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  1. Upvote
    sigma696 deu reputação a PaauloBriito em Procuro Ot Sério!   
    Adicine rapido, Estou com um projeto grande, é Unico! Adc Que dou mais respostas
  2. Upvote
    sigma696 deu reputação a MatheusGlad em Barco Que Anda Por Uma Rota.   

    Va na pasta mod crie um arquivo XML com o nome de boatsystem e bote isso:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mod name="BoatSystem" enabled="yes" author="MatheusMkalo" forum=""> <config name="BoatSystemLib"><![CDATA[ mydirs= { [1] = {type = 1, ids = {3587, 3590, 3591}, xy = {0, -1}}, [2] = {type = 2, ids = {3592, 3595, 3596}, xy = {1, 0}}, [3] = {type = 1, ids = {3587, 3590, 3591}, xy = {0, 1}}, [4] = {type = 2, ids = {3592, 3595, 3596}, xy = {-1, 0}} } allids = {3587, 3590, 3591, 3592, 3595, 3596} function newEndb(endb, dir) local xx = endb.x local yy = endb.y for i = 1, #dir do xx = xx+mydirs[dir[i]].xy[1] yy = yy+mydirs[dir[i]].xy[2] end return {x=xx, y=yy, z=endb.z} end function doMoveBoat(post, dir, cid) local newboat = {} for i,s in ipairs(post) do local backu = getThingPos(s) doRemoveItem(s, 1) doCreateItem(mydirs[dir].ids[i], 1, {x=backu.x+mydirs[dir].xy[1], y=backu.y+mydirs[dir].xy[2], z=backu.z}) table.insert(newboat, getThingFromPos({x=backu.x+mydirs[dir].xy[1], y=backu.y+mydirs[dir].xy[2], z=backu.z, stackpos=1}).uid) end if mydirs[dir].type ~= post.type and mydirs[dir].type == 1 then doCreateItem(getThing(newboat[1]).itemid, 1, {x=getThingPos(newboat[1]).x+1, y=getThingPos(newboat[1]).y-1, z=getThingPos(newboat[1]).z}) doRemoveItem(newboat[1], 1) doCreateItem(getThing(newboat[3]).itemid, 1, {x=getThingPos(newboat[3]).x-1, y=getThingPos(newboat[3]).y+1, z=getThingPos(newboat[3]).z}) doRemoveItem(newboat[3], 1) elseif mydirs[dir].type ~= post.type and mydirs[dir].type == 2 then doCreateItem(getThing(newboat[1]).itemid, 1, {x=getThingPos(newboat[1]).x-1, y=getThingPos(newboat[1]).y+1, z=getThingPos(newboat[1]).z}) doRemoveItem(newboat[1], 1) doCreateItem(getThing(newboat[3]).itemid, 1, {x=getThingPos(newboat[3]).x+1, y=getThingPos(newboat[3]).y-1, z=getThingPos(newboat[3]).z}) doRemoveItem(newboat[3], 1) end if cid then doTeleportThing(cid, {x=getCreaturePosition(cid).x+mydirs[dir].xy[1], y=getCreaturePosition(cid).y+mydirs[dir].xy[2], z=getCreaturePosition(cid).z}, false) end end function getPosBoat(cid, pos) local pcid = not pos and getCreaturePosition(cid) or pos local check = getThingFromPos({x=pcid.x, y=pcid.y, z=pcid.z, stackpos=1}).itemid == mydirs[1].ids[2] and 1 or 2 if check == 1 then return {getThingFromPos({x=pcid.x, y=pcid.y-1, z=pcid.z, stackpos=1}).uid, getThingFromPos({x=pcid.x, y=pcid.y, z=pcid.z, stackpos=1}).uid, getThingFromPos({x=pcid.x, y=pcid.y+1, z=pcid.z, stackpos=1}).uid, type = check} elseif check == 2 then return {getThingFromPos({x=pcid.x-1, y=pcid.y, z=pcid.z, stackpos=1}).uid, getThingFromPos({x=pcid.x, y=pcid.y, z=pcid.z, stackpos=1}).uid, getThingFromPos({x=pcid.x+1, y=pcid.y, z=pcid.z, stackpos=1}).uid, type = check} end return false end function reverse(t) local result = {} for i = #t, 1, -1 do table.insert(result, t[i] == 1 and 3 or t[i] == 2 and 4 or t[i] == 3 and 1 or t[i] == 4 and 2) end return result end ]]></config> <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="6616" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib("BoatSystemLib") local t = {4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2} local postart = {x=968, y=1001, z=7, stackpos=1} local posback = {x=994, y=978, z=7, stackpos=1} local delay = 350 if toPosition.x == posback.x and toPosition.y == posback.y then doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, true) for i = 1, #reverse(t) do addEvent(function() doMoveBoat(getPosBoat(cid), reverse(t)[i], cid) end, i*delay) end addEvent(doCreatureSetNoMove, delay*#reverse(t)+100, cid, false) addEvent(function() doItemSetAttribute(getThingFromPos(postart).uid, "aid", 6616) end, delay*#t+100) elseif toPosition.x == postart.x and toPosition.y == postart.y then doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, true) for i = 1, #t do addEvent(function() doMoveBoat(getPosBoat(cid), t[i], cid) end, i*delay) end addEvent(doCreatureSetNoMove, delay*#t+100, cid, false) addEvent(function() doItemSetAttribute(getThingFromPos(posback).uid, "aid", 6616) end, delay*#t+100) end ]]></movevent> <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="6617" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib("BoatSystemLib") if not isInArray(allids, getThingFromPos({x=toPosition.x, y=toPosition.y, z=toPosition.z, stackpos=1}).itemid) then doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, false) end ]]></movevent> </mod>
    Agora configurando o script:
    No local t, sao todas as direçoes que o barco vai andar, em sentido horario:
    1 = norte
    2 = leste
    3 = sul
    4 = oeste
    No local postart eh a posiçao que o meio do barco vai estar quando ele estiver indo para algum lugar.
    No local posback eh a posiçao que o meio do barco vai estar quando ele estiver voltando.
    O delay eh o tempo em milesegundos que demora pra o barco andar.
    Adicionando no Map editor:
    Faça 3 sqms do id 4820.
    Adicione o actionid 6617 nesses sqms.
    Faça 3 ids de barco, voce escolhe se eh o virado para cima ou para o lado.
    Bote o actionid 6616 no meio do barco.
    Fica assim:

