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  1. BOM TENHO UM SERVER NARUTIBIA 7.81 DNO.V2 QUERIA FAZER ESSE NPC FALAR SOMENTE COM PLAYER PREMMYS, NO MEU OT VEIO O SISTEMA PREMY ACCOUNT. OBS : NO FINAL IREI TROCAR O NOME DO NPC. NAO QUERO ELE COM ESSAS FUNÇOES SO QUERO Q ELE TELEPORTE O PLAYER PREMMIUM ACOUNT PARA UMA COORDENADA DADA POR MIM. npc xml : FUMIHIKO :<?xml version="1.0"?> <npc name="Fumihiko" script="data/npc/scripts/Fumihiko.lua" access="5" lookdir="3"> <mana now="800" max="800"/> <health now="200" max="200"/> <look type="134" head="2" body="95" legs="60" feet="132"/> </npc> npc LUA : FUMIHIKO : focus = 0 talk_start = 0 target = 0 following = false attacking = false talk_state = 20 cname = '' vocation = 0 mainlevel = 8 gstat = 0 -- guild status grank = '' -- guild rank gname = '' -- guild name pname = '' -- name of some other player maxnamelen = 30 maxranklen = 20 maxnicklen = 20 leaderlevel = 50 NONE = 0 INVITED = 1 MEMBER = 2 VICE = 3 leader = 4 allow_pattern = '^[a-zA-Z0-9 -]+$' function onThingMove(creature, thing, oldpos, oldstackpos) end function onCreatureAppear(creature) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid, pos) if focus == cid then selfSay('Bye.') focus = 0 talk_start = 0 end end function onCreatureTurn(creature) end function msgcontains(txt, str) return (string.find(txt, str) and not string.find(txt, '(%w+)' .. str) and not string.find(txt, str .. '(%w+)')) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) cname = creatureGetName(cid) msg = string.lower(msg) posK = {x=388, y=117, z=7} posS = {x=388, y=117, z=7} posM = {x=799, y=420, z=7} if ((string.find(msg, '(%a*)hi(%a*)')) and (focus == 0)) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 or getPlayerSex(cid) == 28 then selfSay('Oi! ' .. cname .. '! Quer se tornar Gennin, e começar o sonho de Naruto?') talk_state = 20 focus = cid talk_start = os.clock() else selfSay('Sorry, but you alredy chose your village. If not, talk to the Admin.') talk_state = 0 focus = cid end elseif string.find(msg, '(%a*)hi(%a*)') and (focus ~= cid) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then selfSay('Desculpe, ' .. cname .. '! Falo com você em um minuto.') elseif string.find(msg, '(%a*)bye(%a*)') and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then selfSay('Boa sorte, ' .. cname .. '!') talk_state = 20 focus = 0 talk_start = 0 elseif focus == cid then talk_start = os.clock() if talk_state == 20 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') then -- confirmando decisao level = getPlayerLevel(cname) if level >= mainlevel then selfSay('Vamos começar! Existe... 5 vilas em que você pode começar sua história. Konoha, Suna, Mist, Sound e Renegade. Qual vila você quer?') talk_state = 1 else selfSay('Você ainda não tem o aprendizado necessário da Academia...') talk_state = 20 end else -- selfSay('Você não tem level suficiente para escolher seu clã '.. mainlevel ..'.') talk_state = 20 end elseif talk_state == 1 then -- telling vilage talk_state = 2 if msgcontains(msg, 'konoha') then selfSay('Agora escolha seu clã. Hyuuga, Aburame, Nara, Uzumaki, Lee, Inuzuka, Haruno, Hatake, Akimichi, Mitsashi, Yamanaka, Yamato ou Sai?') talk_state = 2 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'suna') then selfSay('And... What clan? Sabaku, Winter ou Puppeter?') talk_state = 2 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'sound') then selfSay('Agora escolha seu clã. Selaeds, Yakushi, Jiroubo, Sakon ou Guren?') talk_state = 2 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'mist') then selfSay('E... Nessa vila existe o clã Nizaha e o clã Kaguya...') talk_state = 2 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'renegade') then --selfSay('Existe os clãs Uchiha, Suigetsu, Karin e Juugo...') talk_state = 2 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'lighting') then --selfSay('Ainda não tem clã...') talk_state = 2 else selfSay('Sorry, this village does not exists...') vocation = 0 talk_state = 1 end elseif talk_state == 2 then -- telling vilage if msgcontains(msg, 'uchiha') then selfSay('O vingativo, subordinado de orochimaru, membro da HEBI... Tem certeza?') talk_state = 4 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'nizaha') then selfSay('Manipulador da natureza gelo, com alta velocidade e destreza. Tem certeza?') talk_state = 5 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'hyuuga') then selfSay('O clã dos olhos brancos, capaz de perceber qualquer coisa ao seu redor... Tem certeza?') talk_state = 6 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'aburame') then selfSay('O clã dos usuários dos kikais. Tem certeza?') talk_state = 7 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'kaguya') then selfSay('O clã que usa seus prórios ossos no combate. Tem certeza?') talk_state = 8 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'selaeds') then selfSay('MEU DEUS! Você quer mesmo se tornar um dos subordinados de Orochimaru?') talk_state = 9 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yakushi') then selfSay('MEU DEUS! Você quer mesmo se tornar um dos subordinados médicos de Orochimaru?') talk_state = 10 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'sabaku') then selfSay('O manipulador de areia, capaz de destruir seu inimigo em um segundo de combate. Tem certeza?') talk_state = 11 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'winter') then selfSay('Você quer manipular o ar usando a ajuda de suas armas?') talk_state = 12 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'puppeter') then selfSay('O melhor manipulador de marionetes será mesmo você?') talk_state = 13 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'uzumaki') then selfSay('Quer mesmo se tornar a lenda? Quer mesmo se tornar o dominador do Kage Bunshin, fuuton, e rasengan?') talk_state = 14 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'lee') then selfSay('Quem disse que um ninja só é bom usando ninjutsu? Mostre a resposta dessa pergunta usando seu Taijutsu, você quer?') talk_state = 15 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'nara') then selfSay('Quer fazer parte do clã Nara, que controla as sombras para se beneficiar nos combates?') talk_state = 16 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'inuzuka') then selfSay('Quer mesmo, junto com akamaru, e suas tecnicas selvagens, mostrar quem manda no DNO?') talk_state = 17 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'haruno') then selfSay('O clã com perfeita dominação de chakra, e perfeitas tecnicas de cura. Tem certeza?') talk_state = 18 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'akimichi') then selfSay('Quer fazer parte do clã