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  1. milek

    Futebol Server 8.0

    :lol: Olá galerinha do XTibia tudo bom? Lembra daqueles OT's de futebol que cresceu na versão 7.6?, Vocês tem saudades então aqui está: Versão AppelMos1.0 Editada para OTServer de futebol. Vamos lá: O OT Contem: -Runa que da level e gp ao mesmo tempo, ID's: Ganhador 2296/Perdedor 2280. -Mapa com 5 Campos de diferentes estilos tais como; pedra,salão,areia,gelo,terra. -Uma pista de corrida simples. -Npc's vendedores de boh,tr[uchiha Sasuke] -Guild Master(NPC Que cria guilds)[Guild Master] -Npc que trava quando o campo está fexado[Guardinha] -Account manager.[111111/tibia] Baixei o otserver oque devo fazer para me manter seguro? Você deve ir há data/admin.xml Abra como editar e troque sua senha, para que ninguem acesse seu servidor via controle-remoto. Download: Download Arquivo 2,80mb Se alguem passar scan poe uma screen por favor Bom gente é isso , por favor comentem deixem suas dúvidas,sugestões,reclamações,etc...
  2. blasformind

    War Luminera

    Luminera War 8.0 Creditos: Blasformind (eu) Eu jogo em luminera e queria um ot pvp enforced de lá, mas eu pensei quem vai querer faze um enforced de um mundo no-pvp? ai eu mesmo resolvi fazer um. fiz o mapa de gelo para ficar as pegada dos player, assim fica mais facil achar players para matar Fiz um andar invisivel para confundir um pouco os players Scan para fazer dowload do ot clique aqui Espero que gostem Por favor comentem
  3. Hada

    Anime Fans Ot

    Meu primeiro OtServer *-*, prontinhu Tibia Client: 8.0 Mapa YurOts editado, cidade de Pedra, não de gelo. Exclusividades:Chaos Island (monstro edit, dropa melhor set do SV) Atlantis Island (Hidras, "Uma Biblioteca",tem área paradeixar os itens em exposição...em construção) Polar Island (Nem lembro mais uq era axu q era Respaws de Yeti) "Sala de Premiação" (local para dar prêmios, simples...mais tem!) Sala WarpGate (vários portais, quest, ilhas etc...) Magias: utevo res ina - henge no jutso utevo res - kuchiyose no jutso katon ryuuka no jutso - Para 3ª Classe de Knight (Dragon Slayer of Odin) Katon housenka no jutso - Para 3ª Classe de Knight (Dragon Slayer of Odin) katon goukakyuu no jutso - Para 3ª Classe de Knight (Dragon Slayer of Odin) ninpou souzousaisei - Para 3ª Classe de Knight (Dragon Slayer of Odin) rasengan - Para 3ª Classe de Knight (Dragon Slayer of Odin) Vocações (da pra ver no arquivo mais vou postar aqui) 0 name="None" description="a rookie" 1 name="Sorcerer" description="a Sorcerer" 2 name="Druid" description="a Druid" 3 name="Paladin" description="a Paladin" 4 name="Knight" description="a Knight" 5 name="Wizzard" description="a Wizzard" 6 name="Priest" description="an Priest" 7 name="Hunter" description="a Hunter" 8 name="Crusader" description="a Crusader" 9 name="Game Master" description="a gamemaster of Anime Fans" 10 name="GOD" description="a Administrator of Anime Fans" 11 name="High Wizzard" description="a High Wizzard of Mordor" 12 name="High Priest" description="an High Priest of Freya" 13 name="Sniper" description="a Sniper of Vahalla" 14" name="Dragon Slayer" description="a Dragon Slayer of Odin" a partir do 9 são editados ^^ Existe uma runa novo, chamada, Ice Rune (paralize e dano maior que SD) Como a ice rune seria muita apelação, criei um meiu de amenizar a quantidade dela no server.. Anime Coin, seria um sistema único de moedas que podem ser ganhadas de 2 modos: - Eventos, por GM, GOD... - Matando Chaos (monstro mais forte) Você também pode criar outros meios como: traga X amigos e ganhe X Anime Coins! Recomendo usar elas para: - Virar 3ª Classe (não criei NPC pra virar 2ª pra 3ª =x) - Conseguir certos equipamentos. - Level - e Principalmente, conseguir a ice rune. Porém a escolha é toda sua. Não tive tempo de conferir todo o mapa, então não sei se ele contém bugs ou não. Espero que gostem, é meu 1° trabalho. Account Manager: 111111/anime GOD Otaku: 123456/tibia Link Server: (Senha: )Link Ip Changer: Tibia Client 8.0 (pra quem ainda não tiver): Programa a parte....Tire ScreenShot: (tirei do TibiaBR) <- Meu Site, se possível postem suas sugestões, agredecimentos, reclamações, bugs. Respondendo a pedidos.... SCAN Ip Changer: (apareceu 1/32 Ç.Ç mais como so coloquei a parte...ta ae to usando ele e ta sem problemas ^^) SCAN Anime Fans OT: ( treku reclmando, mais como eu num entendo nada mesmo...ta ai vo postar so os mapas pra quem quiser curtir, dúvido que tenha vírus mais sabe né esses trekus são frescurentos vai sabe Ç.Ç,dei scan no meu axo nada '-', se quiser conferir o server mais como eu num sabe uq significa esses nomes da scan antes de abrir o OT ^^) Creio que não precisa do scan do client do tibia Ç.Ç
  4. Czes

