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Hello i write there because i dont know how to compile this base.. i got some errors and i dont know what to do. There is link for errors: https://pastebin.com/qvrCH0Vi I use Dev-c++ but i try code blocks.
How i can compile distribution in Dev-C++? Someone tell me or point me for libs etc.. i will be grateful
Adicionei um pokemon mais nao posso capturar
tópico respondeu ao WalterV de pesiarzyk em NPCs, monsters e raids
Check lib.lua, and find Pokecathes -
I have problem, when i use masterball for Shiny oddish then in my bp is SHINNING masterball with oddish but when i use masterball for em.. Shiny zubat then i have normalball with zubat. And when i click on ball with shinny oddish there is a Catch animation for goback and summon. How to repair this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV-UaKt1tw0&feature=youtu.be
How can I add more pokemons to the server, I do not have such as HO-OH, Raikou etc., In addition, how can I do through a given Pokemon Shiny, e.g. Shiny oddish could evolve into a shiny vileplume with leaf stone? And i have one problem about fishing, when my friend just fishing i prank him and just use /r for kick, then he got bug, now he can't use fishing rod, this is msg "voce ja esta pescando" + How i can add more fishing level, on this server. Fishing stop at 29 and doesn't go up. How change experience on server? so much unknowns
HOTKEY_MANAGER_USE = nil HOTKEY_MANAGER_USEONSELF = 1 HOTKEY_MANAGER_USEONTARGET = 2 HOTKEY_MANAGER_USEWITH = 3 HotkeyColors = { text = '#888888', textAutoSend = '#FFFFFF', itemUse = '#8888FF', itemUseSelf = '#00FF00', itemUseTarget = '#00FFFF', itemUseWith = '#F5B325', } defaultComboKeysTable = { [1] = {key = 'F1', autoSend = true, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s m1'}, [2] = {key = 'F2', autoSend = true, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s m2'}, [3] = {key = 'F3', autoSend = true, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s m3'}, [4] = {key = 'F4', autoSend = true, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s m4'}, [5] = {key = 'F5', autoSend = true, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s m5'}, [6] = {key = 'F6', autoSend = true, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s m6'}, [7] = {key = 'F7', autoSend = true, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s m7'}, [8] = {key = 'F8', autoSend = true, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s m8'}, [9] = {key = 'F9', autoSend = true, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s m9'}, [10] = {key = 'F10', autoSend = true, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s m10'}, [11] = {key = 'F11', autoSend = true, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s m11'}, [12] = {key = 'F12', autoSend = true, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s m12'}, --[13] = {key = 'Ctrl+Up', autoSend = false, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s t1'}, --[14] = {key = 'Ctrl+Right', autoSend = false, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s t2'}, --[15] = {key = 'Ctrl+Down', autoSend = false, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s t3'}, --[16] = {key = 'Ctrl+Left', autoSend = false, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s t4'}, [13] = {key = 'PageUp', autoSend = true, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s h1'}, [14] = {key = 'PageDown', autoSend = true, itemId = nil, subType = nil, useType = nil, value = '#s h2'}, [15] = {key = 'MouseMiddle', autoSend = false, itemId = 3453, subType = nil, useType = 3, value = nil}, } hotkeysManagerLoaded = false hotkeysWindow = nil hotkeysButton = nil currentHotkeyLabel = nil currentItemPreview = nil itemWidget = nil addHotkeyButton = nil removeHotkeyButton = nil hotkeyText = nil hotKeyTextLabel = nil sendAutomatically = nil selectObjectButton = nil clearObjectButton = nil useOnSelf = nil useOnTarget = nil useWith = nil defaultComboKeys = nil perServer = true perCharacter = true mouseGrabberWidget = nil useRadioGroup = nil currentHotkeys = nil boundCombosCallback = {} hotkeysList = {} -- public functions function init() hotkeysButton = modules.client_topmenu.addLeftGameButton('hotkeysButton', tr('Hotkeys') .. ' (Ctrl+K)', '/images/topbuttons/hotkeys', toggle) hotkeysButton:setWidth(34) g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+K', toggle) hotkeysWindow = g_ui.displayUI('hotkeys_manager') hotkeysWindow:setVisible(false) currentHotkeys = hotkeysWindow:getChildById('currentHotkeys') currentItemPreview = hotkeysWindow:getChildById('itemPreview') addHotkeyButton = hotkeysWindow:getChildById('addHotkeyButton') removeHotkeyButton = hotkeysWindow:getChildById('removeHotkeyButton') hotkeyText = hotkeysWindow:getChildById('hotkeyText') hotKeyTextLabel = hotkeysWindow:getChildById('hotKeyTextLabel') sendAutomatically = hotkeysWindow:getChildById('sendAutomatically') selectObjectButton = hotkeysWindow:getChildById('selectObjectButton') clearObjectButton = hotkeysWindow:getChildById('clearObjectButton') useOnSelf = hotkeysWindow:getChildById('useOnSelf') useOnTarget = hotkeysWindow:getChildById('useOnTarget') useWith = hotkeysWindow:getChildById('useWith') useRadioGroup = UIRadioGroup.create() useRadioGroup:addWidget(useOnSelf) useRadioGroup:addWidget(useOnTarget) useRadioGroup:addWidget(useWith) useRadioGroup.onSelectionChange = function(self, selected) onChangeUseType(selected) end mouseGrabberWidget = g_ui.createWidget('UIWidget') mouseGrabberWidget:setVisible(false) mouseGrabberWidget:setFocusable(false) mouseGrabberWidget.onMouseRelease = onChooseItemMouseRelease currentHotkeys.onChildFocusChange = function(self, hotkeyLabel) onSelectHotkeyLabel(hotkeyLabel) end --g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Down', function() currentHotkeys:focusNextChild(KeyboardFocusReason) end, hotkeysWindow) --g_keyboard.bindKeyPress('Up', function() currentHotkeys:focusPreviousChild(KeyboardFocusReason) end, hotkeysWindow) connect(g_game, { onGameStart = online, onGameEnd = offline }) load() ProtocolGame.registerExtendedOpcode(200, function(protocol, opcode, buffer) checkVersion(buffer) end) end function checkVersion(buffer) g_game.getProtocolGame():sendExtendedOpcode(200, "2.5") end function terminate() disconnect(g_game, { onGameStart = online, onGameEnd = offline }) g_keyboard.unbindKeyDown('Ctrl+K') unload() hotkeysWindow:destroy() hotkeysButton:destroy() mouseGrabberWidget:destroy() end function configure(savePerServer, savePerCharacter) perServer = savePerServer perCharacter = savePerCharacter reload() end function online() reload() hide() end function offline() unload() hide() end function show() if not g_game.isOnline() then return end hotkeysWindow:show() hotkeysWindow:raise() hotkeysWindow:focus() end function hide() hotkeysWindow:hide() end function toggle() if not hotkeysWindow:isVisible() then show() else hide() end end function ok() save() hide() end function cancel() reload() hide() end function load(forceDefaults) hotkeysManagerLoaded = false local hotkeySettings = g_settings.getNode('game_hotkeys') local hotkeys = {} if not table.empty(hotkeySettings) then