This is my distro I worked on the last week.
Based on the SVN of Thu Jan 10 2008.
Features V1.0a:
-- Party System(Remere)
-- Party share experience(Like Real Tibia) (Me)
-- Avesta Bed System(NFries88)
-- Avesta Walk to item(Simone)
-- New command "/axisz z" (me)
-- 3 Weapon attributes(attackBonus, defenseBonus, attackSpeedPercent)(me)
-- Deathlist(me)
-- LUA Function: to execute a command [no access checks] (NFries88, Pedro B.)
-- LUA Function: to get an item from a player WITHOUT removing it (NFries88)
-- GameMaster Look(me)
-- ServerSave(me)
-- MultiWorld System using worlds.xml(me)
-- CorpseOwner(dzojo16, me)
-- Amulet of Loss(me)
-- "/clean" command & event(NFries88, Xidaouzu)
-- Premium System(me)
-- Anti afk (TibiaRules)
-- LUA Functions: can now query the database through scripts [no LuaSQL!](NFries88)
-- Premium Outfit by outfits.xml(me)
-- !buyprem command(me)
-- CreatureEvents: onSpawn[monsters], onAdvance [players], onThink [both] (NFries88)
-- Premium tiles(cayan, me)
-- Premium outfits & Addons(cayan, me)
-- Command to check for [Cheat Retirado]-ers "/mccheck" (me)
-- Player Record(me)
-- TFS Quest System(kiper)
-- Re-Enabled death window(me)
-- "!buyhouse" and housecost description(pedro B.)
-- Costum client in cofig(NFries88)
-- LUA Functions: to get an item's itemid, actionid, uniqueid, text, special description, count, and subtype.(NFries88)
-- GM Invisible(The Chaos)
-- Account Manager(me)
-- Account Manager newplayer configurable in config.lua(me)
-- Added sqlite support
-- Added command !frags(me)
-- Advanced Gm BanWindow(Ctrl+Y) using bans database(me)
-- DualWield weapons(me)
-- Fixed skill saving if no skills in database(me)
-- Fully working xml system(svn, me)
-- Updated to latest svn(svn, me)
-- Added Strong/Great - mana/health potions(me)
-- Remove dist count in config(only spear, all, none) (me)
-- Remove rune charges in config(me)
-- If rune in hand you can use as distance weapon configurable in config(me)
-- Transform Item fix(svn)
-- When both hands free crash fix(me)
-- Anoter transform item fix(svn)
-- Added rune group to otb loader(me)
-- Fixed crash when casting skill dedicated spells(me)
Versões XML:
Versões SQL:
Para todos que querem Tutorial para SQL Aqui.
Fonte: Otfans