curruwilliam 28 Postado Abril 12, 2014 Share Postado Abril 12, 2014 (editado) Olá, Fmz galera que manja dos paranue.. Sabem como deixo o OTClient desse jeito: Imagem: Bem aberto assim, com o chat daquele jeito ali? Editado Abril 12, 2014 por curruwilliam Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Noninhouh 118 Postado Abril 12, 2014 Share Postado Abril 12, 2014 (editado) ctrl + . (ponto) creio q seja isso q keira saber ;p Editado Abril 12, 2014 por Noninhouh Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 curruwilliam 28 Postado Abril 12, 2014 Autor Share Postado Abril 12, 2014 ctrl + . (ponto) creio q seja isso q keira saber ;p É isso mesmo, tem como deixar fixo esse comando(e que nao de para retirar)? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 pvjf 7 Postado Abril 12, 2014 Share Postado Abril 12, 2014 eu não sabia dessa função testei aqui achei bem util rep + Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Noninhouh 118 Postado Abril 12, 2014 Share Postado Abril 12, 2014 tem, meche lah no game_interface Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 curruwilliam 28 Postado Abril 12, 2014 Autor Share Postado Abril 12, 2014 (editado) tem, meche lah no game_interface gameinterface.lua ? Sinceramente não sei oq faço com esses code, encontrei isso relacionado: function nextViewMode() setupViewMode((currentViewMode + 1) % 3) end function setupViewMode(mode) if mode == currentViewMode then return end if currentViewMode == 2 then gameMapPanel:addAnchor(AnchorLeft, 'gameLeftPanel', AnchorRight) gameMapPanel:addAnchor(AnchorRight, 'gameRightPanel', AnchorLeft) gameMapPanel:addAnchor(AnchorBottom, 'gameBottomPanel', AnchorTop) gameRootPanel:addAnchor(AnchorTop, 'topMenu', AnchorBottom) gameLeftPanel:setOn(modules.client_options.getOption('showLeftPanel')) gameLeftPanel:setImageColor('white') gameRightPanel:setImageColor('white') gameLeftPanel:setMarginTop(0) gameRightPanel:setMarginTop(0) gameBottomPanel:setImageColor('white') modules.client_topmenu.getTopMenu():setImageColor('white') g_game.changeMapAwareRange(18, 14) end if mode == 0 then gameMapPanel:setKeepAspectRatio(true) gameMapPanel:setLimitVisibleRange(false) gameMapPanel:setZoom(11) gameMapPanel:setVisibleDimension({ width = 15, height = 11 }) elseif mode == 1 then gameMapPanel:setKeepAspectRatio(false) gameMapPanel:setLimitVisibleRange(true) gameMapPanel:setZoom(11) gameMapPanel:setVisibleDimension({ width = 15, height = 11 }) elseif mode == 2 then local limit = limitedZoom and not g_game.isGM() gameMapPanel:setLimitVisibleRange(limit) gameMapPanel:setZoom(11) gameMapPanel:setVisibleDimension({ width = 15, height = 11 }) gameMapPanel:fill('parent') gameRootPanel:fill('parent') gameLeftPanel:setImageColor('alpha') gameRightPanel:setImageColor('alpha') gameLeftPanel:setMarginTop(modules.client_topmenu.getTopMenu():getHeight() - gameLeftPanel:getPaddingTop()) gameRightPanel:setMarginTop(modules.client_topmenu.getTopMenu():getHeight() - gameRightPanel:getPaddingTop()) gameLeftPanel:setOn(true) gameLeftPanel:setVisible(true) gameRightPanel:setOn(true) gameMapPanel:setOn(true) gameBottomPanel:setImageColor('#ffffff88') modules.client_topmenu.getTopMenu():setImageColor('#ffffff66') if not limit then g_game.changeMapAwareRange(24, 20) end end currentViewMode = mode end function limitZoom() limitedZoom = true end Editado Abril 12, 2014 por curruwilliam Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 felipemuniz2013 19 Postado Abril 12, 2014 Share Postado Abril 12, 2014 Tbm quero saber como deixa ele sempre assim, acho muito mais legal. