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Tudo que 582240 postou
@TeamSky Vlw man espero que realmente tenha gostado
Rep + Porfavor - Sistema: Advanced Pet System With Races - Autor: josejunior23 - Servidor Testado: 8.54 ~ 8.60 - Descrição: - sempre quiz ter um pet system? mais nunca econtrou algum avançado? - com varias coisas e tals? - grande pakas e todo complicado pra configurar? - então seus problemas acabaram ou começaram, sei lá! - Como Instalar: - Apenas, cole na pasta do server, NÃO É NA PASTA DATA! - coloque o NPC (Pet Trainer) em seu mapa. - Pronto! Informações/Como Usar - Comandos - Como usar as shortkeys - Como adicionar magias IMAGENS! AJUDA? Download Creditos: Scipt= josejunior23 - 100% Post= josejunior23 - 95% 582240 - 5% - FastInfo
Gesior 0.4.0 By: 582240 - Xtibia.com + Video Aulas Rep++ Pliss
tópico respondeu ao 582240 de 582240 em Lixeira Pública
bom vou verificar e tentar resolver os erros @BackMan Man O Seu Erro E Muito Sinples De Se Resolver 1° Liga O Xampp 2° Clica Em Start No MySql 3° Acessa http://localhost/phpmyadmin 4° Loga Na Sua Conta (Pula Caso Não Pergunte Seu Login) 5° Clica No Lado Em "otserv" 6° Vai Em Importar 7° Seleciona O Arquivo Anexado (Apos Extrair Ele É Claro) 8° Vai Em Execultar 9° Tenta Novamente Acessar Sua Conta ;D @ViTeRaS Bom Não Tenhu Certeza Mais Acho Que Voce Pulou o Passo 4 Tenta Instalar d novo ai pois esse teu problema n consegui resolver =S otserv.rar -
Gesior 0.4.0 By: 582240 - Xtibia.com + Video Aulas Rep++ Pliss
tópico respondeu ao 582240 de 582240 em Lixeira Pública
@juniorp obrigado pela cooperação -
Gesior 0.4.0 By: 582240 - Xtibia.com + Video Aulas Rep++ Pliss
tópico respondeu ao 582240 de 582240 em Lixeira Pública
ok estou enviando uma pm com meu email ate a proxima e da rep+ n custa nd -
Gesior 0.4.0 By: 582240 - Xtibia.com + Video Aulas Rep++ Pliss
tópico respondeu ao 582240 de 582240 em Lixeira Pública
@juniorp sinplesmente este gesior foi feito pro meu ot 8.6 c esta com sorte =D mais eu ja testei em: 8.5 8.54 8.6 8.7 8.4 e n deu nenhum bug ;D -
Gesior 0.4.0 By: 582240 - Xtibia.com + Video Aulas Rep++ Pliss
tópico respondeu ao 582240 de 582240 em Lixeira Pública
@fireelement man eu nem iria colocar creditos eu ja coloquei entao porfavor n reclama por besteiras agr se aparecer um bug pode postar e reclamar aqui desculpa a cinceridade mais vc ta estragando meu tópico -
Gesior 0.4.0 By: 582240 - Xtibia.com + Video Aulas Rep++ Pliss
tópico respondeu ao 582240 de 582240 em Lixeira Pública
@RHCP obrigado pela cooperação -
Gesior 0.4.0 By: 582240 - Xtibia.com + Video Aulas Rep++ Pliss
tópico respondeu ao 582240 de 582240 em Lixeira Pública
@UP -
[Encerrado] Como Criar Um Cliente Proprio 8.6?
tópico respondeu ao 582240 de 582240 em Tópicos Sem Resposta
ja consegui mas obrigado pela intenção -
[Pedido]Sistema De Montaria Igual Ao Global
tópico respondeu ao sigma696 de 582240 em Lixeira Pública
=S como eu disse eu peguei de outro topico ;D -
manda teu msn que te mando um e-mail para le ajudar
[Encerrado] Como Criar Um Cliente Proprio 8.6?