    Lithots Sql 0.1.0

    All Evo 8.0 Features + *Need lvl for use Weapons * Now ammunitions with level requirement(on weapons.xml) will show it on look *Added extra defense values * Extra Defense should now work only if you wear a shield * Adding new outfits and fixing old ones names * Adding new shoot types and animation effect on global.lua * Fixing so the new shoot types and animation effects can be loaded on monsters internal spells * Adding extra defense to weapons * Adding requirements of weapons on their description * Adding weapons "internalLoadFunction" so they can be loaded without the use of scripts(example on weapons.xml) *Added 8.0 items * added weapon skill based spells support, added whirlwind.lua as an example * Now the server recognizes new distance animations for weapons * Changed in outfits limit to 25 in protocol * Range of weapons are now set on items.xml * Ammunitions' range are set by their weapon(bow, x-bow, arbalest), and not by the ammo * Adding Soft Boots and Death Ring Download:
  5. DevLand 8.0 (Beta) -------------------------------| Beta Version 0.2 -------------------------------| Features: CVS Features. Guid for xml players. (players.xml) Bans Mail System Readable/Writeable items. Full rearranged protocol and game system Actions (when using a tile or item) SQL databases (for accounts and players) Crash tracking Monsters 7.8 Protocol OTB (You now dont have to convert your map, change any ID, 7.5 ID's are just stacked on top of older ID's same with 7.8 ids!) VIP List Guild support Spawns (and Respawn) Commands Autowalk Rotatable items Logger Enhanced items database Runes with charges Depots Waitlist Houses Follow and chase opponent And more! --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- DEVLAND (BETa 0.1) -Premium System (Xidaozu, Me) -Fast Attack (Forgoten Source) -GM LooK (Pedro B, Me) Also showing frags -Pk-Channel (showing info about pk-ers) (Me) -CorpseOwner like in Rl tibia(You need wait some time to open body, if you are not owner) (Me) -[Cheat Retirado] Check (Junkfood) -GM Invisible (The Chaos) -NPC Buy Container (BlackKnight) -BattleRuneAtack(yes/no) -Bed System (nfries88) -Skull System (Config in lua) -Party System (100%) -ServerSave -Items to water/lava/swamp/tar (Xidaozu) -LearnSpells (Yurez, Xidaozu) -DeathList (Jido, Xidaozu) -FastAttack, and Souls configured at vocations.xml (Forgotten source) -!buyhouse (Pedro B.) -Record System, like Rl Tibia (Loosik) -Anti AFK (TibiaRules) -Premium Spells (Me) -Rookgaard Trade-Channel (Tarantulen) -AcceSS config (Xidaozu) -More ------------------------------------- New Commands, and actions (Me, many other guys). - ADD Teleport - Change SeX -/up -/down -/pvp -/send -/max -/pos -!online -!uptime -/shutdown -!frags -/premium + -getplayerstoragevalue -getplayerlevel -getplayervocation -getplayerMAsterPos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Devland 7.92 (Beta 0.2) HotKeys (100%? by SVN) GM WINDOW (Me, LarvaExotech) Tapestries like RL (Jiddo) Fixed Cap System (SVN) Fixed Rewriteables (SVN) Fixed fields (Me) Fixed Problem with Login (Me) Fixed some Actions (Me) Other Map (SadTeamMapper) Other Console (Me) New Console Functions (Me) Other things, what I not remember. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----Devland 0.3---------------------------------------------- Items increase magic (Actions, by Xid) - NPC AutoWalk (configured at name.xml) - NPC floorchange (configured at name.xml) - New lua script functions getHouseName, getHouseEntry, getHouseRent, getHouseTown, getHouseAccessList, getHouseByPlayerGUID, setHouseAccessList, getPlayerFlagValue, getItemName, stopEvent - Fixed Dead Player Body. (Me) - Fixed PKChannel (Me) - Only premium players can open Priv Channel - CapConfig FixeD (Me) - OwnerBody at body configured at config.lua (in sec, 0 = off) - Food Effect - Protection Level (player with under this Lv cant be attacked, and attacking. (Me) - !buyhouse Fixed (Me) - AutoIP (DeathPlanter) - Banker NPC (Me) - Example Better Npc (PostManager) - Machete Fixed - Little changed NPc System (SVN Update) - Muted system small fix - Much Other Fix ------------------------- ----Devland 0.4-------------------------------------------- Nowe rzeczy: - Fixed Fields SVN) - New LearnSpell system (SVN) - Added 2 new functions playerLearnInstantSpell(cid, name) and getPlayerLearnedInstantSpell (SVN) - New parametr at spells.xml (needlearn), defult is 0.(SVN) - Added example "Apocalypse" using spellscroll. (SVN) - 2 new functions getPlayerInstantSpellCount(cid) and getPlayerInstantSpellInfo(cid, index) and spellbook.lua as example. (SVN) - Fixed Command "/b" (SVN) - New "database.sql", Fixed the last (Me, SVN) - Fixed droploot (Me) --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- - Easy protect System config.lua (Me) - ExpColor in config.lua (Me) - Possible to change spells efect (config.lua) (Me) - Premium players have Bigger VipList (Me) - Depot of premium player is Bigger (Me) - New Command "/W" (Me) - DeathWindow (Me) - Adding Bag after dead (Me) - Addons (Xidaozu) - Pvp Arena (Nfries) - Combat Zone (Nfries) - Added Console Version (Me) - New Actions (Kostka do gry, Piggybank, PartyHat, Fireworks, Obsidian Knife & Blessed Wooden Stake, Soft Bootsy jak w RL tibii) - LevelDoors (Me) - Outfit GM-a, po ustawieniu sex na 3 (Me) ================================================== ================== Password: "" Version Gui 0.4 Version Console 0.4 ================================================== ================= --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Devland 0.4b - Exani tera Fixed (Me) - Exori & Exiva Fixed (Me) - Hangable Update (SVN) - Soul points regen. at vocations.xml (SVN - More SVN Updates - Only 1 character can login per ACC - Other Fix. **** -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Devland 0.6 - Added Aol (Me) - Added QuestLog (Forgotten source) - Added BlessSystem (Evolution Source) - Added example of bless npc (Me) - added example of addon npc (Me) - LevelDoors 100% rl Tibia (Me) - New Actions: doPlayerAddHealthMax, doPlayerAddManaMax. (Me) - Added new movements: addHp, AddMana (changing max mana and hp of player) (Me) - Fixed Deathlist on SQL - Fixed Addons on SQL - Fixed Premium - SQl database example (Fixed) - Added Remore Control - Chests with actionid can't be moved. - UPDATE SVN to newest - Many other Fix and some options what i'm not remember. **** SQL: XML: -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Devland 0.6b - Fixed outfits (Remeber change outfits.xml for newest). - Other Fix SQL and XML version. Link: --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Devland 0.7 - Update to 8.0 (Me, SVN) - Update file Outfits.xml (Me) - Added MayNotLogaut and MayNotMove actions (Forgotten Source) - Added removedistance and removerunes configured at config (Me) - GM can move item from distance (Me) - Fixed magic_rate in config (Me) SQL XML --------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************************** ************* --------------------------------------------------------------- ACCMAKER: __________________ Créditos para dzojo16! Os arquivos estao limpos podem scaniar ae! LINKS ARRUMADOS!!!
  6. tairone

