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Posts postados por DuuhCarvalho

  1. ~~BAIAK RED RED~~


    Baiak Evolution totalmente editado




    Agora com 4 Areas Vips:

    • Vip City
    • Vip 2
    • Master Vip (vip 3)
    • Vip Spanker (Vip 4)

    Novo Set Full:

    • Spanker Armor (Arm:80)
    • Spanker Legs (Arm:80)
    • Spanker Helmet (Arm:80)
    • Spanker Shield (Def:100)
    • Spanker Boots (Speedy + 75)
    • Spanker Amulet (Aol Infinito) Cuidado pq ele ñ segura seus items se vc tiver red skull

    Novos Items De Atk:

    • Spanker Wand (Druid e Sorcerer)
    • Spanker Sword
    • Spanker Balls (Paladins)
    • Spanker Axe

    Eu ñ criei um 'Club pelo fato de ninguém usa 'Club Mais vc msm pode criar um :D


    Para vc conseguir esses items vc tem que fazer a quest vip 4 localizada no na área Vip 3, A quest não é muito difícil Pelo fato de que vc tem que fazer a quest vip 2, depois master vip, e enfim a quest vip 4.


    Comando REp+ No basta ver em !notice no ot


    Foi retirado todos os bugs


    Área vip 1 é gratis Mais precisa ser level 200+.

    Na área vip 2 tem um baú que é uma quest para coloca [Vip] Antes do Nome.

    Comando /bs para players se comunicarem com todo o ot (qualquer player)



    Acc Do God: god/god







    Área Vip 4




    Tp's Vip 4









    Novas House em Cima do Templo




    Não Tem Virus (y'





    Créditos = Math e Meu




    Download 4shared:





    alguns anti virus detectam virus outros não, isso pq alguns anti virus ñ conhecem o arquivo




  2. Bom Pessoal eu tenho um ot global full e fica caindo direto, acho que o problema é o Capitain Kurt(npc)


    Quando alguem fala com o npc aparece esse erro.


    [20/01/2012 22:45:08] [Error - Npc interface]

    [20/01/2012 22:45:08] data/npc/scripts/iodship.lua:onCreatureSay

    [20/01/2012 22:45:08] Description:

    [20/01/2012 22:45:08] data/npc/scripts/iodship.lua:129: attempt to concatenate a boolean value

    [20/01/2012 22:45:08] stack traceback:

    [20/01/2012 22:45:08] data/npc/scripts/iodship.lua:129: in function 'callback'

    [20/01/2012 22:45:08] data/npc/lib/npcsystem/npchandler.lua:383: in function 'onCreatureSay'

    [20/01/2012 22:45:08] data/npc/scripts/iodship.lua:9: in function <data/npc/scripts/iodship.lua:9>



    olhem ai o script dele Data/npc/scripts/iodship


    local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()

    local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)



    local Topic, Town = {}, {}


    function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end

    function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end

    function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end

    function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end


    function thinkCallback(cid)

    if math.random(300) == 1 then

    npcHandler:say("Harr! Wanna go off this island? Need me an' my ship!")


    return true



    function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)

    if (msgcontains(msg, "hello") or msgcontains(msg, "hi")) and (not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then

    local v, k = getPlayerVocation(cid), getCreatureName(cid)

    if v == 0 then

    npcHandler:say(getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 and "Well hello there, lovely lady! Can't sail you anywhere without a {vocation}, though. Y'should talk to the four vocation {masters} first, " .. k .. "." or "How cute, a freshly hatched newcomer. Harr. Can't leave this island without a {vocation}, y'know? Y'should talk to the four vocation {masters} first, " .. k.. ".", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0


    npcHandler:say("Harrr, Um novo " .. getVocationInfo(v).name .. "! Querendo Aventurar, Eu o aconselho a ir Para Thais Pois é lá que tem Mais Players e é considerada a Principal City, Oks, " .. k .. "!", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 1


    Town[cid] = nil


    elseif(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then

    return false

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "bye") or msgcontains(msg, "farewell") then

    npcHandler:say("Hrrrm. Better y'stay here for a bit, aight.", cid, TRUE)