que usas seus "ossos grandes" para o combate?') talk_state = 19 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yamato') then selfSay('Com perfeita dominação de Mokuton, você pode ser uma lenda em DNO. Aceita?') talk_state = 20 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'hatake') then selfSay('Quer fazer parte do clã dos copiadores?') talk_state = 21 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'mitsashi') then selfSay('Quer fazer parte do clã que domina melhor armas ninjas?') talk_state = 22 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yamanaka') then selfSay('Você deseja mesmo fazer parte dos manipuladores da mente, e flores?') talk_state = 23 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'suigetsu') then selfSay('Usando sua espada silenciosa, e sua dominação de suiton, você pode provar ser o melhor ninja de todos. Você aceita?') talk_state = 24 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'karin') then selfSay('Quer ser bom em percepção de chakra, ninjutsus médicos, e manipulação de chakra?') talk_state = 25 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'juugo') then selfSay('Se você quer mostrar as habilidades mais desconhecidas em DNO, você tem que ser do clã Juugo. Você aceita?') talk_state = 26 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'sai') then selfSay('Desenhos podem ser usados em combate? Dê a resposta dessa pergunta fazendo parte do clã Sai. Você aceita?') talk_state = 27 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'jiroubo') then selfSay('Quem disse que o clã Jiroubo morreu? Mostre que não, usando a perfeita dominação de Doton em suas lutas.') talk_state = 28 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'sakon') then selfSay('Quem disse que o clã Sakon morreu? Junto com seu irmão, e seus portões, faça sua lenda em DNO. Aceita?') talk_state = 29 elseif msgcontains(msg, 'guren') then selfSay('O Poder do shouton em suas mãos. Tem certeza?') talk_state = 30 else selfSay('Desculpa, mas esse clã não existe.') vocation = 0 talk_state = 2 end elseif talk_state == 4 then -- confirming vocation if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 4 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2482,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,200,1) learnSpell(cid,'sharingan level 1',0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) learnSpell(cid,'utevo lux',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'raiton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'katon no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'chidori',0) learnSpell(cid,'chidori nagashi',0) learnSpell(cid,'katon kasumi enbu no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'katon dragon no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'sharingan level 2',0) learnSpell(cid,'senbon chidori',0) learnSpell(cid,'katon godragon no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'kirin',0) learnSpell(cid,'katon ryuuka no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'sharingan level 3',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo nivel 2',0) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 2') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 175') setPlayerMasterPos(cid, 388, 117, 7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 1') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 50') setPlayerMasterPos(cid, 388, 117, 7) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'sharingan level 1',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'raiton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'katon no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'chidori',0) learnSpell(cid,'chidori nagashi',0) learnSpell(cid,'katon kasumi enbu no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'katon dragon no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'sharingan level 2',0) learnSpell(cid,'senbon chidori',0) learnSpell(cid,'katon godragon no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'kirin',0) learnSpell(cid,'katon ryuuka no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'sharingan level 3',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo nivel 2',0) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 5 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 5 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2471,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,500,1) learnSpell(cid,'create senbon',0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'hyouton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'makyou hyoushou',0) learnSpell(cid,'hyouton hyouro no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'hyouton yukaku hakuegi',0) learnSpell(cid,'hyouton kokuryuu boufuusetsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'hyouton rouga nadare no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'create senbon',0) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 20') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 179') learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'hyouton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'makyou hyoushou',0) learnSpell(cid,'hyouton hyouro no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'hyouton yukaku hakuegi',0) learnSpell(cid,'hyouton kokuryuu boufuusetsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'hyouton rouga nadare no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'create senbon',0) Travel(cid, 0, 799, 420, 7) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,799,420,7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 19') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 184') Travel(cid, 0, 799, 420, 7) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,799,420,7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 6 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 6 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2381,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,300,1) learnSpell(cid,'byakugan',0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 4') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 137') learnSpell(cid,'juunken',0) learnSpell(cid,'junken',0) learnSpell(cid,'byakugan',0) learnSpell(cid,'byakugan eyes',0) learnSpell(cid,'kaiten',0) learnSpell(cid,'hakke rokujuuyon shou',0) learnSpell(cid,'hakke hasangeki',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,117,7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 3') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 71') learnSpell(cid,'juunken',0) learnSpell(cid,'junken',0) learnSpell(cid,'byakugan',0) learnSpell(cid,'byakugan eyes',0) learnSpell(cid,'kaiten',0) learnSpell(cid,'hakke