    Merania Reborn 8.0

    Based on newest SVN (Without flags)Features: * ALL SVN features without flags * Premium System * Fast Attack * GM LooK (Pedro B, Me) Also showing frags (Me) * Pk-Channel (showing info about pk-ers) (Me) * CorpseOwner like in Rl tibia(You need wait some time to open body, if you are not owner) (Me) * [Cheat Retirado] Check (Junkfood) * GM Invisible (The Chaos) * NPC Buy Container (BlackKnight) * BattleRuneAtack(yes/no) (Me) * Bed System (nfries88) * Skull System (Config in lua) * Party System (100%) * ServerSave * DeathList (Jido) * FastAttack, and Souls configured at vocations.xml (Forgotten source) * !buyhouse (Pedro B.) * Record System, like Rl Tibia (Loosik) * Cap Config * Anti AFK (TibiaRules) * Premium Spells (Me) * Rookgaard Trade-Channel * AcceSS config (like in Evolution) * DeathWindow (Me) * LV doors like Tibia (Me) * GM Invisible (Me) * Amulet of Loss * QuestLog (Forgotten source) * Bless System (Evolution Source) * Login System like RL Tibia (Me) * 8.0 Spells (Quse todas) * Break chance for distance weapon at items.xml (Me) * Configuration lost % when die in vocations.xml (Me) * Distance and Melee damage config in vocations.xml (Me) * Many other features. (Me, many other peaople) * Many new actions, npc, nice map. (Me, many other peaople) * More More More... Just check it *Sistema De Premium ,Promotion e Addons perfeito.(Lembrando Sistema De addons Separado ex:pra cata um outftit precisa acha o npc q ta escondido e ve a missão que ela da tpw cata 100 mino leather etc...) - Novo mapa com quests, casas e novas marcas para caçar = P - Avançado npcs - Equilibrada vocações - Personalizado pilhar de monstros - Novas armas e dmgs deles - Cv de monstros configurável no config.lua - Monstros dmgs highered bem como a velocidade deles - E mais alguns: P Creditos: Jori Link para Donwload
  7. [8.0][uP-LVL]GOD Fakezin OTServ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Este Server Foi ~Totalmente Editado~ Por GOD Fakezin Versão 8.0 Bugs Retirados *Mana fluid *Life fluid *Mosnters (Crystal Spider, Frost Dragon, Black Knight) *Muted *Anihi (1) e (2) **POI. *Config.Lua 100% Magias Druid: Exevo Strong Vis Pally: Exori Mas Hur Pronto essas sao as unica magias novas! (Detalhes) - Não conseguir por a Exori Con de pally. Deixei a Exori Mas Hur, como voçês pode ver. Algumas area de Hunter foi editadas. (Pra Melhor)Mais Realista. Foram retirados todos os bug do mapa e todos os bug do ot. pastas organizadas em geral! Quest Principais: DH POI ANIHI ANIHI (2) "GOD Fakezin" DECAYTO QUEST "GOD Fakezin" ELEMENTS QUEST "GOD Fakezin" E outras quest que o GOD Fakesin adiciono devido o mapa e o OT! Creditos: Felpys 10% (Por Trazer Conteudo) GOD Fakezin 90% (Por Editar Completamente) Download Link jaja posto scan Scan : Antivírus Versão Última Atualização Resultado AhnLab-V3 2008.1.3.10 2008.01.02 - AntiVir 2008.01.02 - Authentium 4.93.8 2008.01.02 - Avast 4.7.1098.0 2008.01.02 - AVG 2008.01.02 - BitDefender 7.2 2008.01.03 - CAT-QuickHeal 9.00 2008.01.02 - ClamAV 0.91.2 2008.01.02 - DrWeb 2008.01.02 - eSafe 2008.01.02 - eTrust-Vet 31.3.5426 2008.01.03 - Ewido 4.0 2008.01.02 - FileAdvisor 1 2008.01.03 - Fortinet 2008.01.02 - F-Prot 2008.01.02 - F-Secure 6.70.13030.0 2008.01.02 - Ikarus T3.1.1.15 2008.01.03 - Kaspersky 2008.01.03 - McAfee 5198 2008.01.03 - Microsoft 1.3109 2008.01.03 - NOD32v2 2762 2008.01.03 - Norman 5.80.02 2008.01.02 - Panda 2008.01.03 - Prevx1 V2 2008.01.03 - Rising 2008.01.02 - Sophos 4.24.0 2008.01.03 - Sunbelt 2.2.907.0 2008.01.03 - Symantec 10 2008.01.03 - TheHacker 2008.01.03 - VBA32 2008.01.02 - VirusBuster 4.3.26:9 2008.01.02 - Webwasher-Gateway 6.6.2 2008.01.03 -
  8. Conheça o site do TebuOT Server: 75 Characters de Aldora. Guildas Chosen Ones e Eternal March Characters de Shanera. Guildas Paranormal Attack e Nextisonfire Spells e damages ajustados ao Tibia 8.0 Mapa Thais com 2 bases opostas Actions melhorados ------ O server será constantemente atualizado para redução de bugs e implementação de novidades. ------ Recomendações: No download está a pasta data, recomendo essas versões para ser usadas com ela: Evolutions 0.7.8 (8.0) UmbyEvo 8.0 Compativel com outras versões em 8.0 a sua escolha Para colocar online, recomenda-se internet de: 10 Players - Min: 350 kbs/s 15 PLayers - Min: 600 kbs/s 20 Players - Min: 1024 kbs/s 25+ Players - Acima de 1500 kbs/s Além de um computador com configuração: Processador AMD ou Intel de 1.3 Ghz, 2 Ghz recomendado. 256 Memoria RAM, 512 recomendado. Para ter um OT mais rápido: Redusa os gráficos do Tibia ao usar seu OT. Não navegue na internet ao usar seu OT. Não use Multi-Client ao usar seu OT. Não faça downloads ao usar seu OT. Link Aldora War Lite: Link Aldora War Versão Full (com avizo incorreto no Avast!) Link Shanera War Lite: Link Shanera War Versão Full (com avizo incorreto no Avast!)
  9. Version 0.5.1 Server save (TLM) NPC Buy/Sell (TLM, Mick) Light Spells (Beet da Breat) Promotion System (Yurez, Xidaozu) Premium System (Junkfood) Premium Outfits (Xidaozu) Wand System (Jiddo) Burst Arrows (Skulldiggers) Tutors and Senior Tutors are like normal players (Xidaozu) ----------------------- Version 0.5.2 Health and Mana Multiplier (Xidaozu) Remove Condition/Exana Pox (Xidaozu) Amulet of Loss (Xidaozu) Configurable Cap (Xidaozu) Summon Creature (BurnMC) Magic Rope (BurnMC) Invisible in LUA (Yurez) More NPC Functions ----------------------- Version 0.5.3 Command Logs (Xidaozu, Loos!k) NPC Travel/Boats (Tijn) NPC Turning (Cayan) Worldname in config.lua (Xidaozu) Quests by Map Editor (Yurez) GM Look (Pedro B.) Utevo Lux fix (Xidaozu) ----------------------- Version 0.5.4 Command Extension (Alot of people) [Cheat Retirado] Check (Junkfood) Broadcast colors (The Chaos) Non-Players talk red/orange in channels (Bafegox) Life and Mana Drain (Yurez) Replace Spears (Xidaozu) On/Off Walk in action scripts (Pedro B.) Find Person/Exiva (Junkfood) House fix for XML (Vitor) NPC turning fix (Xidaozu) ----------------------- Version 0.5.5 Premium Outfits removed due Addons All outfits working 100% (Addons working) (Supergillis, Rizz, Xidaozu) Command to give Addons (Xidaozu) Quests by Map Editor fixed (Xidaozu) Add Experience by Actions and NPC's (Bafegox) Add Containers including items by actions (Pedro B.) LUA Overflow fix (Tibia Rules) ----------------------- Version 0.5.6 Server save working now (Xidaozu) New NPC Buy/Sell System (Xidaozu) House Price shown on the Housedoors (Pedro B.) Lag should be less now (Xidaozu) Multipliers (Yurez, Xidaozu) Depot Tiles working 100% (CVS, Xidaozu) Light Spells with Decay (Remere) Demon crash bug fixed (Xidaozu) Field crash bug fixed (Bafegox) Icons fixed (Supergillis) Wand System and Burst Arrows fixed (Xidaozu) Configurable Attack Speed for Vocations (Xidaozu) Command !buyhouse (Pedro B.) Command /addon fixed (Xidaozu) ----------------------- Version 0.5.7 Server save fixed for SQL (Xidaozu) Replace Spears fixed (stackable now) (Xidaozu) Online players list for PHP (Proglin, The Chaos) Command !leavehouse to leave your house (Xidaozu) Deathlist SQL (Junkfood) Deathlist XML (Jiddo) Burst Arrow bugfix (Xidaozu) ----------------------- Version 0.5.8 Light spells fixed (Caused a problem with torches) (Xidaozu) Find person fixed (Forgot to add in the parameters -.