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Sobre fenomeno060794


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fenomeno060794's Achievements

  1. Tenhu uma Dúvida. Por exemplo, quando você tiver com 5 pokemons difentes, vamos supor que 1 morreu os outros pokemons morre tudu, e quando o pet morre fica loot. Porém isso ta acontecendo no meu ot, eu queria que vc ajeitasse pra mim :\ Aguardo desde-Ja
  2. DevilMoon uma pergunta. Seus programas pega em qual versão de ot?!
  3. DevilMoon eu tenhu uma DUVIDA. Estou usando o ot Versão 8.31 . Estou Usando o seu PROGRAMA go Go/Back, só que quando eu vo invocar o pokemon fala isto no TFS: [29/09/2010 14:41:05] data/actions/scripts/mewtwo.lua:10: attempt to call global 'getThingPosition' (a nil value) [29/09/2010 14:41:05] stack traceback: [29/09/2010 14:41:05] data/actions/scripts/mewtwo.lua:10: in function <data/actions/scripts/mewtwo.lua:7> Porfavor me fala qual é o erro? Ja testei troca o getThingPosition pelo getMonsterPosition deu o mesmo erro. Aguardo desde-Ja DevilMoon se leu o TOPICO inteiro?! ja fiz isso não esta dando certo!
  4. Estou criando um POKETIBIA. Só falta o sistema de Go/Back só que não esta funcionando, eu preciso muito de sua ajuda, estou usando um server 8.31, estou com sistema de cacth só falta o Go/Back para 8.31, eu lhe peço porfavor me manda um SCRIPT de Go/Back tudu explicadinho pra mim?
    Aguardo desde-Ja
  5. [23/09/2010 22:10:05] data/actions/scripts/pokes/machamp.lua:13: attempt to call global 'getMonsterPosition' (a nil value) [23/09/2010 22:10:05] stack traceback: [23/09/2010 22:10:05] data/actions/scripts/pokes/machamp.lua:13: in function <data/actions/scripts/pokes/machamp.lua:10> Não estou conseguindo invocar o poke.
  6. Galera eu queria saber como que eu faço para que quando o POKEMON morrer (o que seria o sistema de pet que estou usando) que ele nao dropasse itens, e outra por exemplo vamo supor que vc tem 6 pokemons diferente na bag, ai quando 1 pokemon morre todos pokemon que ta na bag morre, eu queria que quando morresse só morrese o que morreu e os outros ficam vivo. Uso server 8.4 Script Go, Back. \/ function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) dofile("./petconfig.lua") function doPlayerAddSummon(cid, name, pos) local MyCreature = doSummonCreature("demon", pos) doConvinceCreature(cid, MyCreature) return MyCreature end local myPet = "" local myPetUid = 0 if isExhausted(cid) == 1 then return 0 end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petMag) == -1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petMag, 0) end if isCreature(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petUid)) == 0 then if getTilePzInfo(getCreaturePosition(cid)) == 0 then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petIsOnline) == 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petIsOnline) == -1 then for i = 1, #pets do if isInArray(pets.vocations, getPlayerVocation(cid)) == 1 then for k = 1, #pets.pets do if pets.pets[k].level <= getPlayerLevel(cid) then myPet = pets.pets[k].name break end end break end end myPetUid = doPlayerAddSummon(cid, myPet, getCreaturePosition(cid)) if myPetUid ~= -1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petUid, myPetUid) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petDamage) ~= 0 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petDamage) ~= -1 then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petDamage) < getCreatureMaxHealth(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petUid)) then doCreatureAddHealth(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petUid), getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petDamage)*-1) end end doChangeSpeed(myPetUid, getCreatureBaseSpeed(cid) - getCreatureBaseSpeed(myPetUid)) doCreatureSay(cid, "Go, Demon", TALKTYPE_SAY) addMana({cid = cid}) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petIsOnline, 2) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(myPetUid), 37) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'Not enought room.') end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'Your <span