake', 'beezer'}, count = 6, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 5000000}}, [3] = {monsters = {'dog', 'haku', 'snake'}, count = 7, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 10000000}}, [4] = {monsters = {'haku', 'dog', 'snake', 'beezer'}, count = 10, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [5] = {monsters = {'beezer', 'dog', 'snake', 'giat fear'}, count = 16, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [6] = {monsters = {'giat fear', 'bandit', 'haku', 'snake'}, count = 17, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [7] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'bandit', 'haku', 'snake'}, count = 18, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [8] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'bandit', 'haku', 'snake'}, count = 19, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [9] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'bandit', 'haku', 'bandit', 'dark snake'}, count = 20, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [10] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'bandit', 'haku', 'bandit', 'dog fear'}, count = 21, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [11] = {monsters = {'beezer', 'dog', 'snake', 'bandit', 'haku', 'bandit', 'sword man'}, count = 22, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [12] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'bandit', 'haku', 'bandit', 'sword man'}, count = 23, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [13] = {monsters = {'beezer', 'dog', 'kikkai', 'bandit', 'haku', 'bandit', 'sword man'}, count = 24, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [14] = {monsters = {'beezer', 'dog', 'kikkai', 'bandit', 'dark snake', 'bandit', 'akatsuki'}, count = 25, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [15] = {monsters = {'severium snake', 'Anbu'}, count = 26, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [16] = {monsters = {'beezer', 'dog', 'kikkai', 'bandit', 'dark snake', 'bandit', 'akatsuki'}, count = 27, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [17] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'Anbu'}, count = 28, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [18] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'Anbu'}, count = 28, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [19] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'Anbu'}, count = 28, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [21] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'Anbu'}, count = 28, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [22] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'Anbu'}, count = 29, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [23] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'Anbu'}, count = 29, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [24] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'Anbu'}, count = 29, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [25] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'Anbu'}, count = 29, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [26] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'Anbu'}, count = 29, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [27] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'Anbu'}, count = 29, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [28] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'Anbu'}, count = 29, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [29] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'Anbu'}, count = 29, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [30] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'Anbu'}, count = 29, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [31] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'Anbu'}, count = 29, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [33] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'Anbu'}, count = 29, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [34] = {monsters = {'Anbu', 'Anbu'}, count = 30, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, [35] = {monsters = {'Chuck norris', 'Anbu'}, count = 30, reward = {exp = 0, item = 2160, amount = 1, money = 1000000}}, }, exhaust = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60, -- Tempo em segundos ate poder entrar novamente na arena (1 * 24 * 60 * 60 = 1 dia) final_reward = {item = 2160, amount = 100, exp = 10000000, money = 0}, storage_ex = 607069, storage_wave = 607089, } function isWalkable(pos)-- by Nord / editado por Omega if getTileThingByPos({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z, stackpos = 0}).itemid == 0 then return false elseif isCreature(getTopCreature(pos).uid) then return false elseif getTileInfo(pos).protection then return false elseif hasProperty(getThingFromPos(pos).uid, 3) or hasProperty(getThingFromPos(pos).uid, 7) then return false end return true end function doSpawnMonsters(monsters, pos, radius, limit) if not pos.x or not pos.y or not pos.z or not type(monsters) == 'table' then return false end local radius = tonumber(radius) if radius > 5 then radius = 5 elseif radius < 2 then radius = 2 end if not limit or limit < 1 then limit = 1 elseif limit > radius ^ 2 then limit = math.floor((radius*1.5) ^ 2) end local k = 0 local tries = 0 repeat for x = pos.x - radius, pos.x + radius do for y = pos.y - radius, pos.y + radius do if isWalkable({x=x, y=y, z=pos.z}) then local monster = monsters[math.random(1, #monsters)] local chance = math.random(1, 