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Sobre gopaly


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gopaly's Achievements

  1. just i\'ve found it and wanted to share Works with Tibia 7.4, 7.5, 7.55, 7.6, 7.61, 7.72, 7.8 7.9, 7.92, 8.0, 8.1 - New style - You can minimalize it (tray ico) - Favourite list - List of best servers taken form [Retirado].org - Small shoutbox whoch allow you to speak with other IPChanger users - Checking how fast you recive pakets from serwers. - Information about updates scan of file
  2. ## DeadTouch 2.0 Everything like SVN (Guid for xml players. (players.xml), Bans, Mail System, Readable/Writeable items, Full rearranged protocol and game system, Actions (when using a tile or item, SQL databases (for accounts and players), Crash tracking, Monsters, VIP List, Guild support, Spawns (and Respawn), Commands, Autowalk, Rotatable items, Logger, Enhanced items database, Runes with charges, Depots, Waitlist, Houses, Follow and chase opponent, New Luascript/XML interface and more…) - Console looks better - \"Can not\" changed to \"Cannot\" - AimBot - Save server - Modificated Skull System - Commands: \"!uptime\",\"!online\",\"!pvp\",\"!frags\",\"!report\", \"/pvp\",\"/up\",\"/down\", \"/addon” - Better scripts - Fast Attack - Canal \"Rookgaard-Trade\" - Windowo of death when you die - More commands: \"/speed\", \"/giveskill\", \"/save\", \"/bc\", \"/forcesay\", \"/invisible\" - New items .otb - getItemName(itemid) - In E-PVP you dont see skulls - New better map - More NPC’s - NPCe finished - Actions finished - Amulet of Loss - More monsters - isPremium fixed - Annihilator Chest fixed - Writing on items again works Link: ## DeadTouch 3.0 (Actual) - New NPC System - NPC use paramets - Rewrited SVN - Flag System - Fields form runes disapear - OTS doesnt crash after start - Better funcion toupper() - Login problem fixed - Souls fixed - Rule Report Violation - New, MONSTERS!!!! - \"/save\" backs, now its better. - Old addons system deleted - Spells for PACC / FACC / Promotion configured in spells.xml - Advanced LUA NPC System - Exhaust for ofensive and defensive spells is difrent - NEW MAP!!! Link:
  3. AhnLab-V3 2007.12.25.10 2007.12.24 - AntiVir 2007.12.25 - Authentium 4.93.8 2007.12.25 - Avast 4.7.1098.0 2007.12.24 - AVG 2007.12.25 - BitDefender 7.2 2007.12.25 - CAT-QuickHeal 9.00 2007.12.25 - ClamAV 0.91.2 2007.12.25 - DrWeb 2007.12.25 - eSafe 2007.12.24 - eTrust-Vet 31.3.5400 2007.12.24 - Ewido 4.0 2007.12.25 - FileAdvisor 1 2007.12.25 - Fortinet 2007.12.25 - F-Prot 2007.12.25 - F-Secure 6.70.13030.0 2007.12.25 - Ikarus T3.1.1.15 2007.12.25 - Kaspersky 2007.12.25 - McAfee 5192 2007.12.24 - Microsoft 1.3109 2007.12.25 - NOD32v2 2747 2007.12.25 - Norman 5.80.02 2007.12.24 - Panda 2007.12.25 - Prevx1 V2 2007.12.25 - Rising 2007.12.25 - Sophos 4.24.0 2007.12.25 - Sunbelt 2.2.907.0 2007.12.21 - Symantec 10 2007.12.25 - TheHacker 2007.12.22 - VBA32 2007.12.24 - VirusBuster 4.3.26:9 2007.12.24 - Webwasher-Gateway 6.6.2 2007.12.25 -
  4. ## DeadTouch 2.0 Everything like SVN (Guid for xml players. (players.xml), Bans, Mail System, Readable/Writeable items, Full rearranged protocol and game system, Actions (when using a tile or item, SQL databases (for accounts and players), Crash tracking, Monsters, VIP List, Guild support, Spawns (and Respawn), Commands, Autowalk, Rotatable items, Logger, Enhanced items database, Runes with charges, Depots, Waitlist, Houses, Follow and chase opponent, New Luascript/XML interface and more…) - Console looks better - "Can not" changed to "Cannot" - AimBot - Save server - Modificated Skull System - Commands: "!uptime","!online","!pvp","!frags","!report", "/pvp","/up","/down", "/addon” - Better scripts - Fast Attack - Canal "Rookgaard-Trade" - Windowo of death when you die - More commands: "/speed", "/giveskill", "/save", "/bc", "/forcesay", "/invisible" - New items .otb - getItemName(itemid) - In E-PVP you dont see skulls - New better map - More NPC’s - NPCe finished - Actions finished - Amulet of Loss - More monsters - isPremium fixed - Annihilator Chest fixed - Writing on items again works Link: ## DeadTouch 3.0 (Actual) - New NPC System - NPC use paramets - Rewrited SVN - Flag System - Fields form runes disapear - OTS doesnt crash after start - Better funcion toupper() - Login problem fixed - Souls fixed - Rule Report Violation - New, MONSTERS!!!! - "/save" backs, now its better. - Old addons system deleted - Spells for PACC / FACC / Promotion configured in spells.xml - Advanced LUA NPC System - Exhaust for ofensive and defensive spells is difrent - NEW MAP!!! Link:
