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Sobre Yasuhiko167


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  1. Oi XTIBIA queria que vocês desse uma olhada no meu script gymlib ele tá dando bug exemplo add misty no ot ai da bug no brock e nas ball do game ai os GYM não fala nada SCRIPT SEM BUGS MAIS SÓ COM BROCK : funcpokemon = {2220, 2222, 2651, 2653, 2655} -- ID das pokebolas (o pokemon tem que estar vivo nessas IDs) bpslot = CONST_SLOT_BACKPACK --em outros servers, pode ser que seja CONST_SLOT_AMMO o lugar onde fica a backpack no inventory ginasios = { ["Brock"] = { storage = 990, msgdefeat = "Você perdeu , tente depois quando estiver mais forte.", msgafk = "Vamos ver quem e o melhor!", msgwin = "Parabens você me derrotou!", [1] = { msggo = "Lets fight then! I choose you, Geodude!", msgba = "That's enough, Geodude!", pokem = "Brock Geodude", nextp = "Brock Graveler"}, [2] = { msggo = "It's your turn, Graveler!", msgba = "Come back, Graveler!", pokem = "Brock Graveler", nextp = "Brock Onix"}, [3] = { msggo = "Crush'em, Onix!", msgba = "You did well, Onix!", pokem = "Brock Onix", nextp = "finish"} } } function noPokeAtAll(cid, gympoke, npcname, msgafk) if not isCreature(cid) then return false end if not isCreature(gympoke) then return false end if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 991) == 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, ginasios[npcname].storage) ~= 2 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 991, -1) doCreatureSay(getCreatureByName(npcname), msgafk, 1) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(gympoke), 10) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, ginasios[npcname].storage, 0) doRemoveCreature(gympoke) return true end end function gymChecker(cid, duel, nb, npcname) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if not isCreature(duel) then doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10) doRemoveCreature(cid) return true end if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureByName(npcname)), getThingPos(duel)) >= 8 then doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10) doRemoveCreature(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(duel, ginasios[npcname].storage, 0) return true end if isCreature(duel) and getPlayerStorageValue(duel, 991) == 0 then addEvent(noPokeAtAll, 6000, duel, cid, npcname, ginasios[npcname].msgafk) end if isCreature(duel) and getPlayerStorageValue(duel, 991) == -1 then doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10) doRemoveCreature(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(duel, ginasios[npcname].storage, 0) doCreatureSay(getCreatureByName(npcname), ginasios[npcname].msgdefeat, 1) return true end if isCreature(duel) and not hasPokemon(duel) then setPlayerStorageValue(duel, 991, -1) end if not isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)) then if nb == 0 then addEvent(gymChecker, 200, cid, duel, 1, npcname) else doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10) doRemoveCreature(cid) if isCreature(duel) then setPlayerStorageValue(duel, ginasios[npcname].storage, 0) end end return true end addEvent(gymChecker, 1000, cid, duel, 0, npcname) end function hasPokemon(cid) if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then return true end if isInArray(funcpokemon, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_FEET).itemid) then return true end local bp = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, bpslot) for cc = 1, #funcpokemon do if #getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, funcpokemon[cc]) >= 1 then return true end end return false end function doGymBattle(npcname, gympoke, cid, turn) doCreatureSay(getCreatureByName(npcname), ginasios[npcname][turn].msggo, 1) local x = doSummonCreature(gympoke, getThingPos(getCreatureByName(npcname))) registerCreatureEvent(x, "Gym1") registerCreatureEvent(x, "Gym2") registerCreatureEvent(x, "Gym3") registerCreatureEvent(x, "Gym4") setPlayerStorageValue(x, 201, ".") setPlayerStorageValue(x, 201, npcname) setPlayerStorageValue(x, 202, turn) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(x), 10) setPlayerStorageValue(x, ginasios[npcname].storage, 1) addEvent(gymChecker, 1000, x, cid, 0, npcname) end --ex: doGymBattle("Brock", "Brock Geodude", cid, 1) \/ que eu editei aqui em baixo : SCRIPT QUE EU EDITEI: funcpokemon = {2220, 2222, 2651, 2653, 2655} -- ID das pokebolas (o pokemon tem que estar vivo nessas IDs) bpslot = CONST_SLOT_BACKPACK --em outros servers, pode ser que seja CONST_SLOT_AMMO o lugar onde fica a backpack no inventory ginasios = { ["Brock"] = { storage = 990, msgdefeat = "Você perdeu , tente depois quando estiver mais forte.", msgafk = "Vamos ver quem e o melhor!", msgwin = "Parabens você me derrotou!", [1] = { msggo = "Lets fight then! I choose you, Geodude!", msgba = "That's enough, Geodude!", pokem = "Brock Geodude", nextp = "Brock Graveler"}, [2] = { msggo = "It's your turn, Graveler!", msgba = "Come back, Graveler!", pokem = "Brock Graveler", nextp = "Brock Onix"}, [3] = { msggo = "Crush'em, Onix!", msgba = "You did well, Onix!", pokem = "Brock Onix", nextp = "finish"} } } ["Misty"] = { storage = 990, msgdefeat = "Você perdeu , tente depois quando estiver mais forte.", msgafk = "Vamos ver quem e o melhor!", msgwin = "Parabens você me derrotou!", [1] = { msggo = "Lets fight