-)(Xidaozu) Exception Tracer (CVS) Anti-AFK System (Tibia Rules) Accesses configurable in config.lua (Xidaozu) Skull System configurable in config.lua (Xidaozu) High levels (Level 350+) (Yurez) New Map 90% done (90%, because I haven't tested) (This version can be a bit bugged as I haven't tested it alot) Crash fixed (crashed alot with 150+ players) Rook system (Yurez) ----------------------- Version 0.6.1 Raid System (Jiddo) Anti-AFK Fixed (Xidaozu) Ring and Amulet System 100% (Yurez, Xidaozu) Ring of Healing and Life Ring (Ravalas, Xidaozu) Command /shutdown (Yurez) Ice Rapier (Xidaozu) Exhausted Heal (Yurez) Item look for creatures (Xidaozu, BlackDemon) New summon system (Tibia Rules, Yurez, Xidaozu) Summons share experience (Tibia Rules) New Magic Rope System (Xidaozu) Party System (Remere) Experience share fix (Xidaozu) Command Logs fix against SQL Injection (Xidaozu) Infinite Ammunation and Runes in config.lua (Xidaozu) Boots of Haste (Yurez) New Find Person (Junkfood) Command !frags (Xidaozu) Command /promote fixed (Xidaozu) Monsters move diagonal (LarvaExotech) Wands, Rods and Burst Arrows don't cause exhaust (Xidaozu) Housedoor crash fixed (Nicaw) Premium Outfits (Xidaozu) ----------------------- Version 0.6.2 Attack Square (Xidaozu, nfries88) Protection System (Xidaozu, nfries88) Field damage (nfries88) Monster blood colors and damage colors (CVS, Xidaozu) Level requirement to buy a house (Xidaozu) Summons follow you everywhere (BlackDemon) Paralyze Creature (BlackDemon, Xidaozu) Learn Spell system (Yurez, Xidaozu) Skull System with summons fixed (Xidaozu) Premium Days saved in account file (Sapphire, Xidaozu) Diagonal Movement for all creatures (CVS) Burst Arrow fix (Xidaozu) Client Aimbot (configurable in config.lua)(BlackDemon) ----------------------- Version 0.6.3 GM Invisible (The Chaos, Xidaozu) Clean Command (Yurez, Xidaozu) Items to water/lava/swamp/tar (Xidaozu) NPC Buy Container (BlackKnight, Nfries88) Skull System fix (Xidaozu) Fight Modes (Xidaozu) Safe Mode (Xidaozu) Config: Shoot trough battle window on players (Xidaozu) Some codes removed due crashing (Paralyze, Protection System and Chat Level) Ain't that much in this version (I couldn't think of something else ) ----------------------- Version 0.7.3** Protocol 7.92 (CVS, Xidaozu) Graphical User Interface (GUI)(Junkfood, Xidaozu) Prevent Loss System (Xidaozu) New Premium System (Xidaozu) Players.xml not needed (Xidaozu) Premium Spells (Xidaozu) New CVS Features A whole new condition engine to handle all kind of conditions. A whole new battle engine. The new engine is closer to Tibia's formulas. The script interface has been rewriten and improved alot. You can now script all kind of things. Weapons, movement, talkactions, spells. You name it. Monsters have been recoded to use the new condition and battle engine. And they now act more like the tibia monsters. Vocations are now configurable with vocations.xml And alot more. Try it yourself and find out. ----------------------- Version 0.7.4** Ingame Acc-Manager (Xidaozu) Bug Report/Ctrl + Z (Xidaozu) Ban Player/Ctrl + Y (Xidaozu) Ban system improved (Xidaozu) Fixed the house system (Xidaozu) Premium spells fixed (Xidaozu) VIP list fixed (Xidaozu) Learn Spells fixed (Xidaozu) Also some binary fixes ----------------------- Version 0.7.5 Server save fixed (Xidaozu) Houses fixed (Xidaozu) Premium + Promotion system fixed (Xidaozu) Monster loot fixed (Xidaozu) Destroy field fixed (Rafacin) Skulls fixed when firing fields (SimOne) Account Manager fixed a bit (Xidaozu) Blue Robe and Magic Turban trough items.xml (Xidaozu) New items.otb and items.xml (SimOne) Spawnmul in config.lua (SimOne) Damage formula configurable in vocations.xml (Xidaozu) Drowning Condition (SimOne) Re-Added High levels 350+ (Xidaozu) Auto-load IP in config.lua (Xidaozu) Rook Temple in config.lua (Xidaozu) Premium Outfits (Xidaozu) Fixed server save (Xidaozu) Added function to increase physical damage (Xidaozu) Unfornately protection system disabled Also some binary fixes ----------------------- Version 0.7.6 Fixed some item hotkey issues (Xidaozu) Fixed some summon issues (SVN) Fixed account manager (111111/tibia now) Fixed Cap System (SVN) Fixed rewriteables (SVN) Fixed some spells Buy Container (Xidaozu) Fluid System 100% Trade Delay (Xidaozu) Death Delay ticks in config.lua (Xidaozu) Soul configurable in vocations.xml (Xidaozu) PvP Arena (Nfries88) Bed System (100%)(Xidaozu) Beds loaded from Map (Xidaozu) Protection System fixed (?) Combat Zoning (Nfries88) Fixed a learn spell issue (Xidaozu) Frag Time in config.lua in minutes (Xidaozu) Fixed magic wall (Xidaozu) ----------------------- Version 0.7.6a Removed PvP Arena Removed Bed System Removed Beds loaded from Map Removed Protection System Removed Combat Zoning Fixed a learn spell issue Fixed some monsters Muted System (SVN) NPC Auto Walk (SVN) PvP Features in config.lua (Xidaozu) This version should be alot more stable. ----------------------- Version 0.7.7 Remote-Control (SVN, Xidaozu) Bed System (Jiddo) Beds loaded from map (Jiddo) Jiddo's NPC System (Jiddo) PvP-Arena (nfries88) Seperate addon system (Xidaozu) Protection System (Xidaozu) NPC's turning to player (SVN) NPC Random Walk (SVN) GUI removed (Moved to remote-control) Config: Minimum action interval Tons of bug/crash fixes (That list is too long xd) ----------------------- Version 0.7.8 Walk-to items (Xidaozu) Bless System (Xidaozu) New variables in vocations.xml (Xidaozu) Experience Stages (Xidaozu) Alot new Lua functions (Xidaozu, SVN) New door and leveldoor system (Jiddo) Lua functions list (Xidaozu) Fixed type tag in raids (Xidaozu) Fixed Ctrl + Y (Xidaozu) Fixed summons following (Xidaozu) Fixed depot tiles (Xidaozu) Fixed food loading/saving (Xidaozu) Updated skill multipliers in vocations.xml (Xidaozu) Updated Jiddo's NPC System (Jiddo) Updated Lua Interface (SVN) Link:
  10. Foxy