um tópico no fórum postou 582240 Tópicos Sem Resposta
Como criar um cliente proprio 8.6??? quando eu faço como se fosse 8.5 com o meu ot on e ja testado diz como se ele estivesse off, porem se eu mudo o ip com o ip changer ele sinplesmente funciona ajuda ai -
Preciso De Script De Trainners Funcionando Se Tive Posta Aqui
tópico respondeu ao jefinho122 de 582240 em Lixeira Pública
Pelo que eu entendi vc quer um trainer que n se move ne? vai em: "'Pasta Do Ot'/data/monster" e lá cria um arquivo chamado Trainers (archive .xml ) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <monster name="Trainers" nameDescription="a trainers" race="blood" experience="0" speed="210" manacost="0"> <health now="240000" max="240000"/> <look type="268" head="114" body="77" legs="0" feet="0" addons="2" corpse="6080"/> <targetchange interval="60000" chance="0"/> <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/> <flags> <flag summonable="0"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="0"/> <flag convinceable="0"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag staticattack="50"/> <flag lightlevel="0"/> <flag lightcolor="0"/> <flag targetdistance="1"/> <flag runonhealth="0"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="2000" min="-19" max="-20"/> </attacks> <defenses armor="0" defense="0"> <defense name="healing" interval="30" chance="100" min="24000" max="24000"/> </defenses> <immunities> <immunity physical="0"/> <immunity energy="0"/> <immunity fire="0"/> <immunity poison="0"/> <immunity lifedrain="0"/> <immunity paralyze="0"/> <immunity outfit="0"/> <immunity drunk="0"/> <immunity invisible="1"/> </immunities> <loot> <item id="2148" countmax="20" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="1949" chance="10000"/> <item id="2467" chance="10000"/> <item id="2642" chance="6666"/> <item id="1987" chance="100000"> <inside> <item id="2044" chance="6666"/> <item id="2689" countmax="3" chance1="20000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2401" chance="3333"/> <item id="2166" chance="1428"/> </inside> </item> </loot> </monster> vai em "'Pasta Do Ot'/data/monster" e abre o arquivo chamado monsters (como bloco de notas) e no final adiciona <monster name="Trainers" file="Trainers.xml"/> mas se voce quiser um training area ai vai um tutorial retirado do link: Training Area [8.54] -
Item Que Sumona Monstros Ajuda Com Scripts
tópico respondeu ao gabrielamorim de 582240 em Lixeira Pública
este pet sistem e melhor do que o que voce falo Rep + Porfavor Em Respeito Ao Criador Deste tutorial esta resposta sera deletado em 3 dias Tutorial Deletado Por respeito ao seu criador -
Laranja = diretorio--------vermelho = nome do arquivo Cara Vo Tentar So n Sei Se Vai Dar Certo Ai Vai: vai em "Pasta Do Ot/data/npc" e cria um arquivo chamado guild master(Archive .xml) <?xml version="1.0"?> <npc name="Guild Master" script="data/npc/scripts/guild.lua" access="3" lookdir="1"> <health now="1" max="1"/> <look type="57" head="20" body="30" legs="40" feet="50" corpse="3128"/> </npc> Agora Vai Em "Pasta Do Ot/data/npc/scripts" e cria um arquivo chamado guild(Archive .lua) local focus = 0 local talk_start = 0 local target = 0 local following = false local attacking = false local talk_state = 0 local gstat = 0 -- guild status local grank = '' -- guild rank local gname = '' -- guild name local cname = '' -- name of player who talks to us local pname = '' -- name of some other player local maxnamelen = 30 local maxranklen = 20 local maxnicklen = 20 local leaderlevel = 50 local NONE = 0 local INVITED = 1 local MEMBER = 2 local VICE = 3 local LEADER = 4 local allow_pattern = '^[a-zA-Z0-9 -]+$' function onThingMove(creature, thing, oldpos, oldstackpos) end function onCreatureAppear(creature) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid, pos) if focus == cid then selfSay('Good bye then.') focus = 0 talk_start = 0 end end function onCreatureTurn(creature) end function msgcontains(txt, str) return (string.find(txt, str) and not string.find(txt, '(%w+)' .. str) and not string.find(txt, str .. '(%w+)')) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) cname = creatureGetName(cid) if (msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and (focus == 0)) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then selfSay('Hello ' .. cname .. '! How can I help you?') talk_state = 0 focus = cid talk_start = os.clock() elseif msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and (focus ~= cid) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then selfSay('Sorry, ' .. cname .. '! I talk to you in a minute.') elseif msgcontains(msg, 'bye') and (focus == cid) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then selfSay('Good bye, ' .. cname .. '!') talk_state = 0 focus = 0 talk_start = 0 elseif focus == cid then if talk_state == 0 then msg = string.lower(msg) if msgcontains(msg, 'found') then -- found a new guild level = getPlayerLevel(cid) if level >= leaderlevel then gstat = getPlayerGuildStatus(cname) if gstat == NONE or gstat == INVITED then selfSay('What name your guild should have?') talk_state = 1 elseif gstat == MEMBER or gstat == VICE or gstat == LEADER then selfSay('Sorry, you are member of a guild.