then! I choose you, Starmie!", msgba = "That's enough, Starmie!", pokem = "Misty Starmie", nextp = "Misty Poliwrath"}, [2] = { msggo = "It's your turn, Poliwrath!", msgba = "Come back, Poliwrath!", pokem = "Misty Poliwrath", nextp = "Misty Blastoise"}, [3] = { msggo = "Crush'em, Blastoise!", msgba = "You did well, Blastoise!", pokem = "Misty Blastoise", nextp = "finish"} } } function noPokeAtAll(cid, gympoke, npcname, msgafk) if not isCreature(cid) then return false end if not isCreature(gympoke) then return false end if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 991) == 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, ginasios[npcname].storage) ~= 2 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 991, -1) doCreatureSay(getCreatureByName(npcname), msgafk, 1) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(gympoke), 10) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, ginasios[npcname].storage, 0) doRemoveCreature(gympoke) return true end end function gymChecker(cid, duel, nb, npcname) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if not isCreature(duel) then doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10) doRemoveCreature(cid) return true end if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureByName(npcname)), getThingPos(duel)) >= 8 then doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10) doRemoveCreature(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(duel, ginasios[npcname].storage, 0) return true end if isCreature(duel) and getPlayerStorageValue(duel, 991) == 0 then addEvent(noPokeAtAll, 6000, duel, cid, npcname, ginasios[npcname].msgafk) end if isCreature(duel) and getPlayerStorageValue(duel, 991) == -1 then doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10) doRemoveCreature(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(duel, ginasios[npcname].storage, 0) doCreatureSay(getCreatureByName(npcname), ginasios[npcname].msgdefeat, 1) return true end if isCreature(duel) and not hasPokemon(duel) then setPlayerStorageValue(duel, 991, -1) end if not isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)) then if nb == 0 then addEvent(gymChecker, 200, cid, duel, 1, npcname) else doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10) doRemoveCreature(cid) if isCreature(duel) then setPlayerStorageValue(duel, ginasios[npcname].storage, 0) end end return true end addEvent(gymChecker, 1000, cid, duel, 0, npcname) end function hasPokemon(cid) if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then return true end if isInArray(funcpokemon, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_FEET).itemid) then return true end local bp = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, bpslot) for cc = 1, #funcpokemon do if #getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, funcpokemon[cc]) >= 1 then return true end end return false end function doGymBattle(npcname, gympoke, cid, turn) doCreatureSay(getCreatureByName(npcname), ginasios[npcname][turn].msggo, 1) local x = doSummonCreature(gympoke, getThingPos(getCreatureByName(npcname))) registerCreatureEvent(x, "Gym1") registerCreatureEvent(x, "Gym2") registerCreatureEvent(x, "Gym3") registerCreatureEvent(x, "Gym4") setPlayerStorageValue(x, 201, ".") setPlayerStorageValue(x, 201, npcname) setPlayerStorageValue(x, 202, turn) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(x), 10) setPlayerStorageValue(x, ginasios[npcname].storage, 1) addEvent(gymChecker, 1000, x, cid, 0, npcname) end --ex: doGymBattle("Brock", "Brock Geodude", cid, 1)
  2. Oi pessoal do XTibia peço a vocês o script do evolution por que meu tá com bug uso o ot dash de pokemon Ele tá perfeito assim para os pokemon de kanto mais os da johto ele evolui mais a stone não sai da bag por que isso acontece? quero add chikorita e bayleef no evolution mais da esse erro . Meu script é esse ai: local fotos = { ["Bulbasaur"] = {fotopoke = 2377}, ["Ivysaur"] = {fotopoke = 2378}, ["Venusaur"] = {fotopoke = 2379}, ["Charmander"] = {fotopoke = 2380}, ["Charmeleon"] = {fotopoke = 2381}, ["Charizard"] = {fotopoke = 2382}, ["Squirtle"] = {fotopoke = 2383}, ["Wartortle"] = {fotopoke = 2384}, ["Blastoise"] = {fotopoke = 2385}, ["Caterpie"] = {fotopoke = 2386}, ["Metapod"] = {fotopoke = 2387}, ["Butterfree"] = {fotopoke = 2388}, ["Weedle"] = {fotopoke = 2389}, ["Kakuna"] = {fotopoke = 2390}, ["Beedrill"] = {fotopoke = 2391}, ["Pidgey"] = {fotopoke = 2392}, ["Pidgeotto"] = {fotopoke = 2393}, ["Pidgeot"] = {fotopoke = 2394}, ["Rattata"] = {fotopoke = 2395}, ["Raticate"] = {fotopoke = 2396}, ["Spearow"] = {fotopoke = 2397}, ["Fearow"] = {fotopoke = 2398}, ["Ekans"] = {fotopoke = 2399}, ["Arbok"] = {fotopoke = 2400}, ["Pikachu"] = {fotopoke = 2401}, ["Raichu"] = {fotopoke = 2402}, ["Sandshrew"] = {fotopoke = 2403}, ["Sandslash"] = {fotopoke = 2404}, ["Nidoran Female"] = {fotopoke = 2405}, ["Nidorina"] = {fotopoke = 2406}, ["Nidoqueen"] = {fotopoke = 2407}, ["Nidoran Male"] = {fotopoke = 2408}, ["Nidorino"] = {fotopoke = 2409}, ["Nidoking"] = {fotopoke = 2410}, ["Clefairy"] = {fotopoke = 2411}, ["Clefable"] = {fotopoke = 2412}, ["Vulpix"] = {fotopoke = 2413}, ["Ninetales"] = {fotopoke = 2414}, ["Jigglypuff"] = {fotopoke = 2415}, ["Wigglytuff"] = {fotopoke = 2416}, ["Zubat"] = {fotopoke = 2417}, ["Golbat"] = {fotopoke = 2418}, ["Oddish"] = {fotopoke = 2419}, ["Gloom"] = {fotopoke = 