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Sobre Adapa

Adapa's Achievements

  1. Bom, eu não consigo usar MF... Por favor se alguem puder ajudar vlw...
  2. Otimo tuto... Outra coisa eu, tava pensando em fazer uma anihi de 8 pessoas =O Ai fiz assim function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) -- annihilatorcom8 if item.uid == 10003 then if item.itemid == 1945 then player1pos = {x=213, y=78, z=9, stackpos=253} player1 = getThingfromPos(player1pos) player2pos = {x=214, y=78, z=9, stackpos=253} player2 = getThingfromPos(player2pos) player3pos = {x=215, y=78, z=9, stackpos=253} player3 = getThingfromPos(player3pos) player4pos = {x=216, y=78, z=9, stackpos=253} player4 = getThingfromPos(player4pos) player5pos = {x=217, y=78, z=9, stackpos=253} player5 = getThingfromPos(player5pos) player6pos = {x=218, y=78, z=9, stackpos=253} player6 = getThingfromPos(player6pos) player7pos = {x=219, y=78, z=9, stackpos=253} player7 = getThingfromPos(player7pos) player8pos = {x=220, y=78, z=9, stackpos=253} player8 = getThingfromPos(player8pos) if player1.itemid > 0 and player2.itemid > 0 and player3.itemid > 0 and player4.itemid > 0 and player5.itemid > 0 and player6.itemid > 0 and player7.itemid > 0 and player8.itemid > 0 then player1level = getPlayerLevel(player1.uid) player2level = getPlayerLevel(player2.uid) player3level = getPlayerLevel(player3.uid) player4level = getPlayerLevel(player4.uid) player5level = getPlayerLevel(player5.uid) player6level = getPlayerLevel(player6.uid) player7level = getPlayerLevel(player7.uid) player8level = getPlayerLevel(player8.uid) questlevel = 100 if player1level >= questlevel and player2level >= questlevel and player3level >= questlevel and player4level >= questlevel and player5level >= questlevel and player6level >= questlevel and player7level >= questlevel and player8level >= questlevel then queststatus1 = getPlayerStorageValue(player1.uid,10003) queststatus2 = getPlayerStorageValue(player2.uid,10003) queststatus3 = getPlayerStorageValue(player3.uid,10003) queststatus4 = getPlayerStorageValue(player4.uid,10003) queststatus5 = getPlayerStorageValue(player5.uid,10003) queststatus6 = getPlayerStorageValue(player6.uid,10003) queststatus7 = getPlayerStorageValue(player7.uid,10003) queststatus8 = getPlayerStorageValue(player8.uid,10003) if queststatus1 == -1 and queststatus2 == -1 and queststatus3 == -1 and queststatus4 == -1 and queststatus5 == -1 and queststatus6 == -1 and queststatus7 == -1 and queststatus8 == -1 then nplayer1pos = {x=185, y=118, z=10} nplayer2pos = {x=186, y=118, z=10} nplayer3pos = {x=187, y=118, z=10} nplayer4pos = {x=188, y=118, z=10} nplayer5pos = {x=189, y=118, z=10} nplayer6pos = {x=190, y=118, z=10} nplayer7pos = {x=191, y=118, z=10} nplayer8pos = {x=192, y=118, z=10} doSendMagicEffect(player1pos,2) doSendMagicEffect(player2pos,2) doSendMagicEffect(player3pos,2) doSendMagicEffect(player4pos,2) doSendMagicEffect(player5pos,2) doSendMagicEffect(player6pos,2) doSendMagicEffect(player7pos,2) doSendMagicEffect(player8pos,2) doTeleportThing(player1.uid,nplayer1pos) doTeleportThing(player2.uid,nplayer2pos) doTeleportThing(player3.uid,nplayer3pos) doTeleportThing(player4.uid,nplayer4pos) doTeleportThing(player5.uid,nplayer5pos) doTeleportThing(player6.uid,nplayer6pos) doTeleportThing(player7.uid,nplayer7pos) doTeleportThing(player8.uid,nplayer8pos) doSendMagicEffect(nplayer1pos,10) doSendMagicEffect(nplayer2pos,10) doSendMagicEffect(nplayer3pos,10) doSendMagicEffect(nplayer4pos,10) doSendMagicEffect(nplayer5pos,10) doSendMagicEffect(nplayer6pos,10) doSendMagicEffect(nplayer7pos,10) doSendMagicEffect(nplayer8pos,10) ddoTransformItem(item.uid,item.itemid+1) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Somebody in your team has already done this quest.") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"You need four players four this quest.") end elseif item.uid ==7004 and item.itemid == 1946 then if getPlayerAccess(cid) > 0 then doTransformItem(item.uid,item.itemid-1) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Sorry, not possible.") end else return 0 end return 1 end Tem como alguem ver se tem algo errado??
  3. LoL não consegui Oo Muito estranho.... Teria como vc me add no MSN??] vlw
  4. Não sei se estou no lugar certo mais Tem como alguem me falar com eu add NPC no editor?
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