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay('Sorry, you need level ' .. leaderlevel .. ' to found a guild.') end talk_start = os.clock() elseif msgcontains(msg, 'join') then -- join a guild when invited gstat = getPlayerGuildStatus(cname) if gstat == NONE then selfSay('Sorry, you are not invited to any guild.') talk_state = 0 elseif gstat == INVITED then gname = getPlayerGuildName(cname) selfSay('Do you want to join ' .. gname .. '?') talk_state = 3 elseif gstat == MEMBER or gstat == VICE or gstat == LEADER then selfSay('Sorry, you are a member of a guild.') talk_state = 0 end talk_start = os.clock() elseif msgcontains(msg, 'exclude') or msgcontains(msg, 'kick') then -- kick player from a guild gstat = getPlayerGuildStatus(cname) if gstat == VICE or gstat == LEADER then selfSay('Who do you want to kick today?') talk_state = 4 else selfSay('Sorry, only leader and vice-leaders can kick players from a guild.') talk_state = 0 end talk_start = os.clock() elseif msgcontains(msg, 'invite') then -- invite player to a guild gstat = getPlayerGuildStatus(cname) if gstat == VICE or gstat == LEADER then selfSay('Who do you want to invite to your guild?') talk_state = 5 else selfSay('Sorry, only leader and vice-leaders can invite players to a guild.') talk_state = 0 end talk_start = os.clock() elseif msgcontains(msg, 'leave') then -- leave a guild gstat = getPlayerGuildStatus(cname) if gstat == NONE or gstat == INVITED then selfSay('You are not in a guild.') talk_state = 0 elseif gstat == MEMBER or gstat == VICE then gname = getPlayerGuildName(cname) selfSay('Do you want to leave ' .. gname .. '?') talk_state = 7 elseif gstat == LEADER then selfSay('You are a leader of a guild. If you leave, no one can invite new players. Are you sure?') talk_state = 7 end elseif msgcontains(msg, 'pass') then -- pass leadership gstat = getPlayerGuildStatus(cname) if gstat == LEADER then selfSay('Who do you want to be a new leader?') talk_state = 8 else selfSay('Sorry, only leader can resign from his position.') talk_state = 0 end elseif msgcontains(msg, 'vice') then -- set vice leader gstat = getPlayerGuildStatus(cname) if gstat == LEADER then selfSay('Which member do you want to promote to vice-leader?') talk_state = 9 else selfSay('Sorry, only leader can promote member to vice-leader.') talk_state = 0 end elseif msgcontains(msg, 'member') then -- remove vice-leader gstat = getPlayerGuildStatus(cname) if gstat == LEADER then selfSay('Which vice-leader do you want to demote to regular member?') talk_state = 10 else selfSay('Sorry, only leader can demote vice-leaders to members.') talk_state = 0 end elseif msgcontains(msg, 'nick') or msgcontains(msg, 'title') then -- set nick gstat = getPlayerGuildStatus(cname); if gstat == LEADER then selfSay('Whom player do you want to change nick?') talk_state = 11 else selfSay('Sorry, only leader can change nicks.') talk_state = 0 end end else -- talk_state != 0 talk_start = os.clock() if talk_state == 1 then -- get name of new guild gname = msg if string.len(gname) <= maxnamelen then if string.find(gname, allow_pattern) then if foundNewGuild(gname) == 0 then selfSay('Sorry, there is already a guild with that name.') talk_state = 0 else selfSay('And what rank do you wish to have?') talk_state = 2 end else selfSay('Sorry, guild name contains illegal characters.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay('Sorry, guild name cannot be longer than ' .. maxnamelen .. ' characters.') talk_state = 0 end elseif talk_state == 2 then -- get rank of leader grank = msg if string.len(grank) <= maxranklen then if string.find(grank, allow_pattern) then setPlayerGuild(cname,LEADER,grank,gname) selfSay('You are now leader of your new guild.') talk_state = 0 else selfSay('Sorry, rank name contains illegal characters.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay('Sorry, rank name cannot be longer than ' .. maxranklen .. ' characters.') talk_state = 0 end elseif talk_state == 3 then -- join a guild if msg == 'yes' then setPlayerGuildStatus(cname, MEMBER) selfSay('You are now member of a guild.') talk_state = 0 else selfSay('What else can I do for you?') talk_state = 0 end elseif talk_state == 4 then -- kick player pname = msg gname = getPlayerGuildName(cname) gname2 = getPlayerGuildName(pname) if cname == pname then selfSay('To kick yourself say leave.') talk_state = 0 elseif gname == gname2 then gstat2 = getPlayerGuildStatus(pname) if gstat > gstat2 then clearPlayerGuild(pname) selfSay('You kicked ' .. pname .. ' from your guild.') talk_state = 0 else selfSay('Sorry, vice-leaders can kick only regular members.