    Krippinot - (yurots)

    Krippin Server *Mapa usado: Yurots_dreamz (aquele q é o novo + velho) *Tamanho: 2.97mb (compactado) *Quests principais: -Annihilator -Pits of Inferno -Demon Helmet -Annihilator 350 -Golden Armor *Modificações: -Aparencia da sala de treino. -Ilha de gelo -Barco de hydraland -Correção de erros de gráfico *Completamente melhorado, sem bugs encontrados por mim (se encontrarem postem plxx). É BAIXAR E RODAR! Servidor configurado e sem bugs* >>DOWNLOAD<< Mapa usado >>DOWNLOAD<< QUALQUER BUG ME FALEM! virus scan: Créditos: GOD Fakesin......40% *Configurações do OT. Foxy..................40% *Adição dos novos features e modificações. GM Wizzle...........20% *Pelo mapa Yurots_Dreamz.
  11. Aew Galera Map Yurots ediT By Mi -=- eu Queria Saber Se a City Principal fiko LgL Pq So Novo Na Area De Map Edit --- Oks Vmos La ... :icon1: -- Criei Hunt's localizada no Dp 0.o -- -- Mudei ToDas House , Dp , Temple e Etc.. Para Marble Town 0.o -- -- City Princ. n é + De Gelo 0.o -- -- Mudei a EntraDa Do Dp 0.o -- -- Dexei Bem Lokinho 0.0 -- -- No Threats Found. By Avg -- -- Link Pelo RapidShare ----> <---- :XTibia_smile:
  12. gubori

    Armoni 8.0 V2

    Opa, OTServ retirado do OTFans, saiu hj mesmo! "Hello, i have time to transform the Armoni 7.92 in 8.0 Here you have the Armoni 8.0, is equally at 7.92, but 8.0" Tradução: Olá, eu tive tempo para transferir o Armoni 7.92 para 8.0 Aqui vc tem o Armoni 8.0, é igual o 7.92, só que para protocolo 8.0 Rapidshare do Armoni 8.0 Créditos ao Kilekk (membro OTFans que passou o armoni 7.92 para 8.0) e para mim que estou repassando pra vcs =P Achei poucas features, mas garanto que ele tem bastante coisa =) Algumas features do Armono 8.0 by Kilekk, V2 * Online Player Record (Kilekk) * Anti-Lure [Configurable in Config-lua] (Kilekk) * Prision System [configurable in Config-lua] (Kilekk) * Vocation ID 9 = GameMaster, Vocation ID 10 = GOD * Map Evolutions, 4.57MB .otbm * Some new Monsters (Dojan) * Fixed zlib1.dll (Dojan) * Fixed Butterflyes and Orshabaal not loading (Dojan) * Save logs Virus? Aqui nao deu nada QUOTEA-Squared Found nothing AntiVir Found nothing ArcaVir Found nothing Avast Found nothing AVG Antivirus Found nothing BitDefender Found nothing ClamAV Found nothing Dr.Web Found nothing F-Prot Antivirus Found nothing F-Secure Anti-Virus Found nothing Fortinet Found nothing Kaspersky Anti-Virus Found nothing NOD32 Found nothing Norman Virus Control Found nothing Panda Antivirus Found nothing Rising Antivirus Found nothing VirusBuster Found nothing VBA32 Found nothing Também uso Ad-Aware SE Personal, passei scan e nao achei nada! Valeu ae Abraços. (NAO dou suporte via MSN)
  13. diomatrix