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 curruwilliam 28 Postado Abril 13, 2014 Autor Share Postado Abril 13, 2014 up? ai felipe consegui PO#@ Substitui seu gameinterface.lua por isso: WALK_STEPS_RETRY = 10 gameRootPanel = nil gameMapPanel = nil gameRightPanel = nil gameLeftPanel = nil gameBottomPanel = nil logoutButton = nil mouseGrabberWidget = nil countWindow = nil logoutWindow = nil exitWindow = nil bottomSplitter = nil limitedZoom = false currentViewMode = 0 smartWalkDirs = {} smartWalkDir = nil walkFunction = nil function init() g_ui.importStyle('styles/countwindow') connect(g_game, { onGameStart = onGameStart, onGameEnd = onGameEnd, onLoginAdvice = onLoginAdvice, }, true) gameRootPanel = g_ui.displayUI('gameinterface') gameRootPanel:hide() gameRootPanel:lower() gameRootPanel.onGeometryChange = updateStretchShrink gameRootPanel.onFocusChange = stopSmartWalk mouseGrabberWidget = gameRootPanel:getChildById('mouseGrabber') mouseGrabberWidget.onMouseRelease = onMouseGrabberRelease bottomSplitter = gameRootPanel:getChildById('bottomSplitter') gameMapPanel = gameRootPanel:getChildById('gameMapPanel') gameRightPanel = gameRootPanel:getChildById('gameRightPanel') gameLeftPanel = gameRootPanel:getChildById('gameLeftPanel') gameBottomPanel = gameRootPanel:getChildById('gameBottomPanel') connect(gameLeftPanel, { onVisibilityChange = onLeftPanelVisibilityChange }) logoutButton = modules.client_topmenu.addLeftButton('logoutButton', tr('Exit'), '/images/topbuttons/logout', tryLogout, true) setupViewMode(0) bindKeys() load() if g_game.isOnline() then show() end end function bindKeys() gameRootPanel:setAutoRepeatDelay(250) bindWalkKey('Up', North) bindWalkKey('Right', East) bindWalkKey('Down', South) bindWalkKey('Left', West) bindWalkKey('Numpad8', North) bindWalkKey('Numpad9', NorthEast) bindWalkKey('Numpad6', East) bindWalkKey('Numpad3', SouthEast) bindWalkKey('Numpad2', South) bindWalkKey('Numpad1', SouthWest) bindWalkKey('Numpad4', West) bindWalkKey('Numpad7', NorthWest) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Ctrl+Up', function() g_game.turn(North) changeWalkDir(North) end, gameRootPanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Ctrl+Right', function() g_game.turn(East) changeWalkDir(East) end, gameRootPanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Ctrl+Down', function() g_game.turn(South) changeWalkDir(South) end, gameRootPanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Ctrl+Left', function() g_game.turn(West) changeWalkDir(West) end, gameRootPanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Ctrl+Numpad8', function() g_game.turn(North) changeWalkDir(North) end, gameRootPanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Ctrl+Numpad6', function() g_game.turn(East) changeWalkDir(East) end, gameRootPanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Ctrl+Numpad2', function() g_game.turn(South) changeWalkDir(South) end, gameRootPanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Ctrl+Numpad4', function() g_game.turn(West) changeWalkDir(West) end, gameRootPanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Escape', function() g_game.cancelAttackAndFollow() end, gameRootPanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Ctrl+=', function() gameMapPanel:zoomIn() end, gameRootPanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Ctrl+-', function() gameMapPanel:zoomOut() end, gameRootPanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+Q', function() tryLogout(false) end, gameRootPanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+L', function() tryLogout(false) end, gameRootPanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+W', function() g_map.cleanTexts() modules.game_textmessage.clearMessages() end, gameRootPanel) g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+.', nextViewMode, gameRootPanel) end function bindWalkKey(key, dir) g_keyboard.bindKeyDown(key, function() changeWalkDir(dir) end, gameRootPanel, true) g_keyboard.bindKeyUp(key, function() changeWalkDir(dir, true) end, gameRootPanel, true) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress(key, function() smartWalk(dir) end, gameRootPanel) end function unbindWalkKey(key) g_keyboard.unbindKeyDown(key, gameRootPanel) g_keyboard.unbindKeyUp(key, gameRootPanel) g_keyboard.unbindKeyPress(key, gameRootPanel) end function terminate() save() hide() stopSmartWalk() disconnect(g_game, { onGameStart = onGameStart, onGameEnd = onGameEnd, onLoginAdvice = onLoginAdvice }) disconnect(gameLeftPanel, { onVisibilityChange = onLeftPanelVisibilityChange }) logoutButton:destroy() gameRootPanel:destroy() end function onGameStart() show() -- open tibia has delay in auto walking if