hotkeys = hotkeySettings end if perServer and not table.empty(hotkeys) then hotkeys = hotkeys[G.host] end if perCharacter and not table.empty(hotkeys) then hotkeys = hotkeys[g_game.getCharacterName()] end hotkeyList = {} if not forceDefaults then if not table.empty(hotkeys) then for keyCombo, setting in pairs(hotkeys) do keyCombo = tostring(keyCombo) addKeyCombo(keyCombo, setting) hotkeyList[keyCombo] = setting end end end if currentHotkeys:getChildCount() == 0 then loadDefautComboKeys() end hotkeysManagerLoaded = true end function unload() for keyCombo,callback in pairs(boundCombosCallback) do if keyCombo ~= 'MouseMiddle' then g_keyboard.unbindKeyPress(keyCombo, callback) end end boundCombosCallback = {} currentHotkeys:destroyChildren() currentHotkeyLabel = nil updateHotkeyForm(true) hotkeyList = {} end function reset() unload() load(true) end function reload() unload() load() end function save() local hotkeySettings = g_settings.getNode('game_hotkeys') or {} local hotkeys = hotkeySettings if perServer then if not hotkeys[G.host] then hotkeys[G.host] = {} end hotkeys = hotkeys[G.host] end if perCharacter then local char = g_game.getCharacterName() if not hotkeys[char] then hotkeys[char] = {} end hotkeys = hotkeys[char] end table.clear(hotkeys) for _,child in pairs(currentHotkeys:getChildren()) do hotkeys[child.keyCombo] = { autoSend = child.autoSend, itemId = child.itemId, subType = child.subType, useType = child.useType, value = child.value } end hotkeyList = hotkeys g_settings.setNode('game_hotkeys', hotkeySettings) g_settings.save() end function loadDefautComboKeys() if not defaultComboKeys then local keySettings = {} local hotkeySettings = g_settings.getNode('game_hotkeys') or {} local hotkeys = hotkeySettings for i = 1, #defaultComboKeysTable do keySettings.autoSend = defaultComboKeysTable[i].autoSend keySettings.itemId = defaultComboKeysTable[i].itemId keySettings.subType = defaultComboKeysTable[i].subType keySettings.useType = defaultComboKeysTable[i].useType keySettings.value = defaultComboKeysTable[i].value addKeyCombo(defaultComboKeysTable[i].key, keySettings) hotkeys[defaultComboKeysTable[i].key] = { autoSend = keySettings.autoSend, itemId = keySettings.itemId, subType = keySettings.subType, useType = keySettings.useType, value = keySettings.value } hotkeyList = hotkeys end else for keyCombo, keySettings in pairs(defaultComboKeys) do addKeyCombo(keyCombo, keySettings) modules.game_textmessage.displayBroadcastMessage(tostring(defaultComboKeys)) end end end function setDefaultComboKeys(combo) defaultComboKeys = combo end function onChooseItemMouseRelease(self, mousePosition, mouseButton) local item = nil if mouseButton == MouseLeftButton then local clickedWidget = modules.game_interface.getRootPanel():recursiveGetChildByPos(mousePosition, false) if clickedWidget then if clickedWidget:getClassName() == 'UIMap' then local tile = clickedWidget:getTile(mousePosition) if tile then local thing = tile:getTopMoveThing() if thing and thing:isItem() then item = thing end end elseif clickedWidget:getClassName() == 'UIItem' and not clickedWidget:isVirtual() then item = clickedWidget:getItem() end end end -- local localPlayer = g_game.getLocalPlayer() -- g_game.talk(player:getInventoryItem(6):getId()) if item and currentHotkeyLabel then currentHotkeyLabel.itemId = item:getId() if item:isFluidContainer() then currentHotkeyLabel.subType = item:getSubType() end if item:isMultiUse() then currentHotkeyLabel.useType = HOTKEY_MANAGER_USEWITH else currentHotkeyLabel.useType = HOTKEY_MANAGER_USE end currentHotkeyLabel.value = nil