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay('Sorry, ' .. pname .. ' is not in your guild.') talk_state = 0 end elseif talk_state == 5 then -- get invited name pname = msg gstat = getPlayerGuildStatus(pname) if gstat == MEMBER or gstat == VICE or gstat == LEADER then selfSay('Sorry, ' .. pname .. ' is in another guild.') talk_state = 0 else selfSay('And what rank do you wish to give him/her?') talk_state = 6 end elseif talk_state == 6 then -- get invited rank grank = msg if string.len(grank) <= maxranklen then if string.find(grank, allow_pattern) then gname = getPlayerGuildName(cname) setPlayerGuild(pname, INVITED, grank, gname) selfSay('You have invited ' .. pname .. ' to your guild.') talk_state = 0 else selfSay('Sorry, rank name contains illegal characters.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay('Sorry, rank name cannot be longer than ' .. maxranklen .. ' characters.') talk_state = 0 end elseif talk_state == 7 then -- leave a guild if msg == 'yes' then clearPlayerGuild(cname) selfSay('You have left your guild.') talk_state = 0 else selfSay('What else can I do for you?') talk_state = 0 end elseif talk_state == 8 then -- pass leadership pname = msg level = getPlayerLevel(pname) if level >= leaderlevel then gname = getPlayerGuildName(cname) gname2 = getPlayerGuildName(pname) if gname == gname2 then setPlayerGuildStatus(cname,MEMBER) setPlayerGuildStatus(pname,LEADER) gname = getPlayerGuildName(cname) selfSay(pname .. ' is a new leader of ' .. gname .. '.') talk_state = 0 else selfSay('Sorry, ' .. pname .. ' is not in your guild.') talk_state = 0; end else selfSay('Sorry, ' .. pname .. ' is not online.') talk_state = 0 end elseif talk_state == 9 then -- set vice-leader pname = msg gname = getPlayerGuildName(cname) gname2 = getPlayerGuildName(pname) if cname == pname then selfSay('To resign from leadership say pass.') talk_state = 0 elseif gname == gname2 then gstat = getPlayerGuildStatus(pname) if gstat == INVITED then selfSay('Sorry, ' .. pname .. ' hasn\'t joined your guild yet.'); talk_state = 0 elseif gstat == VICE then selfSay(pname .. ' is already a vice-leader.') talk_state = 0 elseif gstat == MEMBER then setPlayerGuildStatus(pname, VICE) selfSay(pname .. ' is now a vice-leader of your guild.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay('Sorry, ' .. pname .. ' is not in your guild.') talk_state = 0 end elseif talk_state == 10 then -- set member pname = msg gname = getPlayerGuildName(cname) gname2 = getPlayerGuildName(pname) if cname == pname then selfSay('To resign from leadership say pass.') talk_state = 0 elseif gname == gname2 then gstat = getPlayerGuildStatus(pname) if gstat == INVITED then selfSay('Sorry, ' .. pname .. ' hasn\'t joined your guild yet.'); talk_state = 0 elseif gstat == VICE then setPlayerGuildStatus(pname, MEMBER) selfSay(pname .. ' is now a regular member of your guild.') talk_state = 0 elseif gstat == MEMBER then selfSay(pname .. ' is already a regular member.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay('Sorry, ' .. pname .. ' is not in your guild.') talk_state = 0 end elseif talk_state == 11 then -- get name of player to change nick pname = msg gname = getPlayerGuildName(cname) gname2 = getPlayerGuildName(pname) if gname == gname2 then selfSay('And what nick do you want him to have (say none to clear)?') talk_state = 12 else selfSay('Sorry, ' .. pname .. ' is not in your guild.') talk_state = 0 end elseif talk_state == 12 then -- get nick if msg == 'none' then setPlayerGuildNick(pname, '') selfSay(pname .. ' now has no nick.') talk_state = 0 else if string.len(msg) <= maxnicklen then if string.find(msg, allow_pattern) then setPlayerGuildNick(pname, msg) selfSay('You have changed ' .. pname .. '\'s nick.') talk_state = 0 else selfSay('Sorry, nick contains illegal characters.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay('Sorry, nick cannot be longer than ' .. maxnicklen .. ' characters.') talk_state = 0 end end end end end end function onCreatureChangeOutfit(creature) end function onThink() if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 45 then if focus > 0 then selfSay('Next Please...') end focus = 0 end if focus ~= 0 then if getDistanceToCreature(focus) > 5 then selfSay('Good bye then.') focus = 0 end end end N Sei Se Vai Funcionar Mais Se funcionar Da Rep++
Cara antes de fazer esse topicos pesquisa pra v se ja existe ne --' Eu Mesmo Criei este topico a um tempo veja meu tópico: {Poketibia} Como Por Sistema De Sexo (M/f) Nos Pokemons?