2420}, ["Vileplume"] = {fotopoke = 2421}, ["Paras"] = {fotopoke = 2422}, ["Parasect"] = {fotopoke = 2423}, ["Venonat"] = {fotopoke = 2424}, ["Venomoth"] = {fotopoke = 2425}, ["Diglett"] = {fotopoke = 2426}, ["Dugtrio"] = {fotopoke = 2427}, ["Meowth"] = {fotopoke = 2428}, ["Persian"] = {fotopoke = 2429}, ["Psyduck"] = {fotopoke = 2430}, ["Golduck"] = {fotopoke = 2431}, ["Mankey"] = {fotopoke = 2432}, ["Primeape"] = {fotopoke = 2433}, ["Growlithe"] = {fotopoke = 2434}, ["Arcanine"] = {fotopoke = 2435}, ["Poliwag"] = {fotopoke = 2436}, ["Poliwhirl"] = {fotopoke = 2437}, ["Poliwrath"] = {fotopoke = 2438}, ["Abra"] = {fotopoke = 2439}, ["Kadabra"] = {fotopoke = 2440}, ["Alakazam"] = {fotopoke = 2441}, ["Machop"] = {fotopoke = 2442}, ["Machoke"] = {fotopoke = 2443}, ["Machamp"] = {fotopoke = 2444}, ["Bellsprout"] = {fotopoke = 2445}, ["Weepinbell"] = {fotopoke = 2446}, ["Victreebel"] = {fotopoke = 2447}, ["Tentacool"] = {fotopoke = 2448}, ["Tentacruel"] = {fotopoke = 2449}, ["Geodude"] = {fotopoke = 2450}, ["Graveler"] = {fotopoke = 2451}, ["Golem"] = {fotopoke = 2452}, ["Ponyta"] = {fotopoke = 2453}, ["Rapidash"] = {fotopoke = 2454}, ["Slowpoke"] = {fotopoke = 2455}, ["Slowbro"] = {fotopoke = 2456}, ["Magnemite"] = {fotopoke = 2457}, ["Magneton"] = {fotopoke = 2458}, ["Farfetchd"] = {fotopoke = 2459}, ["Doduo"] = {fotopoke = 2460}, ["Dodrio"] = {fotopoke = 2461}, ["Seel"] = {fotopoke = 2462}, ["Dewgong"] = {fotopoke = 2463}, ["Grimer"] = {fotopoke = 2464}, ["Muk"] = {fotopoke = 2465}, ["Shellder"] = {fotopoke = 2466}, ["Cloyster"] = {fotopoke = 2467}, ["Gastly"] = {fotopoke = 2468}, ["Haunter"] = {fotopoke = 2469}, ["Gengar"] = {fotopoke = 2470}, ["Onix"] = {fotopoke = 2471}, ["Drowzee"] = {fotopoke = 2472}, ["Hypno"] = {fotopoke = 2473}, ["Krabby"] = {fotopoke = 2474}, ["Kingler"] = {fotopoke = 2475}, ["Voltorb"] = {fotopoke = 2476}, ["Electrode"] = {fotopoke = 2477}, ["Exeggcute"] = {fotopoke = 2478}, ["Exeggutor"] = {fotopoke = 2479}, ["Cubone"] = {fotopoke = 2480}, ["Marowak"] = {fotopoke = 2481}, ["Hitmonlee"] = {fotopoke = 2482}, ["Hitmonchan"] = {fotopoke = 2483}, ["Lickitung"] = {fotopoke = 2484}, ["Koffing"] = {fotopoke = 2485}, ["Weezing"] = {fotopoke = 2486}, ["Rhyhorn"] = {fotopoke = 2487}, ["Rhydon"] = {fotopoke = 2488}, ["Chansey"] = {fotopoke = 2489}, ["Tangela"] = {fotopoke = 2490}, ["Kangaskhan"] = {fotopoke = 2491}, ["Horsea"] = {fotopoke = 2492}, ["Seadra"] = {fotopoke = 2493}, ["Goldeen"] = {fotopoke = 2494}, ["Seaking"] = {fotopoke = 2495}, ["Staryu"] = {fotopoke = 2496}, ["Starmie"] = {fotopoke = 2497}, ["Mr Mime"] = {fotopoke = 2498}, ["Scyther"] = {fotopoke = 2499}, ["Jynx"] = {fotopoke = 2500}, ["Electabuzz"] = {fotopoke = 2501}, ["Magmar"] = {fotopoke = 2502}, ["Pinsir"] = {fotopoke = 2503}, ["Tauros"] = {fotopoke = 2504}, ["Magikarp"] = {fotopoke = 2505}, ["Gyarados"] = {fotopoke = 2506}, ["Lapras"] = {fotopoke = 2507}, ["Ditto"] = {fotopoke = 2508}, ["Eevee"] = {fotopoke = 2509}, ["Vaporeon"] = {fotopoke = 2510}, ["Jolteon"] = {fotopoke = 2511}, ["Flareon"] = {fotopoke = 2512}, ["Porygon"] = {fotopoke = 2513}, ["Omanyte"] = {fotopoke = 2514}, ["Omastar"] = {fotopoke = 2515}, ["Kabuto"] = {fotopoke = 2516}, ["Kabutops"] = {fotopoke = 2517}, ["Aerodactyl"] = {fotopoke = 2518}, ["Snorlax"] = {fotopoke = 2519}, ["Articuno"] = {fotopoke = 2520}, ["Zapdos"] = {fotopoke = 2521}, ["Moltres"] = {fotopoke = 2522}, ["Dratini"] = {fotopoke = 2523}, ["Dragonair"] = {fotopoke = 2524}, ["Dragonite"] = {fotopoke = 2525}, ["Mewtwo"] = {fotopoke = 2526}, ["Mew"] = {fotopoke = 2527}, ["Elder Charizard"] = {fotopoke = 2527}, ["Crystal Onix"] = {fotopoke = 2527}, ["Chikorita"] = {fotopoke = 8878}, ["Bayleef"] = {fotopoke = 8879}, } local poken = { ["Bulbasaur"] = {level = 20, cons = 43, vida = 1200}, ["Ivysaur"] = {level = 40, cons = 86, vida = 2600}, ["Venusaur"] = {level = 85, cons = 189, vida = 5200}, ["Charmander"] = {level = 20, cons = 30, vida = 970}, ["Charmeleon"] = {level = 40, cons = 70, vida = 2900}, ["Charizard"] = {level = 85, cons = 140, vida = 5200}, ["Squirtle"] = {level = 20, cons = 47, vida = 1350}, ["Wartortle"] = {level = 40, cons = 93, vida = 2800}, ["Blastoise"] = {level = 85, cons = 194, vida = 5900}, ["Caterpie"] = {level = 1, cons = 13, vida = 300}, ["Metapod"] = {level = 10, cons = 30, vida = 1100}, ["Butterfree"] = {level = 30, cons = 56, vida = 2000}, ["Weedle"] = {level = 1, cons = 16, vida = 325}, ["Kakuna"] = {level = 10, cons = 32, vida = 900}, ["Beedrill"] = {level = 30, cons = 64, vida = 1900}, ["Pidgey"] = {level = 1, cons = 22, vida = 380}, ["Pidgeotto"] = {level = 20, cons = 47, vida = 1400}, ["Pidgeot"] = {level = 65, cons = 101, vida = 3800}, ["Rattata"] = {level = 1, cons = 19, vida = 350}, ["Raticate"] = {level = 20, cons = 68, vida = 900}, ["Spearow"] = {level = 5, cons = 22, vida = 450}, ["Fearow"] = {level = 50, cons = 95, vida = 3300}, ["Ekans"] = {level = 12, cons = 27, vida = 600}, ["Arbok"] = {level = 30, cons = 87, vida = 2900}, ["Pikachu"] = {level = 20, cons = 32, vida = 900}, ["Raichu"] = {level = 50, cons = 99, vida = 3200}, ["Sandshrew"] = {level = 18, cons = 30, vida = 700}, ["Sandslash"] = {level = 55, cons = 96, vida = 3400}, ["Nidoran Female"] = {level = 10, cons = 27, vida = 600}, ["Nidorina"] = {level = 25, cons = 58, vida = 2000}, ["Nidoqueen"] = {level = 65, cons = 146, vida = 4200}, ["Nidoran Male"] = {level = 