not g_game.isOfficialTibia() then g_game.enableFeature(GameForceFirstAutoWalkStep) else g_game.disableFeature(GameForceFirstAutoWalkStep) end end function onGameEnd() setupViewMode(0) hide() end function show() connect(g_app, { onClose = tryExit }) modules.client_background.hide() gameRootPanel:show() gameRootPanel:focus() gameMapPanel:followCreature(g_game.getLocalPlayer()) setupViewMode(0) updateStretchShrink() logoutButton:setTooltip(tr('Logout')) addEvent(function() if not limitedZoom or g_game.isGM() then gameMapPanel:setMaxZoomOut(513) gameMapPanel:setLimitVisibleRange(false) else gameMapPanel:setMaxZoomOut(11) gameMapPanel:setLimitVisibleRange(true) end end) end function hide() disconnect(g_app, { onClose = tryExit }) logoutButton:setTooltip(tr('Exit')) if logoutWindow then logoutWindow:destroy() logoutWindow = nil end if exitWindow then exitWindow:destroy() exitWindow = nil end if countWindow then countWindow:destroy() countWindow = nil end gameRootPanel:hide() end function save() local settings = {} settings.splitterMarginBottom = bottomSplitter:getMarginBottom() g_settings.setNode('game_interface', settings) end function load() local settings = g_settings.getNode('game_interface') if settings then if settings.splitterMarginBottom then bottomSplitter:setMarginBottom(settings.splitterMarginBottom) end end end function onLoginAdvice(message) displayInfoBox(tr("For Your Information"), message) end function forceExit() g_game.cancelLogin() scheduleEvent(exit, 10) return true end function tryExit() if exitWindow then return true end local exitFunc = function() g_game.safeLogout() forceExit() end local logoutFunc = function() g_game.safeLogout() exitWindow:destroy() exitWindow = nil end local cancelFunc = function() exitWindow:destroy() exitWindow = nil end exitWindow = displayGeneralBox(tr('Exit'), tr("If you shut down the program, your character might stay in the game.\nClick on 'Logout' to ensure that you character leaves the game properly.\nClick on 'Exit' if you want to exit the program without logging out your character."), { { text=tr('Force Exit'), callback=exitFunc }, { text=tr('Logout'), callback=logoutFunc }, { text=tr('Cancel'), callback=cancelFunc }, anchor=AnchorHorizontalCenter }, logoutFunc, cancelFunc) return true end function tryLogout(prompt) if type(prompt) ~= "boolean" then prompt = true end if not g_game.isOnline() then exit() return end if logoutWindow then return end local msg, yesCallback if not g_game.isConnectionOk() then msg = 'Your connection is failing, if you logout now your character will be still online, do you want to force logout?' yesCallback = function() g_game.forceLogout() if logoutWindow then logoutWindow:destroy() logoutWindow=nil end end else msg = 'Are you sure you want to logout?' yesCallback = function() g_game.safeLogout() if logoutWindow then logoutWindow:destroy() logoutWindow=nil end end end local noCallback = function() logoutWindow:destroy() logoutWindow=nil end if prompt then logoutWindow = displayGeneralBox(tr('Logout'), tr(msg), { { text=tr('Yes'), callback=yesCallback }, { text=tr('No'), callback=noCallback }, anchor=AnchorHorizontalCenter}, yesCallback, noCallback) else yesCallback() end end function stopSmartWalk() smartWalkDirs = {} smartWalkDir = nil end function changeWalkDir(dir, pop) while table.removevalue(smartWalkDirs, dir) do end if pop then if #smartWalkDirs == 0 then stopSmartWalk() return end else table.insert(smartWalkDirs, 1, dir) end smartWalkDir = smartWalkDirs[1] if modules.client_options.getOption('smartWalk') and #smartWalkDirs > 1 then for _,d in pairs(smartWalkDirs) do if (smartWalkDir == North and d == West) or (smartWalkDir == West and d == North) then smartWalkDir = NorthWest break elseif (smartWalkDir == North and d == East) or (smartWalkDir == East and d == North) then smartWalkDir = NorthEast break elseif (smartWalkDir == South and d == West) or (smartWalkDir == West and d == South) then smartWalkDir = SouthWest break elseif (smartWalkDir == South and d == East) or (smartWalkDir == East and d == South) then smartWalkDir = SouthEast break end end end end function smartWalk(dir) if