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Dreww venceu a última vez em Dezembro 27 2022

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Sobre Dreww


  • Char no Tibia
    Aila Royal
  • Forma que conheci o xTibia
  • Sou
    RPG Maker

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  1. Dreww

    [OTServBrGlobal 12.72] NPC AREA

    This is ONLY for OTservBRGlobal server to be compatible Enough spots for a complete NPC area (including reward chest,imbuiment area, dummy for training). It uses OTBR 12.72 items.otb and its needed in order to work in OtservBRGlobal. Size of the map: 15kb Version: 12.72 (OTBR .otb) IT DOES NOT CONTAIN SPAWNS (You have to add your own NPC's) Credits: dreww
  2. Hey guys! This is for OTservBRGlobal server to be compatible (may work on TFS 10.98) I'm going to release this new island, it has many hunting floors & grounds its a BIG BIG island. It uses OTBR 12.72 items.otb and its needed in order to work in OtservBRGlobal. Size of the map: 1.99mb Version: 12.72 (OTBR .otb) Autor: Exequ Creditos: Exequ IT DOES NOT CONTAIN SPAWNS (You have to add your own monsters)
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