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Tudo que sk8sk8ter postou

  1. então eu fui atraz e resolvi minhas duvidas axei as sources aprendi em partes mecher do dev c+++ criei alguns projetos e tal oque eu não entendi é como posso executar isso no tibia ... vc me ajudou muito mais com suas explicações porem vc percebeu q em minha source não tem como substituir oque o tutorial q encontrei manda substituir ai oque eu fiz adcionei o comando no fim da linha e compilei no items.ccp porem percebi que não preciso apenas fazer isso preciso compilar e criar um executavel correto ai q ta o poblema não consegui fazer... se alguem poder me ajudar ou mandar um forghtserve.exe pra min ja compilado eu agradeço ou mais informações pois se eu aprender pra min seria otimo tbm .... em quanto isso continuo buscando informações e continuo tentando obrigado a todos
  2. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpenTibia - an opensource roleplaying game //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "otpch.h" #include #include #include "item.h" #include "container.h" #include "depot.h" #include "teleport.h" #include "trashholder.h" #include "mailbox.h" #include "luascript.h" #include "combat.h" #include "house.h" #include "beds.h" #include "actions.h" #include "configmanager.h" #include "game.h" #include "movement.h" extern Game g_game; extern ConfigManager g_config; extern MoveEvents* g_moveEvents; Items Item::items; Item* Item::CreateItem(const uint16_t type, uint16_t amount/* = 0*/) { const ItemType& it = Item::items[type]; if( == ITEM_GROUP_DEPRECATED) { #ifdef __DEBUG__ std::clog << "[Error - Item::CreateItem] Item " << << " has been declared as deprecated" << std::endl; #endif return NULL; } if(! return NULL; Item* newItem = NULL; if(it.isDepot()) newItem = new Depot(type); else if(it.isContainer()) newItem = new Container(type); else if(it.isTeleport()) newItem = new Teleport(type); else if(it.isMagicField()) newItem = new MagicField(type); else if(it.isDoor()) newItem = new Door(type); else if(it.isTrashHolder()) newItem = new TrashHolder(type, it.magicEffect); else if(it.isMailbox()) newItem = new Mailbox(type); else if(it.isBed()) newItem = new BedItem(type); else if( >= 2210 && <= 2212) newItem = new Item(type - 3, amount); else if( == 2215 || == 2216) newItem = new Item(type - 2, amount); else if( >= 2202 && <= 2206) newItem = new Item(type - 37, amount); else if( == 2640) newItem = new Item(6132, amount); else if( == 6301) newItem = new Item(6300, amount); else newItem = new Item(type, amount); newItem->addRef(); return newItem; } Item* Item::CreateItem(PropStream& propStream) { uint16_t type; if(!propStream.getShort(type)) return NULL; return Item::CreateItem(items.getRandomizedItem(type), 0); } bool Item::loadItem(xmlNodePtr node, Container* parent) { if(!xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*)"item")) return false; int32_t intValue; std::string strValue; Item* item = NULL; if(readXMLInteger(node, "id", intValue)) item = Item::CreateItem(intValue); if(!item) return false; if(readXMLString(node, "attributes", strValue)) { StringVec v, attr = explodeString(strValue, ";"); for(StringVec::iterator it = attr.begin(); it != attr.end(); ++it) { v = explodeString((*it), ","); if(v.size() < 2) continue; if(atoi(v[1].c_str()) || v[1] == "0") item->setAttribute(v[0].c_str(), atoi(v[1].c_str())); else item->setAttribute(v[0].c_str(), v[1]); } } //compatibility if(readXMLInteger(node, "subtype", intValue) || readXMLInteger(node, "subType", intValue)) item->setSubType(intValue); if(readXMLInteger(node, "actionId", intValue) || readXMLInteger(node, "actionid", intValue) || readXMLInteger(node, "aid", intValue)) item->setActionId(intValue); if(readXMLInteger(node, "uniqueId", intValue) || readXMLInteger(node, "uniqueid", intValue) || readXMLInteger(node, "uid", intValue)) item->setUniqueId(intValue); if(readXMLString(node, "text", strValue)) item->setText(strValue); if(item->getContainer()) loadContainer(node, item->getContainer()); if(parent) parent->addItem(item); return true; } bool Item::loadContainer(xmlNodePtr parentNode, Container* parent) { for(xmlNodePtr node = parentNode->children; node; node = node->next) { if(node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if(!xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*)"item") && !loadItem(node, parent)) return false; } return true; } Item::Item(const uint16_t type, uint16_t amount/* = 0*/): ItemAttributes(), id(type) { raid = NULL; loadedFromMap = false; setItemCount(1); setDefaultDuration(); const ItemType& it = items[type]; if(it.isFluidContainer() || it.isSplash()) setFluidType(amount); else if(it.stackable) { if(amount) setItemCount(amount); else if(it.charges) setItemCount(it.charges); } else if(it.charges) setCharges(amount ? amount : it.charges); } Item* Item::clone() const { Item* tmp = Item::CreateItem(id, count); if(!tmp) return NULL; if(!attributes || attributes->empty()) return tmp; tmp->createAttributes(); *tmp->attributes = *attributes; tmp->eraseAttribute("uid"); return tmp; } void Item::copyAttributes(Item* item) { if(item && item->attributes && !item->attributes->empty()) { createAttributes(); *attributes = *item->attributes; eraseAttribute("uid"); } eraseAttribute("decaying"); eraseAttribute("duration"); } void Item::makeUnique(Item* parent) { if(!parent || !parent->getUniqueId()) return; ScriptEnviroment::removeUniqueThing(parent); setUniqueId(parent->getUniqueId()); parent->eraseAttribute("uid"); } void Item::onRemoved() { if(raid) { raid->unRef(); raid = NULL; } ScriptEnviroment::removeTempItem(this); if(getUniqueId()) ScriptEnviroment::removeUniqueThing(this); } void Item::setDefaultSubtype() { setItemCount(1); const ItemType& it = items[id]; if(it.charges) setCharges(it.charges); } void Item::setID(uint16_t newId) { const ItemType& it = Item::items[newId]; const ItemType& pit = Item::items[id]; id = newId; uint32_t newDuration = it.decayTime * 1000; if(!newDuration && !it.stopTime && it.decayTo == -1) { eraseAttribute("decaying"); eraseAttribute("duration"); } eraseAttribute("corpseowner"); if(newDuration > 0 && (!pit.stopTime || !hasIntegerAttribute("duration"))) { setDecaying(DECAYING_FALSE); setDuration(newDuration); } } bool Item::floorChange(FloorChange_t change/* = CHANGE_NONE*/) const { if(change < CHANGE_NONE) return Item::items[id].floorChange[change]; for(int32_t i = CHANGE_PRE_FIRST; i < CHANGE_LAST; ++i) { if(Item::items[id].floorChange) return true; } return false; } Player* Item::getHoldingPlayer() { for(Cylinder* p = getParent(); p; p = p->getParent()) { if(p->getCreature()) return p->getCreature()->getPlayer(); } return NULL; } const Player* Item::getHoldingPlayer() const { return const_cast(this)->getHoldingPlayer(); } uint16_t Item::getSubType() const { const ItemType& it = items[id]; if(it.isFluidContainer() || it.isSplash()) return getFluidType(); if(it.charges) return getCharges(); return count; } void Item::setSubType(uint16_t n) { const ItemType& it = items[id]; if(it.isFluidContainer() || it.isSplash()) setFluidType(n); else if(it.charges) setCharges(n); else count = n; } Attr_ReadValue Item::readAttr(AttrTypes_t attr, PropStream& propStream) { switch(attr) { case ATTR_COUNT: { uint8_t _count; if(!propStream.getByte(_count)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setSubType((uint16_t)_count); break; } case ATTR_ACTION_ID: { uint16_t aid; if(!propStream.getShort(aid)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("aid", aid); break; } case ATTR_UNIQUE_ID: { uint16_t uid; if(!propStream.getShort(uid)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setUniqueId(uid); break; } case ATTR_NAME: { std::string name; if(!propStream.getString(name)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("name", name); break; } case ATTR_PLURALNAME: { std::string name; if(!propStream.getString(name)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("pluralname", name); break; } case ATTR_ARTICLE: { std::string article; if(!propStream.getString(article)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("article", article); break; } case ATTR_ATTACK: { int32_t attack; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)attack)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("attack", attack); break; } case ATTR_EXTRAATTACK: { int32_t attack; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)attack)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("extraattack", attack); break; } case ATTR_DEFENSE: { int32_t defense; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)defense)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("defense", defense); break; } case ATTR_EXTRADEFENSE: { int32_t defense; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)defense)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("extradefense", defense); break; } case ATTR_ARMOR: { int32_t armor; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)armor)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("armor", armor); break; } case