    Topic[cid] = nil

    Town[cid] = nil


    elseif Topic[cid] == 1 then

    if msgcontains(msg, "yes") then

    npcHandler:say("Take a hint from old Cap'n Kurt. Make sure y'dun leave here before yer equipped well. Ya went for rob- err, shopping and got stuff like rope, armor, and weap'n?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 2

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "no") then

    npcHandler:say("Then what'd ya want? Learn about the main Tibian cities?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 3


    npcHandler:say("Kid, one thing y'should learn. Answer with {yes} or {no} and ya'll get much farther than with random babbling.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 1


    elseif Topic[cid] == 2 then

    if msgcontains(msg, "yes") then

    npcHandler:say("Harrharr. Good answer. Wanna know somethin' about the main Tibian cities before you choose yer new home?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 3

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "no") then

    npcHandler:say("Then prepare yourself and come back later, eh?", cid)


    Topic[cid] = nil


    elseif Topic[cid] == 3 then

    if msgcontains(msg, "yes") then

    npcHandler:say("Aye. Wanna know about {Ab'Dendriel}, {Ankrahmun}, {Carlin}, {Darashia}, {Edron}, {Kazordoon}, {Liberty} {Bay}, {Port} {Hope}, {Svargrond}, {Thais}, {Venore} or {Yalahar}?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "no") then

    npcHandler:say(isPremium(cid) and "So ya know it all, eh? Where'd ya want me to bring ya then, kid? {Ab'Dendriel}, {Ankrahmun}, {Carlin}, {Darashia}, {Edron}, {Liberty Bay}, {Port Hope}, {Thais} or {Venore}?" or "So ya know it all, eh? Where'd ya want me to bring ya then, kid? {Ab'Dendriel}, {Carlin}, {Thais} or {Venore}?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 4


    elseif Topic[cid] == 4 then

    if msgcontains(msg, "ab'dendriel") then

    npcHandler:say("So it's Ab'Dendriel y'wanna live in? What y'say, {yes} or {no}?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 5

    Town[cid] = "Ab'Dendriel"

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "ankrahmun") then

    if isPremium(cid) then

    npcHandler:say("So it's Ankrahmun y'wanna live in? What y'say, {yes} or {no}?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 5

    Town[cid] = 'Ankrahmun'


    npcHandler:say("Nope, can't bring y'there without a premium account. Y'should be glad you get to travel by ship, usually a premium service, too, y'know.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0


    elseif msgcontains(msg, "carlin") then

    npcHandler:say("So it's Carlin y'wanna live in? What y'say, {yes} or {no}?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 5

    Town[cid] = 'Carlin'

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "darashia") then

    if isPremium(cid) then

    npcHandler:say("So it's Darashia y'wanna live in? What y'say, {yes} or {no}?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 5

    Town[cid] = 'Darashia'


    npcHandler:say("Nope, can't bring y'there without a premium account. Y'should be glad you get to travel by ship, usually a premium service, too, y'know.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0


    elseif msgcontains(msg, "edron") then

    if isPremium(cid) then

    npcHandler:say("So it's Edron y'wanna live in? What y'say, {yes} or {no}?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 5

    Town[cid] = 'Edron'


    npcHandler:say("Nope, can't bring y'there without a premium account. Y'should be glad you get to travel by ship, usually a premium service, too, y'know.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0


    elseif msgcontains(msg, "liberty") and msgcontains(msg, "bay") then

    if isPremium(cid) then

    npcHandler:say("So it's Liberty Bay y'wanna live in? What y'say, {yes} or {no}?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 5

    Town[cid] = 'Liberty Bay'


    npcHandler:say("Nope, can't bring y'there without a premium account. Y'should be glad you get to travel by ship, usually a premium service, too, y'know.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0


    elseif msgcontains(msg, "port") and msgcontains(msg, "hope") then

    if isPremium(cid) then

    npcHandler:say("So it's Port Hope y'wanna live in? What y'say, {yes} or {no}?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 5

    Town[cid] = 'Port Hope'


    npcHandler:say("Nope, can't bring y'there without a premium account. Y'should be glad you get to travel by ship, usually a premium service, too, y'know.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0


    elseif msgcontains(msg, "thais") then

    npcHandler:say("So it's Thais y'wanna live in? What y'say, {yes} or {no}?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 5