    God Killer

    o ot e super om parabens ;s : :construction: bom trabalho
  14. bem galera eo pegeui o mirage do vine e fiz algumas coisas + pra baixo irei flar --Configuracoes Evolutions --Mapa Dahlia (MTo Rox) --Restar Appelmos --Acc Manager --Quests Principais --POI --DH --Annih --Desert Quest --Tem 158 Houses -- Add Ferumbras Tower --Tamanho do Server 3.8 mb Levinho --6 Cidades -Boots of Waterwalking - Funcionando -Asbalest - Funcionando -Arcane Staff - Funcionando -Avenger - Funcionando -Itens Look Funcionando -Monstros Novo - Addicionados fiz os npcs de addon quase igual do global com os bixus dando o item pedido pelo npc os npcs sao traduzidos para br tirei alguams das quests de full pois esse ot eh para ser serio e as qeusts estavam muito fassil n eh adicionei algumas quests arrumei outras pois eh issu tirei bugs das quests adicionei efeitos nas armas + itens tipo as armas de pally todas com efeitos e da para comprar no npc que vende munição e armas de pally que tambem eh traduzido para br algumas magias novas como exori con mana pox(tipo uma mana drian para kinights) e tambem exori song (para pallys) e outras ageitadas as runas antes faziam de 25 tiros todas bem eo achu q eh soh o melhor q eo achu q eo fiz foi os npcs de addon pois eles estao todos certos quase igual ao tibia rl e ainda brs eh soh gente. acc manager :111111/tibia ADM : 222222 / tibia os creditos vao para quem feiz e achuq um poko par amim neh ^^ ai vai o link voh coloka o mapa editor junto soh que lembrem botem o tibia spr e o tibia dat dentro da pasta do editor. ai o link galera sobre o problema no manager peguem um manager de algum ot qualquer e soh trokem o accounts e o player pronto resolvido ah gente eo procuro uma equipe para faser ots bem eo fasso upoko de tudo procuro + eh um hoster
  15. [8.0][CTF]Capture The Flag -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oi lá. Introdução: O primeiro Capture The Flag servidor para versão 7,6 foi feito por anctice (penso assim), e ele morreu, desde então, agora e lançando uma nova versão do ctf, usando "OpenTibia_SVN_08.10.2007" com impulso:: asim e alguns outros Grandes atualizações O servidor máximo uptime é 52Hrs testado em um laptop com WinXP Home SP2 Eo laptop teve que ser desligado, de modo im esperam cerca de 60 Hrs +. Features: Configurable flag colors to match your team colors [config.lua] Maximum level in config.lua Team Colors AND Names loaded [config.lua] Cannot change outfits in- game Team spawns and flag locations loaded [config.lua] When flag carrier dies, flag stays on the ground till someone gets it (After x seconds, it gets sent back to the base, configurable in config.lua) Round time configurable in config.lua Teams teleported to temple after each round ScoreBoard with top 10 Player scores at the end of each round Items dont lose charges Never hungry Auto-teaming, as soon as you login youll be set on a team with the appropriate color Different death system. Now instead of have to relog each time, you just get sent to your team temple. Points system. Gain points by killing people or getting the flag, top scorers anounced at the end of each round. !changeteam to change team (of course) and you need to be not on a fight, and the teams bust be unbalanced so you can change. AND LOTS MORE Credits: Base Code-OpenTibia_SVN_08.10.2007 CTF Base Code-Anctice CTF 7.6 Code Modifications-BlackKnight Map -Dead Zone WebSite -Swelia Map -Dead Zone E um poco do credito a mim po ter colocado aki Contém no Pacote: Capture the Flag Server 1.5.0 para SQL (n º monstros incluído - No fontes incluídas). Dead Zone & Classic rodadas Map SQL Database. Website Swelia (Using My configuração, você precisa editá - lo por sua própria ou transferi - lo a partir swelia site). Animated Text Document Outfit Color Numbers Special Thanks: Anctice para fazer a captura de bandeira jogos. Dead Zone para fazer o mapa Swelia para tornar o site E para qualquer outra pessoa que ajudar com o projeto Download Link alguem pod passar scan pra mim?? VLW
  16. Mapa Obliver-Enforced Aew galera esse mapa é pra pvp enforced... Meu primeiro Mapa ... Eu fiz pra PVP-Enforced mas logo logo vai sair um global... Nesse mapa eu fiz um Templo para os Knights e Paladins e logo ao lado um para Sorcs e Druids.... Esse Mapa é mais indicado para Aqueles Ots que só tem como login Master Sorcerer, Royal Paladin, Elite Knight,Elder Druid... BOM Aki vai os scans.... link para download e as SS do map editor Primeiro o SS do Scan direto do site Agora os SS do MAPA Editor: Primeiro: o Templo dos Sorcs e Druids: Segundo: o Templo dos Knights e Paladins: Agora Link para Download: RapidShare Clike Aki Atenção : O templo dos Knights e Paladins é X=420 Y=275 Z=7 E O templo dos sorc e druids é : X=354 Y=372 Z=7 MAS SE QUISEREM PODEM USAR UM TEMPLO SÓ PARA OS QUATRO E DEXA O OUTRO DE BOA Informações adicionais map_obliver-enforced.OBTM File size: 161774 bytes (157KB) Arquivo: Limpo Créditos: 100% Oblivetator:
  17. Tá ai, Yurots 0.3 com algumas modificações, mas com todas as funções dos outros! tais como Account Manager etc... Protocolo 8.0 Com muitas quests que antes nao tinham acesso, como Anihi com 11 demons, D legs, Great Shield, Behe quest, anihi, entre outras! <a href="" target="_blank"></a> Comentem dizendo o que acharam, qualquer problema avisem! :weight_lift: Kbca \o
  18. Uma versão pra brincar =) Aldora X Shanera, no mount sternum. Com hits globais, então, não venha chorar sobre os hits de SD do paladin. Link:
  19. O Server é versão 8.0 Boots of Waterwalking - Funcionando Asbalest - Funcionando Arcane Staff - Funcionando Avenger - Funcionando Anihilator - Funcionando Demon Helmet - Funcionando Quest?Qual São as Quest? Poi Quest DH Annih MPA Foi Adicionado mais 10 Quest no Mapa... Account Manager:111111/tibia Account Do GOD:222222/222222 Bugs de account Manager arrumado Cidade Principal é De Gelo agora Nova Cidade Adicionada ( Center city ) Lugar Para treinar e Varias Outras coisas. DOWNLOAD Yurots 0.3 Espero Que Gostem
  20. Dark Lost