ATTR_ATTACKSPEED: { int32_t attackSpeed; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)attackSpeed)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("attackspeed", attackSpeed); break; } case ATTR_HITCHANCE: { int32_t hitChance; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)hitChance)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("hitchance", hitChance); break; } case ATTR_SCRIPTPROTECTED: { uint8_t protection; if(!propStream.getByte(protection)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("scriptprotected", protection != 0); break; } case ATTR_DUALWIELD: { uint8_t wield; if(!propStream.getByte(wield)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("dualwield", wield != 0); break; } case ATTR_TEXT: { std::string text; if(!propStream.getString(text)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("text", text); break; } case ATTR_WRITTENDATE: { int32_t date; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)date)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("date", date); break; } case ATTR_WRITTENBY: { std::string writer; if(!propStream.getString(writer)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("writer", writer); break; } case ATTR_DESC: { std::string text; if(!propStream.getString(text)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("description", text); break; } case ATTR_RUNE_CHARGES: { uint8_t charges; if(!propStream.getByte(charges)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setSubType((uint16_t)charges); break; } case ATTR_CHARGES: { uint16_t charges; if(!propStream.getShort(charges)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setSubType(charges); break; } case ATTR_DURATION: { int32_t duration; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)duration)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("duration", duration); break; } case ATTR_DECAYING_STATE: { uint8_t state; if(!propStream.getByte(state)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; if((ItemDecayState_t)state != DECAYING_FALSE) setAttribute("decaying", (int32_t)DECAYING_PENDING); break; } //these should be handled through derived classes //if these are called then something has changed in the items.otb since the map was saved //just read the values //Depot class case ATTR_DEPOT_ID: { uint16_t depot; if(!propStream.getShort(depot)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; break; } //Door class case ATTR_HOUSEDOORID: { uint8_t door; if(!propStream.getByte(door)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; break; } //Teleport class case ATTR_TELE_DEST: { TeleportDest* dest; if(!propStream.getStruct(dest)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; break; } //Bed class case ATTR_SLEEPERGUID: { uint32_t sleeper; if(!propStream.getLong(sleeper)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; break; } case ATTR_SLEEPSTART: { uint32_t sleepStart; if(!propStream.getLong(sleepStart)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; break; } //Container class case ATTR_CONTAINER_ITEMS: { uint32_t _count; propStream.getLong(_count); return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } //ItemAttributes class case ATTR_ATTRIBUTE_MAP: { bool unique = hasIntegerAttribute("uid"), ret = unserializeMap(propStream); if(!unique && hasIntegerAttribute("uid")) // unfortunately we have to do this ScriptEnviroment::addUniqueThing(this); // this attribute has a custom behavior as well if(getDecaying() != DECAYING_FALSE) setDecaying(DECAYING_PENDING); if(ret) break; } default: return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } return ATTR_READ_CONTINUE; } bool Item::unserializeAttr(PropStream& propStream) { uint8_t attrType = ATTR_END; while(propStream.getByte(attrType) && attrType != ATTR_END) { switch(readAttr((AttrTypes_t)attrType, propStream)) { case ATTR_READ_ERROR: return false; case ATTR_READ_END: return true; default: break; } } return true; } bool Item::serializeAttr(PropWriteStream& propWriteStream) const { if(isStackable() || isFluidContainer() || isSplash()) { propWriteStream.addByte(ATTR_COUNT); propWriteStream.addByte((uint8_t)getSubType()); } if(attributes && !attributes->empty()) { propWriteStream.addByte(ATTR_ATTRIBUTE_MAP); serializeMap(propWriteStream); } return true; } bool Item::hasProperty(enum ITEMPROPERTY prop) const { const ItemType& it = items[id]; switch(prop) { case BLOCKSOLID: if(it.blockSolid) return true; break; case MOVABLE: if(it.movable && (!loadedFromMap || (!getUniqueId() && (!getActionId() || !getContainer())))) return