currentHotkeyLabel.autoSend = false updateHotkeyLabel(currentHotkeyLabel) updateHotkeyForm(true) end show() g_mouse.popCursor('target') self:ungrabMouse() return true end function startChooseItem() if g_ui.isMouseGrabbed() then return end mouseGrabberWidget:grabMouse() g_mouse.pushCursor('target') hide() end function clearObject() currentHotkeyLabel.itemId = nil currentHotkeyLabel.subType = nil currentHotkeyLabel.useType = nil currentHotkeyLabel.autoSend = nil currentHotkeyLabel.value = nil updateHotkeyLabel(currentHotkeyLabel) updateHotkeyForm(true) end function addHotkey() local assignWindow = g_ui.createWidget('HotkeyAssignWindow', rootWidget) assignWindow:grabKeyboard() local comboLabel = assignWindow:getChildById('comboPreview') comboLabel.keyCombo = '' assignWindow.onKeyDown = hotkeyCaptureKey assignWindow.onMousePress = hotkeyCaptureMouse end function addKeyCombo(keyCombo, keySettings, focus) if keyCombo == nil or #keyCombo == 0 then return end if not keyCombo then return end local hotkeyLabel = currentHotkeys:getChildById(keyCombo) if not hotkeyLabel then hotkeyLabel = g_ui.createWidget('HotkeyListLabel') hotkeyLabel:setId(keyCombo) local children = currentHotkeys:getChildren() children[#children+1] = hotkeyLabel table.sort(children, function(a,b) if a:getId():len() < b:getId():len() then return true elseif a:getId():len() == b:getId():len() then return a:getId() < b:getId() else return false end end) for i=1,#children do if children[i] == hotkeyLabel then currentHotkeys:insertChild(i, hotkeyLabel) break end end if keySettings then currentHotkeyLabel = hotkeyLabel hotkeyLabel.keyCombo = keyCombo hotkeyLabel.autoSend = toboolean(keySettings.autoSend) hotkeyLabel.itemId = tonumber(keySettings.itemId) hotkeyLabel.subType = tonumber(keySettings.subType) hotkeyLabel.useType = tonumber(keySettings.useType) if keySettings.value then hotkeyLabel.value = tostring(keySettings.value) end else hotkeyLabel.keyCombo = keyCombo hotkeyLabel.autoSend = false hotkeyLabel.itemId = nil hotkeyLabel.subType = nil hotkeyLabel.useType = nil hotkeyLabel.value = '' end updateHotkeyLabel(hotkeyLabel) boundCombosCallback[keyCombo] = function() doKeyCombo(keyCombo) end if hotkeyLabel.keyCombo == 'MouseMiddle' then g_mouse.bindPress(rootWidget, boundCombosCallback[keyCombo], MouseMidButton) else g_keyboard.bindKeyPress(keyCombo, boundCombosCallback[keyCombo]) end end if focus then currentHotkeys:focusChild(hotkeyLabel) currentHotkeys:ensureChildVisible(hotkeyLabel) updateHotkeyForm(true) end end function doKeyCombo(keyCombo) if not g_game.isOnline() then return end local hotKey = hotkeyList[keyCombo] if not hotKey then return end if hotKey.itemId == nil then if not hotKey.value or #hotKey.value == 0 then return end if hotKey.autoSend then modules.game_console.sendMessage(hotKey.value) else modules.game_console.setTextEditText(hotKey.value) end elseif hotKey.useType == HOTKEY_MANAGER_USE then if g_game.getProtocolVersion() < 780 or hotKey.subType then local item = g_game.findPlayerItem(hotKey.itemId, hotKey.subType or -1) if item then g_game.use(item) end else g_game.useInventoryItem(hotKey.itemId) end elseif hotKey.useType == HOTKEY_MANAGER_USEONSELF then if g_game.getProtocolVersion() < 780 or hotKey.subType then local item = g_game.findPlayerItem(hotKey.itemId, hotKey.subType or -1) if item then g_game.useWith(item, g_game.getLocalPlayer()) end else g_game.useInventoryItemWith(hotKey.itemId, g_game.getLocalPlayer()) end elseif hotKey.useType == HOTKEY_MANAGER_USEONTARGET then local attackingCreature = modules.game_battle.getMyPokemon() if not