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  1. Script feito por Codex NG. Basicamente, este script vai permitir que você faça uma tile (invisível) no qual os jogadores podem pisar. function newGround(pos, id) local tile = Tile(pos) if not tile then Game.createTile(pos) tile = Tile(pos) return tile end if not tile:getItemById(id) then return Game.createItem(id, 1, pos) end return false end local id = 415 -- tile id -- position of the base tile that floats across the screen local pos = {x = 148, y = 148, z = 6, stackpos = 0} -- the distance the tile will travel local distance = 5 function removeGround(pos, id) tile = Tile(pos) if not tile then return false end local ground = tile:getGround() --print(ground, tile.itemid == id, tile, id, ground) if ground then ground:remove() end return pos end function updatePosition(pos, dir, num, stack) if dir == 'n' then pos = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y + num, z = pos.z, stackpos = stack and stack or ( pos.stackpos and pos.stackpos or 0 ) } elseif dir == 'e' then pos = {x = pos.x + num, y = pos.y, z = pos.z, stackpos = stack and stack or ( pos.stackpos and pos.stackpos or 0 ) } elseif dir == 's' then pos = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y - num, z = pos.z, stackpos = stack and stack or ( pos.stackpos and pos.stackpos or 0 ) } elseif dir == 'w' then pos = {x = pos.x - num, y = pos.y, z = pos.z, stackpos = stack and stack or ( pos.stackpos and pos.stackpos or 0 ) } end return pos end function relocate(fromPos, toPos) if fromPos == toPos then return false end local fromTile = Tile(fromPos) if fromTile == nil then return false end if Tile(toPos) == nil then return false end for i = fromTile:getThingCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local thing = fromTile:getThing(i) if thing ~= nil then if thing:isItem() then if ItemType(thing:getId()):isMovable() then thing:moveTo(toPos, true) end elseif thing:isCreature() then thing:teleportTo(toPos, true) end end end return true end local limit = 1 local d = true local storage = 18050 -- position of the base tile that floats across the screen local globalPos = {x = 148, y = 148, z = 6, stackpos = 0} local trackPos = {} function onThink(creature, interval) --if creature:getStorageValue(storage) == 0 then if limit <= distance and d then if limit > 1 then removeGround(pos, id) end if limit <= distance and #trackPos <= distance then trackPos[#trackPos + 1] = pos end --creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, ' forward x = '..pos.x ..', y = ' .. pos.y .. ', z = '..pos.z..'') local old = pos pos = updatePosition(pos, 'e', 1, 0) relocate(old, pos) newGround(pos, id) limit = limit + 1 else pos.x = pos.x >= globalPos.x and pos.x or globalPos.x d = false --creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, ' reverse x = '..pos.x ..', y = ' .. pos.y .. ', z = '..pos.z..'') removeGround(pos, id) local old = pos pos = updatePosition(pos, 'w', 1, 0) relocate(old, pos) newGround(pos, id) limit = limit - 1 if limit == 2 then d = true end end --else --reset() --creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'before x = '..pos.x ..', y = ' .. pos.y .. ', z = '..pos.z..'') --print('before',pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) --pos = globalPos --print('after',pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) --creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'after x = '..pos.x ..', y = ' .. pos.y .. ', z = '..pos.z..'') --end --MoveTile(1, 6, pos, id, true, 'e', 'w') end function reset() for i = 1, #trackPos do removeGround(trackPos[i], id) end return Game.createItem(id, 1, updatePosition(globalPos, 'e', 1, 0)) end function MoveTile(from, to, pos, id, go, forward, reverse) local dir = {} dir.forward = forward dir.reverse = reverse if from <= to and go then if from > 1 then removeGround(pos, id) end local old = pos pos = updatePosition(pos, dir.forward, 1, 0) relocate(old, pos) newGround(pos, id) from = from + 1 else go = false removeGround(pos, id) local old = pos pos = updatePosition(pos, dir.reverse, 1, 0) relocate(old, pos) newGround(pos, id) from = from - 1 if from == 2 then go = true end end end
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