true; break; case HASHEIGHT: if(it.hasHeight) return true; break; case BLOCKPROJECTILE: if(it.blockProjectile) return true; break; case BLOCKPATH: if(it.blockPathFind) return true; break; case ISVERTICAL: if(it.isVertical) return true; break; case ISHORIZONTAL: if(it.isHorizontal) return true; break; case IMMOVABLEBLOCKSOLID: if(it.blockSolid && (!it.movable || (loadedFromMap && (getUniqueId() || (getActionId() && getContainer()))))) return true; break; case IMMOVABLEBLOCKPATH: if(it.blockPathFind && (!it.movable || (loadedFromMap && (getUniqueId() || (getActionId() && getContainer()))))) return true; break; case SUPPORTHANGABLE: if(it.isHorizontal || it.isVertical) return true; break; case IMMOVABLENOFIELDBLOCKPATH: if(!it.isMagicField() && it.blockPathFind && (!it.movable || (loadedFromMap && (getUniqueId() || (getActionId() && getContainer()))))) return true; break; case NOFIELDBLOCKPATH: if(!it.isMagicField() && it.blockPathFind) return true; break; case FLOORCHANGEDOWN: if(it.floorChange[CHANGE_DOWN]) return true; break; case FLOORCHANGEUP: for(uint16_t i = CHANGE_FIRST; i <= CHANGE_PRE_LAST; ++i) { if(it.floorChange) return true; } break; default: break; } return false; } double Item::getWeight() const { if(isStackable()) return items[id].weight * std::max((int32_t)1, (int32_t)count); return items[id].weight; } std::string Item::getDescription(const ItemType& it, int32_t lookDistance, const Item* item/* = NULL*/, int32_t subType/* = -1*/, bool addArticle/* = true*/) { std::stringstream s; s << getNameDescription(it, item, subType, addArticle); if(item) subType = item->getSubType(); bool dot = true; if(it.isRune()) { if(!it.runeSpellName.empty()) s << "(\"" << it.runeSpellName << "\")"; if(it.runeLevel > 0 || it.runeMagLevel > 0 || (it.vocationString != "" && it.wieldInfo == 0)) { s << "." << std::endl << "It can only be used"; if(it.vocationString != "" && it.wieldInfo == 0) s << " by " << it.vocationString; bool begin = true; if(it.runeLevel > 0) { begin = false; s << " with level " << it.runeLevel; } if(it.runeMagLevel > 0) { begin = false; s << " " << (begin ? "with" : "and") << " magic level " << it.runeMagLevel; } if(!begin) s << " or higher"; } } else if(it.weaponType != WEAPON_NONE) { bool begin = true; if(it.weaponType == WEAPON_DIST && it.ammoType != AMMO_NONE) { begin = false; s << " (Range:" << int32_t(item ? item->getShootRange() : it.shootRange); if(it.attack || it.extraAttack || (item && (item->getAttack() || item->getExtraAttack()))) { s << ", Atk " << std::showpos << int32_t(item ? item->getAttack() : it.attack); if(it.extraAttack || (item && item->getExtraAttack())) s << " " << std::showpos << int32_t(item ? item->getExtraAttack() : it.extraAttack) << std::noshowpos; } if(it.hitChance != -1 || (item && item->getHitChance() != -1)) s << ", Hit% " << std::showpos << (item ? item->getHitChance() : it.hitChance) << std::noshowpos; if(it.attackSpeed || (item && item->getAttackSpeed())) s << ", AS: " << (item ? item->getAttackSpeed() : it.attackSpeed); } else if(it.weaponType != WEAPON_AMMO && it.weaponType != WEAPON_WAND) { if(it.attack || it.extraAttack || (item && (item->getAttack() || item->getExtraAttack()))) { begin = false; s << " (Atk:"; if(it.hasAbilities() && it.abilities->elementType != COMBAT_NONE) { s << std::max((int32_t)0, int32_t((item ? item->getAttack() : it.attack) - it.abilities->elementDamage)); if(it.extraAttack || (item && item->getExtraAttack())) s << " " << std::showpos << int32_t(item ? item->getExtraAttack() : it.extraAttack) << std::noshowpos; s << " physical + " << it.abilities->elementDamage << " " << getCombatName(it.abilities->elementType); } else { s << int32_t(item ? item->getAttack() : it.attack); if(it.extraAttack || (item && item->getExtraAttack())) s << " " << std::showpos << int32_t(item ? item->getExtraAttack() : it.extraAttack) << std::noshowpos; } } if(it.defense || it.extraDefense || (item && (item->getDefense() || item->getExtraDefense()))) { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "Def:" << int32_t(item ? item->getDefense() : it.defense); if(it.extraDefense || (item && item->getExtraDefense())) s << " " << std::showpos << int32_t(item ? item->getExtraDefense() : it.extraDefense) << std::noshowpos; } } if(it.attackSpeed || (item && item->getAttackSpeed())) { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "AS: " << (item ? item->getAttackSpeed() : it.attackSpeed); } if(it.hasAbilities()) { for(uint16_t i = SKILL_FIRST; i <= SKILL_LAST; ++i) { if(!it.abilities->skills) continue; if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << getSkillName(i) << " " << std::showpos << (int32_t)it.abilities->skills << std::noshowpos; } if(it.abilities->stats[sTAT_MAGICLEVEL]) { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "magic level " << std::showpos << (int32_t)it.abilities->stats[sTAT_MAGICLEVEL] << std::noshowpos; } int32_t show = it.abilities->absorb[COMBAT_ALL]; if(!show) { bool tmp = true; for(uint32_t i = (COMBAT_FIRST + 1); i <= COMBAT_LAST; i <<= 1) { if(!it.abilities->absorb) continue; if(tmp) { tmp = false; if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "protection "; } else s << ", "; s << getCombatName((CombatType_t)i) << " " << std::showpos << it.abilities->absorb << std::noshowpos << "%"; } } else { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "protection all " << std::showpos << show << std::noshowpos << "%"; } show = it.abilities->fieldAbsorb[COMBAT_ALL]; if(!show) { bool tmp = true; for(uint32_t i = (COMBAT_FIRST + 1); i <= COMBAT_LAST; i <<= 1) { if(!it.abilities->fieldAbsorb) continue; if(tmp) { tmp = false; if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "protection "; } else s << ", "; s << getCombatName((CombatType_t)i) << " field " << std::showpos << it.abilities->absorb << std::noshowpos << "%"; } } else { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "protection all fields " << std::showpos << show << std::noshowpos << "%"; } show = it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_ALL]; if(!show) { bool tmp = true; for(uint32_t i = (COMBAT_FIRST + 1); i <= COMBAT_LAST; i <<= 1) { if(!it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE] || !it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT]) continue; if(tmp) { tmp = false; if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "reflect: "; } else s << ", "; s << it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE] << "% for "; if(it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT] > 99) s << "whole"; else if(it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT] >= 75) s << "huge"; else if(it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT] >= 50) s << "medium"; else if(it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT] >= 25) s << "small"; else s << "tiny"; s << getCombatName((CombatType_t)i); } if(!tmp) s << " damage"; } else { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; int32_t tmp = it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_ALL]; s << "reflect: " << show << "% for "; if(tmp) { if(tmp > 99) s << "whole"; else if(tmp >= 75) s << "huge"; else if(tmp >= 50) s << "medium"; else if(tmp >= 25) s << "small"; else s << "tiny"; } else s << "mixed"; s << " damage"; } if(it.abilities->speed) { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "speed " << std::showpos << (int32_t)(it.abilities->speed / 2) << std::noshowpos; } if(it.abilities->invisible) { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "invisibility"; } if(it.abilities->regeneration) { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "faster regeneration"; } if(it.abilities->manaShield) { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "mana shield"; } if(hasBitSet(CONDITION_DRUNK, it.abilities->conditionSuppressions)) { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "hard drinking"; } } if(it.dualWield || (item && item->isDualWield())) { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "dual wielding"; } if(!begin) s << ")"; } else if(it.armor || (item && item->getArmor()) || it.showAttributes) { int32_t tmp = it.armor; if(item) tmp = item->getArmor(); bool begin = true; if(tmp) { s << " (Arm:" << tmp; begin = false; } if(it.hasAbilities()) { for(uint16_t i = SKILL_FIRST; i <= SKILL_LAST; ++i) { if(!it.abilities->skills) continue; if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << getSkillName(i) << " " << std::showpos << (int32_t)it.abilities->skills << std::noshowpos; } if(it.abilities->stats[sTAT_MAGICLEVEL]) { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "magic level " << std::showpos << (int32_t)it.abilities->stats[sTAT_MAGICLEVEL] << std::noshowpos; } int32_t show = it.abilities->absorb[COMBAT_ALL]; if(!show) { bool tmp = true; for(uint32_t i = (COMBAT_FIRST + 1); i <= COMBAT_LAST; i <<= 1) { if(!it.abilities->absorb) continue; if(tmp) { tmp = false; if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "protection "; } else s << ", "; s << getCombatName((CombatType_t)i) << " " << std::showpos << it.abilities->absorb << std::noshowpos << "%"; } } else { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "protection all " << std::showpos << show << std::noshowpos << "%"; } show = it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE][COMBAT_ALL]; if(!show) { bool tmp = true; for(uint32_t i = (COMBAT_FIRST + 1); i <= COMBAT_LAST; i <<= 1) { if(!it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE] || !it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT]) continue; if(tmp) { tmp = false; if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "reflect: "; } else s << ", "; s << it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_CHANCE] << "% for "; if(it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT] > 99) s << "whole"; else if(it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT] >= 75) s << "huge"; else if(it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT] >= 50) s << "medium"; else if(it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT] >= 25) s << "small"; else s << "tiny"; s << getCombatName((CombatType_t)i); } if(!tmp) s << " damage"; } else { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; int32_t tmp = it.abilities->reflect[REFLECT_PERCENT][COMBAT_ALL]; s << "reflect: " << show << "% for "; if(tmp) { if(tmp > 99) s << "whole"; else if(tmp >= 75) s << "huge"; else if(tmp >= 50) s << "medium"; else if(tmp >= 25) s << "small"; else s << "tiny"; } else s << "mixed"; s << " damage"; } if(it.abilities->speed) { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "speed " << std::showpos << (int32_t)(it.abilities->speed / 2) << std::noshowpos; } if(it.abilities->invisible) { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "invisibility"; } if(it.abilities->regeneration) { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "faster regeneration"; } if(it.abilities->manaShield) { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "mana shield"; } if(hasBitSet(CONDITION_DRUNK, it.abilities->conditionSuppressions)) { if(begin) { begin = false; s << " ("; } else s << ", "; s << "hard drinking"; } if(!begin) s << ")"; } } else if(it.isContainer()) s << " (Vol:" << (int32_t)it.maxItems << ")"; else if(it.isKey()) s << " (Key:" << (item ? (int32_t)item->getActionId() : 0) << ")"; else if(it.isFluidContainer()) { if(subType > 0) s << " of " << (items[subType].name.length() ? items[subType].name : "unknown"); else s << ". It is empty"; } else if(it.isSplash()) { s << " of "; if(subType > 0 && items[subType].name.length()) s << items[subType].name; else s << "unknown"; } else if(it.allowDistRead) { s << "." << std::endl; if(item && !item->getText().empty()) { if(lookDistance <= 4) { if(!item->getWriter().empty()) { s << item->getWriter() << " wrote"; time_t date = item->getDate(); if(date > 0) s << " on " << formatDate(date); s << ": "; } else s << "You read: "; std::string text = item->getText(); s << text; char end = *text.rbegin(); if(end == '?' || end == '!' || end == '.') dot = false; } else s << "You are too far away to read it"; } else s << "Nothing is written on it"; } else if(it.levelDoor && item && item->getActionId() >= (int32_t)it.levelDoor && item->getActionId() <= ((int32_t)it.levelDoor + g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::MAXIMUM_DOOR_LEVEL))) s << " for level " << item->getActionId() - it.levelDoor; if(it.showCharges) s << " that has " << subType << " charge" << (subType != 1 ? "s" : "") << " left"; if(it.showDuration) { if(item && item->hasIntegerAttribute("duration")) { int32_t duration = item->getDuration() / 1000; s << " that will expire in "; if(duration >= 86400) { uint16_t days = duration / 86400; uint16_t hours = (duration % 86400) / 3600; s << days << " day" << (days > 1 ? "s" : ""); if(hours > 0) s << " and " << hours << " hour" << (hours > 1 ? "s" : ""); } else if(duration >= 3600) { uint16_t hours = duration / 3600; uint16_t minutes = (duration % 3600) / 60; s << hours << " hour" << (hours > 1 ? "s" : ""); if(hours > 0) s << " and " << minutes << " minute" << (minutes > 1 ? "s" : ""); } else if(duration >= 60) { uint16_t minutes = duration / 60; uint16_t seconds = duration % 60; s << minutes << " minute" << (minutes > 1 ? "s" : ""); if(seconds > 0) s << " and " << seconds << " second" << (seconds > 1 ? "s" : ""); } else s << duration << " second" << (duration > 1 ? "s" : ""); } else s << " that is brand-new"; } if(dot) s << "."; if(it.wieldInfo) { s << std::endl << "It can only be wielded properly by "; if(it.wieldInfo & WIELDINFO_PREMIUM) s << "premium "; if(it.wieldInfo & WIELDINFO_VOCREQ) s << it.vocationString; else s << "players"; if(it.wieldInfo & WIELDINFO_LEVEL) s << " of level " << (int32_t)it.minReqLevel << " or higher"; if(it.wieldInfo & WIELDINFO_MAGLV) { if(it.wieldInfo & WIELDINFO_LEVEL) s << " and"; else s << " of"; s << " magic level " << (int32_t)it.minReqMagicLevel << " or higher"; } s << "."; } if(lookDistance <= 1 && it.pickupable) { std::string tmp; if(!item) tmp = getWeightDescription(it.weight, it.stackable && it.showCount, subType); else tmp = item->getWeightDescription(); if(!tmp.empty()) s << std::endl << tmp; } if(item && !item->getSpecialDescription().empty()) s << std::endl << item->getSpecialDescription(); else if(!it.description.empty() && lookDistance <= 1) s << std::endl << it.description; std::string str = s.str(); if(str.find("|PLAYERNAME|") != std::string::npos) { std::string tmp = "You"; if(item) { if(const Player* player = item->getHoldingPlayer()) tmp = player->getName(); } replaceString(str, "|PLAYERNAME|", tmp); } if(str.find("|TIME|") != std::string::npos || str.find("|DATE|") != std::string::npos || str.find( "|DAY|") != std::string::npos || str.find("|MONTH|") != std::string::npos || str.find( "|YEAR|") != std::string::npos || str.find("|HOUR|") != std::string::npos || str.find( "|MINUTES|") != std::string::npos || str.find("|SECONDS|") != std::string::npos || str.find("|WEEKDAY|") != std::string::npos || str.find("|YEARDAY|") != std::string::npos) { time_t now = time(NULL); tm* ts = localtime(&now); std::stringstream ss; ss << ts->tm_sec; replaceString(str, "|SECONDS|", ss.str()); ss.str(""); ss << ts->tm_min; replaceString(str, "|MINUTES|", ss.str()); ss.str(""); ss << ts->tm_hour; replaceString(str, "|HOUR|", ss.str()); ss.str(""); ss << ts->tm_mday; replaceString(str, "|DAY|", ss.str()); ss.str(""); ss << (ts->tm_mon + 1); replaceString(str, "|MONTH|", ss.str()); ss.str(""); ss << (ts->tm_year + 1900); replaceString(str, "|YEAR|", ss.str()); ss.str(""); ss << ts->tm_wday; replaceString(str, "|WEEKDAY|", ss.str()); ss.str(""); ss << ts->tm_yday; replaceString(str, "|YEARDAY|", ss.str()); ss.str(""); ss << ts->tm_hour << ":" << ts->tm_min << ":" << ts->tm_sec; replaceString(str, "|TIME|", ss.str()); ss.str(""); replaceString(str, "|DATE|", formatDateEx(now)); } return str; } std::string Item::getNameDescription(const ItemType& it, const Item* item/* = NULL*/, int32_t subType/* = -1*/, bool addArticle/* = true*/) { if(item) subType = item->getSubType(); std::stringstream s; if(it.loaded || (item && !item->getName().empty())) { if(subType > 1 && it.stackable && it.showCount) s << subType << " " << (item ? item->getPluralName() : it.pluralName); else { if(addArticle) { if(item && !item->getArticle().empty()) s << item->getArticle() << " "; else if(!it.article.empty()) s << it.article << " "; } s << (item ? item->getName() :; } } else if( s << "an item of type " << << ", please report it to gamemaster"; else s << "an item '" << << "', please report it to gamemaster"; return s.str(); } std::string Item::getWeightDescription(double weight, bool stackable, uint32_t count/* = 1*/) { if(weight <= 0) return ""; std::stringstream s; if(stackable && count > 1) s << "They weigh " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << weight << " oz."; else s << "It weighs " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << weight << " oz."; return s.str(); } void Item::setActionId(int32_t aid, bool callEvent/* = true*/) { Tile* tile = NULL; if(callEvent) tile = getTile(); if(tile && getActionId()) g_moveEvents->onRemoveTileItem(tile, this); setAttribute("aid", aid); if(tile) g_moveEvents->onAddTileItem(tile, this); } void Item::resetActionId(bool callEvent/* = true*/) { if(!getActionId()) return; Tile* tile = NULL; if(callEvent) tile = getTile(); eraseAttribute("aid"); if(tile) g_moveEvents->onAddTileItem(tile, this); } void Item::setUniqueId(int32_t uid) { if(getUniqueId()) return; setAttribute("uid", uid); ScriptEnviroment::addUniqueThing(this); } bool Item::canDecay() { if(isRemoved()) return false; if(loadedFromMap && (getUniqueId() || (getActionId() && getContainer()))) return false; const ItemType& it = Item::items[id]; return it.decayTo >= 0 && it.decayTime; } void Item::getLight(LightInfo& lightInfo) { const ItemType& it = items[id]; lightInfo.color = it.lightColor; lightInfo.level = it.lightLevel; } void Item::__startDecaying() { g_game.startDecay(this); } agora oque eu faço com esse item.ccp substituo oque e como eu faço compilo com o dev c+++ ou so edito e ja vai funcionar ???
