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Sobre Felipe1880


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  1. Segue um vídeo de Hunt no servidor:
  2. Welcome to the Digimon Wolrd Online! An fan game online of Digimon, and we intend to give them the best possible experience. - What is Digimon World Online? DwoRPG, It is a game that simulates the world of so beloved Digimons. With low rate of experience and a great rpg included for fun players. Within the game you can find and capture more than 350 species of Digimon, and complete quests, dungeons and fight against bosses Summary Custom Client: Website: Experience: Custom XP (Low-Medium) PvP: Closed (Specific Areas) / Duels 100% New Custom Map (extensive) More than 350 Digimons (balanced) Over 25 custom missions (Solo/Party) 10+ Random Dungeons (Easy/Medium/Hard) World Events (invasions) Dedicated 24/7 server with no lag No overpowered donations (mostly cosmetic) - Analyzer (Digimon Data Base) With analyzer you can check information such as status, skills, location and evolutions of Digimon unlocked through tasks. - Catch System (Digitama Data) The capture system is to use "Diginet" to obtain the digimon data already weakened, allowing your digitalize through some items. - Digimon Status (Attributes) Behind this system, each level conquered by your Digimon will be possible to distribute an amount of points in attributes (Lucky/Wisdom/Strength/Agility/Magic Defense/Sustain) These are only some of the many other systems we find in DwoRPG
  3. Welcome to the world of Necronia! Whether you are hearing about it for the first time, or are a long-time fan, this thread is here to prepare you for the greatest OT adventure of your life. Select your language and start learning about Necronia: (Swedish and Brazilian translations are coming soon.) TL;DR version: Systems: The game is currently entering its open-beta testing stage. Read more about what that means here. Our website is currently under maintenance and many of its features might not be working properly. The website will be fully operational on December 21st (when open-beta releases). As the article states, in the post below this one, you will find more screenshots and information. See you all soon and we hope you have a wonderful time on Necronia!​ CRÉDITOS AO CRIADORES/ CREDITS TO THE CREATORS // Lembrando que sou apenas um jogador, qualquer dúvida se eu puder ajudar.. Add: China in Bosque/China in Box \\
  4. É um projeto de alguma servidor? ou aleatório msm?
  5. Gringos (+ BRS VACILÔES) vs BR -Comandante Hamilton - Carliba vazo druid --pm--pra entrar-- Fiz um post sobre as classes no forum: Espero que ajude os iniciantes. Qualquer coisa pm em jogo/ Comandante Hamilton Fiz mais alguns tutoriais: Procurem nesse parte do forum que vc's devem achar. Bom pra quem quer começar e ta perdido
  6. Exatamente, eu reportei isso no forum do site, esperando uma resposta ;/ .. 2ª vez que acontece.. tomara que eles concertem isso logo --'
  7. Único problema é que o client não roda em directx ;/, aconselho tentar resolver isso !
  8. Jogo sensacional! Muitas novidades.. aconselho jogar com amigo, to de knight e meu amigo de withe mage, é bom pra ir mosntros mais fortes e td mais!.. mt bom mesmo!, ainda conta com uma comunidade fora do comum de tão boa.. Go Lotar! Bump. Um team dos cara da minha guilda caçando Demon ontem.
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