    Town[cid] = 'Thais'

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "venore") then

    npcHandler:say("So it's Venore y'wanna live in? What y'say, {yes} or {no}?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 5

    Town[cid] = 'Venore'


    npcHandler:say("Nope, wha'ever that is, I dun sail there. ".. isPremium(cid) and "{Ab'Dendriel}, {Ankrahmun}, {Carlin}, {Darashia}, {Edron}, {Liberty Bay}, {Port Hope}, {Thais} or {Venore}" or "{Ab'Dendriel}, {Carlin}, {Thais} or {Venore}" .."?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 5


    elseif msgcontains(msg, "passage") or msgcontains(msg, "sail") or msgcontains(msg, "travel") then

    if getPlayerVocation(cid) == 0 then

    npcHandler:say("Nope, yer not going anywhere. Can't transport ya without a {vocation}, y'know?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0


    npcHandler:say("So, y'chose your new home city? Which one's it gonna be?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 4


    elseif Topic[cid] == 5 then

    if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') then

    npcHandler:say("And off we go! If yer lost, dun forget t'talk to the guide on the ship!", cid)

    local v = getTownId(Town[cid])


    doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT)

    doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(v))

    doSendMagicEffect(getTownTemplePosition(v), CONST_ME_TELEPORT)

    doPlayerSetTown(cid, v)

    Topic[cid] = nil


    npcHandler:say("Changed yer mind? What city d'ya wanna head to, {Ab'Dendriel}, {Ankrahmun}, {Carlin}, {Darashia}, {Edron}, {Liberty Bay}, {Port Hope}, {Thais} or {Venore}?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 4


    Town[cid] = nil

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "ab'dendriel") then

    npcHandler:say("Ab... Den... wha'ever, I never get that spelling right. Main city of the elves, lots of trees 'n stuff. Very cosy and safe I guess if yer fond of nature. I can {sail} there if ya like.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "ankrahmun") then

    npcHandler:say("Only for {premium} travellers! Desert pyramid city close to the ocean, far too hot and dry for my taste. But word is there are good hunting grounds nearby. I can {sail} there if ya like.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "carlin") then

    npcHandler:say("A city ruled by crazy amazon women! Blimey! Depends on yer taste whether ya think that's good or not. Harr. I can {sail} there if ya like.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "darashia") then

    npcHandler:say("Only for {premium} travellers! One of the two desert cities. Built around an oasis. Decent location for a newcomer. I can {sail} there if ya like.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "edron") then

    npcHandler:say("Only for {premium} travellers! Quiet little castle city on an island in the north-eastern part of Tibia. Good place for starters, really. I can {sail} there if ya like.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "kazordoon") then

    npcHandler:say("The underground dwarven city. Doesn't have a real harbour, so I can't bring ya there, y'know.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "liberty") and msgcontains(msg, "bay") then

    npcHandler:say("Only for {premium} travellers! Liberty Bay is on an island group in the South Seas. Pirates 'n stuff, y'know. Gotta be careful, but good hunting location. I can {sail} there if ya like.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "port") and msgcontains(msg, "hope") then

    npcHandler:say("Only for {premium} travellers! Port Hope is an outpost right in the middle of the jungle. Who'd want to go there?? Except for really crazy adventurers? I can {sail} there if ya like.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "svargrond") then

    npcHandler:say("Nah, can't bring ya there. Those nordic barbarians have their own rules of who they wanna let live in their city. But go there sometime, heard it's quite interesting.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "thais") then

    npcHandler:say("Old-school city. Actually the oldest main city in Tibia. Be careful on those streets, there're bandits everywhere. I can {sail} there if ya like.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "venore") then

    npcHandler:say("Harrr, one of the richest cities, filled with merchants. Dunno though why they built it over a stinking swamp. Go there if ya have a good sense of orientation. I can {sail} there if ya like.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "yalahar") then

    npcHandler:say("Now that must be one o' the biggest cities I've ever seen. Might be not cosy for a newcomer like yerself though. And I can't sail there anyway... they don't let everyone enter their fine pretty harbour, y'know.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "rookgaard") then