    Devland 0.97

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Special Thanks for: KaisuM, Szkodnik, Dzyn, Grabarz, Azeroth, Other Guys - Based on newest SVN (Without flags) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features: * ALL SVN features without flags * Premium System * Fast Attack * GM LooK (Pedro B, Me) Also showing frags (Me) * Pk-Channel (showing info about pk-ers) (Me) * CorpseOwner like in Rl tibia(You need wait some time to open body, if you are not owner) (Me) * [Cheat Retirado] Check (Junkfood) * GM Invisible (The Chaos) * NPC Buy Container (BlackKnight) * BattleRuneAtack(yes/no) (Me) * Bed System (nfries88) * Skull System (Config in lua) * Party System (100%) * ServerSave * DeathList (Jido) * FastAttack, and Souls configured at vocations.xml (Forgotten source) * !buyhouse (Pedro B.) * Record System, like Rl Tibia (Loosik) * Cap Config * Anti AFK (TibiaRules) * Premium Spells (Me) * Rookgaard Trade-Channel * AcceSS config (like in Evolution) * DeathWindow (Me) * LV doors like Tibia (Me) * GM Invisible (Me) * Amulet of Loss * QuestLog (Forgotten source) * Bless System (Evolution Source) * Login System like RL Tibia (Me) * 8.0 Spells * Break chance for distance weapon at items.xml (Me) * Configuration lost % when die in vocations.xml (Me) * Distance and Melee damage config in vocations.xml (Me) * Many other features. (Me, many other peaople) * Many new actions, npc, nice map. (Me, many other peaople) * More More More... Just check it ^.- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Devland 0.96 ------- * Fixed Crash when player die without AOL (ME) * /clean command, not cleaning in pz. (Xidaozu, 2% Me ^.-) * New Fluid Actions (Berserk Potion, Bullseye Potion, Mastermin Potion) (Me) * New Spells (adano dis, adano mel, adano mag) (Me) * Houses only for players with Premium (Me) * Fixed Wands for promoted vocations (Me) Thx to GM Oment for report. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Devland 0.96b ------- * Fixed dist hits (Me) * Fixed Potions (Me) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Devland 0.97 ------- * Fixed Cap system (config on/off) * Fixed some other things...(Not remember what now, there was many bugs, example fields etc.) * New commands * Added example npc for addons (addoner) * Some other Things, now not remember, becouse i made it long time ago ^.- Downloads Devland 0.97 XML Devland 0.97 SQL ----------------------- Senha ----------------------- Todas as Features que Referese a ME Não Sou Eu é Dsojo16 Créditos a ele Dsojo16 Abraços //Dark Lost
  21. O que eh mais facil doq joga tibia??? Traduzir os textos do Tibia!!!! Fiz assim: Editei o YurOts 0.3 (Versão 8.0)0 45,5% Outifts : Mulher: outfit type="0" looktype="136" addons="3" name="Cidada" premium="0" /> <outfit type="0" looktype="137" addons="3" name="Cacadora" premium="0" /> <outfit type="0" looktype="138" addons="3" name="Invocadora" premium="1" /> <outfit type="0" looktype="139" addons="3" name="Cavaleira" premium="0" /> <outfit type="0" looktype="140" addons="3" name="Nobre" premium="1" /> <outfit type="0" looktype="141" addons="3" name="Maga" premium="0" /> <outfit type="0" looktype="142" addons="3" name="Lutadora" premium="1" /> <outfit type="0" looktype="147" addons="3" name="Barbara" premium="1" /> <outfit type="0" looktype="148" addons="3" name="Druida" premium="1" /> <outfit type="0" looktype="149" addons="3" name="Feiticeira" premium="1" /> <outfit type="0" looktype="150" addons="3" name="Oriental" premium="1" /> <outfit type="0" looktype="155" addons="3" name="Pirata" premium="1" /> <outfit type="0" looktype="156" addons="3" name="Assassina" premium="1" /> <outfit type="0" looktype="157" addons="3" name="Indiana" premium="1" /> <outfit type="0" looktype="158" addons="3" name="Shaman" premium="1" /> Homem: <outfit type="1" looktype="128" addons="0" name="Cidadao" premium="0" /> <outfit type="1" looktype="129" addons="0" name="Cacador" premium="0" /> <outfit type="1" looktype="130" addons="0" name="Mago" premium="0" /> <outfit type="1" looktype="131" addons="0" name="Cavaleiro" premium="0" /> <outfit type="1" looktype="132" addons="3" name="Nobre" premium="1" /> <outfit type="1" looktype="133" addons="3" name="Invocador" premium="1" /> <outfit type="1" looktype="134" addons="3" name="Cavaleiro" premium="1" /> <outfit type="1" looktype="143" addons="3" name="Barbaro" premium="1" /> <outfit type="1" looktype="144" addons="3" name="Druida" premium="1" /> <outfit type="1" looktype="145" addons="3" name="Feiticeiro" premium="1" /> <outfit type="1" looktype="146" addons="3" name="Oriental" premium="1" /> <outfit type="1" looktype="151" addons="3" name="Pirata" premium="1" /> <outfit type="1" looktype="152" addons="3" name="Assassino" premium="1" /> <outfit type="1" looktype="153" addons="3" name="Indiano" premium="1" /> <outfit type="1" looktype="154" addons="3" name="Shaman" premium="1" /> - <!-- Elf outfits --> <outfit type="2" looktype="159" addons="3" name="Elfo" premium="0" /> - <!-- Dwarf outfits --> <outfit type="2" looktype="160" addons="3" name="Anao" premium="0" /> - <!-- Frog outfits --> <outfit type="2" looktype="226" addons="3" name="Sapo" premium="0" /> - <!-- Cult --> <outfit type="2" looktype="194" addons="3" name="Padre" premium="0" /> // - <!-- Hell Demon --> // <outfit type="2" looktype="249" addons="0" name="Demonio" premium="0" /> </outfits> Vocations: vocation id="1" name="Mago" description="a mago" gaincap="30" gainhp="5" gainmana="30" gainhpticks="6" gainhpamount="10" gainmanaticks="3" gainmanaamount="20" gainsoulticks="120" gainsoulamount="1" maxsoul="100" manamultiplier="1.3" attackspeed="850" prevoc="1" basespeed="220"> <diepercent experience="7" magic="7" skill="7" equipment="7" container="100" /> <formula damage="1.2" defense="1.1" armor="1.1" /> <skill id="0" multiplier="1.5" /> <skill id="1" multiplier="2.0" /> <skill id="2" multiplier="2.0" /> <skill id="3" multiplier="2.0" /> <skill id="4" multiplier="2.0" /> <skill id="5" multiplier="1.5" /> <skill id="6" multiplier="1.1" /> </vocation> - <vocation id="2" name="Druida" description="a druida" gaincap="30" gainhp="5" gainmana="30" gainhpticks="6" gainhpamount="10" gainmanaticks="3" gainmanaamount="20" gainsoulticks="120" gainsoulamount="1" maxsoul="100" manamultiplier="1.3" attackspeed="850" prevoc="2" basespeed="220"> <diepercent experience="7" magic="7" skill="7" equipment="7" container="100" /> <formula damage="1.2" defense="1.1" armor="1.1" /> <skill id="0" multiplier="1.5" /> <skill id="1" multiplier="1.8" /> <skill id="2" multiplier="1.8" /> <skill id="3" multiplier="1.8" /> <skill id="4" multiplier="1.8" /> <skill id="5" multiplier="1.5" /> <skill id="6" multiplier="1.1" /> </vocation> - <vocation id="3" name="Paladino" description="a paladino" gaincap="30" gainhp="10" gainmana="15" gainhpticks="4" gainhpamount="15" gainmanaticks="4" gainmanaamount="15" gainsoulticks="120" gainsoulamount="1" maxsoul="100" manamultiplier="2.3" attackspeed="450" prevoc="3" basespeed="220"> <diepercent experience="7" magic="7" skill="7" equipment="7" container="100" /> <formula damage="1.2" defense="1.1" armor="1.1" /> <skill id="0" multiplier="1.2" /> <skill id="1" multiplier="1.2" /> <skill id="2" multiplier="1.2" /> <skill id="3" multiplier="1.2" /> <skill id="4" multiplier="1.1" /> <skill id="5" multiplier="1.1" /> <skill id="6" multiplier="1.1" /> </vocation> - <vocation id="4" name="Cavaleiro" description="a cavaleiro" gaincap="30" gainhp="15" gainmana="5" gainhpticks="3" gainhpamount="20" gainmanaticks="6" gainmanaamount="10" gainsoulticks="120" gainsoulamount="1" maxsoul="100" manamultiplier="5.2" attackspeed="500" prevoc="4" basespeed="220"> <diepercent experience="7" magic="7" skill="7" equipment="7" container="100" /> <formula damage="1.2" defense="1.1" armor="1.1" /> <skill id="0" multiplier="1.1" /> <skill id="1" multiplier="1.1" /> <skill id="2" multiplier="1.1" /> <skill id="3" multiplier="1.1" /> <skill id="4" multiplier="1.4" /> <skill id="5" multiplier="1.1" /> <skill id="6" multiplier="1.1" /> </vocation> - <vocation id="5" name="Mago Mestre" description="a mago mestre" gaincap="60" gainhp="10" gainmana="40" gainhpticks="4" gainhpamount="15" gainmanaticks="2" gainmanaamount="30" gainsoulticks="15" gainsoulamount="1" maxsoul="200" manamultiplier="1.2" attackspeed="750" prevoc="1" basespeed="220"> <diepercent experience="7" magic="7" skill="7" equipment="7" container="100" /> <formula damage="1.2" defense="1.1" armor="1.1" /> <skill id="0" multiplier="1.5" /> <skill id="1" multiplier="2.0" /> <skill id="2" multiplier="2.0" /> <skill id="3" multiplier="2.0" /> <skill id="4" multiplier="2.0" /> <skill id="5" multiplier="1.5" /> <skill id="6" multiplier="1.1" /> </vocation> - <vocation id="6" name="Grande Druida" description="an grande druida" gaincap="60" gainhp="10" gainmana="40" gainhpticks="4" gainhpamount="15" gainmanaticks="2" gainmanaamount="30" gainsoulticks="15" gainsoulamount="1" maxsoul="200" manamultiplier="1.2" attackspeed="750" prevoc="2" basespeed="220"> <diepercent experience="7" magic="7" skill="7" equipment="7" container="100" /> <formula damage="1.2" defense="1.1" armor="1.1" /> <skill id="0" multiplier="1.5" /> <skill id="1" multiplier="1.8" /> <skill id="2" multiplier="1.8" /> <skill id="3" multiplier="1.8" /> <skill id="4" multiplier="1.8" /> <skill id="5" multiplier="1.5" /> <skill id="6" multiplier="1.1" /> </vocation> - <vocation id="7" name="Paladino Real" description="a paladin real" gaincap="60" gainhp="20" gainmana="20" gainhpticks="3" gainhpamount="20" gainmanaticks="3" gainmanaamount="20" gainsoulticks="15" gainsoulamount="1" maxsoul="200" manamultiplier="2.0" attackspeed="350" prevoc="3" basespeed="220"> <diepercent experience="7" magic="7" skill="7" equipment="7" container="100" /> <formula damage="1.2" defense="1.1" armor="1.1" /> <skill id="0" multiplier="1.2" /> <skill id="1" multiplier="1.2" /> <skill id="2" multiplier="1.2" /> <skill id="3" multiplier="1.2" /> <skill id="4" multiplier="1.1" /> <skill id="5" multiplier="1.1" /> <skill id="6" multiplier="1.1" /> </vocation> - <vocation id="8" name="Cavaleiro Combador" description="an cavaleiro combador" gaincap="60" gainhp="40" gainmana="10" gainhpticks="2" gainhpamount="40" gainmanaticks="15" gainmanaamount="1000" gainsoulticks="15" gainsoulamount="1" manamultiplier="4.9" attackspeed="300" prevoc="4" basespeed="220"> <diepercent experience="7" magic="7" skill="7" equipment="7" container="100" /> <formula damage="1.2" defense="1.1" armor="1.1" /> <skill id="0" multiplier="1.1" /> <skill id="1" multiplier="1.1" /> <skill id="2" multiplier="1.1" /> <skill id="3" multiplier="1.1" /> <skill id="4" multiplier="1.4" /> <skill id="5" multiplier="1.1" /> <skill id="6" multiplier="1.1" /> </vocation> Wands e Rods nao gasta mana (facilidade para os druids e os sorcerer neh???!!!) Também tem os novos Monstros! Primeiro Tópico meu, plz não reparem se errei em alguma coisa mas td bem né!!!??? Tchau Tchau Links para download: todos 3.35Mb Link 1Clique Aqui (Arquivo Web o download vai iniciar sozinho! Créditos: 45% Eu (traduzi e colokei aqui) 55% God Bon (O mapa original eh dele!) Em breve colokarei mais links...
  22. ario

