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Sobre WalidGharib


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WalidGharib's Achievements

  1. fatal error call to a member function fetch_assoc() on a non-object in C:/xampp/htdocs/classes/player.php on line 36 ----------------- A linha 36 e a seguinte : public function load($search_text, $search_by = self::LOADTYPE_ID) Inteira <?php if(!defined('INITIALIZED')) exit; class Player extends ObjectData { const LOADTYPE_ID = 'id'; const LOADTYPE_NAME = 'name'; const LOADTYPE_ACCOUNT_ID = 'account_id'; public static $table = 'players'; public $data = array('name' => null, 'world_id' => null, 'group_id' => null, 'account_id' => null, 'level' => null, 'vocation' => null, 'health' => null, 'healthmax' => null, 'experience' => null, 'lookbody' => null, 'lookfeet' => null, 'lookhead' => null, 'looklegs' => null, 'looktype' => null, 'lookaddons' => null, 'maglevel' => null, 'mana' => null, 'manamax' => null, 'manaspent' => null, 'soul' => null, 'town_id' => null, 'posx' => null, 'posy' => null, 'posz' => null, 'conditions' => null, 'cap' => null, 'sex' => null, 'lastlogin' => null, 'lastip' => null, 'save' => null, 'skull' => null, 'skulltime' => null, 'rank_id' => null, 'guildnick' => null, 'lastlogout' => null, 'blessings' => null, 'balance' => null, 'stamina' => null, 'direction' => null, 'loss_experience' => null, 'loss_mana' => null, 'loss_skills' => null, 'loss_containers' => null, 'loss_items' => null, 'premend' => null, 'online' => null, 'marriage' => null, 'promotion' => null, 'deleted' => null, 'description' => null, 'create_ip' => null, 'create_date' => null, 'comment' => null, 'hide_char' => null); public static $fields = array('id', 'name', 'world_id', 'group_id', 'account_id', 'level', 'vocation', 'health', 'healthmax', 'experience', 'lookbody', 'lookfeet', 'lookhead', 'looklegs', 'looktype', 'lookaddons', 'maglevel', 'mana', 'manamax', 'manaspent', 'soul', 'town_id', 'posx', 'posy', 'posz', 'conditions', 'cap', 'sex', 'lastlogin', 'lastip', 'save', 'skull', 'skulltime', 'rank_id', 'guildnick', 'lastlogout', 'blessings', 'balance', 'stamina', 'direction', 'loss_experience', 'loss_mana', 'loss_skills', 'loss_containers', 'loss_items', 'premend', 'online', 'marriage', 'promotion', 'deleted', 'description', 'create_ip', 'create_date', 'comment', 'hide_char'); public static $skillFields = array('player_id', 'skillid', 'value', 'count'); public $items; public $storages; public $skills; public $account; public $rank; public function __construct($search_text = null, $search_by = self::LOADTYPE_ID) { if($search_text != null) $this->load($search_text, $search_by); } public function load($search_text, $search_by = self::LOADTYPE_ID) { if(in_array($search_by, self::$fields)) $search_string = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName($search_by) . ' = ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($search_text); else new Error_Critic('', 'Wrong Player search_by type.'); $fieldsArray = array(); foreach(self::$fields as $fieldName) $fieldsArray[] = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName($fieldName); $this->data = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->query('SELECT ' . implode(', ', $fieldsArray) . ' FROM ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->tableName(self::$table) . ' WHERE ' . $search_string)->fetch(); } public function loadById($id) { $this->load($id, self::LOADTYPE_ID); } public function loadByName($name) { $this->load($name, self::LOADTYPE_NAME); } public function save($forceInsert = false) { if(!isset($this->data['id']) || $forceInsert) { $keys = array(); $values = array(); foreach(self::$fields as $key) if($key != 'id') { $keys[] = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName($key); $values[] = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($this->data[$key]); } $this->getDatabaseHandler()->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->tableName(self::$table) . ' (' . implode(', ', $keys) . ') VALUES (' . implode(', ', $values) . ')'); $this->setID($this->getDatabaseHandler()->lastInsertId()); } else { $updates = array(); foreach(self::$fields as $key) $updates[] = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName($key) . ' = ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($this->data[$key]); $this->getDatabaseHandler()->query('UPDATE ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->tableName(self::$table) . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $updates) . ' WHERE ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($this->data['id'])); } } public function getItems($forceReload = false) { if(!isset($this->items) || $forceReload) $this->items = new ItemsList($this->getID()); return $this->items; } public function saveItems() { if(isset($this->items)) { // if any script changed ID of player, function should save items with new player id $this->items->setPlayerId($this->getID()); $this->items->save(); } else new Error_Critic('', 'Player::saveItems() - items not loaded, cannot save'); } public function loadStorages() { $this->storages = array(); // load all $storages = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->query('SELECT ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('player_id') . ', ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('key') . ', ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('value') . ' FROM ' .