    npcHandler:say("Nah, y'dun wanna go back there.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "main") then

    npcHandler:say("The main continent can be dangerous. Other fellas can kill ya, y'know? So be careful! Wanna go there, ask fo' a {passage}.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "master") then

    npcHandler:say("Lemme get this right, ahum. {Estrella}, {Hykrion}, {Narai} and {Yandur}. Aye, that's it.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "estrella") then

    npcHandler:say("Scary lady. Makes me feel sorta stupid at times. Talk t'her for {sorcerer} info.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "hykrion") then

    npcHandler:say("Harr. My training partner, aye. Talk t'him for {knight} info.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "narai") then

    npcHandler:say("Harrrrrrrrrr. Nuff said. Talk t'her for {paladin} info.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "raffael") then

    npcHandler:say("A shop without rum or beer ain't a good shop. Just my opinion, man.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "kurt") then

    npcHandler:say("Hrm?", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "yandur") then

    npcHandler:say("Can be nice t'have a healer around. Talk t'him for {druid} info.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "knight") then

    npcHandler:say("Rock solid vocation. Easy t'play, hard t'master.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "sorcerer") then

    npcHandler:say("Turns out pretty powerful in the end.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "druid") then

    npcHandler:say("Decent vocation. Healing's always nice.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "paladin") then

    npcHandler:say("I prefer t'have my enemies closer to my face than those distance fighters. Harrr.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "vocation") then

    npcHandler:say("Ya must have one if ya wanna leave here. Need some power before going to the {main} continent, aye!", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "ship") then

    npcHandler:say("She's pretty, ain't she? Will bring ya almost anywhere and even fo' free. Just once though! Gotta ask fo' a {passage}.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, "premium") then

    npcHandler:say("Some regions in the world can't be accessed by everyone. Gotta pay, y'know? If y'spend some real cash fo' premium time, I can bring ya t'much cooler locations.", cid)

    Topic[cid] = 0


    return true



    npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)

    npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_WALKAWAY, "Hrrrrm. And a good day to you, too!")

    npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_ONTHINK, thinkCallback)


    Ajudem :D

  3. Vou tentar explica o melhor possivel, vamos lá.


    abra Data/movements/scripts Criem um novo arquivo treiners.lua e coloquem isso dentro



    function onStepIn(cid, item, pos)
    local charPos = getCreaturePosition(cid)
    local monkOne
    local monkTwo
    if(item.actionid == 9000) then
    monkOne = {x = charPos.x + 0, y = charPos.y - 2, z = charPos.z}
    monkTwo = {x = charPos.x + 1, y = charPos.y - 2, z = charPos.z}
    elseif(item.actionid == 9001) then
    monkOne = {x = charPos.x - 1, y = charPos.y + 2, z = charPos.z}
    monkTwo = {x = charPos.x + 0, y = charPos.y + 2, z = charPos.z}
    elseif(item.actionid == 9002) then
    monkOne = {x = charPos.x - 1, y = charPos.y - 2, z = charPos.z}
    monkTwo = {x = charPos.x + 0, y = charPos.y - 2, z = charPos.z}
    elseif(item.actionid == 9003) then
    monkOne = {x = charPos.x + 0, y = charPos.y + 2, z = charPos.z}
    monkTwo = {x = charPos.x + 1, y = charPos.y + 2, z = charPos.z}
    elseif(item.actionid == 9004) then
    monkOne = {x = charPos.x + 2, y = charPos.y - 1, z = charPos.z}
    monkTwo = {x = charPos.x + 5, y = charPos.y - 1, z = charPos.z}
    return true
    doSummonCreature("Alvo", monkOne)
    doSummonCreature("Alvo", monkTwo)
    return true
    function onStepOut(cid, item, pos)
    local charPos = getCreaturePosition(cid)
    local monkOne
    local monkTwo
    if(item.actionid == 9000) then
    monkOne = {x = charPos.x + 0, y = charPos.y - 2, z = charPos.z}
    monkTwo = {x = charPos.x + 1, y = charPos.y - 2, z = charPos.z}
    elseif(item.actionid == 9001) then
    monkOne = {x = charPos.x - 1, y = charPos.y + 2, z = charPos.z}
    monkTwo = {x = charPos.x + 0, y = charPos.y + 2, z = charPos.z}
    elseif(item.actionid == 9002) then
    monkOne = {x = charPos.x - 1, y = charPos.y - 2, z = charPos.z}
    monkTwo = {x = charPos.x + 0, y = charPos.y - 2, z = charPos.z}
    elseif(item.actionid == 9003) then
    monkOne = {x = charPos.x + 0, y = charPos.y + 2, z = charPos.z}
    monkTwo = {x = charPos.x + 1, y = charPos.y + 2, z = charPos.z}
    elseif(item.actionid == 9004) then
    monkOne = {x = charPos.x + 3, y = charPos.y - 1, z = charPos.z}
    monkTwo = {x = charPos.x + 6, y = charPos.y + 0, z = charPos.z}
    return true
    doRemoveCreature(getThingfromPos({x = monkOne.x, y = monkOne.y, z = monkOne.z, stackpos = 253}).uid)
    doRemoveCreature(getThingfromPos({x = monkTwo.x, y = monkTwo.y, z = monkTwo.z, stackpos = 253}).uid)
    doSendMagicEffect(monkOne, 3)
    doSendMagicEffect(monkTwo, 3)
    return true