    World War 8.0

    Retirado do OtFans! (Créditos para Danger II) Download aki >>> Word War 8.0!!!
  23. Bom eu peguei a versao yurots 0.4 do GOD Bon tirei o mapa e coloquei o mapa que eu fiz monstros configurados todos do update 8.0, 7.92 etc... magias novas funcionando nao perfeitamente mais funcionando =P tem 2 teams o Eagle e o Alpha. O time Eagle começa no fortress do sul \/ e o time Alpha começa no fortress norte /\ vem com 1 bixo que tem 350.K de life e da 350.KK de experiencia o Husky Level (cuidado ele é fortinho =D) accs 1/1 e 2/2 acc do god -> account: 951753 pass: 951753 desculpa antes esqueci o link mas ja ta ai ~> uma imagem \/ acho que é só isso obg xauz :} @Edite- me desculpem msm mais eu n sei inserir essas paradas no config lua e as magias sim estao bugadas (todas as vocs podem fazer qualquer magia) e quando tenta entra no msm char nao funciona da como se nao pudece entra no char na mesma acc ;/ tomara que algum cara que saiba pegue a minha versao e edit e bote essas funcionalidades u.u desculpe gente eu so um inutil >Crying< :"(
  24. ## DeadTouch 2.0 Everything like SVN (Guid for xml players. (players.xml), Bans, Mail System, Readable/Writeable items, Full rearranged protocol and game system, Actions (when using a tile or item, SQL databases (for accounts and players), Crash tracking, Monsters, VIP List, Guild support, Spawns (and Respawn), Commands, Autowalk, Rotatable items, Logger, Enhanced items database, Runes with charges, Depots, Waitlist, Houses, Follow and chase opponent, New Luascript/XML interface and more…) - Console looks better - "Can not" changed to "Cannot" - AimBot - Save server - Modificated Skull System - Commands: "!uptime","!online","!pvp","!frags","!report", "/pvp","/up","/down", "/addon” - Better scripts - Fast Attack - Canal "Rookgaard-Trade" - Windowo of death when you die - More commands: "/speed", "/giveskill", "/save", "/bc", "/forcesay", "/invisible" - New items .otb - getItemName(itemid) - In E-PVP you dont see skulls - New better map - More NPC’s - NPCe finished - Actions finished - Amulet of Loss - More monsters - isPremium fixed - Annihilator Chest fixed - Writing on items again works Link: ## DeadTouch 3.0 (Actual) - New NPC System - NPC use paramets - Rewrited SVN - Flag System - Fields form runes disapear - OTS doesnt crash after start - Better funcion toupper() - Login problem fixed - Souls fixed - Rule Report Violation - New, MONSTERS!!!! - "/save" backs, now its better. - Old addons system deleted - Spells for PACC / FACC / Promotion configured in spells.xml - Advanced LUA NPC System - Exhaust for ofensive and defensive spells is difrent - NEW MAP!!! Link:
  25. ~* Listão Dos 5 Melhores Ot Da Semana *~ Proxima Atualização ---------------------------------------------- Nome: DevLand 96b Tópico Oficial: TópicoDowload: XML ---------------------------------------------- Nome: Yurots 0.3 Tópico Oficial: Tópico Download: ---------------------------------------------- Nome: Shinoda Ots 2 Tópico Oficial: Tópico Download: ---------------------------------------------- Nome: Statisc Ot 0.2 Tópico Oficial: Tópico Download: ---------------------------------------------- Nome: Nts Starterkit 0.4 Tópico Oficial: Tópico Download: SQL ---------------------------------------------- Obs: Todas as segundas-feiras estarei atualizando, de acordo com os posters sobre a versão! (O Mais Cobiçado Claro!) Creditos 99% GoD Fakezin e 1% Pra quem deu essa ideia de faser listão! Obs: Após atualiza a lista, séra avisado aos menbros que estão na lista da semana! Anteciosamente: GoD Fakezin
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