  3. experienceStages = true rateExperience = 1.0 rateExperienceFromPlayers = 0 rateSkill = 20.0 rateMagic = 10.0 rateLoot = 7.0 rateSpawn = 3 rateMonsterHealth = 1.2 rateMonsterMana = 1.0 rateMonsterAttack = 1.5 rateMonsterDefense = 1.0 oque seria esse tipo 20.0 pq isso pq o " . " é um servidor global fast attack intão como deixar isso equilibrado
  4. é um TheForgottenServer 8.6 como descubro a versão
  5. onde eu acho essa source ... ja virei a pasta do ot serve não axo nada do tipo items.cpp
  6. eu mecho a bastante tempo em ot serv porem tem coisas que eu ainda não intendo bem tipo oque é tfs onde encontro e pra que serve exatamente... outra coisa e sobre compilar compilação ... eu queria intender isso porque eu axei isso aki pesquisando ... Bem, eu vim aqui postar a resolução de um problema que eu percebi ser bem comum, o erro que nós vamos consertar é o do Unable to load items.otb Vamos lá: Vá na pasta onde ficam as sources do seu executavel e procure por items.ccp, abra ele pelo modo editor(ou pelo seu programa de compilar) e procure por: e substitua por esse: então qual programa eu uso pra fazer isso ? como faço ? e isso funciona... eu ja tentei criar item de varias formas mais sempre da erro no load do item.otb ja li varios tutorial mais muita coisa não faz sentido pq como eu disse não sei verção de tfs e nem pra que isso serve meu serve é um TheForgottenServer 8.6 uso dat editor e um item editor 0.3.9 e é isso alguem me da uma luz porfavor !!!
  7. eu mecho a bastante tempo em ot serv porem tem coisas que eu ainda não intendo bem tipo oque é tfs onde encontro e pra que serve exatamente... outra coisa e sobre compilar compilação ... eu queria intender isso porque eu axei isso aki pesquisando ... Bem, eu vim aqui postar a resolução de um problema que eu percebi ser bem comum, o erro que nós vamos consertar é o do Unable to load items.otb Vamos lá: Vá na pasta onde ficam as sources do seu executavel e procure por items.ccp, abra ele pelo modo editor(ou pelo seu programa de compilar) e procure por: e substitua por esse: então qual programa eu uso pra fazer isso ? como faço ? e isso funciona... eu ja tentei criar item de varias formas mais sempre da erro no load do item.otb ja li varios tutorial mais muita coisa não faz sentido pq como eu disse não sei verção de tfs e nem pra que isso serve meu serve é um TheForgottenServer 8.6 uso dat editor e um item editor 0.3.9 e é isso alguem me da uma luz porfavor !!!
  8. sk8sk8ter

    link direto

    vlw era isso mesmo que eu precisava lembrar pois fazia isso mais faz 2 anos ja e to bem enferujado
  9. como eu crio um link direto do xampp para download tipo tenho um programa no meu pc ai vo ali no htdocs e crio um pasta escrito download vo no download.php crio la um comando coloko o directorio para o lugar onde redireciona o download mais não da pq ele tenta encontrar uma pagina quando clica no site pra fazer o download e não faz o download direto ai abre uma pagina não encontrada ai eu seleciono o url do enter e o download aparece como eu faço isso da maneira coreta oque eu fiz foi isso aki <TR BGCOLOR="#D4C0A1"> <TD align=center>Tibia 8.60 </TD> <TD align=center><font size=2>Versão 8.60</TD> <TD align=center><a href="C:\tibia ot serv\xampp\htdocs\download\hamachi.msi" target="Tibia">Clique aqui</a></TD> </TR>
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