g_keyboard.getModifiers() == KeyboardNoModifier then local func = walkFunction if not func then if modules.client_options.getOption('dashWalk') then func = g_game.dashWalk else func = g_game.walk end end local dire = smartWalkDir or dir func(dire) return true end return false end function updateStretchShrink() if modules.client_options.getOption('dontStretchShrink') and not alternativeView then gameMapPanel:setVisibleDimension({ width = 15, height = 11 }) -- Set gameMapPanel size to height = 11 * 32 + 2 bottomSplitter:setMarginBottom(bottomSplitter:getMarginBottom() + (gameMapPanel:getHeight() - 32 * 11) - 10) end end function onMouseGrabberRelease(self, mousePosition, mouseButton) if selectedThing == nil then return false end if mouseButton == MouseLeftButton then local clickedWidget = gameRootPanel:recursiveGetChildByPos(mousePosition, false) if clickedWidget then if selectedType == 'use' then onUseWith(clickedWidget, mousePosition) elseif selectedType == 'trade' then onTradeWith(clickedWidget, mousePosition) end end end selectedThing = nil g_mouse.popCursor('target') self:ungrabMouse() return true end function onUseWith(clickedWidget, mousePosition) if clickedWidget:getClassName() == 'UIMap' then local tile = clickedWidget:getTile(mousePosition) if tile then g_game.useWith(selectedThing, tile:getTopMultiUseThing()) end elseif clickedWidget:getClassName() == 'UIItem' and not clickedWidget:isVirtual() then g_game.useWith(selectedThing, clickedWidget:getItem()) elseif clickedWidget:getClassName() == 'UICreatureButton' then local creature = clickedWidget:getCreature() if creature then g_game.useWith(selectedThing, creature) end end end function onTradeWith(clickedWidget, mousePosition) if clickedWidget:getClassName() == 'UIMap' then local tile = clickedWidget:getTile(mousePosition) if tile then g_game.requestTrade(selectedThing, tile:getTopCreature()) end end end function startUseWith(thing) if not thing then return end if g_ui.isMouseGrabbed() then if selectedThing then selectedThing = thing selectedType = 'use' end return end selectedType = 'use' selectedThing = thing mouseGrabberWidget:grabMouse() g_mouse.pushCursor('target') end function startTradeWith(thing) if not thing then return end if g_ui.isMouseGrabbed() then if selectedThing then selectedThing = thing selectedType = 'trade' end return end selectedType = 'trade' selectedThing = thing mouseGrabberWidget:grabMouse() g_mouse.pushCursor('target') end function createThingMenu(menuPosition, lookThing, useThing, creatureThing) if not g_game.isOnline() then return end local menu = g_ui.createWidget('PopupMenu') local classic = modules.client_options.getOption('classicControl') local shortcut = nil if not classic then shortcut = '(Shift)' else shortcut = nil end if lookThing then menu:addOption(tr('Look'), function() g_game.look(lookThing) end, shortcut) end if not classic then shortcut = '(Ctrl)' else shortcut = nil end if useThing then if useThing:isContainer() then if useThing:getParentContainer() then menu:addOption(tr('Open'), function(), useThing:getParentContainer()) end, shortcut) menu:addOption(tr('Open in new window'), function() end) else menu:addOption(tr('Open'), function() end, shortcut) end else if useThing:isMultiUse() then menu:addOption(tr('Use with ...'), function() startUseWith(useThing) end, shortcut) else menu:addOption(tr('Use'), function() g_game.use(useThing) end, shortcut) end end if useThing:isRotateable() then menu:addOption(tr('Rotate'), function() g_game.rotate(useThing) end) end end if lookThing and not lookThing:isCreature() and not lookThing:isNotMoveable() and lookThing:isPickupable() then menu:addSeparator() menu:addOption(tr('Trade with ...'), function() startTradeWith(lookThing) end) end if lookThing then local parentContainer = lookThing:getParentContainer() if parentContainer and parentContainer:hasParent() then menu:addOption(tr('Move up'), function() g_game.moveToParentContainer(lookThing, lookThing:getCount()) end) end end if creatureThing then local localPlayer = g_game.getLocalPlayer() menu:addSeparator() if creatureThing:isLocalPlayer() then menu:addOption(tr('Set