Olá pessoal do Xtibia, bom estive tetando configurar o Config.php do Gesior da seguinte forma, quero criar os characters sem vocação em Rook Guard.... e os demais com vocação nas citys do meu mapa mesmo... mas não consegui fazer isso no Gesior...
// CHARACTER config, format: ID_of_vocation => 'Name of Character to copy', load vocation name from $vocation_name[0] (below)
$config['site']['newchar_vocations'][0] = array(1 => 'Sorcerer Sample', 2 => 'Druid Sample', 3 => 'Paladin Sample', 4 => 'Knight Sample');
$config['site']['newchar_vocations'][1] = array(1 => 'Sorcerer Sample', 2 => 'Druid Sample', 3 => 'Paladin Sample', 4 => 'Knight Sample');
// sample, if rook only: $config['site']['newchar_vocations'][0] = array(0 => 'Rook Sample');
$config['site']['newchar_towns'][0] = array(5);
// sample, if all players should spawn in one city (city with ID 4): uncoment!!
//$config['site']['newchar_towns'] = array(4);
// list of vocations on ots (world 0)
$vocation_name[0][0] = array(0 => 'None', 1 => 'Sorcerer', 2 => 'Druid', 3 => 'Paladin', 4 => 'Knight'); // id => 'name' , $vocation_name[0] - promotion level 0, $vocation_name[0] - for world ID 0
$vocation_name[0][1] = array(1 => 'Master Sorcerer', 2 => 'Elder Druid', 3 => 'Royal Paladin', 4 => 'Elite Knight'); // id => 'name' , $vocation_name[1] - promotion level 1, $vocation_name[0] - for world ID 0
$vocation_name[0][2] = array(1 => 'Dark Sorcerer', 2 => 'Forest Druid', 3 => 'Sacred Paladin', 4 => 'Powered Knight'); // id => 'name' , $vocation_name[1] - promotion level 1, $vocation_name[1] - for world ID 1
// list of towns on ots
$towns_list[0] = array(0 => '-------------', 1 => 'Yalahar', 2 => 'Carlin', 3 => 'Ab Dendriel', 4 => 'Kazordoon', 5 => 'Thais', 6 => 'Venore', 7 => 'Darashia', 8 => 'Ankramun', 9 => 'Edron', 10 => 'Port Hope', 11 => 'Ethno', 12 => 'Liberty Bay', 13 => 'Svargrond', 14 => 'Cormaya', 15 => 'Gengia', 16 => 'Galaxy', 17 => 'Farmine'); // list of towns, id => 'name', $towns_list[0] - for world id 0
Att Rogério Santos