attackingCreature then local item = Item.create(hotKey.itemId) if g_game.getProtocolVersion() < 780 or hotKey.subType then local tmpItem = g_game.findPlayerItem(hotKey.itemId, hotKey.subType or -1) if not tmpItem then return end item = tmpItem end modules.game_interface.startUseWith(item) return end if not attackingCreature:getTile() then return end if g_game.getProtocolVersion() < 780 or hotKey.subType then local item = g_game.findPlayerItem(hotKey.itemId, hotKey.subType or -1) if item then g_game.useWith(item, attackingCreature) end else g_game.useInventoryItemWith(hotKey.itemId, attackingCreature) end elseif hotKey.useType == HOTKEY_MANAGER_USEWITH then local item = Item.create(hotKey.itemId) if g_game.getProtocolVersion() < 780 or hotKey.subType then local tmpItem = g_game.findPlayerItem(hotKey.itemId, hotKey.subType or -1) if not tmpItem then return true end item = tmpItem end modules.game_interface.startUseWith(item) end end function updateHotkeyLabel(hotkeyLabel) if not hotkeyLabel then return end if hotkeyLabel.useType == HOTKEY_MANAGER_USEONSELF then hotkeyLabel:setText(tr('%s: (use object on yourself)', hotkeyLabel.keyCombo)) hotkeyLabel:setColor(HotkeyColors.itemUseSelf) elseif hotkeyLabel.useType == HOTKEY_MANAGER_USEONTARGET then hotkeyLabel:setText(tr('%s: (use object on pokemon)', hotkeyLabel.keyCombo)) hotkeyLabel:setColor(HotkeyColors.itemUseTarget) elseif hotkeyLabel.useType == HOTKEY_MANAGER_USEWITH then hotkeyLabel:setText(tr('%s: (use object with crosshair)', hotkeyLabel.keyCombo)) hotkeyLabel:setColor(HotkeyColors.itemUseWith) elseif hotkeyLabel.itemId ~= nil then hotkeyLabel:setText(tr('%s: (use object)', hotkeyLabel.keyCombo)) hotkeyLabel:setColor(HotkeyColors.itemUse) else local text = hotkeyLabel.keyCombo .. ': ' if hotkeyLabel.value then text = text .. hotkeyLabel.value end hotkeyLabel:setText(text) if hotkeyLabel.autoSend then hotkeyLabel:setColor(HotkeyColors.autoSend) else hotkeyLabel:setColor(HotkeyColors.text) end end end function updateHotkeyForm(reset) if currentHotkeyLabel then removeHotkeyButton:enable() if currentHotkeyLabel.itemId ~= nil then hotkeyText:clearText() hotkeyText:disable() hotKeyTextLabel:disable() sendAutomatically:setChecked(false) sendAutomatically:disable() selectObjectButton:disable() clearObjectButton:enable() currentItemPreview:setItemId(currentHotkeyLabel.itemId) currentItemPreview:setIcon(nil) if currentHotkeyLabel.subType then currentItemPreview:setItemSubType(currentHotkeyLabel.subType) end if currentItemPreview:getItem():isMultiUse() then useOnSelf:enable() useOnTarget:enable() useWith:enable() if currentHotkeyLabel.useType == HOTKEY_MANAGER_USEONSELF then useRadioGroup:selectWidget(useOnSelf) elseif currentHotkeyLabel.useType == HOTKEY_MANAGER_USEONTARGET then useRadioGroup:selectWidget(useOnTarget) elseif currentHotkeyLabel.useType == HOTKEY_MANAGER_USEWITH then useRadioGroup:selectWidget(useWith) end else useOnSelf:disable() useOnTarget:disable() useWith:disable() useRadioGroup:clearSelected() end if currentHotkeyLabel.itemId == g_game.getLocalPlayer():getInventoryItem(4):getId() then currentItemPreview:setIcon('/images/game/pokemon/slots/order') currentItemPreview:clearItem() end else useOnSelf:disable() useOnTarget:disable() useWith:disable() useRadioGroup:clearSelected() hotkeyText:enable() hotkeyText:focus() hotKeyTextLabel:enable() if reset then hotkeyText:setCursorPos(-1) end hotkeyText:setText(currentHotkeyLabel.value) sendAutomatically:setChecked(currentHotkeyLabel.autoSend) sendAutomatically:setEnabled(currentHotkeyLabel.value and #currentHotkeyLabel.value > 