Consegui Sozinho Site Completo Basta Acessar: http://www.xtibia.com/forum/topic/161633-gesior-040-by-582240-xtibiacom-video-aulas-rep-pliss/
Gesior 0.4.0 By: 582240 - Xtibia.com + Video Aulas Rep++ Pliss
um tópico no fórum postou 582240 Lixeira Pública
Closed. -
Consegui Sozinho Site Completo Basta Acessar: http://www.xtibia.com/forum/topic/161633-gesior-040-by-582240-xtibiacom-video-aulas-rep-pliss/
Consegui Sosinho Site Completo Basta Acessar: http://www.xtibia.com/forum/topic/161633-gesior-040-by-582240-xtibiacom-video-aulas-rep-pliss/
galera eu gostaria de um pet system como desse video veja: so que eu gostaria que podesse equipar equipes no mascote tipo poder botar garras normais ou garras de aço e etc e q o pet bata por skill que é pet fight se for possivel favor mandar o script pra min vencedor ganha 3 rep++
Retirado Do Post: [Npc] The Oracle na pasta data/npc/scripts/, crie um arquivo chamado oracle.lua, e coloque isso dentro dele: siga os comentários para editar. espero ter ajudado, flws! Creditos no inicio do topico!! Gostou rep++
vai em "pasta do ot/data/movements/scripts" abre o arquivo chamado "closingdoor" e substitui tudo por este codigo function onStepOut(cid, item, position, fromPosition) local newPosition = {x = position.x, y = position.y, z = position.z} if(isInArray(verticalOpenDoors, item.itemid) == TRUE) then newPosition.x = newPosition.x + 1 else newPosition.y = newPosition.y + 1 end doRelocate(position, newPosition) local tmpPos = {x = position.x, y = position.y, z = position.z, stackpos = -1} local tileCount = getTileThingByPos(tmpPos) local i = 1 local tmpItem = {uid = 1} while(tmpItem.uid ~= 0 and i < tileCount) do tmpPos.stackpos = i tmpItem = getTileThingByPos(tmpPos) if(tmpItem.uid ~= item.uid and tmpItem.uid ~= 0 and isMoveable(tmpItem.uid) == TRUE) then doRemoveItem(tmpItem.uid) else i = i + 1 end end doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid - 1) return TRUE end deois vai em "pasta do ot/data/movements" e abre o arquivo "movements.xml" e cola o codigo abaixo ATENÇÃO: Antes Verifique se ja existe <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="1228" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="1230" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="1246" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="1248" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="1260" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="1262" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="3541" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="3550" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="5104" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="5113" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="5122" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="5131" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="5293" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="5295" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="1224" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="1226" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="1242" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="1244" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="1256" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="1258" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="3543" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="3552" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="5106" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="5115" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="5124" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="5133" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="5289" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="5291" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="5746" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="5749" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="6203" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="6205" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="6207" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="6209" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="6260" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="6262" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="6264" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="6266" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="6897" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="6899" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="6906" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="6908" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="7039" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="7041" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="7048" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="7050" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="8552" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="8554" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="8556" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="8558" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="9176" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="9178" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="9180" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="9182" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="9278" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="9280" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="9282" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/> <movevent type="StepOut" itemid="9284" event="script" value="closingdoor.lua"/>
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