$this->getDatabaseHandler()->tableName('player_storage') . ' WHERE ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($this->data['id']))->fetchAll(); foreach($storages as $storage) { $this->storages[$storage['key']] = $storage['value']; } } public function saveStorages() { if(isset($this->storages)) { $this->getDatabaseHandler()->query('DELETE FROM ' .$this->getDatabaseHandler()->tableName('player_storage') . ' WHERE ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($this->data['id'])); foreach($this->storages as $key => $value) { //save each $this->getDatabaseHandler()->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->tableName('player_storage') . ' (' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('player_id') . ', ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('key') . ', ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('value') . ', ) VALUES (' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($this->data['id']) . ', ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($key) . ', ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($value) . ')'); } } else new Error_Critic('', 'Player::saveStorages() - storages not loaded, cannot save'); } public function getStorage($key) { if(!isset($this->storages)) { $this->loadStorages(); } if(isset($this->storages[$key])) return $this->storages[$key]; else return null; } public function getStorages() { if(!isset($this->storages)) { $this->loadStorages(); } return $this->storages; } public function setStorage($key, $value) { if(!isset($this->storages)) { $this->loadStorages(); } $this->storages[$key] = $value; } public function removeStorage($key) { if(!isset($this->storages)) { $this->loadStorages(); } if(isset($this->storages[$key])) unset($this->storages[$key]); } public function loadSkills() { $fieldsArray = array(); foreach(self::$skillFields as $fieldName) $fieldsArray[] = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName($fieldName); $skills = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->query('SELECT ' . implode(', ', $fieldsArray) . ' FROM ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('player_skills') . ' WHERE ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($this->getID()))->fetchAll(); $this->skills = array(); foreach($skills as $skill) $this->skills[$skill['skillid']] = $skill; } public function getSkills($forceReload = false) { if(!isset($this->skills) || $forceReload) $this->loadSkills(); return $this->skills; } public function getSkill($id, $forceReload = false) { if(!isset($this->skills) || $forceReload) $this->loadSkills(); if(isset($this->skills[$id])) return $this->skills[$id]['value']; else new Error_Critic('', 'Player::getSkill() - Skill ' . htmlspecialchars($id) . ' does not exist'); } public function setSkill($id, $value) { $this->skills[$id]['value'] = $value; } public function getSkillCount($id, $forceReload = false) { if(!isset($this->skills) || $forceReload) $this->loadSkills(); if(isset($this->skills[$id])) return $this->skills[$id]['count']; else new Error_Critic('', 'Player::getSkillCount() - Skill ' . htmlspecialchars($id) . ' does not exist'); } public function setSkillCount($id, $count) { $this->skills[$id]['count'] = $count; } public function saveSkills() { if(isset($this->skills)) { $this->getDatabaseHandler()->query('DELETE FROM ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->tableName('player_skills') . ' WHERE ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($this->getID())); if(count($this->skills) > 0) { $keys = array(); foreach(self::$skillFields as $key) $keys[] = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName($key); $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->tableName('player_skills') . ' (' . implode(', ', $keys) . ') VALUES '; foreach($this->skills as $skill) { $fieldValues = array(); foreach(self::$skillFields as $key) if($key != 'player_id') $fieldValues[] = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($skill[$key]); else $fieldValues[] = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($this->getID()); $this->getDatabaseHandler()->query($query . '(' . implode(', ', $fieldValues) . ')'); } } } else new Error_Critic('', 'Player::saveSkills() - skills not loaded, cannot save'); } public function loadAccount() { $this->account = new Account($this->getAccountID()); } public function getAccount($forceReload = false) { if(!isset($this->account) || $forceReload) $this->loadAccount(); return $this->account; } public function setAccount($account) { $this->account = $account; $this->setAccountID($account->getID()); } public function loadRank() { $this->rank = new