    O vermemlho indica que tem o id 4820 e o actionid 6617.

    O verde indica o actionid 6616
    Na pos que ele vai chegar soh faça o negocio na agua, nao precisa fazer outro bote.
  3. Downvote
    sigma696 recebeu reputação de Linshun em [Arquivado]Tibia + Aditivos, Boa Combinação?   
    Inutio esse post
  4. Upvote
    sigma696 deu reputação a Saymon14 em [Creatureevent] Contagem De Frags No Look   
    Esse script mostra a quantidade de frags que o player tem quando voce da look nele exemplo: You see Theax. He is a Royal Paladin.[frags:43]

    Crie na pasta Data/Creaturescripts/script o arquivo fraglook.lua
    e cole isso

    --Script By Theax "" function getPlayerFrags(cid) local time = os.time() local times = {today = (time - 86400), week = (time - (7 * 86400))} local contents, result = {day = {}, week = {}, month = {}}, db.getResult("SELECT `pd`.`date`, `pd`.`level`, `p`.`name` FROM `player_killers` pk LEFT JOIN `killers` k ON `pk`.`kill_id` = `k`.`id` LEFT JOIN `player_deaths` pd ON `k`.`death_id` = `pd`.`id` LEFT JOIN `players` p ON `pd`.`player_id` = `p`.`id` WHERE `pk`.`player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. " AND `k`.`unjustified` = 1 AND `pd`.`date` >= " .. (time - (30 * 86400)) .. " ORDER BY `pd`.`date` DESC") if(result:getID() ~= -1) then repeat local content = {date = result:getDataInt("date")} if( > then table.insert(, content) elseif( > times.week) then table.insert(contents.week, content) else table.insert(contents.month, content) end until not result:next() result:free() end local size = { day = table.maxn(, week = table.maxn(contents.week), month = table.maxn(contents.month) } return + size.week + size.month end function onLogin(cid) registerCreatureEvent(cid, "fraglook") return true end function onLook(cid, thing, position, lookDistance) if isPlayer(thing.uid) and thing.uid ~= cid then doPlayerSetSpecialDescription(thing.uid,'[Frags: '..getPlayerFrags(thing.uid)..']') return true elseif thing.uid == cid then doPlayerSetSpecialDescription(cid,'[Frags: '..getPlayerFrags(cid)..']') local string = 'You see yourself.' if getPlayerFlagValue(cid, PLAYERFLAG_SHOWGROUPINSTEADOFVOCATION) then string = string..' You are '.. getPlayerGroupName(cid) ..'.' elseif getPlayerVocation(cid) ~= 0 then string = string..' You are '.. getPlayerVocationName(cid) ..'.' else string = string..' You have no vocation.' end string = string..getPlayerSpecialDescription(cid)..'' if getPlayerNameByGUID(getPlayerPartner(cid), false, false) ~= nil then string = string..' You are '.. (getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 and 'wife' or 'husband') ..' of '.. getPlayerNameByGUID(getPlayerPartner(cid)) ..'.' end if getPlayerGuildId(cid) > 0 then string = string..' You are ' .. (getPlayerGuildRank(cid) == '' and 'a member' or getPlayerGuildRank(cid)) ..' of the '.. getPlayerGuildName(cid) string = getPlayerGuildNick(cid) ~= '' and string..' ('.. getPlayerGuildNick(cid) ..').' or string..'.' end if getPlayerFlagValue(cid, PLAYERCUSTOMFLAG_CANSEECREATUREDETAILS) then string = string..'nHealth: ['.. getCreatureHealth(cid) ..' / '.. getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) ..'], Mana: ['.. getCreatureMana(cid) ..' / '.. getCreatureMaxMana(cid) ..'].' string = string..'nIP: '.. doConvertIntegerToIp(getPlayerIp(cid)) ..'.' end if getPlayerFlagValue(cid, PLAYERCUSTOMFLAG_CANSEEPOSITION) then string = string..'nPosition: [X:'.. position.x..'] [Y:'.. position.y..'] [Z:'.. position.z..'].' end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, string) return false end return true end
    Agora no Data/Creaturescripts/creaturescripts.xml
    adicione essas tags:

    <event type="login" name="fraglook_register" event="script" value="fraglook.lua"/> <event type="look" name="fraglook" event="script" value="fraglook.lua"/>
  5. Upvote
    sigma696 deu reputação a fsg em [Talkaction] Sistema De Shop Para Players   

  6. Upvote
    sigma696 deu reputação a meubk em Ajuda Ganhar Item Por Lv Rep++   
    em creaturescripts/scripts crie um arquivo chamado levelitem.lua e cole o seguinte código:

    local configlvl = { [600] = {id = 2525, count = 1}, [700] = {id = 2525, count = 1} } function onAdvance(cid, skill, oldLevel, newLevel) if skill == 8 then local tb = configlvl[newLevel] if tb then doPlayerAddItem(cid,, tb.count) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Parabéns você atingiu o level "..newLevel.." e ganhou "..tb.count.." "..getItemNameById(".") end end return true end
    depois na mesma pasta procure o login.lua e registre o evento como

    registerCreatureEvent(cid, "LevelItem")
    na pasta anterior no arquivo creaturescripts.xml adc a seguinte tag:

    <event type="advance" name="LevelItem" event="script" value="levelitem.lua"/>
    para adicionar mais premios ao atingir levels é bem simples é só acrescentar na tabela:

    local configlvl = { [600] = {id = 2525, count = 1}, [700] = {id = 2525, count = 1} }
    sendo :

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