class="highlight">pet</span> died! You have to revive it.') end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'You cannot summon your <span class="highlight">pet</span> in PZ.') end else local daPet = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petUid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petDamage, getCreatureMaxHealth(daPet) - getCreatureHealth(daPet)) doCreatureSay(cid, "Back, Demon", TALKTYPE_SAY) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petIsOnline, 1) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(daPet), 37) doRemoveCreature(daPet) end return setExhausted(cid) end Script do petConfig \/ --// \\-- --( made by FedeVI ) -- --____________ //-- petSystemExhaustion = 1 --in secods, 0 = no exhausted. frases = {"Men, im still exhausted!", "Ok, in one momment", "afff, again?!", "meh, one second"} lenght = 39 -- maximun lenght the !petsay can have... manaGainTicks = 3000 -- --how fast the pet gains mana manaGainAmmount = 10 --// manaGainPerLevel = 20 -- mana that gains the pet for each level the player gain magicLevelRate = 4 -- how faster the pet will gain mlvl compared to real tibia,, base = 2000 --base storage. All storages will depend of this number storages = { petMag = base, petUid = base+1, petExha = base+2, petDamage = base+3, petManaSpent = base+4, petIsOnline = base+5, petMana = base+6, petIsHealing = base+7, petCap = base+8, petSystemExhaustion = base+9 } petItems = {} maxItems = 10 --Max items the pet can carry --lol V x = 0 y = function() x = x + 1 end table.foreach(storages, y) for i = 1, maxItems do petItems = base+x+i end --Pets, dependiong on the level pets = { {vocations = {1, 5}, pets = {{level = 100, name = "demon"}, {level = 60, name = "Dragons"}, {level = 50, name = "Dwarf Gegmancers"}, {level = 40, name = "Demon Skeleton"}, {level = 30, name = "Fire Devil"}, {level = 20, name = "Minotaur Archer"}, {level = 10, name = "Minotaur"}, {level = 0, name = "Rat"}} }, {vocations = {2, 6}, pets = {{level = 100, name = "demon"}, {level = 60, name = "Dragons"}, {level = 50, name = "Dwarf Gegmancers"}, {level = 40, name = "Demon Skeleton"}, {level = 30, name = "Fire Devil"}, {level = 20, name = "Minotaur Archer"}, {level = 10, name = "Minotaur"}, {level = 0, name = "Rat"}} }, {vocations = {3, 7}, pets = {{level = 100, name = "demon"}, {level = 60, name = "Dragons"}, {level = 50, name = "Dwarf Gegmancers"}, {level = 40, name = "Demon Skeleton"}, {level = 30, name = "Fire Devil"}, {level = 20, name = "Minotaur Archer"}, {level = 10, name = "Minotaur"}, {level = 0, name = "Rat"}} }, {vocations = {4, 8}, pets = {{level = 100, name = "demon"}, {level = 60, name = "Dragons"}, {level = 50, name = "Dwarf Gegmancers"}, {level = 40, name = "Demon Skeleton"}, {level = 30, name = "Fire Devil"}, {level = 20, name = "Minotaur Archer"}, {level = 10, name = "Minotaur"}, {level = 0, name = "Cave Rat"}} } } --attacks of the pet. !petattack "param --It's pretty easy how to config, I think it doesn't need an extra explanation. attacks = {{param = "energy", theFunction = false, offensive = 1, needLevel = 20, self = 0, needMag = 10, manaSpent = 60, exhausted = 1, range = 6, combatType = COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE, combatAni = CONST_ME_ENERGYAREA, area = 2, formula = {maxb = 0.4, maxa = 30, minb = 0.5, mina = 0}, }, {param = "exori", theFunction = false, offensive = 1, needLevel = 40, self = 0, needMag = 5, manaSpent = 145, exhausted = 1, range = 0, combatType = COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, combatAni = CONST_ME_HITAREA, area = 2, formula = {maxb = 0.6, maxa = 30, minb = 1.2, mina = 0}, }, {param = "fireball", theFunction = false, offensive = 1, needLevel = 50, self = 0, needMag = 15, manaSpent = 100, exhausted = 1, range = 3, combatType = COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE, combatAni = CONST_ME_FIREAREA, area = 6, formula = {maxb = 0.6, maxa = 30, minb = 1.2, mina = 0} }, {param = "mini energy", theFunction = false, offensive = 1, needLevel = 0, self = 0, needMag = 0, manaSpent = 20, exhausted = 1, range = 1, combatType = COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE, combatAni = CONST_ME_ENERGYAREA, area = 1, formula = {maxb = 0.13, maxa = 0, minb = 0.262, mina = 0} }, {param = "health", theFunction = false, offensive = -1, needLevel = 10, self = 1, needMag = 0, manaSpent = 100, exhausted = 2, range = 0, combatType = COMBAT_HEALING, combatAni = CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE, area = 1, formula = {maxb = 0.4, maxa = 20, minb = 0.7, mina = 0} }, {param = "paralize", needLevel = 1, needMag = 0, manaSpent = 300, exhausted = 2, theFunction = function (parameters) daPet = getPlayerStorageValue(parameters.cid, storages.petUid) if getCreatureTarget(daPet) ~= 0 then doAddCondition(getCreatureTarget(parameters.cid), 4) end end }, {param = "speed", needLevel = 10, needMag = 4, manaSpent = 60, exhausted = 2, theFunction = function (parameters) doAddCondition(getPlayerStorageValue(parameters.cid, storages.petUid), 11) end }, {param = "double fire", needLevel = 1, needMag = 0, manaSpent = 100, exhausted = 2, theFunction = function (parameters) local myAttack = formulaAttack(getPlayerLevel(parameters.cid), getPlayerStorageValue(parameters.cid, storages.petMag), 0.7, 0, 1.0, 0) function doAreaCombatHealthEx(params) local randoms = {[1] = math.random(-2, 2), [2] = math.random(-2, 2) } local attackCreature = getPlayerStorageValue(parameters.cid, storages.petUid) if getCreatureTarget(getPlayerStorageValue(parameters.cid, storages.petUid)) ~= 0 then attackCreature = getCreatureTarget(getPlayerStorageValue(parameters.cid, storages.petUid)) end local posa = getCreaturePosition(attackCreature) doAreaCombatHealth(getPlayerStorageValue(parameters.cid, storages.petUid), COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE, {x = posa.x + randoms[1], y = posa.y + randoms[2], z = posa.z}, 1, -params.myAttack.minD, -params.myAttack.maxD, CONST_ME_FIREAREA) doSendDistanceShoot(getCreaturePosition(getPlayerStorageValue(parameters.cid, storages.petUid)), {x = posa.x + randoms[1], y = posa.y + randoms[2], z = posa.z}, CONST_ANI_FIRE) end doAreaCombatHealthEx({cid = parameters.cid, target = getCreaturePosition(attackCreature), myAttack = myAttack}) for i = 1, 7 do addEvent(doAreaCombatHealthEx, 200*i, {cid = parameters.cid, target = getCreaturePosition(attackCreature), myAttack = myAttack}) end end } } function setExhausted(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petSystemExhaustion, os.clock()+1) end function formulaAttack(magicLevel, level, maxb, maxa, minb, mina) return {minD = (level * 2 + magicLevel * 3) * (1 + mina) + minb, maxD = (level * 2 + magicLevel * 3) * (1 + maxb) + maxa } end function isExhausted(cid) if isPlayer(cid) == 1 then local CRONOMETRO = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petSystemExhaustion) local CRONOMETRO2 = os.clock() local TIEMPO = os.difftime(CRONOMETRO2, CRONOMETRO) if petSystemExhaustion - TIEMPO > petSystemExhaustion or CRONOMETRO == -1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petSystemExhaustion, CRONOMETRO2+1) return 0 end if petSystemExhaustion - TIEMPO <= 0 then return 0 end end return 1 end function addMana(a) local cid = a.cid local petManaMax = getPlayerLevel(cid)*manaGainPerLevel if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petMana) < petManaMax then if petManaMax - getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petMana) < 10 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petMana, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petMana) + petManaMax - getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petMana)) else setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petMana, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petMana) + 10) end addEvent(addMana, manaGainTicks, {cid = cid}) else setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petIsHealing, 0) end end function onLogout(cid) if isCreature(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petUid)) == 1 then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petIsOnline) == 2 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.petIsOnline, 2) end end return TRUE end
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