GuildRank($this->getRankID()); } public function getRank($forceReload = false) { if(!isset($this->rank) || $forceReload) $this->loadRank(); if($this->data['rank_id'] == 0) { return null; } return $this->rank; } public function setRank($rank = null) { if(isset($rank)) { $this->rank = $rank; $this->setRankID($rank->getID()); } else { $this->rank = new GuildRank(); $this->setRankID(0); } } public function hasGuild() { return $this->getRank()->isLoaded(); } public function removeGuildInvitations() { $this->getDatabaseHandler()->query('DELETE FROM ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->tableName('guild_invites') . ' WHERE ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($this->getID())); } public function unban() { $bans = new DatabaseList('Ban'); $filterType = new SQL_Filter(new SQL_Field('type'), SQL_Filter::EQUAL, Ban::TYPE_PLAYER); $filterValue = new SQL_Filter(new SQL_Field('value'), SQL_Filter::EQUAL, $this->data['id']); $filterActive = new SQL_Filter(new SQL_Field('active'), SQL_Filter::EQUAL, 1); $filter = new SQL_Filter($filterType, SQL_Filter::CRITERIUM_AND, $filterValue); $filter = new SQL_Filter($filter, SQL_Filter::CRITERIUM_AND, $filterActive); $bans->setFilter($filter); foreach($bans as $ban) { $ban->setActive(0); $ban->save(); } } public function isBanned() { $bans = new DatabaseList('Ban'); $filterType = new SQL_Filter(new SQL_Field('type'), SQL_Filter::EQUAL, Ban::TYPE_PLAYER); $filterParam = new SQL_Filter(new SQL_Field('param'), SQL_Filter::EQUAL, Ban::PLAYERBAN_BANISHMENT); $filterValue = new SQL_Filter(new SQL_Field('value'), SQL_Filter::EQUAL, $this->data['id']); $filterActive = new SQL_Filter(new SQL_Field('active'), SQL_Filter::EQUAL, 1); $filter = new SQL_Filter($filterType, SQL_Filter::CRITERIUM_AND, $filterValue); $filter = new SQL_Filter($filter, SQL_Filter::CRITERIUM_AND, $filterActive); $filter = new SQL_Filter($filter, SQL_Filter::CRITERIUM_AND, $filterParam); $bans->setFilter($filter); $isBanned = false; foreach($bans as $ban) { if($ban->getExpires() <= 0 || $ban->isExpires() > time()) $isBanned = true; } return $isBanned; } public function isNamelocked() { $bans = new DatabaseList('Ban'); $filterType = new SQL_Filter(new SQL_Field('type'), SQL_Filter::EQUAL, Ban::TYPE_PLAYER); $filterParam = new SQL_Filter(new SQL_Field('param'), SQL_Filter::EQUAL, Ban::PLAYERBAN_LOCK); $filterValue = new SQL_Filter(new SQL_Field('value'), SQL_Filter::EQUAL, $this->data['id']); $filterActive = new SQL_Filter(new SQL_Field('active'), SQL_Filter::EQUAL, 1); $filter = new SQL_Filter($filterType, SQL_Filter::CRITERIUM_AND, $filterValue); $filter = new SQL_Filter($filter, SQL_Filter::CRITERIUM_AND, $filterActive); $filter = new SQL_Filter($filter, SQL_Filter::CRITERIUM_AND, $filterParam); $bans->setFilter($filter); return (count($bans) > 0); } public function delete() { $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->tableName(self::$table) . ' SET ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('deleted') . ' = 1 WHERE ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($this->data['id'])); unset($this->data['id']); } /* * default tfs 0.3.6 fields */ public function setID($value){$this->data['id'] = $value;} public function getID(){return $this->data['id'];} public function setAccountID($value){$this->data['account_id'] = $value;} public function getAccountID(){return $this->data['account_id'];} public function setWorldID($value){$this->data['world_id'] = $value;} public function getWorldID(){return $this->data['world_id'];} public function setName($value){$this->data['name'] = $value;} public function getName(){return $this->data['name'];} public function setGroupID($value){$this->data['group_id'] = $value;} public function getGroupID(){return $this->data['group_id'];} public function setVocation($value){$this->data['vocation'] = $value;} public function getVocation(){return $this->data['vocation'];} public function setPromotion($value){$this->data['promotion'] = $value;} public function getPromotion(){return $this->data['promotion'];} public function setLevel($value){$this->data['level'] = $value;} public function getLevel(){return $this->data['level'];} public function setExperience($value){$this->data['experience'] = $value;} public function getExperience(){return $this->data['experience'];} public function setHealth($value){$this->data['health'] = $value;} public function getHealth(){return $this->data['health'];} public function setHealthMax($value){$this->data['healthmax'] = $value;} public function getHealthMax(){return $this->data['healthmax'];} public function setMana($value){$this->data['mana'] = $value;} public function getMana(){return $this->data['mana'];} public function setManaMax($value){$this->data['manamax'] = $value;} public function getManaMax(){return $this->data['manamax'];} public function setMagLevel($value){$this->data['maglevel'] = $value;} public function getMagLevel(){return $this->data['maglevel'];} public function setManaSpent($value){$this->data['manaspent'] = $value;} public function