rokujuuyon shou',0) learnSpell(cid,'hakke hasangeki',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,117,7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 7 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 7 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2381,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,600,1) learnSpell(cid,'call kinkai',0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 6') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 180') learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'kikaichuu no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'kikai rastrear',0) learnSpell(cid,'kikai atack',0) learnSpell(cid,'mushikame no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'casulo kikai',0) learnSpell(cid,'mushikame invocate',0) learnSpell(cid,'kikaischuu no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'kikai shield',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,117,7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 5') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 23') learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'kikaichuu no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'kikai rastrear',0) learnSpell(cid,'kikai atack',0) learnSpell(cid,'mushikame no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'casulo kikai',0) learnSpell(cid,'kikai shield',0) learnSpell(cid,'mushikame invocate',0) learnSpell(cid,'kikaischuu no jutsu',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,117,7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 8 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 8 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2471,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,500,1) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'osso',0) learnSpell(cid,'tenshi sendan',0) learnSpell(cid,'tessenka prision',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo maldito',0) learnSpell(cid,'tessenka no mai hana',0) learnSpell(cid,'injetar ossos',0) learnSpell(cid,'ossos multiplos',0) learnSpell(cid,'create bone sword',0) learnSpell(cid,'create bone shield',0) learnSpell(cid,'create bone club',0) learnSpell(cid,'create bone axe',0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 22') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 186') learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'osso',0) learnSpell(cid,'tenshi sendan',0) learnSpell(cid,'tessenka prision',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo maldito',0) learnSpell(cid,'tessenka no mai hana',0) learnSpell(cid,'injetar ossos',0) learnSpell(cid,'ossos multiplos',0) learnSpell(cid,'create bone sword',0) learnSpell(cid,'create bone shield',0) learnSpell(cid,'create bone club',0) learnSpell(cid,'create bone axe',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,799,420,7) Travel(cid, 0, 587, 147, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 21') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 182') learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'osso',0) learnSpell(cid,'tenshi sendan',0) learnSpell(cid,'tessenka prision',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo maldito',0) learnSpell(cid,'tessenka no mai hana',0) learnSpell(cid,'injetar ossos',0) learnSpell(cid,'ossos multiplos',0) learnSpell(cid,'create bone sword',0) learnSpell(cid,'create bone shield',0) learnSpell(cid,'create bone club',0) learnSpell(cid,'create bone axe',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,799,420,7) Travel(cid, 0, 587, 147, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 9 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 9 then gname = getPlayerGuildName('Sound leader') level = getPlayerLevel(cname) vocation = 1 setPlayerGuild(cname,MEMBER,grank,gname) setPlayerVocation(cid,vocation) setPlayerGuildNick(cname,'Selaeds by Orochimaru') buy(cid,2472,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,7,3) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,1000,1) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,612,156,7) learnSpell(cid,'senei jashu',0) learnSpell(cid,'chyute sio',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo maldito',0) learnSpell(cid,'protecao maldita',0) learnSpell(cid,'hp restore',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo nivel 1',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) Travel(cid, 0, 612, 156, 7) selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 23') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 172') learnSpell(cid,'senei jashu',0) learnSpell(cid,'chyute sio',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo maldito',0) learnSpell(cid,'protecao maldita',0) learnSpell(cid,'hp restore',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo nivel 1',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else end end if talk_state == 10 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 10 then gname = getPlayerGuildName('Sound leader') level = getPlayerLevel(cname) vocation = 1 setPlayerGuild(cname,MEMBER,grank,gname) setPlayerVocation(cid,vocation) setPlayerGuildNick(cname,'Yakushi Clan') buy(cid,2472,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,7,3) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,1001,1) learnSpell(cid,'faca de chakra',0) learnSpell(cid,'chyute sio',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo maldito',0) learnSpell(cid,'nehan shouja no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'hp restore',0) learnSpell(cid,'undead invocate',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,612,156,7) Travel(cid, 0, 612, 156, 7) selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 25') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 200') learnSpell(cid,'faca de chakra',0) learnSpell(cid,'chyute sio',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo maldito',0) learnSpell(cid,'nehan shouja no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'hp restore',0) learnSpell(cid,'undead invocate',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end if talk_state == 11 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 11 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2461,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,500,1) learnSpell(cid,'sabaku atack',0) learnSpell(cid,'sand jar',0) learnSpell(cid,'sabaku sousou',0) learnSpell(cid,'suna no tate',0) learnSpell(cid,'sabaku taisou',0) learnSpell(cid,'sabaku kyuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'ryuusa bakuryuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'sand armor',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 14') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 