100) if k == limit then break elseif chance <= 8 and doCreateMonster(monster, {x=x, y=y, z=pos.z}) then k = k + 1 end end end end tries = tries + 1 until k >= limit or tries >= 500 return k >= limit and true or false end function getPlayersInArea(pos1,pos2) local players = {} if pos1.x and pos1.y and pos2.x and pos2.y and pos1.z == pos2.z then for a = pos1.x, pos2.x do for b = pos1.y,pos2.y do local pos = {x=a,y=b,z=pos1.z} if isPlayer(getTopCreature(pos).uid) then table.insert(players,getTopCreature(pos).uid) end end end return players else return false end end function getMonstersInArea(pos1,pos2) local players = {} if pos1.x and pos1.y and pos2.x and pos2.y and pos1.z == pos2.z then for a = pos1.x, pos2.x do for b = pos1.y,pos2.y do local pos = {x=a,y=b,z=pos1.z} if isMonster(getTopCreature(pos).uid) then table.insert(players,getTopCreature(pos).uid) end end end return players else return false end end function doCleanArena() local monsters = getMonstersInArea(USurvival.posi, USurvival.posf) for _, cid in pairs(monsters) do doRemoveCreature(cid) end end function doStartWave(waveID, cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return false end if USurvival.waves[waveID] then wave = USurvival.waves[waveID] doSpawnMonsters(wave.monsters, USurvival.posc, 5, wave.count) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 21, 'Wave '..waveID..' inicie abatalha! FIGHT!') end end ]]></config> <action actionid="4599" event="script" override="yes"><![CDATA[ domodlib('ultimatelib') function onUse(cid, item) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, USurvival.storage_ex) <= os.time() then if #getPlayersInArea(USurvival.posi, USurvival.posf) == 0 then doCleanArena() doTeleportThing(cid, USurvival.posc) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 21, 'O jogo de sobrevicencia vai iniciar em 10 segundos') addEvent(doStartWave, 10000, 1, cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, USurvival.storage_wave, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, USurvival.storage_ex, os.time() + USurvival.exhaust) if item.itemid % 2 == 1 then doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid+1) else doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid-1) end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'Someone is already in the arena.') doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 2) end else local left = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, USurvival.storage_ex) - os.time() left = {hour = math.floor(left/3600), minutes = math.ceil((left % 3600)/60)} doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'You have to wait '.. left.hour ..'h and '..left.minutes..'min.') doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 2) end return true end ]]></action> <event type="login" name="US Login" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('ultimatelib') function onLogin(cid) registerCreatureEvent(cid,'UltimateSurvival1') registerCreatureEvent(cid,'UltimateSurvival2') if isInArea(getThingPos(cid), USurvival.posi, USurvival.posf) then doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid))) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10) end return true end ]]></event> <event type="kill" name="UltimateSurvival1" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('ultimatelib') function onKill(cid, target) if isInArea(getThingPos(cid), USurvival.posi, USurvival.posf) then if #getMonstersInArea(USurvival.posi, USurvival.posf) == 1 then local wave = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, USurvival.storage_wave) if USurvival.waves[wave+1] then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, USurvival.storage_wave, wave + 1) addEvent(doStartWave, 5000, wave + 1, cid) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, 'Voce passou de wave! proxima em 5 segundos') else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, 'CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE BEATEN THE ULTIMATE SURVIVAL!') local reward = USurvival.final_reward if reward.item then doPlayerAddItem(cid, reward.item, (reward.amount or 1), false) end if reward.exp then doPlayerAddExp(cid, reward.exp) end if reward.money then doPlayerAddMoney(cid, reward.money) end local medal = doPlayerAddItem(cid, 5785, 1, false) if medal then doItemSetAttribute(medal, 'description', 'This was given to '..getCreatureName(cid)..' by completing the Ultimate Survival.') doItemSetAttribute(medal,'name', 'Ultimate Survival Medal') end doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid))) end end end return true end ]]></event> <event type="preparedeath" name="UltimateSurvival2" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('ultimatelib') function onPrepareDeath(cid, killers) if isInArea(getThingPos(cid), USurvival.posi, USurvival.posf) then doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid), 65535, 256, true) doRemoveConditions(cid, false) doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid))) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 21, 'Too bad, you couldn\'t defeat the Ultimate Survival... Better luck next time.') local reward = USurvival.waves[getPlayerStorageValue(cid, USurvival.storage_wave)].reward if reward.item then doPlayerAddItem(cid, reward.item, reward.amount or 1) end if reward.exp then doPlayerAddExp(cid, reward.exp) end if reward.money then doPlayerAddMoney(cid, reward.money) end return false end return true end ]]></event> </mod> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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