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Eawe pessoal,Hoje venho trazer um novo script,ja e antigo e tal's mais vale >.< Vai,em seuot/data/talkactions/scripts e crie um arquivo lua Chamado rename.lua e coloque o seguinte script dentro: --Player rename by Mock the bear (MTB) function sugested() --GName generator local cons = {'b','c','d','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n',' p','q','r','s','t','v','x','y','z'} local vog = {"a",'e','i','o','u'} local sibalas = {} for i=1,#cons do for e=1,#vog do table.insert(sibalas,1,cons..vog[e]) end end local total = "" for i=1,math.random(1,2) do local nam = "" for i=1,math.random(2,4) do nam = nam..sibalas[math.random(1,#sibalas)] end if math.random(1,2) == 1 then nam = nam..vog[math.random(1,#vog)] elseif math.random(1,2) == 2 then nam = nam..cons[math.random(1,#vog)] end total = total..(i == 2 and ' ' or '')..nam:sub(1,1):upper()..nam:sub(2,-1) end return total end function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if param == 'gen' then doCreatureSay(cid,'Suggested name: '..sugested(),1) return true end local param1,param2 = param:match('(.-)[;:,.]%s*(.+)') param = param1 or param param2 = param2 or sugested() if not param then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,25,'Use like this: /rename Old name, New name') return true end if param2:len() <= 2 or param2:len() > 20 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,25,'Please 3-20 characters.') return true end if param2:match('[%a%d%s%u%l]+') ~= param2 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,25,'Please only A-Z 0-9') return true end param2 = param2:sub(1,1):upper()..param2:sub(2,-1) local p2 = getPlayerByName(param) if p2 and isPlayer(p2) then local id = getPlayerGUID(p2) doPlayerPopupFYI(p2,'Changing your name. Please login aigan on your character list.') addEvent(doRemoveCreature,2000,p2) addEvent(function(id,param2) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `name` = '"..param2.."' WHERE `id` =" end,2100,id,param2) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,25,'Player '..param..' not found.') return true end return TRUE end Agora vai em seuot/data/talkactions/talkactions.xml e coloque a seguinte linha: <talkaction log="yes" access="5" words="/rename" event="script" value="rename.lua" /> access="5" em vermelho aki eh o group que vai usar portanto 5 vai ser GOD ... vlw tae o script velho :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Esse e meu segundo Topico,Gostou +Rep + REP