getManaSpent(){return $this->data['manaspent'];} public function setSex($value){$this->data['sex'] = $value;} public function getSex(){return $this->data['sex'];} public function setTown($value){$this->data['town_id'] = $value;} public function getTown(){return $this->data['town_id'];} public function setPosX($value){$this->data['posx'] = $value;} public function getPosX(){return $this->data['posx'];} public function setPosY($value){$this->data['posy'] = $value;} public function getPosY(){return $this->data['posy'];} public function setPosZ($value){$this->data['posz'] = $value;} public function getPosZ(){return $this->data['posz'];} public function setCapacity($value){$this->data['cap'] = $value;} public function getCapacity(){return $this->data['cap'];} public function setSoul($value){$this->data['soul'] = $value;} public function getSoul(){return $this->data['soul'];} public function setConditions($value){$this->data['conditions'] = $value;} public function getConditions(){return $this->data['conditions'];} public function setLastIP($value){$this->data['lastip'] = $value;} public function getLastIP(){return $this->data['lastip'];} public function setLastLogin($value){$this->data['lastlogin'] = $value;} public function getLastLogin(){return $this->data['lastlogin'];} public function setLastLogout($value){$this->data['lastlogout'] = $value;} public function getLastLogout(){return $this->data['lastlogout'];} public function setSkull($value){$this->data['skull'] = $value;} public function getSkull(){return $this->data['skull'];} public function setSkullTime($value){$this->data['skulltime'] = $value;} public function getSkullTime(){return $this->data['skulltime'];} public function setRankID($value){$this->data['rank_id'] = $value;} public function getRankID(){return $this->data['rank_id'];} public function setGuildNick($value){$this->data['guildnick'] = $value;} public function getGuildNick(){return $this->data['guildnick'];} public function setSave($value = 1){$this->data['save'] = (int) $value;} public function getSave(){return $this->data['save'];} public function setBlessings($value){$this->data['blessings'] = $value;} public function getBlessings(){return $this->data['blessings'];} public function setBalance($value){$this->data['balance'] = $value;} public function getBalance(){return $this->data['balance'];} public function setStamina($value){$this->data['stamina'] = $value;} public function getStamina(){return $this->data['stamina'];} public function setDirection($value){$this->data['direction'] = $value;} public function getDirection(){return $this->data['direction'];} public function setLossExperience($value){$this->data['loss_experience'] = $value;} public function getLossExperience(){return $this->data['loss_experience'];} public function setLossMana($value){$this->data['loss_mana'] = $value;} public function getLossMana(){return $this->data['loss_mana'];} public function setLossSkills($value){$this->data['loss_skills'] = $value;} public function getLossSkills(){return $this->data['loss_skills'];} public function setLossContainers($value){$this->data['loss_containers'] = $value;} public function getLossContainers(){return $this->data['loss_containers'];} public function setLossItems($value){$this->data['loss_items'] = $value;} public function getLossItems(){return $this->data['loss_items'];} public function setOnline($value){$this->data['online'] = (int) $value;} public function getOnline(){return (bool) $this->data['online'];} public function setMarriage($value){$this->data['marriage'] = $value;} public function getMarriage(){return $this->data['marriage'];} public function setDeleted($value){$this->data['deleted'] = (int) $value;} public function isDeleted(){return (bool) $this->data['deleted'];} public function setDescription($value){$this->data['description'] = $value;} public function getDescription(){return $this->data['description'];} public function setLookBody($value){$this->data['lookbody'] = $value;} public function getLookBody(){return $this->data['lookbody'];} public function setLookFeet($value){$this->data['lookfeet'] = $value;} public function getLookFeet(){return $this->data['lookfeet'];} public function setLookHead($value){$this->data['lookhead'] = $value;} public function getLookHead(){return $this->data['lookhead'];} public function setLookLegs($value){$this->data['looklegs'] = $value;} public function getLookLegs(){return $this->data['looklegs'];} public function setLookType($value){$this->data['looktype'] = $value;} public function getLookType(){return $this->data['looktype'];} public function setLookAddons($value){$this->data['lookaddons'] = $value;} public function getLookAddons(){return $this->data['lookaddons'];} /* * Custom AAC fields * create_ip , INT, default 0 * create_date , INT, default 0 * hide_char , INT, default 0 * comment , TEXT, default '' */ public function setCreateIP($value){$this->data['create_ip'] = $value;} public function getCreateIP(){return $this->data['create_ip'];} public function