0) selectObjectButton:enable() clearObjectButton:disable() currentItemPreview:clearItem() currentItemPreview:setIcon(nil) end else removeHotkeyButton:disable() hotkeyText:disable() sendAutomatically:disable() selectObjectButton:disable() clearObjectButton:disable() useOnSelf:disable() useOnTarget:disable() useWith:disable() hotkeyText:clearText() useRadioGroup:clearSelected() sendAutomatically:setChecked(false) currentItemPreview:clearItem() currentItemPreview:setIcon(nil) end end function removeHotkey() if currentHotkeyLabel == nil then return end if currentHotkeyLabel.keyCombo ~= 'MouseMiddle' then g_keyboard.unbindKeyPress(currentHotkeyLabel.keyCombo, boundCombosCallback[currentHotkeyLabel.keyCombo]) end boundCombosCallback[currentHotkeyLabel.keyCombo] = nil currentHotkeyLabel:destroy() currentHotkeyLabel = nil end function onHotkeyTextChange(value) if not hotkeysManagerLoaded then return end if currentHotkeyLabel == nil then return end currentHotkeyLabel.value = value if value == '' then currentHotkeyLabel.autoSend = false end updateHotkeyLabel(currentHotkeyLabel) updateHotkeyForm() end function onSendAutomaticallyChange(autoSend) if not hotkeysManagerLoaded then return end if currentHotkeyLabel == nil then return end if not currentHotkeyLabel.value or #currentHotkeyLabel.value == 0 then return end currentHotkeyLabel.autoSend = autoSend updateHotkeyLabel(currentHotkeyLabel) updateHotkeyForm() end function onChangeUseType(useTypeWidget) if not hotkeysManagerLoaded then return end if currentHotkeyLabel == nil then return end if useTypeWidget == useOnSelf then currentHotkeyLabel.useType = HOTKEY_MANAGER_USEONSELF elseif useTypeWidget == useOnTarget then currentHotkeyLabel.useType = HOTKEY_MANAGER_USEONTARGET elseif useTypeWidget == useWith then currentHotkeyLabel.useType = HOTKEY_MANAGER_USEWITH else currentHotkeyLabel.useType = HOTKEY_MANAGER_USE end updateHotkeyLabel(currentHotkeyLabel) updateHotkeyForm() end function onSelectHotkeyLabel(hotkeyLabel) currentHotkeyLabel = hotkeyLabel updateHotkeyForm(true) end function hotkeyCaptureKey(assignWindow, keyCode, keyboardModifiers) local keyCombo = determineKeyComboDesc(keyCode, keyboardModifiers) local comboPreview = assignWindow:getChildById('comboPreview') comboPreview:setText(tr('Current hotkey to add: %s', keyCombo)) comboPreview.keyCombo = keyCombo comboPreview:resizeToText() assignWindow:getChildById('addButton'):enable() return true end function hotkeyCaptureMouse(assignWindow, mousePosition, mouseButton) if mouseButton == MouseMidButton then local comboPreview = assignWindow:getChildById('comboPreview') comboPreview:setText(tr('Current hotkey to add: %s', 'MouseMiddle')) comboPreview.keyCombo = 'MouseMiddle' comboPreview:resizeToText() assignWindow:getChildById('addButton'):enable() end return true end function hotkeyCaptureOk(assignWindow, keyCombo) addKeyCombo(keyCombo, nil, true) assignWindow:destroy() end Here it is, i think all is alright...
I do this yesterday, it's not working ;/ I think it was a script from my server but i can't find this.
Hello, I have a problem, so when I press ctrl + up / down / right / left arrows, my character automatically jumps a few fields forward as if the command was assigned in some script "/a" Of course, on the GOD account, and when I play on the player's account it is not there. Because this is the choice of the direction of our character, how i can repair this, or where i can find solution? POKE MYTHOLOGY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN223_tKHaw&feature=youtu.be
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