Outfit'), function() g_game.requestOutfit() end) if g_game.getFeature(GamePlayerMounts) then if not localPlayer:isMounted() then menu:addOption(tr('Mount'), function() localPlayer:mount() end) else menu:addOption(tr('Dismount'), function() localPlayer:dismount() end) end end if creatureThing:isPartyMember() then if creatureThing:isPartyLeader() then if creatureThing:isPartySharedExperienceActive() then menu:addOption(tr('Disable Shared Experience'), function() g_game.partyShareExperience(false) end) else menu:addOption(tr('Enable Shared Experience'), function() g_game.partyShareExperience(true) end) end end menu:addOption(tr('Leave Party'), function() g_game.partyLeave() end) end else local localPosition = localPlayer:getPosition() if not classic then shortcut = '(Alt)' else shortcut = nil end if creatureThing:getPosition().z == localPosition.z then if g_game.getAttackingCreature() ~= creatureThing then menu:addOption(tr('Attack'), function() g_game.attack(creatureThing) end, shortcut) else menu:addOption(tr('Stop Attack'), function() g_game.cancelAttack() end, shortcut) end if g_game.getFollowingCreature() ~= creatureThing then menu:addOption(tr('Follow'), function() g_game.follow(creatureThing) end) else menu:addOption(tr('Stop Follow'), function() g_game.cancelFollow() end) end end if creatureThing:isPlayer() then menu:addSeparator() local creatureName = creatureThing:getName() menu:addOption(tr('Message to %s', creatureName), function() g_game.openPrivateChannel(creatureName) end) if modules.game_console.getOwnPrivateTab() then menu:addOption(tr('Invite to private chat'), function() g_game.inviteToOwnChannel(creatureName) end) menu:addOption(tr('Exclude from private chat'), function() g_game.excludeFromOwnChannel(creatureName) end) -- [TODO] must be removed after message's popup labels been implemented end if not localPlayer:hasVip(creatureName) then menu:addOption(tr('Add to VIP list'), function() g_game.addVip(creatureName) end) end if modules.game_console.isIgnored(creatureName) then menu:addOption(tr('Unignore') .. ' ' .. creatureName, function() modules.game_console.removeIgnoredPlayer(creatureName) end) else menu:addOption(tr('Ignore') .. ' ' .. creatureName, function() modules.game_console.addIgnoredPlayer(creatureName) end) end local localPlayerShield = localPlayer:getShield() local creatureShield = creatureThing:getShield() if localPlayerShield == ShieldNone or localPlayerShield == ShieldWhiteBlue then if creatureShield == ShieldWhiteYellow then menu:addOption(tr('Join %s\'s Party', creatureThing:getName()), function() g_game.partyJoin(creatureThing:getId()) end) else menu:addOption(tr('Invite to Party'), function() g_game.partyInvite(creatureThing:getId()) end) end elseif localPlayerShield == ShieldWhiteYellow then if creatureShield == ShieldWhiteBlue then menu:addOption(tr('Revoke %s\'s Invitation', creatureThing:getName()), function() g_game.partyRevokeInvitation(creatureThing:getId()) end) end elseif localPlayerShield == ShieldYellow or localPlayerShield == ShieldYellowSharedExp or localPlayerShield == ShieldYellowNoSharedExpBlink or localPlayerShield == ShieldYellowNoSharedExp then if creatureShield == ShieldWhiteBlue then menu:addOption(tr('Revoke %s\'s Invitation', creatureThing:getName()), function() g_game.partyRevokeInvitation(creatureThing:getId()) end) elseif creatureShield == ShieldBlue or creatureShield == ShieldBlueSharedExp or creatureShield == ShieldBlueNoSharedExpBlink or creatureShield == ShieldBlueNoSharedExp then menu:addOption(tr('Pass Leadership to %s', creatureThing:getName()), function() g_game.partyPassLeadership(creatureThing:getId()) end) else menu:addOption(tr('Invite to Party'), function() g_game.partyInvite(creatureThing:getId()) end) end end end end if modules.game_ruleviolation.hasWindowAccess() and creatureThing:isPlayer() then menu:addSeparator() menu:addOption(tr('Rule Violation'), function() end) end menu:addSeparator() menu:addOption(tr('Copy Name'), function() g_window.setClipboardText(creatureThing:getName()) end) end menu:display(menuPosition) end function processMouseAction(menuPosition, mouseButton, autoWalkPos, lookThing, useThing, creatureThing, attackCreature) local