183') learnSpell(cid,'sabaku atack',0) learnSpell(cid,'sand jar',0) learnSpell(cid,'sabaku sousou',0) learnSpell(cid,'suna no tate',0) learnSpell(cid,'sabaku taisou',0) learnSpell(cid,'sabaku kyuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'ryuusa bakuryuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'sand armor',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,119,388,7) Travel(cid, 0, 119, 388, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 13') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 69') learnSpell(cid,'sabaku atack',0) learnSpell(cid,'sand jar',0) learnSpell(cid,'sabaku sousou',0) learnSpell(cid,'suna no tate',0) learnSpell(cid,'sabaku taisou',0) learnSpell(cid,'sabaku kyuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'ryuusa bakuryuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'sand armor',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,119,388,7) Travel(cid, 0, 119, 388, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 12 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 12 then learnSpell(cid,'fuuton daitoppa',0) setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2461,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,900,1) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 16') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 66') learnSpell(cid,'fuuton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'fuuton daitoppa',0) learnSpell(cid,'fuuton renkuuudan',0) learnSpell(cid,'fuuton mugen sajin daitoppa',0) learnSpell(cid,'fuuton reppushou no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'fuuton circle',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,119,388,7) Travel(cid, 0, 119, 388, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 15') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 188') learnSpell(cid,'fuuton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'fuuton daitoppa',0) learnSpell(cid,'fuuton renkuuudan',0) learnSpell(cid,'fuuton mugen sajin daitoppa',0) learnSpell(cid,'fuuton reppushou no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'fuuton circle',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,119,388,7) Travel(cid, 0, 119, 388, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 13 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 13 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2461,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,800,1) learnSpell(cid,'karasu um',0) learnSpell(cid,'karasu dois',0) learnSpell(cid,'karasu tres',0) learnSpell(cid,'karasu quatro',0) learnSpell(cid,'karasu cinco',0) learnSpell(cid,'karasu seis',0) learnSpell(cid,'karasu sete',0) learnSpell(cid,'karasu oito',0) learnSpell(cid,'karasu nove',0) learnSpell(cid,'karasu dez',0) learnSpell(cid,'karasu armor',0) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 18') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 187') learnSpell(cid,'puppeter sensou',0) learnSpell(cid,'festival de marionete',0) learnSpell(cid,'veneno letal',0) learnSpell(cid,'scorpion invocate',0) learnSpell(cid,'sanshouou invocate',0) learnSpell(cid,'espinhos kuroari',0) learnSpell(cid,'karakuri engeki',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,119,388,7) Travel(cid, 0, 119, 388, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 17') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 133') learnSpell(cid,'puppeter sensou',0) learnSpell(cid,'festival de marionete',0) learnSpell(cid,'veneno letal',0) learnSpell(cid,'scorpion invocate',0) learnSpell(cid,'sanshouou invocate',0) learnSpell(cid,'espinhos kuroari',0) learnSpell(cid,'karakuri engeki',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,119,388,7) Travel(cid, 0, 119, 388, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 14 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 14 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2381,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,1003,1) learnSpell(cid,'kuchyose no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'bunshin no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'kage bunshin no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'kage bunshin no jutsu two',0) learnSpell(cid,'kage bunshin no jutsu three',0) learnSpell(cid,'tajuu kage bunshin no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'rasengan',0) learnSpell(cid,'oodama rasengan',0) learnSpell(cid,'fuuton rasen-shuriken',0) learnSpell(cid,'senen goroshi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 10') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 177') learnSpell(cid,'kuchyose no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'bunshin no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'kage bunshin no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'kage bunshin no jutsu two',0) learnSpell(cid,'kage bunshin no jutsu three',0) learnSpell(cid,'tajuu kage bunshin no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'rasengan',0) learnSpell(cid,'oodama rasengan',0) learnSpell(cid,'fuuton rasen-shuriken',0) learnSpell(cid,'senen goroshi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid, 388, 117, 7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 9') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 128') learnSpell(cid,'utevo lux',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid, 388, 117, 7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 15 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 15 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2381,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,1004,1) learnSpell(cid,'konoha senpuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'konoha dai senpuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'konoha gouriki senpuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'omote renge',0) learnSpell(cid,'ura renge',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao inicial',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da energia',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da vida',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da dor',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao do fechamento',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da visao',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da insanidade',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da morte',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 12') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 178') learnSpell(cid,'konoha senpuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'konoha dai senpuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'konoha gouriki senpuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'omote renge',0) learnSpell(cid,'ura renge',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao inicial',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da energia',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da vida',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da dor',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao do fechamento',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da visao',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da insanidade',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da morte',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid, 388, 117, 7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 11') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 130') learnSpell(cid,'konoha senpuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'konoha dai senpuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'konoha gouriki senpuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'omote renge',0) learnSpell(cid,'ura renge',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao inicial',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da energia',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da vida',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da dor',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao do fechamento',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da visao',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da insanidade',0) learnSpell(cid,'portao da morte',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid, 388, 117, 7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 16 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 16 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2381,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,1004,1) learnSpell(cid,'kagemane no jutsu',0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 8') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 181') learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'kage nui',0) learnSpell(cid,'kagemane no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'kagemane',0) learnSpell(cid,'kage barrer',0) learnSpell(cid,'kage fuchi no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'ultimate kage nui',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,117,7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 7') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 146') learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'kage nui',0) learnSpell(cid,'kagemane no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'kagemane',0) learnSpell(cid,'kage barrer',0) learnSpell(cid,'kage fuchi no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'ultimate kage nui',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,117,7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 17 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 17 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2461,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,800,1) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 32') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 29') learnSpell(cid,'akamaru',0) learnSpell(cid,'tsuuga',0) learnSpell(cid,'gatsuuga',0) learnSpell(cid,'dynamic marking',0) learnSpell(cid,'gijuu ninpou-shikyaku no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'garouga',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,114,7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 114, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 33') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 29') learnSpell(cid,'akamaru',0) learnSpell(cid,'tsuuga',0) learnSpell(cid,'gatsuuga',0) learnSpell(cid,'dynamic marking',0) learnSpell(cid,'gijuu ninpou-shikyaku no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'garouga',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,114,7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 114, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 18 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 18 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2461,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,800,1) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 34') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 31') learnSpell(cid,'mega soco',0) learnSpell(cid,'chyute sio',0) learnSpell(cid,'mega chute',0) learnSpell(cid,'power rush',0) learnSpell(cid,'hp restore',0) learnSpell(cid,'hiper chute',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,114,7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 114, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 35') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 31') learnSpell(cid,'mega soco',0) learnSpell(cid,'chyute sio',0) learnSpell(cid,'mega chute',0) learnSpell(cid,'power rush',0) learnSpell(cid,'hp restore',0) learnSpell(cid,'hiper chute',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,114,7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 114, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 19 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 19 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2381,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,1004,1) learnSpell(cid,'asas da divindade',0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 39') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 145') learnSpell(cid,'pirula amarela',0) learnSpell(cid,'asas da divindade',0) learnSpell(cid,'tres pirulas',0) learnSpell(cid,'pirula verde',0) learnSpell(cid,'bubun baika no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'pirula vermelha',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,117,7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 40') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 145') learnSpell(cid,'pirula amarela',0) learnSpell(cid,'asas da divindade',0) learnSpell(cid,'tres pirulas',0) learnSpell(cid,'pirula verde',0) learnSpell(cid,'bubun baika no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'pirula vermelha',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,117,7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 20 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 20 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2381,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,500,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton shichuuka no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton hijutsu jukai kousan',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton jubaku eisou',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton moku shouheki