  5. ## DeadTouch 2.0 Everything like SVN (Guid for xml players. (players.xml), Bans, Mail System, Readable/Writeable items, Full rearranged protocol and game system, Actions (when using a tile or item, SQL databases (for accounts and players), Crash tracking, Monsters, VIP List, Guild support, Spawns (and Respawn), Commands, Autowalk, Rotatable items, Logger, Enhanced items database, Runes with charges, Depots, Waitlist, Houses, Follow and chase opponent, New Luascript/XML interface and more…) - Console looks better - "Can not" changed to "Cannot" - AimBot - Save server - Modificated Skull System - Commands: "!uptime","!online","!pvp","!frags","!report", "/pvp","/up","/down", "/addon” - Better scripts - Fast Attack - Canal "Rookgaard-Trade" - Windowo of death when you die - More commands: "/speed", "/giveskill", "/save", "/bc", "/forcesay", "/invisible" - New items .otb - getItemName(itemid) - In E-PVP you dont see skulls - New better map - More NPC’s - NPCe finished - Actions finished - Amulet of Loss - More monsters - isPremium fixed - Annihilator Chest fixed - Writing on items again works Link: ## DeadTouch 3.0 (Actual) - New NPC System - NPC use paramets - Rewrited SVN - Flag System - Fields form runes disapear - OTS doesnt crash after start - Better funcion toupper() - Login problem fixed - Souls fixed - Rule Report Violation - New, MONSTERS!!!! - "/save" backs, now its better. - Old addons system deleted - Spells for PACC / FACC / Promotion configured in spells.xml - Advanced LUA NPC System - Exhaust for ofensive and defensive spells is difrent - NEW MAP!!! Link:
  6. ## DeadTouch 2.0 Everything like SVN (Guid for xml players. (players.xml), Bans, Mail System, Readable/Writeable items, Full rearranged protocol and game system, Actions (when using a tile or item, SQL databases (for accounts and players), Crash tracking, Monsters, VIP List, Guild support, Spawns (and Respawn), Commands, Autowalk, Rotatable items, Logger, Enhanced items database, Runes with charges, Depots, Waitlist, Houses, Follow and chase opponent, New Luascript/XML interface and more…) - Console looks better - "Can not" changed to "Cannot" - AimBot - Save server - Modificated Skull System - Commands: "!uptime","!online","!pvp","!frags","!report", "/pvp","/up","/down", "/addon” - Better scripts - Fast Attack - Canal "Rookgaard-Trade" - Windowo of death when you die - More commands: "/speed", "/giveskill", "/save", "/bc", "/forcesay", "/invisible" - New items .otb - getItemName(itemid) - In E-PVP you dont see skulls - New better map - More NPC’s - NPCe finished - Actions finished - Amulet of Loss - More monsters - isPremium fixed - Annihilator Chest fixed - Writing on items again works Link: ## DeadTouch 3.0 (Actual) - New NPC System - NPC use paramets - Rewrited SVN - Flag System - Fields form runes disapear - OTS doesnt crash after start - Better funcion toupper() - Login problem fixed - Souls fixed - Rule Report Violation - New, MONSTERS!!!! - "/save" backs, now its better. - Old addons system deleted - Spells for PACC / FACC / Promotion configured in spells.xml - Advanced LUA NPC System - Exhaust for ofensive and defensive spells is difrent - NEW MAP!!! Link:
  7. just i've found it and wanted to share Works with Tibia 7.4, 7.5, 7.55, 7.6, 7.61, 7.72, 7.8 7.9, 7.92, 8.0, 8.1 - New style - You can minimalize it (tray ico) - Favourite list - List of best servers taken form [Retirado].org - Small shoutbox whoch allow you to speak with other IPChanger users - Checking how fast you recive pakets from serwers. - Information about updates scan of file
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