keyboardModifiers = g_keyboard.getModifiers() if not modules.client_options.getOption('classicControl') then if keyboardModifiers == KeyboardNoModifier and mouseButton == MouseRightButton then createThingMenu(menuPosition, lookThing, useThing, creatureThing) return true elseif lookThing and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardShiftModifier and (mouseButton == MouseLeftButton or mouseButton == MouseRightButton) then g_game.look(lookThing) return true elseif useThing and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardCtrlModifier and (mouseButton == MouseLeftButton or mouseButton == MouseRightButton) then if useThing:isContainer() then if useThing:getParentContainer() then, useThing:getParentContainer()) else end return true elseif useThing:isMultiUse() then startUseWith(useThing) return true else g_game.use(useThing) return true end return true elseif attackCreature and g_keyboard.isAltPressed() and (mouseButton == MouseLeftButton or mouseButton == MouseRightButton) then g_game.attack(attackCreature) return true elseif creatureThing and creatureThing:getPosition().z == autoWalkPos.z and g_keyboard.isAltPressed() and (mouseButton == MouseLeftButton or mouseButton == MouseRightButton) then g_game.attack(creatureThing) return true end -- classic control else if useThing and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardNoModifier and mouseButton == MouseRightButton and not g_mouse.isPressed(MouseLeftButton) then local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer() if attackCreature and attackCreature ~= player then g_game.attack(attackCreature) return true elseif creatureThing and creatureThing ~= player and creatureThing:getPosition().z == autoWalkPos.z then g_game.attack(creatureThing) return true elseif useThing:isContainer() then if useThing:getParentContainer() then, useThing:getParentContainer()) return true else return true end elseif useThing:isMultiUse() then startUseWith(useThing) return true else g_game.use(useThing) return true end return true elseif lookThing and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardShiftModifier and (mouseButton == MouseLeftButton or mouseButton == MouseRightButton) then g_game.look(lookThing) return true elseif lookThing and ((g_mouse.isPressed(MouseLeftButton) and mouseButton == MouseRightButton) or (g_mouse.isPressed(MouseRightButton) and mouseButton == MouseLeftButton)) then g_game.look(lookThing) return true elseif useThing and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardCtrlModifier and (mouseButton == MouseLeftButton or mouseButton == MouseRightButton) then createThingMenu(menuPosition, lookThing, useThing, creatureThing) return true elseif attackCreature and g_keyboard.isAltPressed() and (mouseButton == MouseLeftButton or mouseButton == MouseRightButton) then g_game.attack(attackCreature) return true elseif creatureThing and creatureThing:getPosition().z == autoWalkPos.z and g_keyboard.isAltPressed() and (mouseButton == MouseLeftButton or mouseButton == MouseRightButton) then g_game.attack(creatureThing) return true end end local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer() player:stopAutoWalk() if autoWalkPos and keyboardModifiers == KeyboardNoModifier and mouseButton == MouseLeftButton then player:autoWalk(autoWalkPos) return true end return false end function moveStackableItem(item, toPos) if countWindow then return end if g_keyboard.isCtrlPressed() then g_game.move(item, toPos, item:getCount()) return elseif g_keyboard.isShiftPressed() then g_game.move(item, toPos, 1) return end local count = item:getCount() countWindow = g_ui.createWidget('CountWindow', rootWidget) local itembox = countWindow:getChildById('item') local scrollbar = countWindow:getChildById('countScrollBar') itembox:setItemId(item:getId()) itembox:setItemCount(count) scrollbar:setMaximum(count) scrollbar:setMinimum(1) scrollbar:setValue(count) local spinbox = countWindow:getChildById('spinBox') spinbox:setMaximum(count) spinbox:setMinimum(0) spinbox:setValue(0) spinbox:hideButtons() spinbox:focus() spinbox.firstEdit = true