no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton shichuurou no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 24') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 139') learnSpell(cid,'mokuton impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton shichuuka no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton hijutsu jukai kousan',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton jubaku eisou',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton moku shouheki no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton shichuurou no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) setPlayerMasterPos(cid, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 24') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 139') Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) setPlayerMasterPos(cid, 388, 117, 7) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton shichuuka no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton hijutsu jukai kousan',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton jubaku eisou',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton moku shouheki no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'mokuton shichuurou no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 21 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 21 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2461,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,800,1) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 35') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 02') learnSpell(cid,'raiton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'sharingan level 1',0) learnSpell(cid,'chidori',0) learnSpell(cid,'katon kasumi enbu no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'raikiri',0) learnSpell(cid,'senbon chidori',0) learnSpell(cid,'ultimate raikiri',0) learnSpell(cid,'kazeno tzul',0) learnSpell(cid,'cachorros kakashi',0) learnSpell(cid,'pakkun invocate',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'old sharingan',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,114,7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 114, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 36') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 02') learnSpell(cid,'raiton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'sharingan level 1',0) learnSpell(cid,'chidori',0) learnSpell(cid,'katon kasumi enbu no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'raikiri',0) learnSpell(cid,'senbon chidori',0) learnSpell(cid,'ultimate raikiri',0) learnSpell(cid,'kazeno tzul',0) learnSpell(cid,'cachorros kakashi',0) learnSpell(cid,'pakkun invocate',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'old sharingan',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,114,7) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 114, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 22 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 22 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2381,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,500,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) learnSpell(cid,'kunais explosion',0) learnSpell(cid,'create shuriken',0) learnSpell(cid,'create fuuma shuriken',0) learnSpell(cid,'chuva de shurikens',0) learnSpell(cid,'pergaminhos',0) learnSpell(cid,'bastao explosivo',0) learnSpell(cid,'muchaco explosivo',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 32') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 139') learnSpell(cid,'kunais explosion',0) learnSpell(cid,'create shuriken',0) learnSpell(cid,'create fuuma shuriken',0) learnSpell(cid,'chuva de shurikens',0) learnSpell(cid,'pergaminhos',0) learnSpell(cid,'bastao explosivo',0) learnSpell(cid,'muchaco explosivo',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) setPlayerMasterPos(cid, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 33') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 139') Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) setPlayerMasterPos(cid, 388, 117, 7) learnSpell(cid,'kunais explosion',0) learnSpell(cid,'create shuriken',0) learnSpell(cid,'create fuuma shuriken',0) learnSpell(cid,'chuva de shurikens',0) learnSpell(cid,'pergaminhos',0) learnSpell(cid,'bastao explosivo',0) learnSpell(cid,'muchaco explosivo',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 23 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 23 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2381,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,500,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) learnSpell(cid,'veneno da flora',0) learnSpell(cid,'transferencia de mente',0) learnSpell(cid,'protecao venenosa',0) learnSpell(cid,'casulo da flora',0) learnSpell(cid,'jutsu secreto dos yamanaka',0) learnSpell(cid,'kuchyose flora no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 40') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 138') learnSpell(cid,'veneno da flora',0) learnSpell(cid,'transferencia de mente',0) learnSpell(cid,'protecao venenosa',0) learnSpell(cid,'casulo da flora',0) learnSpell(cid,'jutsu secreto dos yamanaka',0) learnSpell(cid,'kuchyose flora no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) setPlayerMasterPos(cid, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 41') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 138') Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) setPlayerMasterPos(cid, 388, 117, 7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 24 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 24 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2482,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,500,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) learnSpell(cid,'suiton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'suika no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'suiton teppoudama',0) learnSpell(cid,'mizu bunshin no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'mizu bunshin no jutsu two',0) learnSpell(cid,'mizu bunshin no jutsu three',0) learnSpell(cid,'suiton daibakufu no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'suiton suikoudan no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'suiton hahon',0) learnSpell(cid,'suiton hahonryuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 30') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 193') learnSpell(cid,'suiton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'suika no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'suiton teppoudama',0) learnSpell(cid,'mizu bunshin no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'mizu bunshin no jutsu