    Agora vá em Data/movements/movements.lua e coloquem isso dentro



    <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="9000" event="script" value="treiners.lua"/>
    <movevent type="StepOut" actionid="9000" event="script" value="treiners.lua"/>
    <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="9001" event="script" value="treiners.lua"/>
    <movevent type="StepOut" actionid="9001" event="script" value="treiners.lua"/>
    <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="9002" event="script" value="treiners.lua"/>
    <movevent type="StepOut" actionid="9002" event="script" value="treiners.lua"/>
    <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="9003" event="script" value="treiners.lua"/>
    <movevent type="StepOut" actionid="9003" event="script" value="treiners.lua"/>
    <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="9004" event="script" value="treinersxd.lua"/>
    <movevent type="StepOut" actionid="9004" event="script" value="treinersxd.lua"/>



    Agora temos que criar um monster


    Vá em Data/monster/demon bosses Copie um arquivo qualquer renomei, coloque Alvo abra o arquivo em bloco de notas apague o que tem lá e coloque isso dentro




    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <monster name="Alvo" nameDescription="a alvo" race="blood" experience="200" speed="0" manacost="600">
    <health now="999999" max="999999"/>
    <look typeex="5787" corpse="6080"/>
    <targetchange interval="5000" chance="8"/>
    <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
    <flag summonable="1"/>
    <flag attackable="1"/>
    <flag hostile="1"/>
    <flag illusionable="1"/>
    <flag convinceable="0"/>
    <flag pushable="0"/>
    <flag canpushitems="1"/>
    <flag canpushcreatures="1"/>
    <flag targetdistance="1"/>
    <flag staticattack="90"/>
    <flag runonhealth="0"/>
    <attack name="melee" interval="2000" min="-1" max="-1"/>
    <defenses armor="20" defense="22">
    <defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="20" min="999999" max="999999">
    <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>
    <defense name="speed" interval="1000" chance="10" speedchange="300" duration="3000">
    <attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/>
    <element holyPercent="50"/>
    <element deathPercent="50"/>
    <element physicalPercent="-15"/>
    <immunity invisible="1"/>
    <item id="2148" countmax="20" chance="100000"/><!-- gold coin -->
    <item id="1949" chance="10000"/><!-- scroll -->
    <item id="2467" chance="10000"/><!-- leather armor -->
    <item id="2642" chance="6666"/><!-- sandals -->
    <item id="2193" chance="1200"/><!-- ankh -->
    <item id="1987" chance="100000"><!-- bag -->
    <item id="2044" chance="6666"/><!-- lamp -->
    <item id="2689" countmax="3" chance="20000"/><!-- bread -->
    <item id="2401" chance="3333"/><!-- staff -->
    <item id="2166" chance="1428"/><!-- power ring -->



    Agora vá em Data/monster/monsters Abra em bloco de notas procure onde ta escrito isso