local spinBoxValueChange = function(self, value) spinbox.firstEdit = false scrollbar:setValue(value) end spinbox.onValueChange = spinBoxValueChange local check = function() if spinbox.firstEdit then spinbox:setValue(spinbox:getMaximum()) spinbox.firstEdit = false end end g_keyboard.bindKeyPress("Up", function() check() spinbox:up() end, spinbox) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress("Down", function() check() spinbox:down() end, spinbox) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress("Right", function() check() spinbox:up() end, spinbox) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress("Left", function() check() spinbox:down() end, spinbox) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress("PageUp", function() check() spinbox:setValue(spinbox:getValue()+10) end, spinbox) g_keyboard.bindKeyPress("PageDown", function() check() spinbox:setValue(spinbox:getValue()-10) end, spinbox) scrollbar.onValueChange = function(self, value) itembox:setItemCount(value) spinbox.onValueChange = nil spinbox:setValue(value) spinbox.onValueChange = spinBoxValueChange end local okButton = countWindow:getChildById('buttonOk') local moveFunc = function() g_game.move(item, toPos, itembox:getItemCount()) okButton:getParent():destroy() countWindow = nil end local cancelButton = countWindow:getChildById('buttonCancel') local cancelFunc = function() cancelButton:getParent():destroy() countWindow = nil end countWindow.onEnter = moveFunc countWindow.onEscape = cancelFunc okButton.onClick = moveFunc cancelButton.onClick = cancelFunc end function getRootPanel() return gameRootPanel end function getMapPanel() return gameMapPanel end function getRightPanel() return gameRightPanel end function getLeftPanel() return gameLeftPanel end function getBottomPanel() return gameBottomPanel end function onLeftPanelVisibilityChange(leftPanel, visible) if not visible and g_game.isOnline() then local children = leftPanel:getChildren() for i=1,#children do children[i]:setParent(gameRightPanel) end end end function nextViewMode() setupViewMode((currentViewMode + 1) % 3) end function setupViewMode(mode) if mode == currentViewMode then gameMapPanel:setKeepAspectRatio(true) gameMapPanel:setLimitVisibleRange(false) gameMapPanel:setZoom(11) gameMapPanel:setVisibleDimension({ width = 15, height = 11 }) gameMapPanel:setKeepAspectRatio(false) gameMapPanel:setLimitVisibleRange(true) gameMapPanel:setZoom(11) gameMapPanel:setVisibleDimension({ width = 15, height = 11 }) local limit = limitedZoom and not g_game.isGM() gameMapPanel:setLimitVisibleRange(limit) gameMapPanel:setZoom(11) gameMapPanel:setVisibleDimension({ width = 15, height = 11 }) gameMapPanel:fill('parent') gameRootPanel:fill('parent') gameLeftPanel:setImageColor('alpha') gameRightPanel:setImageColor('alpha') gameLeftPanel:setMarginTop(modules.client_topmenu.getTopMenu() :getHeight() - gameLeftPanel:getPaddingTop()) gameRightPanel:setMarginTop(modules.client_topmenu.getTopMenu() :getHeight() - gameRightPanel:getPaddingTop()) gameLeftPanel:setOn(true) gameLeftPanel:setVisible(true) gameRightPanel:setOn(true) gameMapPanel:setOn(true) gameBottomPanel:setImageColor('#ffffff88') modules.client_topmenu.getTopMenu():setImageColor('#ffffff66') if not limit then g_game.changeMapAwareRange(24, 20) end end currentViewMode = mode end function limitZoom() limitedZoom = true end Cipher reagiu a isso 1 Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 felipemuniz2013 19 Postado Abril 13, 2014 Share Postado Abril 13, 2014 Obrigado por compartilhar @curruwillian me ajudou bastante só não dou re+ agora pq já acabou o diário. muito obrigado mesmo XD Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 curruwilliam 28 Postado Abril 13, 2014 Autor Share Postado Abril 13, 2014 Resolvido!! @Topic De nada, só me da um rep amanha ;D euheuhe até mais; Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
curruwilliam 28
Fmz galera que manja dos paranue.. Sabem como deixo o OTClient desse jeito:
Bem aberto assim, com o chat daquele jeito ali?
Editado por curruwilliamLink para o comentário
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