10, cons = 34, vida = 650}, ["Nidorino"] = {level = 25, cons = 74, vida = 2500}, ["Nidoking"] = {level = 65, cons = 169, vida = 4800}, ["Clefairy"] = {level = 10, cons = 30, vida = 600}, ["Clefable"] = {level = 35, cons = 90, vida = 2400}, ["Vulpix"] = {level = 20, cons = 32, vida = 680}, ["Ninetales"] = {level = 65, cons = 121, vida = 3400}, ["Jigglypuff"] = {level = 10, cons = 30, vida = 550}, ["Wigglytuff"] = {level = 42, cons = 95, vida = 2900}, ["Zubat"] = {level = 5, cons = 28, vida = 450}, ["Golbat"] = {level = 30, cons = 70, vida = 1900}, ["Oddish"] = {level = 5, cons = 21, vida = 340}, ["Gloom"] = {level = 18, cons = 51, vida = 1400}, ["Vileplume"] = {level = 50, cons = 96, vida = 3300}, ["Paras"] = {level = 1, cons = 40, vida = 850}, ["Parasect"] = {level = 50, cons = 110, vida = 3800}, ["Venonat"] = {level = 18, cons = 50, vida = 1350}, ["Venomoth"] = {level = 50, cons = 125, vida = 3850}, ["Diglett"] = {level = 5, cons = 45, vida = 900}, ["Dugtrio"] = {level = 35, cons = 110, vida = 3450}, ["Meowth"] = {level = 12, cons = 52, vida = 950}, ["Persian"] = {level = 25, cons = 85, vida = 2250}, ["Psyduck"] = {level = 12, cons = 50, vida = 950}, ["Golduck"] = {level = 55, cons = 150, vida = 4000}, ["Mankey"] = {level = 10, cons = 60, vida = 1050}, ["Primeape"] = {level = 45, cons = 155, vida = 4500}, ["Growlithe"] = {level = 20, cons = 60, vida = 1000}, ["Arcanine"] = {level = 80, cons = 170, vida = 6800}, ["Poliwag"] = {level = 5, cons = 20, vida = 400}, ["Poliwhirl"] = {level = 20, cons = 44, vida = 1200}, ["Poliwrath"] = {level = 65, cons = 138, vida = 4400}, ["Abra"] = {level = 10, cons = 20, vida = 620}, ["Kadabra"] = {level = 45, cons = 57, vida = 2500}, ["Alakazam"] = {level = 80, cons = 94, vida = 4000}, ["Machop"] = {level = 18, cons = 60, vida = 1100}, ["Machoke"] = {level = 40, cons = 110, vida = 3500}, ["Machamp"] = {level = 65, cons = 185, vida = 7500}, ["Bellsprout"] = {level = 5, cons = 24, vida = 420}, ["Weepinbell"] = {level = 18, cons = 49, vida = 1100}, ["Victreebel"] = {level = 50, cons = 117, vida = 4000}, ["Tentacool"] = {level = 12, cons = 52, vida = 1050}, ["Tentacruel"] = {level = 70, cons = 165, vida = 7050}, ["Geodude"] = {level = 15, cons = 30, vida = 700}, ["Graveler"] = {level = 40, cons = 82, vida = 3000}, ["Golem"] = {level = 70, cons = 111, vida = 6500}, ["Ponyta"] = {level = 20, cons = 60, vida = 1400}, ["Rapidash"] = {level = 60, cons = 160, vida = 5500}, ["Slowpoke"] = {level = 12, cons = 55, vida = 1200}, ["Slowbro"] = {level = 45, cons = 110, vida = 4600}, ["Magnemite"] = {level = 15, cons = 27, vida = 450}, ["Magneton"] = {level = 40, cons = 67, vida = 1750}, ["Farfetchd"] = {level = 40, cons = 95, vida = 3000}, ["Doduo"] = {level = 12, cons = 31, vida = 600}, ["Dodrio"] = {level = 45, cons = 78, vida = 2650}, ["Seel"] = {level = 20, cons = 50, vida = 1000}, ["Dewgong"] = {level = 65, cons = 135, vida = 5200}, ["Grimer"] = {level = 12, cons = 30, vida = 600}, ["Muk"] = {level = 30, cons = 85, vida = 2400}, ["Shellder"] = {level = 5, cons = 45, vida = 800}, ["Cloyster"] = {level = 65, cons = 155, vida = 5000}, ["Gastly"] = {level = 18, cons = 50, vida = 1000}, ["Haunter"] = {level = 45, cons = 105, vida = 3000}, ["Gengar"] = {level = 80, cons = 175, vida = 7000}, ["Onix"] = {level = 50, cons = 150, vida = 5300}, ["Drowzee"] = {level = 22, cons = 58, vida = 1150}, ["Hypno"] = {level = 50, cons = 100, vida = 4600}, ["Krabby"] = {level = 5, cons = 45, vida = 850}, ["Kingler"] = {level = 35, cons = 100, vida = 3250}, ["Voltorb"] = {level = 14, cons = 30, vida = 620}, ["Electrode"] = {level = 38, cons = 76, vida = 2000}, ["Exeggcute"] = {level = 8, cons = 42, vida = 800}, ["Exeggutor"] = {level = 48, cons = 98, vida = 4000}, ["Cubone"] = {level = 18, cons = 58, vida = 1200}, ["Marowak"] = {level = 45, cons = 105, vida = 3900}, ["Hitmonlee"] = {level = 60, cons = 140, vida = 5500}, ["Hitmonchan"] = {level = 60, cons = 140, vida = 5500}, ["Lickitung"] = {level = 45, cons = 100, vida = 4800}, ["Koffing"] = {level = 15, cons = 60, vida = 900}, ["Weezing"] = {level = 30, cons = 100, vida = 2800}, ["Rhyhorn"] = {level = 35, cons = 80, vida = 3800}, ["Rhydon"] = {level = 65, cons = 175, vida = 7000}, ["Chansey"] = {level = 60, cons = 130, vida = 7500}, ["Tangela"] = {level = 40, cons = 85, vida = 3500}, ["Kangaskhan"] = {level = 60, cons = 160, vida = 7000}, ["Horsea"] = {level = 5, cons = 19, vida = 300}, ["Seadra"] = {level = 45, cons = 68, vida = 2500}, ["Goldeen"] = {level = 10, cons = 50, vida = 950}, ["Seaking"] = {level = 25, cons = 80, vida = 2000}, ["Staryu"] = {level = 15, cons = 55, vida = 1050}, ["Starmie"] = {level = 45, cons = 95, vida = 3800}, ["Mr Mime"] = {level = 60, cons = 110, vida = 5500}, ["Scyther"] = {level = 70, cons = 145, vida = 6500}, ["Jynx"] = {level = 65, cons = 125, vida = 6000}, ["Electabuzz"] = {level = 70, cons = 150, vida = 2500}, ["Magmar"] = {level = 70, cons = 160, vida = 7200}, ["Pinsir"] = {level = 42, cons = 95, vida = 4000}, ["Tauros"] = {level = 40, cons = 100, vida = 4200}, ["Magikarp"] = {level = 1, cons = 5, vida = 120}, ["Gyarados"] = {level = 75, cons = 195, vida = 7800}, ["Lapras"] = {level = 70, cons = 140, vida = 7000}, ["Ditto"] = {level = 40, cons = 100, vida = 4000}, ["Eevee"] = {level = 20, cons = 55, vida = 1500}, ["Vaporeon"] = {level = 55, cons = 110, vida = 4500}, ["Jolteon"] = {level = 55, cons = 110, vida = 4500}, ["Flareon"] = {level = 55, cons = 110, vida = 4500}, ["Porygon"] = {level = 45, cons = 10, vida = 100}, ["Omanyte"] = {level = 20, cons = 55, vida = 1300}, ["Omastar"] = {level = 70, cons = 140, vida = 6000}, ["Kabuto"] = {level = 20, cons = 55, vida = 1300}, ["Kabutops"] = {level = 70, cons = 150, vida = 6500}, ["Aerodactyl"] = {level = 100, cons = 190, vida = 8000}, ["Snorlax"] = {level = 85, cons = 200, vida = 9500}, ["Articuno"] = {level = 120, cons = 200, vida = 11000}, ["Zapdos"] = {level = 120, cons = 200, vida = 11000}, ["Moltres"] = {level = 120, cons = 200, vida = 11000}, ["Dratini"] = {level = 10, cons = 55, vida = 1200}, ["Dragonair"] = {level = 70, cons = 165, vida = 5600}, ["Dragonite"] = {level = 100, cons = 250, vida = 10800}, ["Mewtwo"] = {level = 100, cons = 175, vida = 8500}, ["Mew"] = {level = 100, cons = 125, vida = 7200}, ["Elder Charizard"] = {level = 100, cons = 125, vida = 1200}, ["Onix Crystal"] = {level = 100, cons = 125, vida = 7200}, ["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {level = 85, cons = 125, vida = 4800}, ["Chikorita"] = {chance = 1, corpse = 2882, health = 1400, maxhealth = 1400}, ["Bayleef"] = {chance = 1, corpse = 4255, health = 1400, maxhealth = 3000}, } local pokes = { ["Bulbasaur"] = {level = 40, evolution = "Ivysaur", maxh = 2900, count = 1, stoneid = 2276, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Ivysaur"] = {level = 85, evolution = "Venusaur", maxh = 5200, count = 2, stoneid = 2276, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Charmander"] = {level = 40, evolution = "Charmeleon", maxh = 2900, count = 1, stoneid = 2283, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Charmeleon"] = {level = 85, evolution = "Charizard", maxh = 5200, count = 2, stoneid = 2283, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Squirtle"] = {level = 40, evolution = "Wartortle", maxh = 2900, count = 1, stoneid = 2277, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Wartortle"] = {level = 85, evolution = "Blastoise", maxh = 5200, count = 2, stoneid = 2277, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Caterpie"] = {level = 15, evolution = "Metapod", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2284, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Metapod"] = {level = 30, evolution = "Butterfree", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2284, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Weedle"] = {level = 15, evolution = "Kakuna", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2284, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Kakuna"] = {level = 25, evolution = "Beedrill", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2284, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Pidgey"] = {level = 20, evolution = "Pidgeotto", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2289, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Pidgeotto"] = {level = 65, evolution = "Pidgeot", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2289, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Rattata"] = {level = 25, evolution = "Raticate", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2289, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Spearow"] = {level = 50, evolution = "Fearow", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2289, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Ekans"] = {level = 35, evolution = "Arbok", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2278, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Pikachu"] = {level = 50, evolution = "Raichu", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2279, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Sandshrew"] = {level = 55, evolution = "Sandslash", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2287, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Nidoran Female"] = {level = 30, evolution = "Nidorina", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2278, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Nidorina"] = {level = 65, evolution = "Nidoqueen", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2278, stoneid2 = 2287}, ["Nidoran Male"] = {level = 30, evolution = "Nidorino", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2278, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Nidorino"] = {level = 65, evolution = "Nidoking", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2278, stoneid2 = 2287}, ["Clefairy"] = {level = 45, evolution = "Clefable", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2289, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Vulpix"] = {level = 70, evolution = "Ninetales", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2283, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Jigglypuff"] = {level = 45, evolution = "Wigglytuff", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2289, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Zubat"] = {level = 35, evolution = "Golbat", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2278, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Oddish"] = {level = 25, evolution = "Gloom", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2276, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Gloom"] = {level = 50, evolution = "Vileplume", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2276, stoneid2 = 2278}, ["Paras"] = {level = 50, evolution = "Parasect", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2284, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Venonat"] = {level = 50, evolution = "Venomoth", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2284, stoneid2 = 2278}, ["Diglett"] = {level = 35, evolution = "Dugtrio", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2287, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Meowth"] = {level = 30, evolution = "Persian", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2289, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Psyduck"] = {level = 55, evolution = "Golduck", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2277, stoneid2 = 2288}, ["Mankey"] = {level = 50, evolution = "Primeape", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2281, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Growlithe"] = {level = 80, evolution = "Arcanine", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2283, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Poliwag"] = {level = 25, evolution = "Poliwhirl", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2277, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Poliwhirl"] = {level = 65, evolution = "Poliwrath", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2277, stoneid2 = 2281}, ["Abra"] = {level = 45, evolution = "Kadabra", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2288, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Kadabra"] = {level = 80, evolution = "Alakazam", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2288, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Machop"] = {level = 45, evolution = "Machoke", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2281, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Machoke"] = {level = 70, evolution = "Machamp", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2281, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Bellsprout"] = {level = 25, evolution = "Weepinbell", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2276, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Weepinbell"] = {level = 50, evolution = "Victreebel", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2276, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Tentacool"] = {level = 75, evolution = "Tentacruel", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2277, stoneid2 = 2278}, ["Geodude"] = {level = 40, evolution = "Graveler", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2280, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Graveler"] = {level = 70, evolution = "Golem", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2280, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Ponyta"] = {level = 55, evolution = "Rapidash", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2283, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Slowpoke"] = {level = 45, evolution = "Slowbro", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2288, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Magnemite"] = {level = 40, evolution = "Magneton", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2279, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Doduo"] = {level = 45, evolution = "Dodrio", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2289, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Seel"] = {level = 65, evolution = "Dewgong", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2277, stoneid2 = 2290}, ["Grimer"] = {level = 45, evolution = "Muk", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2278, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Shellder"] = {level = 60, evolution = "Cloyster", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2290, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Gastly"] = {level = 45, evolution = "Haunter", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2286, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Haunter"] = {level = 80, evolution = "Gengar", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2286, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Drowzee"] = {level = 55, evolution = "Hypno", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2288, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Krabby"] = {level = 40, evolution = "Kingler", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2277, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Voltorb"] = {level = 35, evolution = "Electrode", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2279, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Exeggcute"] = {level = 55, evolution = "Exeggutor", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2276, stoneid2 = 2288}, ["Cubone"] = {level = 55, evolution = "Marowak", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2287, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Koffing"] = {level = 35, evolution = "Weezing", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2278, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Rhyhorn"] = {level = 75, evolution = "Rhydon", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2280, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Horsea"] = {level = 45, evolution = "Seadra", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2277, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Goldeen"] = {level = 35, evolution = "Seaking", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2277, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Staryu"] = {level = 15, evolution = "Starmie", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2277, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Magikarp"] = {level = 85, evolution = "Gyarados", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2277, stoneid2 = 2285}, ["Omanyte"] = {level = 80, evolution = "Omastar", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2277, stoneid2 = 2285}, ["Kabuto"] = {level = 80, evolution = "Kabutops", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2280, stoneid2 = 2285}, ["Dratini"] = {level = 60, evolution = "Dragonair", maxh = 1400, count = 1, stoneid = 2285, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Dragonair"] = {level = 60, evolution = "Dragonite", maxh = 1400, count = 2, stoneid = 2285, stoneid2 = 0}, ["Chikorita"] = {level = 40, evolution = "Bayleef", maxh = 2900, count = 2, stoneid = 2276, stoneid2 = 0}, } local types = { ["Leaf"] = {itemid = 2276, "Bulbasaur", "Ivysaur", "Oddish", "Gloom", "Bellsprout", "Weepinbell", "Exeggcute", "Chikorita", "Bayleef"}, ["Water"] = {itemid = 2277, "Squirtle", "Wartortle", "Horsea", "Goldeen", "Magikarp", "Psyduck", "Poliwag", "Poliwhirl", "Tentacool", "Krabby", "Staryu", "Omanyte", "Eevee"}, ["Venom"] = {itemid = 2278, "Zubat", "Ekans", "Nidoran male", "Nidoran female", "Nidorino", "Nidorina", "Gloom", "Venonat", "Tentacool", "Grimer", "Koffing"}, ["Thunder"] = {itemid = 2279, "Magnemite", "Pikachu", "Voltorb", "Eevee"}, ["Rock"] = {itemid = 2280, "Geodude", "Graveler", "Rhyhorn", "Kabuto"}, ["Punch"] = {itemid = 2281, "Machop", "Machoke", "Mankey", "Poliwhirl"}, ["Fire"] = {itemid = 2283, "Charmander", "Charmeleon", "Vulpix", "Growlithe", "Ponyta", "Eevee"}, ["Coccon"] = {itemid = 2284, "Caterpie", "Metapod", "Weedle", "Kakuna", "Paras", "Venonat", "Dragon Lord"}, ["Crystal"] = {itemid = 2285, "Dratini", "Dragonair", "Magikarp", "Omanyte", "Kabuto"}, ["Darkness"] = {itemid = 2286, "Gastly", "Haunter"}, ["Earth"] = {itemid = 2287, "Cubone", "Sandshrew", "Nidorino", "Nidorina", "Diglett"}, ["Enigma"] = {itemid = 2288, "Abra", "Kadabra", "Psyduck", "Slowpoke", "Drowzee"}, ["Heart"] = {itemid = 2289, "Rattata", "Pidgey", "Pidgeotto", "Spearow", "Clefairy", "Jigglypuff", "Meowth", "Doduo"}, ["Ice"] = {itemid = 2290, "Seel", "Shellder"}, } local eevee = {'2277', '2279', '2283'} function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) if not isMonster(item2.uid) then return true end if not isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(item2.uid)) or getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) ~= cid then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can only use stones on pokemons you own.") return true end for i,x in pairs(types) do if getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).itemid ~= fotos[getCreatureName(item2.uid)].fotopoke then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Plase, keep your pokemon's ball at the right place during evolution!") end if item.itemid == x.itemid then if isPlayerSummon(cid, item2.uid) then if table.find(x, getCreatureName(item2.uid)) then if getCreatureName(item2.uid) == "Eevee" then if item.itemid == 2279 then if getPlayerLevel(cid) < 55 then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you don't have the required level to evolve this pokemon (55).") end local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", "This is Jolteon's pokeball. HP = [100/100]") doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "description", "Contains a Jolteon.") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations! Your "..getCreatureName(item2.uid).." evolved into a Jolteon!") doSendMagicEffect(topos, 18) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).uid, 2511) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 173) local oldpos = getThingPos(item2.uid) doRemoveCreature(item2.uid) doSummonMonster(cid, "Jolteon") local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] registerCreatureEvent(pk, "DiePoke") registerCreatureEvent(pk, "Exp") doTeleportThing(pk, oldpos, false) doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, 2) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) + (poken[getCreatureName(pk)].cons * getPlayerLevel(cid))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 2, 0) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, item.itemid, 1) elseif item.itemid == 2277 then if getPlayerLevel(cid) < 55 then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you don't have the required level to evolve this pokemon (55).") end local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", "This is Vaporeon's pokeball. HP = [100/100]") doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "description", "Contains a Vaporeon.") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations! Your "..getCreatureName(item2.uid).." evolved into a Vaporeon!") doSendMagicEffect(topos, 18) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).uid, 2510) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 173) local oldpos = getThingPos(item2.uid) doRemoveCreature(item2.uid) doSummonMonster(cid, "Vaporeon") local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] registerCreatureEvent(pk, "DiePoke") registerCreatureEvent(pk, "Exp") doTeleportThing(pk, oldpos, false) doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, 2) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) + (poken[getCreatureName(pk)].cons * getPlayerLevel(cid))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 2, 0) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, item.itemid, 1) elseif item.itemid == 2283 then if getPlayerLevel(cid) < 55 then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you don't have the required level to evolve this pokemon (55).") end local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", "This is Flareon's pokeball. HP = [100/100]") doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "description", "Contains a Flareon.") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations! Your "..getCreatureName(item2.uid).." evolved into a Flareon!") doSendMagicEffect(topos, 18) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).uid, 2512) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 173) local oldpos = getThingPos(item2.uid) doRemoveCreature(item2.uid) doSummonMonster(cid, "Flareon") local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] registerCreatureEvent(pk, "DiePoke") registerCreatureEvent(pk, "Exp") doTeleportThing(pk, oldpos, false) doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, 2) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) + (poken[getCreatureName(pk)].cons * getPlayerLevel(cid))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 2, 0) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, item.itemid, 1) end local i = getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) if not string.find(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54842), ""..i..",") then doPlayerAddSoul(cid, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54842, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54842)..""..i..", ") end return true end local count = pokes[getCreatureName(item2.uid)].count local stnid = pokes[getCreatureName(item2.uid)].stoneid local stnid2 = pokes[getCreatureName(item2.uid)].stoneid2 local evo = pokes[getCreatureName(item2.uid)].evolution local levell = pokes[getCreatureName(item2.uid)].level if stnid2 > 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid, stnid2) < count then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need at least one "..getItemNameById(stnid).." and one "..getItemNameById(stnid2).." to evolve this pokemon!") end if stnid2 > 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid, stnid) < count then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need at least one "..getItemNameById(stnid).." and one "..getItemNameById(stnid2).." to evolve this pokemon!") end if getPlayerItemCount(cid, stnid) < count then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need at least "..count.." "..getItemNameById(stnid).."s to evolve this pokemon!") end if getPlayerLevel(cid) < pokes[getCreatureName(item2.uid)].level then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you don't have the required level to evolve this pokemon ("..levell..").") end local owner = getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) local description = "Contains a "..evo.."." local nas = { ["%%pokename"] = pokes[getCreatureName(item2.uid)].evolution } for i,x in pairs(nas) do if description:find(i) then description = description:gsub(i, x) end end local slo = pokes[getCreatureName(item2.uid)].maxh local sle = pokes[getCreatureName(item2.uid)].evolution doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", "This is "..evo.."'s pokeball. HP = ["..pokes[getCreatureName(item2.uid)].maxh.."/"..pokes[getCreatureName(item2.uid)].maxh.."]") doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "description", description) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations! Your "..getCreatureName(item2.uid).." evolved into a "..evo.."!") doSendMagicEffect(topos, 18) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).uid, fotos[sle].fotopoke) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 173) local oldpos = getThingPos(item2.uid) doRemoveCreature(item2.uid) doSummonMonster(cid, sle) local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] registerCreatureEvent(pk, "DiePoke") registerCreatureEvent(pk, "Exp") doTeleportThing(pk, oldpos, false) doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, 2) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, slo) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, slo) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) + (poken[getCreatureName(pk)].cons * getPlayerLevel(cid))) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stnid, count) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stnid2, count) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 2, 0) local i = getCreatureName(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]) if not string.find(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54842), ""..i..",") then doPlayerAddSoul(cid, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54842, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54842)..""..i..", ") end break else return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, this is not the required stone to evolve this pokemon!") end end end end return TRUE end
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