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Sobre croquius


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  1. Cara, parabéns pelo tutorial. Aprendi muita coisa. O que mais me chamou atenção foi que sempre usei o tab com 4 caracteres, até achei estranho quando vc disse que tinha 8. Pesquisei um pouco e vi que tu tava certo @offtopic olha, faz 1 ano +- que eu parei programar Lua/Tibia e quando voltei no começo desse ano fui direto pro otland pra tirar minhas dúvidas (minha experiência com o xtibia naquela época não foi muito boa). Mas depois de ser ignorado acho que em uns 8 tópicos e perceber que lá agora o suporte dos "experts" é só pra quem paga, acabei vindo pra cá e me surpreendendo positivamente. Quero parabenizar a comunidade, porque vi que o xtibia cresceu MUITO. Já vi excelentes tópicos (como esse aqui) e excelentes programadores. Realmente estão de parabéns!
  2. Atulizando o tópico: "Updated to version 4.1 Changes: -Suport for Tibia 9.80 (see below) NOTE: Released as a beta version As I wrote on the previous post, Tibia changed the login procedure and a feature was lost, it's no longer possible to watch videos recorded from multiple characters. I released this beta so you can use TTM to play, record and watch movies, but I haven't finished support for the new version yet, so keep in mind that Tibia will DEBUG if you try to watch a multiple-char video. It IS safe to use it in all other situations, please report if you find any problem. Footnote: Thank you cip, this relog after death thing could be implemented without changing the protocol with the good-old 0x0A packet and without breaking my app... And the character is still placed on the map shortly before it's shown on the player screen, the new feature won't prevent any deaths. " "Updated to 4.2 Updated to address all the changes that the 9.80 update introduced. The videos recorded by the BETA are no longer viewable, if you have an important one I can fix it for you. The changes really made impossible (read: very hard to implement) to record multiple sessions with different characters, but made possible to start recording anytime without reconnecting, a long-waited feature. This could be used to create session points in the middle of a war, like @bonlius wanted. Changes: -With the new Tibia protocol, it's now possible to start recording while already logged in. -Added reconnection to start recording while logged in for pre-9.80 versions, it's harmless on OTServers. -Removed the ability to hold a connection, it's no longer needed. -Fixed a bug in the OTServer loader that limited the hostname lenght -TibiCAM converter will now reject versions bigger than 8.22 OBS: It's not working on 9.80 otservers, though I really found only one server. I would really appreciate if someone could discover what this server is doing different from the officials. Author note: TTM now feels really safe, stable and easy to use, as long as you don't try to record more than one character, thank you cip and merry christmas. EDIT: uploaded new build, a bug in reconnect that could cause disconnections " "Updated to 4.3 After a lot of hard work, the fully working version of TTM is finally out! Changes: -Now you can record multiple sessions of multiple characters --No videos were lost, TTM will silently fix them -Support for OTServers 9.80+ Incompatibilities: -You can't start recording anytime in all current versions of OTServers for Tibia 9.80+, this is a bug in their code and I can't fix it in TTM. More info: -Videos from the BETA are still lost, I can patch them for you if you really need " "Updated to version 4.4 Changes: -Fixed "Could not change Tibia login server IP" -GUI reviewed: --Options Menu is now visible --Added a Delete menu to delete sessions without the delete key and with a visible option --Moved the time indicator next to the scroll bar Download: All versions ( Version 4.4 or Version 4.4 in PT-BR ) " "Updated to Version 4.5 Changes: -More UI changes, nice background image for the sessions list when it's empty -Can start recording anytime on OTServer that not implement the pending state (TFS, ShadowCores) Download: All versions ( Version 4.5 or Version 4.5 in PT-BR )" Link do tópico original (Tprogramming Fórum):
  3. Updated to version 4.0 Changes: -Added "Keep caption" to the options menu. When it's activated, TTM will not change the Tibia window title, so you can activate certain programs (Magebot) that need the caption to be "Tibia". After activating the bot, you can deactivate the option if you wish the nice caption with the version and server name again -When you delete a session, it will skip to the next session instead of the previous one -Removed the "do" command, you can play a single packet using "pause" or "slow" when already paused
  4. Uploaded version 3.9 Changes: -Tibia 9.71 support -Small GUI fix
  5. Ae pessoal, to querendo divulgar um novo Gravador/Reprodutor de vídeos de Tibia chamado Tibia Time Machine. Criado por tulio150, um programador brasileiro do fórum de programação TProgramming. Colocarei algumas informações: Funções principais: (link: -Separa a configuração por versão do Tibia (você não perde suas hotkeys) -Salva a versão e o servidor em que o vídeo foi gravado -Pode começar a gravar em qualquer momento -Converte vídeos antigos de TibiCAM -Compatível com servidores OpenTibia (abre links otserv://) -Pode ser usado com outro proxy -Reproduzindo víeos: -Controle de velocidade (pausa + devagar 8x + rápido 512x + packet-by-packet) -Pula para frente, para trás e para sessões de jogo -Corta partes do vídeo -Luz para as versões antigas do Tibia -Comandos no console do Tibia para assitir vídeos em tela cheia
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