    <!-- Demon Bosses -->
    <monster name="Bazir" file="Demon Bosses/Bazir.xml"/>
    <monster name="Infernatil" file="Demon Bosses/Infernatil.xml"/>
    <monster name="Zoralurk" file="Demon Bosses/zoralurk.xml"/>
    <monster name="Apocalypse" file="Demon bosses/apocalypse.xml"/>
    <monster name="Ghazbaran" file="Demon bosses/ghazbaran.xml"/>
    <monster name="Morgaroth" file="Demon bosses/morgaroth.xml"/>
    <monster name="Orshabaal" file="Demon bosses/orshabaal.xml"/>


    E coloque isso entra algum ai


    <monster name="Alvo" file="Demon Bosses/Alvo.xml"/>


    Feito Isso Abra o Remere's Map Editor e coloque o actionid onde o seu char vai ficar atacando o treiner. :D







    Pronto :D


  4. Se quiser mudar o Skill e Magic Vá em Config.lua


    -- Rates

    experienceStages = "no"

    rateExperience = 75

    rateExperienceFromPlayers = 0

    rateSkill = 60

    rateMagic = 35

    rateLoot = 3

    rateSpawn = 1


    Na Parte que estar escrito


    rateSkill = 60

    rateMagic = 35


    Coloque o Tanto que vc quiser :D


    Agora para fazer stage com skill e magic ñ tem como Não, Me corrigam se estiver errado :D

  5. Vou Explicar Direitinho


    Abra o config.lua proucure essa parte


    -- Rates

    experienceStages = "no"

    rateExperience = 75

    rateExperienceFromPlayers = 0

    rateSkill = 60

    rateMagic = 35

    rateLoot = 3

    rateSpawn = 1



    onde ta escrito "experienceStages = "no"

    coloque "experienceStages = "yes"


    experienceStages = "yes"


    Agora vá em data/xml/stages.xml

    Deixa como vc quiser


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


    <config enabled="1"/>

    <world id="0" multiplier="1">

    <stage minlevel="1" maxlevel="100" multiplier="300"/> <-------- do lvl 1 ao 100 o xp vai ser 300

    <stage minlevel="101" maxlevel="150" multiplier="200"/> <------ do lvl 101 ao 150 vai ser 200 e assim vai

    <stage minlevel="151" maxlevel="200" multiplier="100"/>

    <stage minlevel="201" maxlevel="300" multiplier="80"/>

    <stage minlevel="301" maxlevel="400" multiplier="50"/>

    <stage minlevel="401" maxlevel="500" multiplier="30"/>

    <stage minlevel="501" maxlevel="600" multiplier="25"/>

    <stage minlevel="601" maxlevel="700" multiplier="25"/>

    <stage minlevel="701" maxlevel="800" multiplier="25"/>

    <stage minlevel="801" maxlevel="900" multiplier="20"/>

    <stage minlevel="901" multiplier="10"/>





    "minlevel" --- Level Minimo

    "maxlevel" --- Level Maximo

    "multiplier" -- Xp

  6. Eu ja proucurei por toda parte um script para colocar o nome [vip] antes do nome mais todos que eu achei deu erro ajudem ai >.< eu uso comando tileforvip.function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)




    local config = {

    msgDenied = "Vc não é vip Noob, Compre Pelo comando !buyvip.",

    msgWelcome = "Seja Bem Vindo a Area vip."



    local s = 29000


    if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, s) - os.time() <= 0 then

    doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)

    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, config.msgDenied)

    doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)

    return TRUE


    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, config.msgWelcome)

    return TRUE






    function onSay(cid, words, param)


    local price = 5000000

    if doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, price) == TRUE then

    local days = 30

    local s = 29000

    local daysvalue = days * 24 * 60 * 60

    local storageplayer = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, s)

    local timenow = os.time()


    if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, s) - os.time() <= 0 then

    time = timenow + daysvalue


    time = storageplayer + daysvalue



    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Foram adicionados ".. days .." dias de VIP no seu character.")

    setPlayerStorageValue(cid, s, time)


    local quantity = math.floor((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, s) - timenow)/(24 * 60 * 60))

    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Você tem ".. quantity .." dias de VIP restantes.")


    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Você precisa de 5kk para colocar vip.")


    return TRUE



    Ajudem ai :D

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