two',0) learnSpell(cid,'mizu bunshin no jutsu three',0) learnSpell(cid,'suiton daibakufu no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'suiton suikoudan no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'suiton hahon',0) learnSpell(cid,'suiton hahonryuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) Travel(cid, 0, 811,41,6) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,811,41,6) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 31') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 193') learnSpell(cid,'suiton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'suika no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'suiton teppoudama',0) learnSpell(cid,'mizu bunshin no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'mizu bunshin no jutsu two',0) learnSpell(cid,'mizu bunshin no jutsu three',0) learnSpell(cid,'suiton daibakufu no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'suiton suikoudan no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'suiton hahon',0) learnSpell(cid,'suiton hahonryuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) Travel(cid, 0, 811,41,6) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,811,41,6) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 25 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 25 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2482,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,500,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) learnSpell(cid,'kugura shingan',0) learnSpell(cid,'chyute sio',0) learnSpell(cid,'kabatana noga reshiuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'gogaratsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'hp restore',0) learnSpell(cid,'hiper chute',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 30') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 193') learnSpell(cid,'kugura shingan',0) learnSpell(cid,'chyute sio',0) learnSpell(cid,'kabatana noga reshiuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'gogaratsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'hp restore',0) learnSpell(cid,'hiper chute',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) Travel(cid, 0, 811,41,6) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,811,41,6) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 31') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 193') learnSpell(cid,'kugura shingan',0) learnSpell(cid,'chyute sio',0) learnSpell(cid,'kabatana noga reshiuu',0) learnSpell(cid,'gogaratsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'hp restore',0) learnSpell(cid,'hiper chute',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) Travel(cid, 0, 811,41,6) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,811,41,6) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 26 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 26 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2482,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,500,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) learnSpell(cid,'soco do selo',0) learnSpell(cid,'enzima',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo maldito',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo level 2',0) learnSpell(cid,'animal speak',0) learnSpell(cid,'explosao de furia',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 27') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 30') learnSpell(cid,'soco do selo',0) learnSpell(cid,'enzima',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo maldito',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo level 2',0) learnSpell(cid,'animal speak',0) learnSpell(cid,'explosao de furia',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) Travel(cid, 0, 811,41,6) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,811,41,6) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 26') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 30') learnSpell(cid,'soco do selo',0) learnSpell(cid,'enzima',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo maldito',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo level 2',0) learnSpell(cid,'animal speak',0) learnSpell(cid,'explosao de furia',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) Travel(cid, 0, 811,41,6) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,811,41,6) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 27 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 27 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2381,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,500,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) learnSpell(cid,'desenho rato',0) learnSpell(cid,'protecao artistica',0) learnSpell(cid,'desenho leao',0) learnSpell(cid,'tinta impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'casulo artistico',0) learnSpell(cid,'explosao de tintas',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 28') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 149') learnSpell(cid,'desenho rato',0) learnSpell(cid,'protecao artistica',0) learnSpell(cid,'desenho leao',0) learnSpell(cid,'tinta impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'casulo artistico',0) learnSpell(cid,'explosao de tintas',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,117,7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 28') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 15') learnSpell(cid,'desenho rato',0) learnSpell(cid,'protecao artistica',0) learnSpell(cid,'desenho leao',0) learnSpell(cid,'tinta impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'casulo artistico',0) learnSpell(cid,'explosao de tintas',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,117,7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 28 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 28 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2472,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,500,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) learnSpell(cid,'doton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton doryuudan',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton tsuchi kairou',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton doryuu heki',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton ganchuusou',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton gansetsukon',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton sugakra',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 31') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 250') learnSpell(cid,'doton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton doryuudan',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton tsuchi