setCreateDate($value){$this->data['create_date'] = $value;} public function getCreateDate(){return $this->data['create_date'];} public function setHidden($value){$this->data['hide_char'] = (int) $value;} public function isHidden(){return (bool) $this->data['hide_char'];} public function setComment($value){$this->data['comment'] = $value;} public function getComment(){return $this->data['comment'];} /* * for compability with old scripts */ public function setGroup($value){$this->setGroupID($value);} public function getGroup(){return $this->getGroupID();} public function setWorld($value){$this->setWorldID($value);} public function getWorld(){return $this->getWorldID();} public function isOnline(){return $this->getOnline() == 1;} public function getCreated(){return $this->getCreateDate();} public function setCreated($value){$this->setCreateDate($value);} public function setCap($value){$this->setCapacity($value);} public function getCap(){return $this->getCapacity();} public function isSaveSet(){return $this->getSave();} public function unsetSave(){$this->setSave(0);} public function getTownId(){return $this->getTown();} public function getHideChar(){return $this->isHidden();} public function find($name){$this->loadByName($name);} }
  2. Valeu cara voce me salvou qual era o problema ? gosto de aprender tambem sobre o dois topicos porque tinha dado um erro ai pensei que nao postou quando fui ve nao sabia exclui
  3. Então venho tendo um problema com o monstro 'morte', fui editar meu mapa pela primeira vez mexi em algumas coisas no mapa e quando troquei o do server por o qual mexi os mortes desapareceram do mapa e esses dias fui tentar mexer no mapa denovo so que agora queria criar mais hunt's de morte porem nao conseguia importa o monster morte morte.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <monster name="Morte" nameDescription="a Morte" race="undead" experience="11500" speed="370" manacost="0"> <health now="11000" max="11000"/> <look type="300" corpse="8955"/> <targetchange interval="5000" chance="10"/> <strategy attack="80" defense="20"/> <flags> <flag summonable="0"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="0"/> <flag convinceable="0"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag canpushcreatures="1"/> <flag targetdistance="1"/> <flag staticattack="85"/> <flag runonhealth="0"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="140" attack="140"/> <attack name="death" interval="2000" chance="15" range="7" target="1" min="0" max="-60"> <attribute key="shootEffect" value="suddendeath"/> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="mortarea"/> </attack> <attack name="lifedrain" interval="2000" chance="15" length="7" spread="0" min="0" max="-800"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="redspark"/> </attack> <attack name="physical" interval="2000" chance="14" radius="4" target="0" min="0" max="-500"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="redspark"/> </attack> <attack name="physical" interval="3000" chance="19" length="7" spread="3" min="0" max="-450"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="explosionarea"/> </attack> </attacks> <defenses armor="30" defense="30"> <defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="25" min="100" max="195"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/> </defense> </defenses> <elements> <element energyPercent="-5"/> <element earthPercent="10"/> <element icePercent="5"/> <element holyPercent="-10"/> <element deathPercent="30"/> <element firePercent="-10"/> </elements> <immunities> <immunity lifedrain="1"/> <immunity paralyze="1"/> <immunity invisible="1"/> </immunities> <voices interval="5000" chance="10"> <voice sentence="MORRE DIABO!" yell="1"/> <voice sentence="Come a little closer!" yell="1"/> <voice sentence="The end is near!" yell="1"/> </voices> <loot> <item id="2148" countmax="98" chance="40000"/> -- gold coin <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance="40000"/> -- gold coin <item id="2152" countmax="4" chance="20000"/> -- Platinum Coin <item id="2150" countmax="3" chance="10000"/> -- small amethyst <item id="6558" chance="13500"/> -- concentrated demonic blood <item id="6558" chance="18500"/> -- concentrated demonic blood <item id="6500" countmax="1" chance="7800"/> -- demonic essence <item id="6300" chance="3300"/> -- death ring <item id="5909" countmax="1" chance="3800"/> -- white piece of cloth <item id="2521" chance="8500"/> -- dark shield <item id="1987" chance="100000"> <inside> <item id="5022" countmax="4" chance="40000"/> -- orichalcum pearl <item id="8889" chance="2100"/> -- skullcracker armor <item id="7418" chance="2200"/> -- nightmare blade <item id="7589" chance="8500"/> -- strong mana potion <item id="8910" chance="6000"/> -- underworld rod <item id="8473" chance="8777"/> -- ultimate health potion <item id="2112" chance="4100"/> --addon doll </inside> </item> </loot> </monster>
  4. Alguem me ajuda quando alguem cria guild pelo site não cria no Tibia
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