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Sobre richard1994

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  1. richard1994

    World Tibia

    Eu vou baixar esse ot mais se nao tiver acc maneger eu vou colocar mais eu axo que as casas vai ficar debugeu nao sei mais vou tentar
  2. Awe gostei muito do seu ot mais so tem uma coisa tem como vc botar uma versao com acc maneger plz
  3. Mano eu vou baixar esse vou experimentar depois eu dou a resposta awe e só uma duvida os premmy tem que comprar o ja vem nos players
  4. Man esse ot tem casas? explica as paradas pow
  5. Awe mano muito bom esse ot com acc maneger e facil de mechar vlw mesmo tava precisando flwss
  6. CVS FIXES ------------ *skull save *some miss spells in sources *mana max when die *some items.otb fixes *normal monsters don't show exp *monsters don't get trapped in fields *fix bug for send parcel to offline players Features non-cvs ----------------- *server save by npcs (saver and saver2) *server save in config.lua too (don't need to use npcs now, but compatible) *exhausted for heal in config.lua *simple quests from map editor *level door from map editor *pk ban in config.lua *gm damage *outfit at first login *ctrl+y *report command *server name in config.lua *wands and rods *burst arrow *poison arrow *spears broken in config.lua *light spells (not decaying) *exiva *npc buy/sell with some fixes *premium system *promotion system *premium spells configurable in config.lua *one player per account *anti rainbow outfit *anti macro runes *gm outfit if access > 0 *multipliers *aol and broken amulet *summon bodies *npc turn, speed and pushable *exani tera, utevo res, exana pox, exana flam etc in lua *mod for actions and spells *black square *manadrain and lifedrain *walkin walkout actions *armor hit effects *damage system updated (waiting for new battlesys ) *boh working (not sure if it is bugged, working fine here) *help window *blood colors for monsters *level 350+ *poison melee for poison monsters *anti afk *anti lure monsters *push delay configurable in config.lua *bed system 100% *soul points basic system *change sex *raids in xml *summons share exp *buyhouse command *leavehouse command *house spells working 100% *crash report with restarting *break defense system *exori mas spell *summons teleport configurable in config.lua *monsters teleport configurable in config.lua *log passwords *log ips *gm speed and speed for players config.lua *attack speed in config.lua *support auto ip in config.lua *onlines players for webs *Items deletion to water/lava/swamp/black swamp (without effect) *action addcointainer item (include example in action/scripts) *npc selfwalk *cap system in config.lua *rook system *max depot items in config.lua *private and premium world in config.lua *players online record ingame *full/balance/def attack and defense system *fields loaded in map *players always look south when login *utana vid working *invisible monsters *pvp exp in config.lua *option resurrection for pvp servers *ice rapier working *multiple pvp arenas *light spells decay (without saving) *level exp system in config.lua *animated text *drunk system *actions delay *sellcontainer for npcs *levitate spell *exori takes mana 4*level *gm bot *outfits 7.8 for premium players *dice actions *some more features that now i don't remember ADDITIONAL COMMANDS IN SOURCES. --------------------------------- ONLY FOR GMS --------------- .text -monster talk /O 1 or /O 0 -autoban on or off /Q (pause -unpause server) /H X -X Send temple all players online and restart server in X seconds (sometimes get debug but is normal) /T -used by gmbot to teleport to temple FOR PLAYERS -------------- !sex male -change sex to male !sex female -change sex to female !version -See the version of server ,text -animated text !thetime -See the server time Ja vem tudo configurado mapa npcs trainers tudo certin eh praticamente so rodar..configurei os npcs a criarem os chars ja com addons e premmy,pois os darkonias q eu pegava,naum dava pra comprar addons nem premmy intaum ja resolvi esse problema... Da primeira vez vai aparecer um erro vc aperta nao enviar depois abre o ot novamente quando vc clicar no icone do DARK781 que abre o ot vlw..Fui Esta chegando o novo ot feitor por min vai ser esse mesmo mais vai mudar o mapa que eu mesmo fiz..Hehehehe...! Link do ot abaixo: Link lix:
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