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About Philips23232


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  1. [USA] Relicaria 7.72/ 7.4 - Official Start on Friday - 02.03.2018 - 18:00 CET Server Information: Website: https://wwww.relicaria.com/ Uptime: 24/7 OFFICIAL START: Friday 2 March 18:00 (CET) Version: 7.4 graphics Map content: Real Map 7.72 with PORT HOPE, POI & DEMON OAK QUESTS ADDED World type: PvP-Enforced With skulls(exp from player killing) Client: antibot 7.72 client NO HOTKEYS! Server Configuration: Experience Table: stages Magic: x1.0 Skills: x1.5 (use stages too, to get a balance gameplay) Loot Rate: x2.0 Regeneration Rate: High Gameplay: Live Cast System NO PAY TO WIN ! (Free players have everything excluding some outfits and the ability to buy houses or light command) 7.4 spells and damage formulas, working as 8.0, Spells like (exori vis, exori mort) are shooted directly to monsters /players No PZ-lock on boats or carpets (bring me to xxx code added) Item/UH traps Party share experience Tasks Capture The Flag Event ! Pits of Inferno Quest(with real monsters) Demon Oak Quest(with real monsters) Buy bp mana/runes with simple keywords (bp mf, bp sd) New custom items & monsters at a new isle for players 100+ Changes: Added customs spells and 8.x spells (you can check them at spells section in website) UE mana cost: 1200 Runes mana cost: 7.4 Conjured runes x2 charges Runes in shop x1 charges Promotion: 20k Djinns/Rashid: FREE Desert Quest: SOLO Amulet of loss: 20k Bless system with twist of fate 8.x bless system (price depends on level) War Configuration: Redskull: 5 frags (3 days redskull) Banishment: 20 frags (3 days banishment) Fragtime: 12 hours/frag PREMIUM FEATURES +45 Outfits (excluding the already known ones),free players would have the normal premium outfits too ofc +Option to Get house +Light with command +new spells effects (the same attack as others for example: exevo gran ams vis, but with changed graphics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7QjY1xqA24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg_TPYseMgY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5g0kClMPHPk
  2. Hello Xtibia Community I want to announce the new launchment date of relicaria pvp-enforced Launchment date Jan 20 2017 16:00:00 CET Start (January, 20, 2017) Type: pvp enforced rpg IP: relicaria.ddns.net Port: 7173 Serverr t Client: 7.72 with 7.4 graphic Custom Client Uptime: 24/7 Hosted: Chile Website: relicaria.ddns.net Map: Global(Port hope on it) Runes: All runes are double charges important ones such as (sd , paralize , uh between others ask souls) Loots Rates: 2.5 Skills Rates: 5.5 Magic Rates: 4.8 Experience Stages: Multiplier= x1 minlevel= 1 maxlevel= 7 multiplier= 7 minlevel= 8 maxlevel= 29 multiplier= 7 minlevel= 30 maxlevel= 49 multiplier= 6 minlevel= 50 maxlevel= 74 multiplier= 6 minlevel= 75 maxlevel= 94 multiplier= 5 minlevel= 95 maxlevel= 119 multiplier= 3 minlevel= 120 maxlevel=149 multiplier= 2 minlevel= 150 maxlevel= 199 multiplier= 2 minlevel=200 maxlevel=299 multiplier=1 minlevel= 300 multiplier= 1 Vocations hp/mana gain Knight: Health Gain: 2 Mana Gain: 3 (doubled after get a promotion) Paladin: Health Gain: 2 Mana Gain: 4 (doubled after get a promotion) Druid: Health Gain: 2 Mana Gain: 3 (doubled after get a promotion) Sorcerer: Health Gain: 2 Mana Gain: 3 (doubled after get a promotion) Server Features -Anti bot Client and auto ban unkown packets -Grizzly adams tasks npc tasks for free and players account -War guilds system and shared experience system -Lure monsters among all global map -no pz lock on boats and travels for free accounts -all premiums features for free (excluding NEW outfits houses, and some tasks) -no level requeried on weapons, wands and rods for mages -NEW quests added such as :Postman, Hota, POI. -NEW Outfits for premium players -npc , levers , signs , major and minor quests working. The new outfits Some new items dropped by monsters boss for raids or obtaainable in shop Some of the new boss monsters New website desgin Hope to see you!
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