kairou',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton doryuu heki',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton ganchuusou',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton gansetsukon',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton sugakra',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) Travel(cid, 0, 612, 156, 7) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,612,156,7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 31') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 250') learnSpell(cid,'doton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton doryuudan',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton tsuchi kairou',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton doryuu heki',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton ganchuusou',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton gansetsukon',0) learnSpell(cid,'doton sugakra',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) Travel(cid, 0, 612, 156, 7) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,612,156,7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 29 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 29 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2472,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,500,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) learnSpell(cid,'socos multiplos',0) learnSpell(cid,'ukon',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo maldito',0) learnSpell(cid,'portoes',0) learnSpell(cid,'chutes multiplos',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo nivel 1',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 38') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 149') learnSpell(cid,'socos multiplos',0) learnSpell(cid,'ukon',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo maldito',0) learnSpell(cid,'portoes',0) learnSpell(cid,'chutes multiplos',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo nivel 1',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) Travel(cid, 0, 612, 156, 7) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,612,156,7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 37') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 15') learnSpell(cid,'socos multiplos',0) learnSpell(cid,'ukon',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo maldito',0) learnSpell(cid,'portoes',0) learnSpell(cid,'chutes multiplos',0) learnSpell(cid,'selo nivel 1',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) Travel(cid, 0, 612, 157, 7) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,612,156,7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end if talk_state == 30 then if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 30 then setPlayerVocation(cid,1) buy(cid,2472,1,0) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,500,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,5,1) learnSpell(cid,'shouton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton prision',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton kessho no kakkuro',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton yuki shuriken',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton tsugama no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton barrer',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton kesshi gokakurou',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 38') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 149') learnSpell(cid,'shouton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton prision',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton kessho no kakkuro',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton yuki shuriken',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton tsugama no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton barrer',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton kesshi gokakurou',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,117,7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 else selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',/promotesex 37') selfSay('/makesay ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. ',!cmot3416 15') learnSpell(cid,'shouton no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton prision',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton kessho no kakkuro',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton yuki shuriken',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton tsugama no jutsu',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton barrer',0) learnSpell(cid,'shouton kesshi gokakurou',0) learnSpell(cid,'kawarimi',0) learnSpell(cid,'chakra impulse',0) learnSpell(cid,'luz',0) Travel(cid, 0, 388, 117, 7) setPlayerMasterPos(cid,388,117,7) talk_state = 20 focus = 0 end end end function onCreatureChangeOutfit(creature) end function onThink() if focus > 0 then x, y, z = creatureGetPosition(focus) myx, myy, myz = selfGetPosition() if ((myy-y==0) and (myx-x<=0 and myx-x>=-4)) then selfTurn(0) end if ((myy-y==0) and (myx-x>=0 and myx-x<=4)) then selfTurn(2) end if ((myx-x==0) and (myy-y<=0 and myy-y>=-4)) then selfTurn(1) end if ((myx-x==0) and (myy-y>=0 and myy-y<=4)) then selfTurn(3) end if ((myy-y==-2) and (myx-x>=-1 and myx-x<=1)) then selfTurn(1) end if ((myy-y==2) and (myx-x>=-1 and myx-x<=1)) then selfTurn(3) end if ((myx-x==2) and (myy-y>=-1 and myy-y<=1)) then selfTurn(2) end if ((myx-x==-2) and (myy-y>=-1 and myy-y<=1)) then selfTurn(0) end if ((myy-y==-3) and (myx-x>=-2 and myx-x<=2)) then selfTurn(1) end if ((myy-y==3) and (myx-x>=-2 and myx-x<=2)) then selfTurn(3) end if ((myx-x==3) and (myy-y>=-2 and myy-y<=2)) then selfTurn(2) end if ((myx-x==-3) and (myy-y>=-2 and myy-y<=2)) then selfTurn(0) end if ((myy-y==-4) and (myx-x>=-3 and myx-x<=3)) then selfTurn(1) end if ((myy-y==4) and (myx-x>=-3 and myx-x<=3)) then selfTurn(3) end if ((myx-x==4) and (myy-y>=-3 and myy-y<=3)) then selfTurn(2) end if ((myx-x==-4) and (myy-y>=-3 and myy-y<=3)) then selfTurn(0) end end if focus == 0 then randmove = math.random(1,50) if randmove == 1 then selfMove(0) end if randmove == 2 then selfMove(1) end if randmove == 3 then selfMove(2) end if randmove == 4 then selfMove(3) end end if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 45 then if focus > 0 then selfSay('Next Please...') end focus = 0 end if focus ~= 0 then if getDistanceToCreature(focus) > 5 then selfSay('Good bye then.') focus = 0 end end end end end OBS : NO FINAL IREI TROCAR O NOME DO NPC. NAO QUERO ELE COM ESSAS FUNÇOES SO QUERO Q ELE TELEPORTE O PLAYER PREMMIUM ACOUNT PARA UMA COORDENADA DADA POR MIM REP ++ PRA QUEM AJUDAR AI
  • Criar Novo...